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  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
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    Doživite Srednjovjekovnu Bosnu
    Blago sutješkog samostana
    Svojim postojanjem, poviješću i osobito Muzejskom zbirkom sutješki samostan povezuje sadašnjost s prošlošću do vremena bosanskih kraljeva i banova. Samostan je u više navrata bio rušen, ali uvijek iznova podizan. Već 1385. godine u svom popisu samostana spominje ga talijanski ljetopisac Bartol Pisanski
    U sklopu franjevačkog samostana nalaze se: - Crkva sv. Ivana Krstitelja - iznenađujuće lijepa i monumentalna, - Muzej - trezor velikog kulturno-povijesnog blaga neprocjenjive vrijednosti, - Knjižnica - čuvena po vrijednim i rijetkim eksponatima iz daleke prošlosti.
    Kraljeva Sutjeska nalazi se 12 km sjeveroistočno od Kaknja, a 45 km jugoistočno od Zenice. Od Visokog je udaljena 25, a od Sarajeva 56 km. Prilazi joj se s magistrale Sarajevo - Zenica prije ulaza u grad Kakanj, ugleda se tek kad se u nju uđe.
    Kraljeva Sutjeska lies 12 km North-East of Kakanj, and 45 km South-East of Zenica. Distanceto Visoko is 25, and to Sarajevo 56 km. Access is off
    the Sarajevo - Zenica Highway, taking exit to the town of Kakanj, but it is visible only after the place itself is entered
    Franciscan Monastery
    By mere existence, its history and especially its Museum collection
    Kraljeva Sutjeska Monastery links present time with the history going back to the time of Bosnian kings and governors.
    The monastery was destroyed more than once but it was always built anew. Italian historian, Bartol Pisanski makes mention of it back in 1385.
    Franciscan monastery today contains:
    - Church of St John the Baptist - breathtakingly beautiful and monumental,
    - Museum - collection of great cultural - historic treasury of immeasurable value,
    - Library - famous for its valuable and rare exhibits of ages gone by
    Church of St John the Baptist
    Earliest preserved mention of the church goes back to the year 1530. It is almost certain that the church existed there much earlier. During the Ottoman occupation of Bosnia bell towers were not allowed. Sutjeska was exempt from that rule and the bell was rung.
    Today’s church of St John the Baptist is an important architectural monument of Austrian Hungarian period in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Just like long time ago, church is one with the monastery. Designed by architect Josip Vancaš, it was built in 1906. - 1908. Paintings are by Italian artist Marco Antonini.
    Below the church is spacious crypt where two bishops were buried and a stone sarcophagus is found believed to contain remains of Stjepan Tomaš, second last king of Bosnia.
    Library and Archives
    Alongside older, newer and contemporary books Library holds many incunabulas (31) - the largest number in any library in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as numerous works of Bosnian authors written in old Bosnian Cyrillic script and other old books in foreign languages. Some are luxuriously bound.
    Library collection holds mainly works from theology, philosophy, natural sciences, history, geography etc. Books are written mostly
    in Latin, then Croatian, Italian, and other languages. Great care is taken in preserving Ottoman and Arab manuscripts. Archives hold
    valuable chronicles, manuscripts, old registers written in Bosančica and a necrology from 17th century.
    For visits to library and museum please contact us.
    Museum collection
    Even though the Franciscan Monastery in Kraljeva Sutjeska had been burned down, destroyed and rebuilt several times from 15th
    to 19th century, a remarkable cultural -historic treasure has been preserved in its walls. Os special significance are:
    - Paintings: there are around thirty old paintings, of special value being Raspeće (Crucifixion) and Bezgrešno Začeće (Immaculate Conception), work of local artist Stjepan Dragojlović in the 16th century;
    - Chalices: collection of about thirty chalices, earliest dating back to 15th century;
    - Crucifixes: we will point out two altar crucifixes dated 1610. and 1617.;
    - Candle holders: we will single out candle holders of bishop fra Grga Ilić, 1802;
    - Textile artefacts: this highly rich collection of old altar linen and church garments contains mainly exponents dating back to the 18th century but many are from much earlier periods.


  • @jelkastetic6493
    @jelkastetic6493 Рік тому +6

    Ljepota i naša uspomena djetinjstva pozdrav

  • @jelkastetic6493
    @jelkastetic6493 Рік тому +6

    Hvala na ovom snimku naša ljepotica nam osta sama ko tužna uspomena

  • @dronefalkor
    @dronefalkor Рік тому +2

    Pretplata i veliki like ! Bio sam proljetos tu, nakratko al sa velikim odusevljenjem i utiscima. Naravno i snimio sam video Morat cu ponovit posjet. Veliki pozdrav!

  • @Dana-u4r
    @Dana-u4r Рік тому +1

  • @DanitzaGoes
    @DanitzaGoes Рік тому +5

    Demasiado bello y demasiada paz, los espiritus de la guerra se han ido a vivir allí, allí estan todos felices y en paz. ♥️🙋🇨🇴🌎👏🫂

  • @MarijanBasic-h3m
    @MarijanBasic-h3m 11 місяців тому +2

    Nema takve nase crkve I ljepote na svijetu pozdrav onom koje snimio od Marijana Basica Rodin od Kraljeve Sutjeske sad zivim duze vrijeme u dalekoj Americi ok bog fala sto ste snimili ok