Misha Collins Interview with TV After Dark at Comic-Con 2012

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @EviReznor
    @EviReznor 12 років тому +2

    I just want to get into my screen and hug him tightly. Awww, Misha you're perfect human being.

  • @icecrystal22
    @icecrystal22 12 років тому +2

    My gawd...he's the complete package.

  • @AndTheRoadGoesEverOn
    @AndTheRoadGoesEverOn 12 років тому +1

    Misha is just all kinds of crazy beautiful. Inside and out, it seems.

  • @RestlessThoughts
    @RestlessThoughts 12 років тому +1

    That was very interesting! Good questions and serious answers from him. :D Neat. Thank you!

  • @annaxsg1
    @annaxsg1 12 років тому +1

    I love how he loves Castiel.

  • @SofiaCavalcante
    @SofiaCavalcante 12 років тому +1

    I'm so used to the Castiel's voice, that when I heard Misha's voice, looks like he is talking with a ballon of helium

  • @pizzapig101
    @pizzapig101 12 років тому +1

    We love cas keep him in supernatural forever

  • @sammmyranaway
    @sammmyranaway 12 років тому +1

    misha u really rock. i know that supernatural is complete with 'dean' and 'sam' and other BUT u misha are the unique star. i would like to see ya in supernatural not only in flashback but also in present in "SUPERNATURAL".

  • @KitsunesEmber
    @KitsunesEmber 12 років тому +1

    I wish I could've gone to SD Comic-con just so I could've gave Misha a hug.

  • @ReeLee13
    @ReeLee13 12 років тому

    Can't argue with that *sigh*.

  • @SoSoupaDoopa
    @SoSoupaDoopa 12 років тому +1

    Serious answers? Well, semi-serious I suppose, but; "I'll tell you something I haven't told anyone else... Castiel is really a unicorn."
    This was awesome though! :D

  • @TheEyesless
    @TheEyesless 12 років тому +1

    " I guess some fans like Cass."
    HELL YES! I want to keep Misha in Supernatural like.. forever? Yeah, i guess so.

  • @michelle101988
    @michelle101988 12 років тому

    It airs on the CW which is channel 5.

  • @oywidapoodles
    @oywidapoodles 12 років тому

    Ikr??? I literally just realized that, and no one picked up on it when he said it. I guess we all assumed he was talking about when West was born.

  • @Da1337Man
    @Da1337Man 12 років тому

    "SOME fans "seem" to like him!?"
    understatement of the year

  • @mminwe
    @mminwe 12 років тому +1

    everyone can have their own personal opinion

  • @KeiranNight
    @KeiranNight 12 років тому

    He's beautiful -3

  • @AndTheRoadGoesEverOn
    @AndTheRoadGoesEverOn 12 років тому

    I need WAAAAY more info about Cas, Misha, and SPN season 8. Thank god at least for these press rooms interviews b/c the main Con panel gave us precious little. Help, I going thru Cas withdrawl.

  • @theGrace4
    @theGrace4 12 років тому

    oh, honey!! *-* i love you! nice interview

  • @15chini
    @15chini 11 років тому +1

    but he really IS a unicorn. Meg's unicorn

  • @XanaxWine
    @XanaxWine 12 років тому +1

    About the new baby, I guess he meant having stability to be able to have a new baby. However, that's how I understood it and well, he only said anything about West when he was already born, so... idk!

  • @QueenAnneBoleynkatia
    @QueenAnneBoleynkatia 12 років тому

    oh yeah thanks i can hear new baby but no clue on what he said after that

  • @Kodocha7
    @Kodocha7 12 років тому

    it is a lovely face indeed

  • @LupusIsABadDiagnosis
    @LupusIsABadDiagnosis 11 років тому

    What if Misha isn't actually trolling us all the time but is just being super sneaky.

  • @buffalowings90
    @buffalowings90 12 років тому

    Wow his voice is sp diff

  • @angelbeachbebe
    @angelbeachbebe 12 років тому

    it is a major difference with his voice

  • @goldenphoenixnaruto
    @goldenphoenixnaruto 12 років тому

    His speech teacher would be appalled.

  • @Damonxoxo
    @Damonxoxo 12 років тому

    i still dont get it why did cas left dean in purgatory? :/

  • @maejpayne
    @maejpayne 11 років тому

    Castiel is a unicorn :3

  • @p1nkLov3rr
    @p1nkLov3rr 12 років тому

    Their was an uprising when Cas died and their will be if he leaves again.

  • @adde27
    @adde27 12 років тому

    Quite true. Best breakout character since... well, quite a while. It would be nice though if he got a proper send-off, rather than something half-assed as going insane or drowning in a lake.

  • @danydarko5959
    @danydarko5959 12 років тому

    wouldnt u be saying that if ur thinking about the answer to the question

  • @Raerae21
    @Raerae21 12 років тому

    Around 2:05 and on.

  • @arinav28
    @arinav28 12 років тому

    he says 'um' a lot

  • @fancyasugarcube0
    @fancyasugarcube0 12 років тому

    I have a horrible feeling he won't make it out of purgatory :'( *throws self on floor and curls into the foetal position*

  • @argella1300
    @argella1300 12 років тому


  • @Raerae21
    @Raerae21 12 років тому

    He mentions a new baby. Does that mean his wifey is pregnant? It didn't feel like he was talking about West!

  • @QueenAnneBoleynkatia
    @QueenAnneBoleynkatia 12 років тому

    when did he say that?

  • @AgtTony007
    @AgtTony007 12 років тому

    I dont even know whats goin on last episode i saw cas became god. the next day i watched supernatural it was
    Th very first episode

  • @tiptoe39
    @tiptoe39 12 років тому +1

    at 1:50 i want to reach through the screen and pat his head.

  • @kurooscoffee
    @kurooscoffee 12 років тому

    ohh it's not the one with caressing :(

  • @AllegraJina
    @AllegraJina 11 років тому +1

    The fandom spelled it always with one s. You know from CAStiel and not CASStiel. The people who are in charge of the show are the only ones who spell it with ss....and it SUCKS! So 95% of people continue with Cas and would like to bitch slap everyone who call him Cass.