Scialon caro fratello israelita che Ascen ti benedica grandemente ora e in eterno gloria eterna ad Ascen gloria eterna al Messia nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen Alleluyia
What will happen if Iran is defeated but Moshiach hasn't shown himself to the world? What will happen then? Will the Israelis rebuild the third temple without him?
Scialon caro fratello israelita che Ascen ti benedica grandemente ora e in eterno gloria eterna ad Ascen gloria eterna al Messia nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen Alleluyia
I am the prince of peace
Forgiveness comes from God I tell you
People belong to me Adam see if anyone is telling people it's me Moses reborn every time before 7 years drought Egypt
What will happen if Iran is defeated but Moshiach hasn't shown himself to the world? What will happen then? Will the Israelis rebuild the third temple without him?
Hi Rabbi
Moshiach comes riding on a donkey...
What this really means is:
The Torah comes riding on a DNA key...
Do you believe we are ready?
I hope so, but think no...
It's a sin to let people pray on you your family say no