Torques and angle of twist

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Spifly5
    @Spifly5 7 років тому +4

    Very good video! I like the fact you break down the units so it's easier to see! Thank you this was a big help :)

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  7 років тому +1

      Thanks for letting me know! I thought it might be a little slow, but better to not leave anything for guessing!

  • @handsomeboi596
    @handsomeboi596 5 років тому +1


  • @johnos213
    @johnos213 5 років тому +5

    Youre a life saver

  • @irtesamnasrat9866
    @irtesamnasrat9866 5 років тому +2

    this was helpful. thank you. ❤

  • @Samcanplaymusic
    @Samcanplaymusic 7 років тому +15

    Dude, your site is the cat's pajamas

  • @kid0147
    @kid0147 7 років тому

    Very nicely explained. Thanks a lot!

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  7 років тому

      Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it!

  • @uknow211
    @uknow211 4 роки тому +3

    Good video. What software do you use

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  4 роки тому

      Lots of different software and hardware together. The full list is here: 🤙

  • @MrAMJAD108
    @MrAMJAD108 5 років тому +1

    Thank you very much for the information, i do have a question though, can you tell me the relation between the Strain and Torque? lets say i use a Wheatstone bridge to get a Strain, how do i use this to find a torque of a rotating shaft, would be very helpful if you'd get back to me

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  5 років тому

      Hey I recommend watching the first three sections of to get more comfortable with how stress, strain, and torques all relate!

  • @RahulKumar-bx7my
    @RahulKumar-bx7my 10 місяців тому

    If you could have provided the derivation of Angle of Twist it would have made more easier to understand . Thanks for the video

  • @shahidmeir7379
    @shahidmeir7379 6 років тому

    i was looking for unit of fi .but only that is missing .
    its in radians probably

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  6 років тому +1

      I saw your other comment, glad you found the proper unit of radians.

  • @feridunabi7723
    @feridunabi7723 5 років тому

    c is the radius right not the diameter?

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  5 років тому +1

      yep c refers to radius

    • @feridunabi7723
      @feridunabi7723 5 років тому +1

      Engineer4Free Its too late bro I already got a 100 from the final exam

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  5 років тому


  • @fanimeproductionst.v.3735
    @fanimeproductionst.v.3735 5 років тому +1

    Where does the formula Max shear stress=(Gr/L)θ come from?
    G=Modulus of rigidity
    L=gauge length

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  5 років тому

      Hmmm sorry I'm not familiar with that formula

    • @fanimeproductionst.v.3735
      @fanimeproductionst.v.3735 5 років тому

      @@Engineer4Free nevermind i found out how to derive it myself. Thank you though!

  • @akash_kapri
    @akash_kapri 5 років тому +1

    Can u plz derive the formula

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  5 років тому

      Hi sorry I don’t have a video deriving it, but if you watch videos 14-21 here: you can see more examples of it in use.

  • @shahidmeir7379
    @shahidmeir7379 6 років тому

    sorry at last it is given .and i was right

    • @Engineer4Free
      @Engineer4Free  6 років тому +1

      Yeah, sorry I should have specified that earlier on in the video. Thanks for watching, glad you figured it out!

  • @bartdickman2231
    @bartdickman2231 4 роки тому

    776 GPa = 77.6 x 10^10 Pa