Shara Ishvalda Vs Teostra & Lunastra (FULL FIGHT) Turf War

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MonsterSlayerSquad
    @MonsterSlayerSquad  4 роки тому +50

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    • @angelvela2456
      @angelvela2456 4 роки тому +2

      Shara Ishvalda Vs Safi'jiiva or Alatreon

    • @northvoice2060
      @northvoice2060 4 роки тому


    • @laiman0017
      @laiman0017 4 роки тому

      How did you made that (god-mode?) and did you summon teostra and lunastra or was it a normal quest?

    • @ThePerfectSonic
      @ThePerfectSonic Рік тому

      have you considered using the invisible hunter mod for added cinematic effect?

    • @ThePerfectSonic
      @ThePerfectSonic Рік тому

      @@laiman0017 mods

  • @quintonblackburn3916
    @quintonblackburn3916 4 роки тому +1129

    Shara: Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!
    *Sheds rocks*
    Shara: BUT NOT FOR ME!

    • @GunlessSnake
      @GunlessSnake 4 роки тому +58

      Always with the fakeouts! As soon as certain Monsters pull out their ultimate forms, the tides of battle almost always immediately shift!

    • @salgutierrez4710
      @salgutierrez4710 4 роки тому +8

      Dammit, you beat me to the punch!

    • @vitorsantos8822
      @vitorsantos8822 4 роки тому +4


    • @Nukiium
      @Nukiium 4 роки тому +8

      that made me die from laughter right now

    • @crazinkcf1840
      @crazinkcf1840 4 роки тому +2

      @@GunlessSnake *Immediately shit*

  • @tarsis5933
    @tarsis5933 4 роки тому +430

    Armored Shara: *"chuckles, i'm in danger"*
    Naked Shara: *"chuckles, y o u ' r e i n d a n g e r"*

    • @renzolockhart
      @renzolockhart 4 роки тому +15

      Lmfao even better hearing the voice while reading

    • @seraphiroth7024
      @seraphiroth7024 4 роки тому +6

      underrated comment

    • @ArmandoNos
      @ArmandoNos 4 роки тому +14

      Naked Shara: I'M DANGER

    • @dantevega5103
      @dantevega5103 4 роки тому +5

      *shara breaks rocks*
      Teo and luna: weeee are in danger

    • @agentmsyoutubechannelofsho7705
      @agentmsyoutubechannelofsho7705 4 роки тому +1

      @@dantevega5103 the way the we was exented made me think of a song but it would be refitted for the meme
      Weeeeee are in danger, my friend

  • @caligula3006
    @caligula3006 2 роки тому +50

    I love how Shara lures you into a false sense of security with all that rocky armour, but the MOMENT it all comes off…now you’re in trouble 😂

  • @Dauntlessnessess
    @Dauntlessnessess 4 роки тому +209

    Shara literally killed them with his eyes closed!

  • @leonides1527
    @leonides1527 4 роки тому +431

    It was all fun and games till shara started blasting air

    • @GunlessSnake
      @GunlessSnake 4 роки тому +32

      That's when you know he's decided to get serious and use some of his true power.

    • @ZAH33D
      @ZAH33D 4 роки тому +8

      when the quiet kid starts shooting people

    • @shinmalestat9272
      @shinmalestat9272 4 роки тому +1

      Thats pure dragon energy.

    • @shinmalestat9272
      @shinmalestat9272 4 роки тому +1

      @Ramon Florencio Perez Pure, raw, unadulterated dragon energy.

  • @Sebastien0973
    @Sebastien0973 4 роки тому +201

    The match was ended the moment shara unlock his rap power.

  • @thegrandodogarongamer2377
    @thegrandodogarongamer2377 4 роки тому +435

    Dude, I want to see Shara in a battle between Safi'jiiva, Alatreon, and Fatalis in the future because this fight was just awesome.

    • @beaneatingoni1353
      @beaneatingoni1353 4 роки тому +45

      You know what?
      Safi'jiiva and Alarteon lose badly (Gameplay not lorewise)
      Because the damage output of Shara is horrible.

    • @shangaiify
      @shangaiify 4 роки тому +24

      @@beaneatingoni1353 Ironically Arch-Tempered Namielle is the same as it's water beams deals multiple ticks.

    • @thegrandodogarongamer2377
      @thegrandodogarongamer2377 4 роки тому +6

      @@beaneatingoni1353 Let's give Safi'jiiva a rematch and see who is the better elder dragon.

    • @overlord6815
      @overlord6815 4 роки тому +10

      @@beaneatingoni1353 Safi would nuke everyone to death with the exception of maybe Fatalis

    • @afinchinthedark
      @afinchinthedark 4 роки тому +6

      How about an elder dragon battle royale?

  • @lyhunter2277
    @lyhunter2277 4 роки тому +332

    We NEED a Golden Rathian and Silver Rathalos vs Teostra and Lunastra turf war

  • @Goji-Moji
    @Goji-Moji 4 роки тому +263

    Shara is a beast. It could have taken a third one on, no problem. And that’s even with 1/3rd of its health being complete fodder.

    • @Anonym_us27
      @Anonym_us27 4 роки тому +14

      He didnt receive any dmg from lunastras burning floor, ultimate, and heat so thats a little bs.

    • @thatcringedfacedou
      @thatcringedfacedou 4 роки тому +40

      Santino Grillo well he’s weak to ice, not fire so..

    • @Anonym_us27
      @Anonym_us27 4 роки тому +17

      But not immune. On the last alatreon fight we could see too, that not all attacks do dmg. Alatreons judgment didnt do any dmg to the other beast.

    • @thatcringedfacedou
      @thatcringedfacedou 4 роки тому +4

      Santino Grillo yes it did to safi

    • @jellyduckjiro8862
      @jellyduckjiro8862 4 роки тому +2

      Hey goji how you get dodogama pic? :O

  • @jm2967
    @jm2967 4 роки тому +89

    Me looking at the title: well that's not fair. There's two of them and only one of sha-
    Shara's armor comes off:...I think the blue one will dies first

    • @furyfossil4407
      @furyfossil4407 4 роки тому +8

      Surprisingly enough, Lunastra actually DID die first!

    • @Voidsent_
      @Voidsent_ 4 роки тому +3

      @@furyfossil4407 Luna is good girl that protect her boy.

  • @diegocantu9853
    @diegocantu9853 4 роки тому +90

    After the return of Shara Ishvalda, Ruiner Nergigante now tempered comes back to finish what he started but a dreadful burning yet freezing presence can be felt on the horizon in what ends up in a battle Royale or perhaps a race to who can come first...
    Find out next time on Monster Hunter Z

    • @scoripo9817
      @scoripo9817 4 роки тому +10

      Probably nergigante ai will glitch in shara arena like it did in alatreon video

    • @diegocantu9853
      @diegocantu9853 4 роки тому +1

      @@scoripo9817 Depends because this fight was similar to Ruiner vs Alatreon so the outcome will probably be different

    • @WildDragonSong
      @WildDragonSong 4 роки тому +3

      Perhaps an Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva either searching for a place to molt or going to fight something intruding it's part of the Everstream? A far-fetched and highly unlikely concept to make sense, but we barely ever see Xeno'jiiva fight something anyway. I'm mostly wanting to just see a Jiiva fight Shara Ishvalda.

  • @JMoore-vo7ii
    @JMoore-vo7ii 4 роки тому +107

    Shara is my underdog monster for all of World after watching this. She could take on anyone else in the cast easily IMO. I'd love to see her face something like Alatreon or Rajang which are constantly on the move

    • @dracogatom7873
      @dracogatom7873 4 роки тому +56

      Underdog? Shara was the final boss for the main story and was said to bring an apocalypse as the old everwyrm. That's not underdog, that's top dog

    • @yes-my-lord
      @yes-my-lord 4 роки тому +34

      Did you just assume shara gender?! for all we know shara could identify as tree

    • @undeadrivalry6124
      @undeadrivalry6124 4 роки тому +3

      @@yes-my-lord 😐

    • @Liolaeusu
      @Liolaeusu 4 роки тому +18

      @@yes-my-lord or as a rock

    • @ruiribeiro8010
      @ruiribeiro8010 4 роки тому +18

      Well, Alatreon Safi and Fatalis are probably stronger than Shara.
      Shara should be around Amatsu/Gogmazios levels.

  • @Nukiium
    @Nukiium 4 роки тому +445

    Luna and Teo: "easy, we got this"
    Shara ishvalda: *rocks fall off*
    Also shara ishvalda: "so anyway i started blasting"

  • @セトラスカーレット
    @セトラスカーレット 4 роки тому +23

    13:09 ここから最高にラスボスの風格出ててすき

  • @m-hellothere4167
    @m-hellothere4167 4 роки тому +50

    Damn, Shara just had enough of them after shedding its rock armor. Sorry Simba and Nala, you both should have stayed in your pride rock. Now next we need Shara vs the angry flying black durian, let's see if nergigante can actually kill him alone, although I doubt it due to how easy it is to flinch him.

    • @ehoraida5900
      @ehoraida5900 4 роки тому +3

      I bet 20 bucks on the Crackhead god Dragon

    • @acidic_7
      @acidic_7 4 роки тому +2

      The actual reason ruiner nergi killed Shara is because it was already weak because we fought it first and nergi lore states that it eats elders that are close to death

    • @m-hellothere4167
      @m-hellothere4167 4 роки тому +1

      @@acidic_7 Niw I'm not gonna fanboy over here, but Shara didn't just release reveal himself out of the ground in rock armor right after Nergigante was presumably dead, he was hiding there, he didn't want Nergigante to intervene, which leads me to believe maybe Shara somehow either knew what Nergigante can do and decided his plan would fail because of him or maybe the two have fought before and Shara maybe lost or escaped. Idk but I'm pretty sure Nergigante doesn't just go after weak ones, sure he'll prefer a weak prey to minimize the damage he would take, but he would still beat guys like Teostra and Kushala anyway. After the massive power surge Xeno at that time caused did attract also atrong elders. Now I'm sure Nergigante could take out Shara without his armor because he has a fragile defense, but if he wants to break his armor then kill him in the same fight, he'll need to use a lot of energy which could make him get exhausted and maybe get hit by Shara's Kamehameha,which would hurt pretty bad.

    • @acidic_7
      @acidic_7 4 роки тому +1

      @@m-hellothere4167 where did you even get this information because I’m pretty sure that isn’t canon

    • @m-hellothere4167
      @m-hellothere4167 4 роки тому

      @@acidic_7 Which one?

  • @WeLoveAspect
    @WeLoveAspect 4 роки тому +27

    Alatreon to Shara:
    “Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!”
    Please make it happen! I wanna see if Alatreon can beat the Air blasts of death.

  • @noahgarcia2711
    @noahgarcia2711 4 роки тому +99

    Shara really made short work of Teo and Luna once he decided to go even halfway serious. They didn’t even get the chance to see Shara open his eyes... But this was a really cool fight. Please do Shara vs Alatreon cause I want to see if Shara can melt through Alatreon’s health pool and beat him. Also is this the special announcements you had planned for Sep 14-15 in your recent roadmap?

    • @Cap_The_Captain
      @Cap_The_Captain 4 роки тому +19

      If he has access to that spirit bomb attack it may be all over for Alatreon xD Alatreon is the false avatar, can bend everything except air and earth. Shara can teach him a thing or 2 about both

    • @Anonym_us27
      @Anonym_us27 4 роки тому +7

      @@Cap_The_Captain the problem here is, that on the last alatreon fight, we've seen that his judgment doesn't do any dmg... like lunastra here, shala didnt receive any dmg off of her fire aura, burning floor, etc.

    • @ruiribeiro8010
      @ruiribeiro8010 4 роки тому

      Alatreon is stronger than Shara overall. But its harder to flinch so maybe thats an advantage.

    • @noahgarcia2711
      @noahgarcia2711 4 роки тому +3

      Rui Riverz true, however Shara, from what I know, can do the highest DPS dealt to a monster in the game. Also I still haven’t seen how much damage his spirit bomb can do.

    • @Cap_The_Captain
      @Cap_The_Captain 4 роки тому +1

      @@Anonym_us27 don't you know? Trees are totally immune to fire, Australia and America fires are all lies 😉 Shara's got this

  • @GunlessSnake
    @GunlessSnake 4 роки тому +56

    After seeing Shara Ishvalda's epic showdown with Extreme Behemoth on the other main Monster fight channel, I've no doubt Shara Ishvalda is one of the strongest Monsters ever in terms of gameplay.

    • @justaguy115
      @justaguy115 4 роки тому +27

      As expected for the one supposedly said to have become the land. Its believed that shara is one of the five original dragons that created the world.

    • @unknowna8056
      @unknowna8056 4 роки тому +1

      @@justaguy115 where did you read that? Q.Q

    • @Cap_The_Captain
      @Cap_The_Captain 4 роки тому +10

      @@justaguy115 With Ragegaming most recent video about the Gaia dragon I commented saying that Shara is one of the 5 as his set bonus is 'Gaia's veil' and in future games we could see the other 4 with set bonuses called 'Gaia's *insert word here*'
      Someone else mentioned that he's probably the closest thing to omniscient than anything else in monster hunter with how he stares down the player. Perhaps another 1 of the 5 is omnipresent & another omnipotent! And the other 2 omniwhateverelseyoucancomeupwith 😁

    • @justaguy115
      @justaguy115 4 роки тому +14

      @@unknowna8056 if you visit the chamber of the five in Astera's gathing hub, you can read about the original five dragons. One line states something like, "one sank into the earth and became the land." This, paired with Shara's infamous 4th wall break as stated above, makes a compelling argument that he is in fact a godly monster. We can also look at the inspiration for his design. Shara Ishvalda is based on Hindu beliefs and designed to look like a Hindu god. I dont remember everthing about it but some of the beliefs are to rid yourself of earthly posessions and to search your soul for true enlightenment or something like that. These are represented by Shara shedding his rocky shell and by his staring at the hunters "soul"(in other words you)

    • @pigeonfowl474
      @pigeonfowl474 4 роки тому +6

      @@justaguy115 So basically Shara is basically a reverse black dragon? Instead of annihilating things she creates?

  • @judithgeorge8914
    @judithgeorge8914 4 роки тому +14

    Quest: Song of Scorching Earth
    Slay: Teostra, Lunastra and Shara'Ishalda
    Location: The Origin Isle
    Client: The Tracker

  • @sir_coma60
    @sir_coma60 4 роки тому +53

    Shara beam attacks are too scary... Even fire damage can't kill it

    • @Raiden_shogun9000
      @Raiden_shogun9000 4 роки тому

      Yes he is like a god

    • @stephenjohn2131
      @stephenjohn2131 4 роки тому +3

      Shara Ishvalda is weaker to ice ❄. Velkhana may put up a nice show with her tail stabs and AOE ice breath attacks.

    • @magpiebirb3433
      @magpiebirb3433 4 роки тому

      @@Raiden_shogun9000 pretty sure shara ishvalda is a female lol

    • @disu317
      @disu317 3 роки тому

      @@magpiebirb3433 does it even have a gender

    • @Zenomarinw_927
      @Zenomarinw_927 2 роки тому

      @@magpiebirb3433 shara is referred as an it so it dosent really have a gender in reality

  • @gamingowl5464
    @gamingowl5464 4 роки тому +9

    A great fight! The Monsters were all over each other, didn't waste any time and all of their moves hit their marks. I loved how the odds changed for Shara after it got bullied in the first round.

  • @spt452
    @spt452 4 роки тому +16


  • @ayyvian5488
    @ayyvian5488 4 роки тому +10

    Teo and Luna: Any last words?
    Shara: NO U

  • @VPT2
    @VPT2 4 роки тому +39

    HOLY SHIT!!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!! Shara's fingers of death are hyper powerful.

  • @westonhudiburgh5786
    @westonhudiburgh5786 4 роки тому +14

    I did NOT expect Lunastra to die first lol

  • @Arkyuu
    @Arkyuu 4 роки тому +23

    I would legit play a Monster Hunter based fighting game where we play as monsters and just devour each other and use cool abilities. :D

    • @toaster83
      @toaster83 4 роки тому

      RQ lol kid say the developers were the only ones allowed to use zenith white fatalis

    • @MissingScrew27
      @MissingScrew27 3 роки тому +1

      thats monster hunter stories kinda

  • @よっしー-y6i3p
    @よっしー-y6i3p 4 роки тому +30


  • @mystere4838
    @mystere4838 4 роки тому +11

    I gotta say it again.That was a hell of a turf war. Thought the Royal pair had the edge but when the shell came off, the Shara made them bow.

    • @fluff6811
      @fluff6811 3 роки тому

      Well kinda. Shara more so filled them with air and popped them like a balloon

  • @5000Rox
    @5000Rox 4 роки тому +7

    I remember when I tried to block the big laser of Shara...... I had all the tank stuff. And you get hit so many times in a single laser that you loose a ton of hp and then run out of stamina and take the big hit at the end. No invulnerability frames allowed Shara to quickly kill with his attacks.

  • @christreanor1948
    @christreanor1948 4 роки тому +10

    Shara’s wind power is absolutely insane. His attacks tear them apart they hit so many times.
    He tore up Behemoth too! I don’t remember if it was this channel or not but there was a Shara vs Behemoth fight and Shara tore Behemoth up in second phase

    • @alvin7642
      @alvin7642 4 роки тому

      It's on another channel but yes Shara won
      Ngl im surprised
      Now i wonder who would win in Shara vs A. Leshen

  • @jcie3424
    @jcie3424 4 роки тому +15

    Thank you for this. Shara ishvalda had been sleep on by dozens of people.. because ruiner beat the crap out of him at the end.. but tbh Shara ishvalda is probably the monster that has shown the most destructive capabilities up until now.. Sure Alatreon's escaton judgment is devastating, Sure Safi'jiiva's emperor star obliterates anyone that took a hit but Shara is the only one out there shown actually destroying the entire island throughout the fight..

    • @MonsterSlayerSquad
      @MonsterSlayerSquad  4 роки тому +5

      @Jcie this just shows that Shara ishvalda is no push over, i really think in these fights Shara could take on just about any monster

    • @crossfire4691
      @crossfire4691 4 роки тому

      Wasn't alatreon burning and freezing Safi's nest while fighting us

    • @hippityhoppitygetoffmyprop1000
      @hippityhoppitygetoffmyprop1000 4 роки тому

      Safi and alatreon would obliterate that island way faster tbh

    • @spinomania1921
      @spinomania1921 4 роки тому

      @@hippityhoppitygetoffmyprop1000 Does ala even have a way to easily and quickly vaporise rock and earth?

    • @hippityhoppitygetoffmyprop1000
      @hippityhoppitygetoffmyprop1000 4 роки тому +1

      @@spinomania1921 idk ask him

  • @511daiwa
    @511daiwa 4 роки тому +22


  • @ehoraida5900
    @ehoraida5900 4 роки тому +5

    3:44 in this part we see how Lunastra and Teostra could fit in Shara's Gigantic Wing-Hands. In other words,he could crush the duo with ease

  • @Enneamorph
    @Enneamorph 4 роки тому +6

    8:59 _It would appear Shara’s had enough of the kitty-kitty bullshit_

  • @caceres-olazo2951
    @caceres-olazo2951 4 роки тому +2

    Lunastra and Teostra:We are the rulers of the flames, masters of fire
    Shara: *Laughs in tick damage*

  • @VPT2
    @VPT2 4 роки тому +31

    We need Shara vs Ruiner now, I need to see this, cutscene be damned.

    • @GunlessSnake
      @GunlessSnake 4 роки тому +12

      Oh yeah! We gotta see if Ruiner Nergigante actually could've taken it down or not! Though gameplay-wise, Shara Ishvalda will be VERY hard to beat because of its sheer DPS.

    • @VPT2
      @VPT2 4 роки тому +4

      @@GunlessSnake Oh yeah. It was really cool to see Shara go "I time for me to use my full strength" and just flat out turn the fight completely around into a near one-sideded beatdown.

    • @bacula8424
      @bacula8424 4 роки тому +3

      I think in the game, shara might even kill alatreon, that dps and flinch are terrifying gameplay wise

    • @evanzebrowski7213
      @evanzebrowski7213 4 роки тому +2

      Shara vs Velkana would also be pretty damn good

    • @VPT2
      @VPT2 4 роки тому +1

      @@bacula8424 I'm not even sure if Alatreon could function in this arena AI wise.

  • @everrunic8375
    @everrunic8375 4 роки тому +7

    Awesome vid! Would love to see shara ishvalda vs rajang, deviljho, and bazelgeus

    • @beaneatingoni1353
      @beaneatingoni1353 4 роки тому +1

      Bazelgeuse is also a beast.
      I want to the fight between Shara and Bazelgeuse.

  • @ByllionBucks
    @ByllionBucks 4 роки тому +12

    Sheds rock skin*
    So, you chosen death

  • @rodjira1624
    @rodjira1624 4 роки тому +9

    Teostra: give up your no match for our power
    Lunastra: HA we're not even using 50% of our power
    Shara: hmmm seems it's time to get serious but first let me remove my weighted clothes
    T & L: NUNI

    • @renzolockhart
      @renzolockhart 4 роки тому +2

      Lol Fr Shara's blast is definitely the DBZ level. Even my friends & I call it Final Flash.

    • @Shiftinggers
      @Shiftinggers 4 роки тому +2

      @@renzolockhart Ironically Shara didn't even got to use the Spirit Bomb on these chumps

  • @evanzebrowski7213
    @evanzebrowski7213 4 роки тому +5

    That was fucking awesone! Please keep doing more of these videos!!!!You guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!
    And idea which I'm sure u guys have had
    Something with Luna and Teo again fighting Alateron

    • @evanzebrowski7213
      @evanzebrowski7213 4 роки тому +1

      Or hell Share vs Alatreon
      I just wanna see more elders fight lol

  • @T-ZillaSaur
    @T-ZillaSaur 4 роки тому +6

    Alatreon: You have my attention

  • @doczoid-
    @doczoid- 4 роки тому +10

    This was a pretty exciting one!
    Shara vs Ruiner Nerg or Safi would be cool

    • @doczoid-
      @doczoid- 4 роки тому +1

      @Noob In the name yeah. Would be a nerfed Safi. That wind does insane damage though

  • @latrodectusmactans7592
    @latrodectusmactans7592 4 роки тому +4

    "2 on 1 doesn't seem that fair."
    *Sees the damage the air lasers do*
    "Never mind."

  • @tyrantking2322
    @tyrantking2322 4 роки тому +3

    Talk about beating two elder dragons with a blindfold. Shara never even opened its eyes to see them

  • @SyatiIruka
    @SyatiIruka 4 роки тому +7


  • @consumerjtc5835
    @consumerjtc5835 4 роки тому +6

    Now I want to see Shara pitted with Ruiner outside of cutscene.

  • @pctwood65
    @pctwood65 4 роки тому +6

    Shara: “I can do this with my eyes closed!”

  • @ブルブル-k7r
    @ブルブル-k7r 4 роки тому +19


  • @nazono426
    @nazono426 4 роки тому +8

    最後 2匹が横たわる風景が 悲しすぎる、、、w

  • @kino2016
    @kino2016 4 роки тому +5

    This was the most epic fight, plus the 12:40 double explosions was awsome

    • @Dres2000
      @Dres2000 3 роки тому

      Teo: This isn’t Working? Luna! Your know what to do!
      Luna: Way ahead of you hone!!

  • @connorryan2715
    @connorryan2715 4 роки тому +2

    One very interesting aspect about the fight was that the fire dragons could be very easily multi hit by Sharas air attacks but Shara took no chip damage form Lunas fire puddles. Once that rock form was shed it was over. Shara’s Death Star bean could hit for somewhere around 1 percent a second

  • @acezillaanims1655
    @acezillaanims1655 3 роки тому +1

    I loved watching 2 cats trying to break 1 big rock

  • @KDohSteel
    @KDohSteel 4 роки тому +3

    7:53 that's one the cooler "shots" of the whole thing. Almost thumbnail worthy lol

  • @amarrion387
    @amarrion387 4 роки тому +5

    Top 10 Most epic anime battles, btw good video.

  • @evangelistarichhanz2763
    @evangelistarichhanz2763 3 роки тому +1

    Don't mind me just leaving my favorite part

  • @zimablue3166
    @zimablue3166 4 роки тому +1

    Very good video, i like the count system at the end

  • @kamiboi6062
    @kamiboi6062 4 роки тому +5

    This is probably my favorite so far. Now i NEED Shara vs the top dogs, Safi and or Alatreon

    • @GunlessSnake
      @GunlessSnake 4 роки тому +1

      Better add Fatalis there, because his DPS potential is INSANE and may be the only thing that can rival Shara Ishvalda.

  • @TheBlackParade665
    @TheBlackParade665 4 роки тому +2

    Shara Ishvalda: Pfft! I can do this with my eyes closed.

  • @darkyboi6797
    @darkyboi6797 4 роки тому +15

    No one
    Not a single soul
    The person in the middle of the fight: this is fine

  • @BlackM0ngoose
    @BlackM0ngoose 4 роки тому +2

    The moment Shara hit near 60 percent of it's health, I already knew there was about to be some melting happening.

  • @Sxpc1
    @Sxpc1 3 роки тому +1

    Wait how are you doing this like how did you get the lion couple to get into the fight of the rock demon

  • @clawsandteeth7846
    @clawsandteeth7846 4 роки тому

    For some reason I find it kind of cute that the monsters were just sorta peacefully hanging out together before the player entered the arena since their AI could only recognize the player as a target.

  • @obambagaming1467
    @obambagaming1467 4 роки тому

    Lunastra and Teostra: "This is our ultimate attack!"
    Shara Ishvalda: "This tickled a bit."

  • @Mamotherium
    @Mamotherium 4 роки тому +7

    I want Shara to fight Ruiner Nergi
    Rematch, lets see who will win the fight starting with each monster having full health
    My bets are on shara

  • @christreanor1948
    @christreanor1948 4 роки тому +1

    Oh my gosh that Lunastra tail causing the knockdown at 4:33 is my exact hunting experience with her

  • @nahuelkid
    @nahuelkid 4 роки тому +1

    Shara not opening his eyes its the biggest flex here. Has that "Hmph, you didnt even make me use 10% of my power"

  • @bobdabanana
    @bobdabanana 4 роки тому +8

    Just an idea for when fatalis comes out. Fatalis vs alatreon

    • @crossfire4691
      @crossfire4691 4 роки тому


    • @crossfire4691
      @crossfire4691 4 роки тому

      @Andrew Crowley nah he new world already got destroyed when alatreon fought safi

  • @effteekay5617
    @effteekay5617 4 роки тому +4

    Shara Ishvalda vs Safi’jiva
    Maybe try doing infinite stamina too and clutch claw the head of shara and just stay there like a laser to indoraptor

  • @Squiggles01
    @Squiggles01 Рік тому

    Shara: That's it... Rocks are coming off!! Playtime's over Kitties!!

  • @akiashohid
    @akiashohid 4 роки тому +9

    Seeing them all like this, Shara doesn't look that big any more 😲

    • @WisdomAkpan211
      @WisdomAkpan211 4 роки тому +3

      Shara is definitely larger. Dont know what you guys are talking about. Sure, velkhana and glavenus, for example, get longer but shara is just larger. Velkhana's length btw is greatly boosted cause of its obnoxious spear at the end of its tail

    • @consumerjtc5835
      @consumerjtc5835 4 роки тому +1

      Shara seems pretty big to me, like slightly bigger than the standard ED size.
      Is that length including their tail and neck length?

    • @WisdomAkpan211
      @WisdomAkpan211 4 роки тому +2

      @@tankhonghong706 it's as if you completely ignored what I said. I'm saying that shara is larger than velkhana despite it not being as long. Velkhana's largest size has smaller body proportions than shara. The size that mh represents for their monsters are their length i.e from their heads to the tip of their tails, completely ignoring the height and overall size (the combination of the two) altogether. Velkhana's body frame is actually a lot smaller than you think, because its length is boosted by its obnoxious spear tip tail. It fits into the frame of the largest vaal hazak at ~2600cm, but because of its ridiculously long tail it's at 3200cm, but shara is larger than vaal see my point. Hopefully this explains things xD

    • @WisdomAkpan211
      @WisdomAkpan211 4 роки тому

      @@tankhonghong706 No problem. At least you know the difference now. Length of the monsters dont tell the full story. Cheers!

  • @sneakygroot
    @sneakygroot 4 роки тому +1

    8:00 is definitely one of my favorite parts

  • @ryanhart7909
    @ryanhart7909 4 роки тому +1

    This guy comes up with the best thumbnails

  • @銀だこ-s3e
    @銀だこ-s3e 4 роки тому +10


  • @crossfire4691
    @crossfire4691 4 роки тому +2

    14:02 damn it looks like shara took some lessons from frieza

  • @acidic_7
    @acidic_7 4 роки тому +3

    You should try to see what happens when you put a monster with raging Brachydios in his final stage

  • @theycallmemooman1462
    @theycallmemooman1462 4 роки тому +2

    Let’s be honest here, everyone who clicked on this video is just here to see Shara destroying both Lunasta and Teostra.

  • @paucruz7228
    @paucruz7228 4 роки тому +2

    Wow this is amazing!

  • @Minleyx1
    @Minleyx1 3 роки тому

    Luna & Teostra: "Ha! This rock monster is no match for us!"
    (Rock armor comes off)
    Teostra's ghost: "What went wrong?"
    Luna's ghost: (Shrugs)

  • @fluff6811
    @fluff6811 3 роки тому +1

    This was literally Rock Lee vs Ghara. Takes off the weights and becomes unstoppable

  • @ラルド-u1k
    @ラルド-u1k 4 роки тому +25


    • @e75u666
      @e75u666 4 роки тому +3


    • @セイキングクリムゾン-n1e
      @セイキングクリムゾン-n1e 4 роки тому


    • @user-qr8tg2nm2p
      @user-qr8tg2nm2p 4 роки тому +1

      @@セイキングクリムゾン-n1e 不動着るとまずいことになるもんね笑

  • @Gojirahkiin
    @Gojirahkiin 4 роки тому +1

    I just found this video and thought the bonding explosion might help a little bit, but it was ultimately just Lunastra and Teostra telling each other how much they love each other before both dying.

  • @mystere4838
    @mystere4838 4 роки тому +1

    THIS IS INSANE! Keep it up squad!

  • @appleflash8767
    @appleflash8767 4 роки тому +7


  • @jaydenwaite6560
    @jaydenwaite6560 4 роки тому +8

    You should do Furious Rajang vs Critical Brachydios 👀

    • @matteolizzio
      @matteolizzio 4 роки тому

      You mean Raging when he reach the final stage right?

    • @jaydenwaite6560
      @jaydenwaite6560 4 роки тому

      Ciccio Sky I call him Critical Brachydios
      It’s what me and a few others have always called him and it’s a far better name -w-

    • @matteolizzio
      @matteolizzio 4 роки тому

      @@jaydenwaite6560 That's cool and all but Raging Brachydios is stronger when in his normal state, considering that his opponent is furious rajang he should be full power

  • @hypogreen6475
    @hypogreen6475 4 роки тому +1

    Love your videos

  • @elitearbitergaming3593
    @elitearbitergaming3593 4 роки тому +6

    3 way fight between Shara, Safi, and Kulve

    • @Cap_The_Captain
      @Cap_The_Captain 4 роки тому +1

      Which mantle will break first? 🤔 mantle of stone or mantle of gold

  • @johnchenthebest4495
    @johnchenthebest4495 3 роки тому

    Everyone gangsta till the rapping dragon uses air bending

  • @ZFR-Nhyx
    @ZFR-Nhyx 3 роки тому

    How do you organize a fight between several monsters

  • @aprettyfunnyperson4516
    @aprettyfunnyperson4516 4 роки тому +1

    10:58 that slap tho

  • @gabgalla7403
    @gabgalla7403 4 роки тому +1

    Ok, so I’m not one to forcibly force suggestions, but here are some of my suggestions for a next Turf War:
    Shara Ishvalda vs Ruiner Nergigante (a rematch)
    Ancient Leshen vs (Extreme) Behemoth
    Ancient Leshen vs Blackveil Vaal Hazak
    Savage Deviljho vs Raging Brachidyos
    Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos vs Teostra and Lunastra

  • @al3onx934
    @al3onx934 3 роки тому +2

    Bruh Shara’s multi-hits attacks are so op against other monsters since they don’t get knocked into the air like hunters do
    Also I do think even in lore Shara would have no problem destroying most elder dragons

  • @七味魍魎
    @七味魍魎 4 роки тому +10


    • @user-qr8tg2nm2p
      @user-qr8tg2nm2p 4 роки тому


  • @Raiden_shogun9000
    @Raiden_shogun9000 4 роки тому +1

    Imagine teostra and Lunastra at 5:27 will look like in reality

  • @maliquesmith2311
    @maliquesmith2311 4 роки тому +6

    Savage deviljho vs alatron

  • @RedBrannerBot4k
    @RedBrannerBot4k 4 роки тому

    Meanwhile in astrea: why am I hearing explosions and loud noises over there?

  • @Peter_mikaelson
    @Peter_mikaelson 2 роки тому +1

    How the hell do you do this

  • @ButcherCake6969
    @ButcherCake6969 3 роки тому

    Why you don't use the camouflage cape?
    Isn't that better for enemy's won't get triggered and start attacking you?

  • @tickingfoox2366
    @tickingfoox2366 4 роки тому

    14:27 Shara Ishvalda: Say your last words, Kitty!
    Teostra: HELP MEEEE!!
    *Teostra Died*

  • @FLYSKY1
    @FLYSKY1 4 роки тому +1

    First i thought Lunastra and Toaster could really do it but after Shara have dropped all rocks he just toasted everyone with his beams. Great fight, maybe we see Shara with some other elders too? Or vs. a tempered seething bazelgeuse? Or even vs Alatreon, that would be funny.