Two quick things: 1. I’m aware that on “Bistro”, DOOM says “on the water” and not “underwater” - but if I have a chance to reference Strong Bad Email #119 then dammit I’m gonna reference Strong Bad Email #119. 2. The video was copyright-claimed, which I expected, but that means that the ads on this video were not placed by me. So if you’re getting a whole mess of ads, I’m sorry but there’s not much I can do.
The reason why the skits are all in a row on MM.. FOOD is because he wanted the album to play out like a Saturday morning cartoon where it tells a story using the Spiderman clips throughout the album and having a commercial break in the middle of the show (aka four skit tracks, that also sample actual commercials) EDIT: also 'Born Like This' is easily DOOMs third best album, fight me.
That's why I'm thinking that he's still alive but MF DOOM is dead, maybe we will hopefully get a victor Vaughn track or a brand new persona, but hopefully the mask is picked up That's my conspiracy/Ted talk
And he even died on Halloween, a day where you dress up in costumes for your favorite character like a comic book villain you like. It’s poetic how he died on the day where many people around the world can dress and be villains like him.
@@KwikWon01 it's a good theory but i don't think he would do that. doom plays a villain but i don't think he would do that to his fans. that would no longer be playing a villain and just being an asshole
Hearing accordion for the first time genuinely made me reimagine what a hip hop instrumental could be. What a legend. I think raid is probably my all time favorite. RIP DOOM
Rhymes like dimes just makes me constantly smile. It’s such a phenomenal track and it’s really telling of DOOM’s style: the beat is trying to catch up to hom
Yes for real tho, I loved showing my 11 year old sister (I’m currently 19) it and she looked at me during the ending and said “wtf is this?” It was fucking hilarious
Modest Mouse, so good in nearly all incarnations that it defies all reason. Everyone knows good news, but to me We were dead before the ship even sank is their best work. and that is saying alot. no ones first but your next is only not my top because its short.
@@36inc We Were Dead definitely has some their best songs. Moon and Antarctica is my personal best album from them but I love seeing love for We Were Dead
They are so amazing to have a little fun freestyle among friends, they just inspire and give an amazing energy that is unmatched for a little freestyle fun
It's amazing how he wasn't just a legendary rapper, but also *really* good at making beats. Love instrumentals like -Supervillain Theme- Coffin Nails as well as other special herbs like Saffron. RIP DOOM.
MF DOOM was one of the most creative, imaginative, and skilled MC's to ever speak into a mic. Rest easy with your brother just like you wanted your tomb to say. Cause it's not just your tomb that's engraved, it was the whole rap game. Hip Hop's favorite Villain, Daniel Dumile, forever and always.
I love Nehruviandoom a lot. Nehru couldn't write a hook to save his life, but his verses are pretty fantastic most of the way through. I just can't imagine what it must have been like to be 15 years old and get a call from MF DOOM because he likes your sound and wants to make a full-length album. Unreal.
One of DOOMS most underappreciated is the BADBADNOTGOOD remix of Guv'nor. DOOM re-did all of the writing, with no rhyme being the same, but paralleling the original version. The beat is fire as well. Give the track some love, why don't you.
"Do not stand still, both show skills / Close but no krills, toast for po'nils, post no bills / Coast to coast, Joe Shmoe's flows ill, go chill / Not supposed to overdose NoDoz pills" Delivery paired with the beat of this part is so fking sick
he wasn't on the list, but if anyone deserves a deep dive into their discography, someone needs to do a heavy analysis of Aesop Rock. and if someone had done one at all that i've missed, someone please let me know
I really love the sample stream in the middle of MM...FOOD. It’s sort of a come down from Deep Fried Frenz which is one of his more introspective tracks and then after all the samples,it’s just such a breath of fresh air when Kon Karne comes on. It’s one of my personal favorites
I really like that ”break” where you can just listen to some nice instrumentals and cool samples before going right back into the album, songs on albums can sometimes be quite overwhelming so it’s a quite cool idea I’d say.
thats exactly what happened to me, it basically introduced my ears to alternative hiphop other than all the melodic rap that is trending nowadays... MAVI is a hella good rapper, really underrated
dude I subscribed so fast after enjoying a whole 23 minutes of this video, you pulled me in easily even with the minimal use of the actual songs used which says alot about your own delivery and tone. Cheers man im gonna be glad to go through this series!
you earned my sub; this was well done; a lot of other videos on DOOM after his passing felt rush and didn't do him justice. This man inspired me to write and I was honestly hurt when I found out about his passing... Literally canceled my NYE plans because I felt down. Well done sir. RIP DOOM
First time I heard him was on “November Has Come.” Classic Gorillaz collab, great rapping, grateful for such an introduction to a true rap legend! Rest In Peace!
I remember seeing the news of his passing and I was absolutely devastated. This guy was my introduction not only to hip-hop but to music as a whole. Anyway I wanted to thank you for making this video, I had a big dumb smile on my face all the way through.
you make videos all about my favorite artists while referencing Homestar Runner and Community along the way. you might be my favorite youtuber I've come across in a while.
Hearing Fazers for the first time is something I wish I could experience again. The entire track is like seeing your mom after being away from home for so long. It's art man.
ive been binging these deep discog dives a lot within the last week and they might be my new favourite kinds of videos on youtube, keep it up mr microphone the snare drum
Bro I was upset Kobe died but when I found out doom died I wanted to destroy 2020 from the record books, I only found him in 2020 but he’s my favourite artist ever his flow and rhymes are like gold to the listeners ears and his voice is so nice to hear, Madvillainy is my favourite project behind that is MM...FOOD
@@HIPHOPHEAD1031 firstly kobe's death was the 26th of jan, DOOMs was 31st of october so 9 months apart. Secondly its cos kobe impacted me greatly as a kid, him and mj made me wanna play basketball despite being average at best so when he passed it didnt feel real for a long time, not to mention like a week before we learned of DOOMs death i was watching kobe tributes.
I started listening to DOOM on December 31st. Brother recommended “MMM..FOOD”. Was on the bus and hit “Beef Rap” and immediately fell in love with what I heard. It was like I was 7 again watching Saturday morning cartoons. I then opened Facebook and saw that dreaded post. My heart sank. Since then I’ve been searching for more and just more and more kept popping up. He a goldmine. “Scatter Clues for those equate the style.” Indeed. Rest In Peace VILLAIN.
Just finished watching this video fully and I have never been so inclined to listen to an artist's discography front to back like I am now. Of course, I've heard a few of DOOM's bigger hits (November Has Come, One Beer, Kookies) but have never really taken a full on dive into what he has to offer. I'm currently in self-isolation due to Covid for the next week and I think I may have to take a musical journey into this legend's career, cheers for inspiring me to do so! I'll probably come back and update y'all once I've finished listening to these records, but until then, wish me luck!
I gotta say, getting into DOOM's music has been one of the most fun adventures I've had as a lifetime music lover. The alter egos, the characters, the supervillain mentality, the insane flows and otherworldly beat styles.. it's so unique and nobody could've pulled it off better. I have several physical copies of his albums, and I won't stop until I have them all. RIP to a legend.
Raid is my favorite DOOM song and the reason why I started listening to Bossa Nova. That Bill Evans Trio into Osmar Milito sample chop is some of my favorite production ever.
yeah he was actualy living in London for like the last 10-15 years of his life. He apparently had some issue getting back into the states one time and just decided to stay England lol
Take me to your leader is my favorite album of all time. The sounds and lyrics come together beautifully and it is seriously so underrated in DOOM’s catalog
Man this is by far the best summary of DOOM’s career I’ve seen, both in form and content, and I also appreciate how you definitely love his music, it was a great experience watching it
MF DOOM escaped my ears for years. Then, I discovered some of his songs by accident, still not knowing who he was. Then, hearing the news of his imminent doom, I went on a listening spree, trying to find as much of his fingerprints as I could. I wound up listening to MM.. FOOD particularly Beef Rap over and over again. Still to this day, I'm making my way through his body of work.
watched your Tribe video and now this one. I'm subbing, you're funny and your videos have very little stupid filler stuff. straight to the point and well researched.
RIP DOOM. I was lucky enough to see him live twice. Once in 2001 at a dive, and then in 2016 as DOOM STARKS with Ghostface Killah. OK, so actually, it was Ghostface and MF DOOM on a video screen.
A trick with JJ DOOM - Key to the Kuffs is I added the remixes of the songs to the tracklist they're all great and it adds some varity and sonic urgency to the album
Well done for this. I've totally subscribed, as I want to check out the Bowie one I just saw in the list. 2002-2005 I wasn't digging for HipHop due to life events, and at this point I dropped off listening to new music as I moved through my 20s. I knew of MF DOOM, but didn't follow him, and was listening to hardly any albums due to disillusion with mainstream HipHop and the changes in the music industry. This is perfect - I'd have totally been listening to him in the late 90s, and it's a mess what happened. Now I can finally go back and look though what I was missing. So many good musicians just aren't suited to the nonsense that the music industry foists upon them. I'm glad that DOOM was able to make a living out of HipHop outside of the industry nonsense. Hall of fame - we definitely need an Independent HipHop hall of fame - this man and Sean Price should be the first inducted. We should honor those alive as soon as possible, as well.
I’m so glad you referenced that Dead End Hip Hop video! Their Classic review of Madvillainy is one of the most joyous videos about music I’ve ever seen. Myke & Beezy are fucking GIDDY in that video, it’s adorable.
i went through his discography in november/december of last year and it's surreal to know in retrospect that i only properly got into his stuff after his death personally i think vaudeville villain is his strongest project, with the bonus track (untitled aka change the beat) being particularly impressive and overlooked
That excellent Domi and JD Beck Madvillainy homage, which I listened to I think 4 times straight as soon as I saw it on my timeline and several more times in the following days, was a posthumous homage, but it dropped a few days before the death announcement. It was so surreal when I weeks later realized what the timeline of that was as the two strong memories, separated by only days, violently reconciled in my mind.
Vaudeville Villain was my favorite album as well. MM FOOD definitely second best. MF DOOM has a lot of unique fan-made stuff you can find, like there's a guy who mixed his songs with Nujabes beats.
Same, I had only heard one or two songs before he died, now I'm getting into all his projects. I also really like Vaudeville, turns out many do and it's a bit rare because the cheapest physical copy I can find is used for $148!
Great job with this, man. I’ve been a massive DOOM fan for over a decade upon first hearing him. I remember taking that deep dive and absorbing the catalogue, realizing I’d really discovered something, while keeping the feelers out for new projects like it was out of necessity. Only a very select few artists can really reach out and grab you like that you know? They’re few and far between on the personal level. I appreciate your effort in researching and editing with this video. Kept my interest the whole way through. Keep it up bro. ALL CAPS
When you talked about how BORN LIKE THIS "ends because it has to" gave me the idea of an album that DOOM would constantly update and add music to, like how Kanye updated Life of Pablo, just so we'd be able to get a constant flow of DOOM music.
I definitely think a deep dive on BRAND NEW would b really interesting... Covering the controversy and transformation and one of the few near perfect discographies out there
Hell yeah, I just got around to watch your 2021 update video last night and I was hoping we'll get a DDD on DOOM. Thanks for this video series. EDIT: My suggestions for future DDDDs would be Danny Brown and Genesis.
"Now im not saying that KMD could have been the next doritos, cheetos, or fritos of popular rap music" I see what you did there 👀. "Slip like Freudian your first and last step to playin' yourself like accordion."
MM..FOOD is my favorite DOOM album 100%, my favorite production amazing verses and features and the cartoon Doom skits at the end and beggining of some songs are amazing
I just got my copy of DANGER DOOM - The Mouse And The Mask delivered today, so good 👌 I'm a mega adult swim fan so the fact that this album exists makes my butthole water 💦 I only barely knew OF him before he died, but hadn't given his stuff much of a listen. Once I heard he passed, I decided to really dig in, and holy shit I've been missing out my whole life! I'm not even really big into rap/hip-hop, I'm a Metalhead and Classic Rocker, and DOOM has quickly become one of my favorite artists ever, along with Black Sabbath, Metallica, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones
This was a nice wrap up. I’m a Born Like This lover - but definitely know it’s a “love it” or “tolerate it” kind of album. I thought I’d mention that you got the members of Czarface correct however Esoteric is an MC while 7L handles the production. The bars you attributed to Inspektah Deck are actually Esoteric.
Two quick things:
1. I’m aware that on “Bistro”, DOOM says “on the water” and not “underwater” - but if I have a chance to reference Strong Bad Email #119 then dammit I’m gonna reference Strong Bad Email #119.
2. The video was copyright-claimed, which I expected, but that means that the ads on this video were not placed by me. So if you’re getting a whole mess of ads, I’m sorry but there’s not much I can do.
No worries king
@@deimogimuvi471 it's 2
Born like this is under the name DOOM only, not MF DOOM
You missed the DOOM XMAS album with Cookin' Soul
@@miguelfernandes9215 Oh shit, that's on me
The reason why the skits are all in a row on MM.. FOOD is because he wanted the album to play out like a Saturday morning cartoon where it tells a story using the Spiderman clips throughout the album and having a commercial break in the middle of the show (aka four skit tracks, that also sample actual commercials)
EDIT: also 'Born Like This' is easily DOOMs third best album, fight me.
The fact that DOOM died on October 31st, the day before November comes, seems like his last devious trick
That's why I'm thinking that he's still alive but MF DOOM is dead, maybe we will hopefully get a victor Vaughn track or a brand new persona, but hopefully the mask is picked up
That's my conspiracy/Ted talk
And he even died on Halloween, a day where you dress up in costumes for your favorite character like a comic book villain you like. It’s poetic how he died on the day where many people around the world can dress and be villains like him.
@@KwikWon01 the mask needs to stay put away. No one can rap like Doom and ever will,
@@KwikWon01 it's a good theory but i don't think he would do that. doom plays a villain but i don't think he would do that to his fans. that would no longer be playing a villain and just being an asshole
@@adrnaline that’s what being a villain is lol
Imagine seeing MF DOOM and Eminem in the same concert for 15$..... what a time...
White ppl
That would actually be insane 😂
It wasn't prime em though 🤣
True, but still would be an incredible display of talent
Mr doritos fritos cheetos guy, and awfully hot coffee pot guy in the same room
I love how you think he's going to say "b*tches" but then waits a beat and shifts the rhyme scheme over one.
Yooo Feldup écoute DOOM
@@bigboybreadstick8477 no you
R.I.P Our favorite rappers' favorite rapper.
Just imagine if Steely Dan and MF D O O M had collaborated.
MF DAN is almost unimaginable
November never came for him
@@burgermind802 More like Steely DOOM.
Basically the only rapper I listened to in the past 10 years I don't know other rappers lol
Hearing accordion for the first time genuinely made me reimagine what a hip hop instrumental could be. What a legend. I think raid is probably my all time favorite. RIP DOOM
That’s probably my fav song tbh , I just listened to madvillainy for the first time and it was amazing,
@@HORCHATA777SUBSCriBE I saw madlib live in 2019 right before covid ruined everything. The whole club was rocking to accordion.
I found "Raid" two days ago and O.M.G. I LOVE IT
Its between Monkey Suit and Gazillion Ear for me. Those tracks just speak to me
thank Daedalus
i dropped everything so fast to watch this
I literally dropped listening to a DOOM album to listen to this
Rhymes like dimes just makes me constantly smile. It’s such a phenomenal track and it’s really telling of DOOM’s style: the beat is trying to catch up to hom
one of his kids was asked about his father's work... he said what can I say about the man who would write a song rhymes like dimes
I love the ending bit where he laughs at us for thinking the song was over
@@ddl3718 that's not DOOM, that's DJ Cucumber Slice
Yes for real tho, I loved showing my 11 year old sister (I’m currently 19) it and she looked at me during the ending and said “wtf is this?” It was fucking hilarious
Doomsday is honestly one of the most beautiful rap songs i've ever heard.
Right? That song sends chills down my spine everytime I hear it, very rare that songs do that for me
yeah everything in that track works so perfectly and the way he raps is just so pure and heartfelt sounding.
Totally agree! It's so smooth and old school!
It’s a fantastic song but those damn record scratches are unbearable to me
Every time I hear Doomsday, I just get the feeling that everything is gonna be ok.
I feel that Modest Mouse would be an interesting artist to cover considering how the band has changed their lineup and sound over their career.
Modest Mouse, so good in nearly all incarnations that it defies all reason. Everyone knows good news, but to me We were dead before the ship even sank is their best work. and that is saying alot. no ones first but your next is only not my top because its short.
I knew the Bassist of Modest Mouse
@@36inc We Were Dead definitely has some their best songs.
Moon and Antarctica is my personal best album from them but I love seeing love for We Were Dead
The "Metal Fingers" beat tapes are go to evening jams, excellent stuff
They are so amazing to have a little fun freestyle among friends, they just inspire and give an amazing energy that is unmatched for a little freestyle fun
You mean the special herbs?
Oh absolutely
When you talked about SOPHIE and DOOM in the same sentence, I felt that. All caps forever. Love from the UK
"It's made of fine chrome alloy
Find him on the grind, he's the rhinestone cowboy"
It's amazing how he wasn't just a legendary rapper, but also *really* good at making beats. Love instrumentals like -Supervillain Theme- Coffin Nails as well as other special herbs like Saffron.
Supervillain Theme is a Madlib instrumental
@@jonnykhatru Thank you for the correction, I didn't know that.
MF DOOM was one of the most creative, imaginative, and skilled MC's to ever speak into a mic. Rest easy with your brother just like you wanted your tomb to say. Cause it's not just your tomb that's engraved, it was the whole rap game.
Hip Hop's favorite Villain, Daniel Dumile, forever and always.
Last part kinda rhymes 👌🏼
Dumile/ always
That first 20 seconds of All Caps is one of my favorite musical pieces ever. So damn beautiful
whole song
I think its the best rap song of all time period
Add Pitbull to the Deep Discog Dive Decision.
Why do you hate him
Mr. 305 💙
I’d really love to see a DDD of wu tang and all of their solo discographies, great vid btw
That be awesome
8 hours long
That’d go on for ages but I’d watch it. Seeing as they are my favourite group and their solo work is some of my favourite it’d be worth the watch.
That’d be cool but if you including all of the solo stuff it’s gonna be like ~70 albums and will take like 90 minutes
I love Nehruviandoom a lot. Nehru couldn't write a hook to save his life, but his verses are pretty fantastic most of the way through.
I just can't imagine what it must have been like to be 15 years old and get a call from MF DOOM because he likes your sound and wants to make a full-length album. Unreal.
Saliva off Vaudville Villain is insane imagine rapping about asics in 2003
“I’m here to see Mic the Snare!”
*coffin nails starts playing*
"Mic the Snare?"
Micthesnare is not seeing anyone!
One of DOOMS most underappreciated is the BADBADNOTGOOD remix of Guv'nor. DOOM re-did all of the writing, with no rhyme being the same, but paralleling the original version. The beat is fire as well. Give the track some love, why don't you.
"Do not stand still, both show skills / Close but no krills, toast for po'nils, post no bills / Coast to coast, Joe Shmoe's flows ill, go chill / Not supposed to overdose NoDoz pills" Delivery paired with the beat of this part is so fking sick
I wouldn't recommend doing a DDD on weezer until their next album in may.
he wasn't on the list, but if anyone deserves a deep dive into their discography, someone needs to do a heavy analysis of Aesop Rock. and if someone had done one at all that i've missed, someone please let me know
i second that
Aesop the god
Honestly tho
Absolutely. I've listened to Aesop for years and he's way underated
I don’t know if somebody has made reference to this, but the featuring he does on De La’s rock co. kane flow is amazing!
I really love the sample stream in the middle of MM...FOOD. It’s sort of a come down from Deep Fried Frenz which is one of his more introspective tracks and then after all the samples,it’s just such a breath of fresh air when Kon Karne comes on. It’s one of my personal favorites
I really like that ”break” where you can just listen to some nice instrumentals and cool samples before going right back into the album, songs on albums can sometimes be quite overwhelming so it’s a quite cool idea I’d say.
All Caps changed what I thought music could sound like. Madvillainy as a whole opened me to Earl, Navy Blue, Open Mike Eagle, and so many others
thats exactly what happened to me, it basically introduced my ears to alternative hiphop other than all the melodic rap that is trending nowadays... MAVI is a hella good rapper, really underrated
@@cavicchioli. yeah MAVI is tight. I also recommend Wiki and Mach-Hommy
@@jonibanez5169 ill check em, thx bro
Capital STEEZ
And R.A.P Ferreira?? / milo/scallops hotel
dude I subscribed so fast after enjoying a whole 23 minutes of this video, you pulled me in easily even with the minimal use of the actual songs used which says alot about your own delivery and tone. Cheers man im gonna be glad to go through this series!
"You'll spend hours going over DOOM's verses to determine the exact way he is saying he is better than you"
RIP one of the best to ever do it
you earned my sub; this was well done; a lot of other videos on DOOM after his passing felt rush and didn't do him justice.
This man inspired me to write and I was honestly hurt when I found out about his passing... Literally canceled my NYE plans because I felt down.
Well done sir.
Get yourself diving into Talking Heads and never look back
First time I heard him was on “November Has Come.” Classic Gorillaz collab, great rapping, grateful for such an introduction to a true rap legend! Rest In Peace!
I remember seeing the news of his passing and I was absolutely devastated. This guy was my introduction not only to hip-hop but to music as a whole.
Anyway I wanted to thank you for making this video, I had a big dumb smile on my face all the way through.
you make videos all about my favorite artists while referencing Homestar Runner and Community along the way.
you might be my favorite youtuber I've come across in a while.
Hearing Fazers for the first time is something I wish I could experience again. The entire track is like seeing your mom after being away from home for so long. It's art man.
Fazers is a unbelievable tune
ive been binging these deep discog dives a lot within the last week and they might be my new favourite kinds of videos on youtube, keep it up mr microphone the snare drum
Bro I was upset Kobe died but when I found out doom died I wanted to destroy 2020 from the record books, I only found him in 2020 but he’s my favourite artist ever his flow and rhymes are like gold to the listeners ears and his voice is so nice to hear, Madvillainy is my favourite project behind that is MM...FOOD
I’m sorry man I have to say it *DOOM
Kobe and DOOM died like a year apart how were you still upset about Kobe by the time DOOMs death was announced
@@HIPHOPHEAD1031 firstly kobe's death was the 26th of jan, DOOMs was 31st of october so 9 months apart. Secondly its cos kobe impacted me greatly as a kid, him and mj made me wanna play basketball despite being average at best so when he passed it didnt feel real for a long time, not to mention like a week before we learned of DOOMs death i was watching kobe tributes.
@@matthewbradshaw4280 fair enough
@@xdfettucheesy DOOM death wasn’t announced on Halloween, that’s why I said a year
Do a deep discog dive on Kid Cudi, please?
I agree, he should be added to the DDD voting options at the least
@@hundocent for sure
kid cudi hasn't made any great albums except man on the moon just my opinion
@@mo7emedragab870 fair enough, but u should give stuff like motm2 and 3 and passion pain another shot
I started listening to DOOM on December 31st. Brother recommended “MMM..FOOD”. Was on the bus and hit “Beef Rap” and immediately fell in love with what I heard. It was like I was 7 again watching Saturday morning cartoons. I then opened Facebook and saw that dreaded post. My heart sank. Since then I’ve been searching for more and just more and more kept popping up. He a goldmine. “Scatter Clues for those equate the style.” Indeed. Rest In Peace VILLAIN.
"Take Me to Your Leader" is in the Pantheon of greatest albums ever made. It open my eyes to sample story telling.
Just finished watching this video fully and I have never been so inclined to listen to an artist's discography front to back like I am now. Of course, I've heard a few of DOOM's bigger hits (November Has Come, One Beer, Kookies) but have never really taken a full on dive into what he has to offer. I'm currently in self-isolation due to Covid for the next week and I think I may have to take a musical journey into this legend's career, cheers for inspiring me to do so! I'll probably come back and update y'all once I've finished listening to these records, but until then, wish me luck!
I gotta say, getting into DOOM's music has been one of the most fun adventures I've had as a lifetime music lover. The alter egos, the characters, the supervillain mentality, the insane flows and otherworldly beat styles.. it's so unique and nobody could've pulled it off better. I have several physical copies of his albums, and I won't stop until I have them all. RIP to a legend.
Raid is my favorite DOOM song and the reason why I started listening to Bossa Nova. That Bill Evans Trio into Osmar Milito sample chop is some of my favorite production ever.
Man, this is one of your best videos. Great way to start the year. RIP MF DOOM
Sad to see him gone so soon. Even with an extensive catalog, I’m sure he had so much more to offer
Yo when he said “this villain” in the beginning of the intro that shit gave me chills
When he said “hero.... or should I say villain” I got chills. RIP to the illest villain
That spotify playlist is really helpful! Now I can listen to Bistro on loop for 3 hours!
Never knew the villain was English just imagine mf doom doing drill or grime🔥🔥🔥🔥
yeah he was actualy living in London for like the last 10-15 years of his life. He apparently had some issue getting back into the states one time and just decided to stay England lol
Take me to your leader is my favorite album of all time. The sounds and lyrics come together beautifully and it is seriously so underrated in DOOM’s catalog
RIP to an absolute UNIT of an artist. So under-appreciated.
Really enjoyed your take on his work. Well done!
Take me to your leader has some of the best beats i've ever heard on hip hop. Next Levels and Fastlane are just incredible
Man this is by far the best summary of DOOM’s career I’ve seen, both in form and content, and I also appreciate how you definitely love his music, it was a great experience watching it
Well, Czarface had something to say about that whole 'last studio album' thing.
Well done, GREAT video + you posted this on my birthday! RIP to the legend
MF DOOM escaped my ears for years. Then, I discovered some of his songs by accident, still not knowing who he was. Then, hearing the news of his imminent doom, I went on a listening spree, trying to find as much of his fingerprints as I could. I wound up listening to MM.. FOOD particularly Beef Rap over and over again. Still to this day, I'm making my way through his body of work.
watched your Tribe video and now this one. I'm subbing, you're funny and your videos have very little stupid filler stuff.
straight to the point and well researched.
I'd love to see you do a video on Electric Light Orchestra at some point!
Nice DOG pfp
@@Biggle yessir!
You need to do Prince. Unbelievably long, varied and legendary discography
i know they’ll probably be overwhelmed in the polls but seeing Car Seat Headrest on the DDDD made me so happy
Thank you for this!
RIP DOOM. I was lucky enough to see him live twice. Once in 2001 at a dive, and then in 2016 as DOOM STARKS with Ghostface Killah. OK, so actually, it was Ghostface and MF DOOM on a video screen.
Never seen your channel but this was a great tribute to an integral part of hip hop. 👏
Doomsday is a top 10 verse of all time
“Till I’m back where my brother went. That’s what my tomb’ll say.” That shit hits real different now. 😞
A trick with JJ DOOM - Key to the Kuffs is I added the remixes of the songs to the tracklist they're all great and it adds some varity and sonic urgency to the album
Well done for this. I've totally subscribed, as I want to check out the Bowie one I just saw in the list.
2002-2005 I wasn't digging for HipHop due to life events, and at this point I dropped off listening to new music as I moved through my 20s.
I knew of MF DOOM, but didn't follow him, and was listening to hardly any albums due to disillusion with mainstream HipHop and the changes in the music industry.
This is perfect - I'd have totally been listening to him in the late 90s, and it's a mess what happened. Now I can finally go back and look though what I was missing. So many good musicians just aren't suited to the nonsense that the music industry foists upon them. I'm glad that DOOM was able to make a living out of HipHop outside of the industry nonsense.
Hall of fame - we definitely need an Independent HipHop hall of fame - this man and Sean Price should be the first inducted. We should honor those alive as soon as possible, as well.
Imma need Disneyfilm to introduce their Doom with a DOOM track in their Fantastic Four movie, or it's no sale.
thank you for this, Mr. Snare. probably gonna cry watching this, been excited to watch this since i saw you uploaded it this morning 🙏🏼
im gonna be honest for a while i didnt know the "MF" stood for metal face so i thought his name was supposed to be MOTHERFUCKING DOOM
HELPPPP ME TOO and i didnt even rlly know him until recently so i was so confused like "wouldn't it be DOOM, MOTHERFUCKER not the other way round"
I’m so glad you referenced that Dead End Hip Hop video! Their Classic review of Madvillainy is one of the most joyous videos about music I’ve ever seen. Myke & Beezy are fucking GIDDY in that video, it’s adorable.
OME is a legend. I dont think he has that many albums but a DDD into his catalogue would be really cool in the future
this deserves so much more appreciation- well done man
i went through his discography in november/december of last year and it's surreal to know in retrospect that i only properly got into his stuff after his death
personally i think vaudeville villain is his strongest project, with the bonus track (untitled aka change the beat) being particularly impressive and overlooked
That excellent Domi and JD Beck Madvillainy homage, which I listened to I think 4 times straight as soon as I saw it on my timeline and several more times in the following days, was a posthumous homage, but it dropped a few days before the death announcement. It was so surreal when I weeks later realized what the timeline of that was as the two strong memories, separated by only days, violently reconciled in my mind.
Vaudeville Villain was my favorite album as well. MM FOOD definitely second best.
MF DOOM has a lot of unique fan-made stuff you can find, like there's a guy who mixed his songs with Nujabes beats.
Same, I had only heard one or two songs before he died, now I'm getting into all his projects. I also really like Vaudeville, turns out many do and it's a bit rare because the cheapest physical copy I can find is used for $148!
@@Th3Raz96 Yeah looks like it stopped being printed. Which makes no sense
@@Moneyman-33 Only makes me want it more
Easily one of your best vids I don’t know HOW you keep outdoing yourself
Ooook FIGARO on Madvillian needs to be included and that’s all I’ll say
Great job with this, man. I’ve been a massive DOOM fan for over a decade upon first hearing him. I remember taking that deep dive and absorbing the catalogue, realizing I’d really discovered something, while keeping the feelers out for new projects like it was out of necessity. Only a very select few artists can really reach out and grab you like that you know? They’re few and far between on the personal level. I appreciate your effort in researching and editing with this video. Kept my interest the whole way through. Keep it up bro. ALL CAPS
When you talked about how BORN LIKE THIS "ends because it has to" gave me the idea of an album that DOOM would constantly update and add music to, like how Kanye updated Life of Pablo, just so we'd be able to get a constant flow of DOOM music.
Thanks for dropping this. It was very informative.
I see you remembered all caps when spelling the name.
I definitely think a deep dive on BRAND NEW would b really interesting... Covering the controversy and transformation and one of the few near perfect discographies out there
Phil Elverum should be on the next Deep Discog Dive, the man has tons of great stuff.
Oh my god yes, I’ve been waiting for this since the QNA
Daniel Dumile died, but MF DOOM, the character, is immortal. I guess that was the plan.
Simply outstanding video. RIP MF DOOM
"we sell rhymes like dimes"
RIP to a legend
Excellent recommendation on "808 Man" and "Trial 'n' Error" , those are indeed head-boppers
ballskin is such a great, underrated track
Hell yeah, I just got around to watch your 2021 update video last night and I was hoping we'll get a DDD on DOOM. Thanks for this video series.
EDIT: My suggestions for future DDDDs would be Danny Brown and Genesis.
"Now im not saying that KMD could have been the next doritos, cheetos, or fritos of popular rap music" I see what you did there 👀.
"Slip like Freudian
your first and last step to playin' yourself like accordion."
MM..FOOD is my favorite DOOM album 100%, my favorite production amazing verses and features and the cartoon Doom skits at the end and beggining of some songs are amazing
I just got my copy of DANGER DOOM - The Mouse And The Mask delivered today, so good 👌 I'm a mega adult swim fan so the fact that this album exists makes my butthole water 💦
I only barely knew OF him before he died, but hadn't given his stuff much of a listen. Once I heard he passed, I decided to really dig in, and holy shit I've been missing out my whole life!
I'm not even really big into rap/hip-hop, I'm a Metalhead and Classic Rocker, and DOOM has quickly become one of my favorite artists ever, along with Black Sabbath, Metallica, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones
Finally I was waiting ages for this
Born like this was a MF DOOM album
Pretty sure he uses just DOOM
no its DOOM
i swear mic the snare's humor is just so good
RIP DOOM. He will never be forgotten. Also a Mars Volta DDD would be great
This was a nice wrap up. I’m a Born Like This lover - but definitely know it’s a “love it” or “tolerate it” kind of album.
I thought I’d mention that you got the members of Czarface correct however Esoteric is an MC while 7L handles the production. The bars you attributed to Inspektah Deck are actually Esoteric.