Who cares for what did / does Mg. Hong Myung-Bo say or does to Sonny?? Hong is and will be OUT of our Sonny's life, no matter what. Besides, our Sonny does NOT need to worry about his future in the Korean National Football Team. The K-Team needs Sonny, more than Sonny need the K-Team, anyway! Are you sure really that Mgr. Hong had warned or threatened our Sonny?? Is it true? If he had done it, he must be out of his mind, or VERY IGNORANT. Because our Sonny is already 32 years old, a TEAM Captain for Korean National Team and for Tottenham Hotspur FC. Sonny has played in Bundesliga and in EPL, for the seasonal games for the League, Champions League, UEFA League, etc., for the last 14 (long) years without ceasing. He has been seasoned, experienced, and MUCH MORE refined than Mgr. Hong who has experienced Korean league mainly, and he had FAILED miserably in Japanese, Chinese, and American leagues. Now, WHO COULD WARN TO WHOM? HaHaHa. We do not need to worry about our Sonny at all, as he knows what he wants, what he does NOT need to do, as he KNOWS what he is ABLE to do, when he needs to. Sonny, COYS! Let's just watch together with happy smile... Mgr. Hong needs to worry about his future himself, hahaha... NOT UNDER MGR. HONG, NEVER!!! Besides, many of our Sonny's fans want our Sonny to retire from the Korean National Football team soon, as he has done ENOUGH anyway.
문체부 도대체 뭐하냐??? 당장 홍명보에게 연락해서 이 시간부로 국가대표 감독 권한의 행사를 모두다 중지시키고 지금 당장 국내로 복귀시켜서 축협 감사에 임하게 하기 바란다...........
선수들이 더 현명하다. 월드컵 한번 안나가다라도 절차적 정당성과 투명성을 확보하는 것이 더 중요하지
손흥민이 대표팀에서 제외된다면 한국 축구는 큰 손실입니다
나라를 위해 축협을 위해 행복축구를 위해 정몽규 회장 홍명보 감독 사임하세요
팀 내부 갈등이 이렇게 심각할 줄은 몰랐어요
손흥민은 한국 축구의 자랑입니다. 이렇게 대하는 건 아니죠
미꾸라지 한마리랑 그 미꾸라지 주인?놈만 내쫒으면 될꺼 같은데...?... 안그래?
엄격한척 하는 비열한 홍명보
홍명보 감독의 지도력에 의문이 생기네요
손흥민에게 너무 가혹한 조건이 아닌가요?
장 미란차관 ㅡ 지금은 속도가 생명 ㅡ 우선 몽규와 명보 구속수사 의뢰 및 출국금지,하고 시작해야지요 ㅡ 감사한다고 시간 다잡아먹으면 안되요ㅡ 인촌이가 그러라고하나요
이 사태가 빨리 해결되어 한국 축구가 정상 궤도로 돌아가길 바랍니다
이강인이 손흥민을 옹호하는 이유가 궁금하네요
홍명보 감독의 방식을 이해할 수 없어요. 선수들에게 너무 엄격한 것 같아요
명보가 흥 민을 협벅하는건, 축구팬을 협박하는 것이다 ㅡ 구속시키자
축협에서 영구 제외할 인간들을 따로 있어.. 현재 흥민이 빠지면 한국 축구는 앙꼬 없는 찐빵 임.
이런 경고는 팀의 단합에 악영향을 미칠 것 같아요
해외만 나가도 홍명봐 누구인지 모르는 사람 많을텐데 과거에는 잘 했다고 평가 받았을지 모르겠지만 현 시점에서 보면 선수나 감독이나 뚜렷한 커리어 하나없는 인물일텐데
멩보가 떠나는게 최상책이다. 알긋냐?
Who cares for what did / does Mg. Hong Myung-Bo say or does to Sonny?? Hong is and will be OUT of our Sonny's life, no matter what. Besides, our Sonny does NOT need to worry about his future in the Korean National Football Team. The K-Team needs Sonny, more than Sonny need the K-Team, anyway! Are you sure really that Mgr. Hong had warned or threatened our Sonny?? Is it true? If he had done it, he must be out of his mind, or VERY IGNORANT. Because our Sonny is already 32 years old, a TEAM Captain for Korean National Team and for Tottenham Hotspur FC. Sonny has played in Bundesliga and in EPL, for the seasonal games for the League, Champions League, UEFA League, etc., for the last 14 (long) years without ceasing. He has been seasoned, experienced, and MUCH MORE refined than Mgr. Hong who has experienced Korean league mainly, and he had FAILED miserably in Japanese, Chinese, and American leagues. Now, WHO COULD WARN TO WHOM? HaHaHa. We do not need to worry about our Sonny at all, as he knows what he wants, what he does NOT need to do, as he KNOWS what he is ABLE to do, when he needs to. Sonny, COYS! Let's just watch together with happy smile... Mgr. Hong needs to worry about his future himself, hahaha... NOT UNDER MGR. HONG, NEVER!!! Besides, many of our Sonny's fans want our Sonny to retire from the Korean National Football team soon, as he has done ENOUGH anyway.
월드컵 예선을 보이콧하는 건 너무 극단적인 선택인 것 같아요
그런 극단적 방법을 쓰지 않으면 그런 배수진을 치지 않으면 바꾸기 어렵다. 그만한 각오가 없으면 썩어있는 축구협회를 바꿀 수 없다.