He created the heavens without pillars that you see, and He placed stabilizers on earth lest it shakes with you, and He scattered throughout it every kind of creature. And We sent down water from the sky, and We caused every noble pair to grow therein. This is Allah’s creation. Now show me what those besides Him created. In fact, the unjust are clearly lost. Qur’an 31:10-11
Thanks for all the neat shots of flies.
He created the heavens without pillars that you see, and He placed stabilizers on earth lest it shakes with you, and He scattered throughout it every kind of creature. And We sent down water from the sky, and We caused every noble pair to grow therein.
This is Allah’s creation. Now show me what those besides Him created. In fact, the unjust are clearly lost.
Qur’an 31:10-11
What type of camera did you use to film these?
Uh....you might want to change your title. Very misleading.