曲家瑞 個展|ZONHUAN|JANSMIN|POYUUUU|OLSEN|Kristycharay Solo Exhibition

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • 喜歡觀察人的曲家瑞,不一味追求肖像的外在寫實,而是藉由仔細描繪主角身體和服飾的特徵,傳達人的精神與心境狀態,「把一般人最不平常的樣子畫出來。」除此,主角臉上的膚色也由多種顏色構成,「人臉上的光一直在改變,我沒有辦法給一個絕對的顏色,也喜歡這種不確定性和流動感,像是留住生命的時間。」
    曲家瑞 個展
    ■ 展期:2022年05月04日-05月28日
    ■ 地點:誠品畫廊|台灣110台北市信義區菸廠路88號B1(誠品生活松菸店)
    ■ 開放時間:週二~週六11:00-19:00(日、一休館)
    ■ 線上展廳:bit.ly/KRISTYC...
    FB: / galleryeslite
    IG: / eslitegallery
    Kristycharay, a keen observer of people, doesn’t just blindly pursue the external realism of portraits, but instead conveys the spirit and state of mind of the protagonists by carefully detailing the nook and cranny of their body and clothing, as she “brings out the most unusual look of ordinary people.” The skin tone on the protagonists’ faces is also composed of a myriad of colors. “The light on the human face is always changing, so I can’t give it one absolute color. I like this uncertainty and fluidity, because it’s like capturing a moment in life.”
    Kristycharay Solo Exhibition
    ■ Date: 04 May - 28 May, 2022
    ■ Address: ESLITE GALLERY∣B1, No. 88, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110055, Taiwan (eslite spectrum Songyan Store)
    ■ Opening Hours: 11am-7pm, Tuesday - Saturday (closed on Sunday and Monday)
    ■ OVR: bit.ly/en_KRIS...
    #誠品畫廊 #曲家瑞個展 #人物繪畫 #曲家瑞 #繪畫 #藝術展覽 #自畫像 #當代藝術 #記錄 #靜物 #肖像畫 #藝術家 #ESLITEGALLERY #contemporaryart #Kristycharay #artgallery #exhibition #record #people #artexhibition #paintings #SoloExhibition #selfportraits #orientalfigures


  • @梓扬王
    @梓扬王 5 місяців тому +1
