The morse code at the end says: Lockdown Enabled. Attention! Evacuation will arrive in 9 hours There might be some more before this but I couldn't get it to register and I don't know morse well enough to listen at that speed
I think it should be mentioned that in almost all cases, OTA units do not go in alone. This could mean two to three things. 1; The OTA unit was a scout, which is semi likely. 2; The OTA unit was the last of a squad and was fleeing something. (Plausible but I don't think that's the case) 3; They sent him to die. Personally I think that it's 3.
Reminds me of the GAMMA game series A-LOT! Don't Think it is because there's animations they created... or is this modded? Either way actually really cool vid.
The overseer Has looked at this decoded and still dosent know this is the message AIR EIRHEEGE LMRNIMWE ENESLED+ ATTEETIME# EVARIATIMN AILL ARRIVE IE 9 HMURS
Thumbnail looks like KFC ngl.
Kentucky fried consul
Kentucky Fried Combine
KFC 17
All autonomous units, anticitizen one engaged in sector 9
The morse code at the end says: Lockdown Enabled. Attention! Evacuation will arrive in 9 hours
There might be some more before this but I couldn't get it to register and I don't know morse well enough to listen at that speed
I think it should be mentioned that in almost all cases, OTA units do not go in alone.
This could mean two to three things.
1; The OTA unit was a scout, which is semi likely.
2; The OTA unit was the last of a squad and was fleeing something. (Plausible but I don't think that's the case)
3; They sent him to die.
Personally I think that it's 3.
or he is defect
combine units do not feel fear, so its probably defect
probably ran off from his squad
Very Awesome To Have An Garry's Mod Digital Horror Tape Series Actually Use Real Motion Capture Moment Like With Gmod VR.
Air Exchange so goated
i love these types of videos lol
10/10 i wish the playermodel wasn't shiny tho :p
Reminds me of the GAMMA game series A-LOT! Don't Think it is because there's animations they created... or is this modded? Either way actually really cool vid.
Hey, I don't know about you, but I think that maybe - just maybe - there might be some Necrotics inbound
pretty cool but to make it more realistic make the gameplay sounds more low quality.
G man again?
new arg?
tbh i dont know
The overseer Has looked at this decoded and still dosent know this is the message AIR EIRHEEGE LMRNIMWE ENESLED+ ATTEETIME# EVARIATIMN AILL ARRIVE IE 9 HMURS