NORWAY vs FINLAND which country do you want to live? | Abnormal Summit

  • Опубліковано 22 лис 2024


  • @finnishfinn
    @finnishfinn Рік тому +128

    Finland has been Ranked as the happiest Country in the world for 6 years in a row now. Although we may look grumpy quite often 😅

    • @butterflies655
      @butterflies655 Рік тому +10

      We don't look grambier than ppl in other countries.
      We look normal. Nobody is smiling 24/7 in any country.

    • @rafalkaminski6389
      @rafalkaminski6389 Рік тому

      Some people cant stand anymore so much of happiness and commit suicides. 😮😮

    • @-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-
      @-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o- Рік тому +1

      As a Finn I find this very ironic though

    • @notuxnobux
      @notuxnobux Рік тому +10

      It's a bit misleading. It's more accurate to say it's the least not-unhappy country. Most people are neutral, not too happy not too sad.

  • @squidcaps4308
    @squidcaps4308 Рік тому +118

    Birthing in sauna was done because you can use a lot of water and they are also quite hygienic. The constant heating will destroy pathogens, and in the past when they were smoke saunas, the smoke from the stove went out from a hole, not a chimney so the soot and tar covered the walls. Finns used to born and die in sauna. Finland's birth mortality rates were already significantly better in the 1700s, not far from some countries today and the biggest reason really is that birthing happened in sauna.

    • @reinokarvinen8845
      @reinokarvinen8845 Рік тому

      my mum was born in a sauna

    • @sharpasacueball
      @sharpasacueball 11 місяців тому +3

      That actually makes a ton of sense

    • @squidcaps4308
      @squidcaps4308 11 місяців тому +1

      @@sharpasacueballThat is kind of the motto of Finland.

  • @RonyaSomermeri
    @RonyaSomermeri Рік тому +24

    Only way to make two Nordics team up is if you introduce a third Nordic. (extra easy if the common "enemy" is from Sweden or Denmark)

  • @Kekkeri59
    @Kekkeri59 Рік тому +132

    Now they need to get a Swedish representive so Finland and Norway can stop fighting

    • @101falcon
      @101falcon Рік тому +35

      It'll become a 3-way clash, we'll need Denmark to mediate

    • @hapmon8114
      @hapmon8114 Рік тому +10

      @@101falcon I feel like it would just become even more chaotic with denmark there lol

    • @hanayanah
      @hanayanah Рік тому +11

      Literally 😂 theyre all gonna fight
      We swedes can’t stand danish and they can’t stand us 😂😂 add Finnish and Norwegians to the mix and it’s a never ending clash party 😂

    • @hanjisungquokka14
      @hanjisungquokka14 Рік тому +2

      I'll happily sign up😂
      Don't invite the danish tho

    • @marialindell9874
      @marialindell9874 Рік тому +2

      @@101falcon Or Iceland 😂

  • @squidcaps4308
    @squidcaps4308 Рік тому +36

    We have the Nordic Cup of Freedoms, each year we look at who is at the top in each category.

  • @aqua3890
    @aqua3890 Рік тому +27

    Leo looks like every single boy in my highschool. (Yes I'm from Finland)

  • @FinDi90
    @FinDi90 Рік тому +31

    Now this is quite friendly fighting, Add Sweden and we have a real fight, between siblings of course. (jk, We are friends!) I've been to Norway, it's just like Finland but with more hills all around.

  • @Redfizh
    @Redfizh Рік тому +43

    If Finland would one day fall, we would move to:
    1. Norway
    2. Denmark
    3. Germany
    4. Canada
    5. Sweden
    193. Iran
    194. Afganistan
    195. Russia
    But nevertheless we would still stay no matter what ever happen.

    • @3kittenlover
      @3kittenlover Рік тому +4

      My boy forgot North Korea

    • @Redfizh
      @Redfizh Рік тому +7

      @@3kittenlover yes! It has special spot behind russia.

    • @McSlobo
      @McSlobo Рік тому

      You forgot that in Norway it's hella rainy.

    • @hanjisungquokka14
      @hanjisungquokka14 Рік тому +2

      Sweden should be higher😭
      Bc here in the north of sweden there's much less crimes and that thigs happening in the south.
      Although i know the political situation is shit. But it used to be rlly good to live here😭

    • @Redfizh
      @Redfizh Рік тому +3

      @@hanjisungquokka14 Same in Norway and Finland, lovely north and horrible urban south.

  • @Gin404
    @Gin404 Рік тому +16

    It's crazy, the finnish rep looks like my finnish brother.

  • @depressedcarrot4134
    @depressedcarrot4134 11 місяців тому +3

    Literally the two best options

  • @FreakyNightmare
    @FreakyNightmare Рік тому +10

    I'm extrovert, smiling, social Finn without envy or need to prove myself. So you can imagine why my life is living hell...

  • @butterflies655
    @butterflies655 Рік тому +8

    Finland took the 1st place being the best country. World economic Forum conference in Switzerland Davos ranked Finland the best country 2019.

    • @pahis1248
      @pahis1248 Рік тому +4

      no more now we have these right far party, in our gov. I feel so shamed.

    • @karigrandii
      @karigrandii Рік тому +3

      Yes everyone hates the new gov even the people who voted for it are switching sides

    • @siralexis6590
      @siralexis6590 Рік тому +2

      @@pahis1248 which one is the far right party? Im ashemed we had socialist government last 4y, which took over 40billion more debt, ruining finlands economy totally. Im ashemed because socialism is proved to be a failed ideology,but the finns voted them. It proves many finns haved learned any lessons from other countries mistakes.

    • @siralexis6590
      @siralexis6590 Рік тому

      @@karigrandii what r u talking about🤣🤣🤣🤣 finlands future rely on this new government! Last government couldnt do anything good, they just ruined finlands economy totally! If our current right wing government cant change the course of finland, we r doomed. Shame on u being so blind

    • @siralexis6590
      @siralexis6590 Рік тому +1

      @@karigrandii and please,dont lie,its ugly

  • @Yuliasoebeno4929
    @Yuliasoebeno4929 Рік тому +1

    English subtitle, please? 🙏

  • @skier___7843
    @skier___7843 Рік тому +1

    A Finn here!

  • @finnlinnsone
    @finnlinnsone Рік тому

    Næmmen, heter du Thea?? 0:34

  • @zuperstar8522
    @zuperstar8522 Рік тому +4

    Norway and Finland are so cold, no yummy foods and boring😢😢😢

    • @gabijoanna1110
      @gabijoanna1110 Рік тому +1

      Yeah our food sucks but we are both just introverted countries and it’s important for us all:)

    • @zuperstar8522
      @zuperstar8522 Рік тому

      @@gabijoanna1110 introverted or just cold?? Very very 🥶🥶🥶❄️❄️❄️

  • @aqua3890
    @aqua3890 Рік тому +1


  • @siralexis6590
    @siralexis6590 Рік тому +13

    Finland has ruined its economy by taking too much debt. Its sad, but we have too much socialists, and they happen to think debt doesnt matter and our social benfits should be bigger. Last socialist block government took over 40billion more debt in just 4 years, and now our right wing government is trying to clean the mess.

    • @siralexis6590
      @siralexis6590 Рік тому +1

      All the crucial numbers proves we finns r at the moment far away from the rest of the nordics

    • @-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-
      @-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o- Рік тому

      Kokoomus ja persut tekee kaikesta vaan paskempaa köyhille ihmisille, että niin varmaan siivoavat mitään. Hyvänä esimerkkinä esim tuo sunnuntailisien poistamiseen pyrkiminen, hoitajat joiden kanssa on muutenkin ollut paljon ongelmia ja monet pienipalkkaiset ovat tosi noiden lisien varassa. Kaikkia muitakin pienituloisten, opiskelijoiden ja eläkelläisten tuloja halutaan leikata. Ja eiköhän me keskituloiset duunarit olla seuraavana leikkauslistalla. Rikkaiden rahoihin, veroihin yms ei varmasti tule mitään muutoksia. Valtionveloista on sitä paitsi ollut artikkeleita viime vuosina, ettei niitä oikeasti koskaan kokonaisuuksissaan tarvi maksaa pois. Suomen pitäisi lopettaa yrittämästä auttaa ulkomaita niin paljon ja keskittyä oman maan asioihin, mutta tätä samaa ulkomaiden mielistelyä jatkaa jokainen hallitus, myös nämä sinun rakastamat oikeistolaiset. Mutta jos joku hallitus edes millään tasolla yrittää puoltaa tasa-arvoa ja pitää huolta, että köyhemmilläkin on varaa elämiseen, niin se ei todellakaan ole oikeisto hallitus. Nyt kun hallitus alkaa tosissaan syksyllä kokoontua ja tehdä päätöksiä, niin eiköhän sieltä ala kummasti köyhien tuet saada leikkauksia, kun niillä nykyisilläkään eivät meinaa porukka pärjätä nyt kun kaikki on helvetin kallista. Se alle 600€ mikä normaali työttömyystuki on verojen jälkeen on törkeän pieni nykyhinnoilla. EUkin on vuosien varrella antanut lukuisia huomautuksia, että täällä on Suomen hintatasoon nähden liian alhainen työttömyystuki. Työpaikatkin koko ajan vähenee kun kaikkea ruvetaan hoitamaan teknologialla. YT-neuvotteluja käydään kaiken aikaa kaikkialla. Ja vaikka jotku siivoojat, joita aina tarvitaan, ei se ole sellainen työ mihin jokainen on kykeneväinen. Fyysiesti hyvin rankkaa, ja siinä missä joku miesten alan duunari tienaa 3000€ jostain perusduunista siinä 8h/pv työtunneilla, siivooja saa samoilla tunneilla 1500€ jos on onnekas, monesti vielä alle. Viime hallituksessa oli paljon ongelmia, mutta ne olivat kyllä myös harvinaisen vaikeassa tilanteessa, korona ja venäjän sota olivat sellaisia tilanteita, että oikeisto kannattajien on ihan turha jauhaa kuinka heidän puolueet olisivat selvinneet esim koronasta paremmin.

    • @karigrandii
      @karigrandii Рік тому

      Those nazis are not doing shit 💀. Finlands debt is normal and not even in the top 50% of EU plus we just had covid etc. This ”debt” things is just an easy populist bait for kok and ps to gain power and give more money to the rich and take from the poor even though we are living in a depression and the poor are already struggling. It’s really shameful how bad the gov program is and not even going into how many people are nazis there… luckily people are protesting because they notice they dont care about the people of finland.

    • @jaskajokunen3716
      @jaskajokunen3716 Рік тому

      Bensan hinta alas terveisin persut.

    • @siralexis6590
      @siralexis6590 Рік тому +1

      @@jaskajokunen3716 niin, oishan se kauheeta poistaa työssäkäyntikustannuksia. Mut hei, velalla ei ole väliä,terv vasurit

  • @nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511
    @nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511 Рік тому +7


    • @tomaattipoika7134
      @tomaattipoika7134 Рік тому

      There wasn't sweden in this video. We all know they (finland and sweden) are very similar contries :D

    • @nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511
      @nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511 Рік тому +4

      @@tomaattipoika7134 wait sweden was not in the video? I would have never known. (It was a joke, if you are from scandinavia you would understand)

    • @tomaattipoika7134
      @tomaattipoika7134 Рік тому +3

      @@nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511 yeah funny :D haha. I'm from Finland btw. This video was very interestibg and funny and most of the thing were so relatable :D
      And Jag spoka inte svärge :D as you can see my swedish is piece of shit XD

    • @9Misaki3
      @9Misaki3 Рік тому +2

      @@nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511 Why would you have to be from Scandinavia to understand that joke (even though I would say it's more sarcasm than a joke)? I'm from Finland and I understood it just fine (and even if I wasn't from Finland or any other non Scandinavian country it would still be very clearly a joke/sarcasm).

    • @nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511
      @nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511 Рік тому +2

      @@9Misaki3 Well, Finland can be included in scandinavia as it might also refer to the scandinavian peninsula (which includes finland). Furthermore can sarcasm in itself be the joke.
      Yes i did believe that the joke was obvious for most people, apparently it was not💀

  • @akumayoxiruma
    @akumayoxiruma Рік тому +11

    5:00 Kasvonsa sanoo: "Why am I here? Just to suffer?" Pohjimmiltaan tämä on täydellinen esitys siitä, miltä suomalainen näyttää ja puhuu. 🤌🏻