Agree. Speaking a hairdresser - he hasn’t got the head shape, doesn’t flatter him at all. Whoever blended his sides also hasn’t done the best job - mate change your hairstyle honestly.
Hey man! Love the product review, I’m looking at going for a similar hair style as yours, would you mind sharpening you hair length? I’m growing mine out. Also thanks for that tip for curly wavy hair. My hair is super wavy
thanks for the reply fella, got the exact same hair type as you and i'm stuck between shaving it all off or trying a relaxer. I just thought it didn't work maybe
Yea the price of the product is reasonable however the Shipping cost is bleedin high. $12.95 😒. To me it's only worth buying if you are from the US everywhere else it's a bit much to be paying.
damnn Jake killin it with that slickback!
BluMaan Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thanks bro see to soon
You use blumaan that why joe support you.its like hypocrite.
souce moi united for life ek so lekip soucer gogot You couldn’t be more correct. Bullshit bias review
This hairstyle does not suit you
Fuck these guys it looks good on you bud!
Agree. Speaking a hairdresser - he hasn’t got the head shape, doesn’t flatter him at all. Whoever blended his sides also hasn’t done the best job - mate change your hairstyle honestly.
That fade not blur
souce moi united for life ek so lekip soucer gogot a side part or pompadour would look way better and has more volume
have you got your keratin treatment again? recommend?
Hey man! Love the product review, I’m looking at going for a similar hair style as yours, would you mind sharpening you hair length? I’m growing mine out. Also thanks for that tip for curly wavy hair. My hair is super wavy
What brush are you using and would you say this product is better than Hanz De Fuko quicksand? Thanks
EHazardGaming just a standard brush
Jake Daniels and is it better than quicksand?
do you not get the Brazilian blowout anymore mate? is it worth getting?
I've never actually got the Brazilian, ive only just spoke about it, glad I got the chemical relaxer treatment though!
thanks for the reply fella, got the exact same hair type as you and i'm stuck between shaving it all off or trying a relaxer. I just thought it didn't work maybe
You must do some review on hats and helmet no on hair product
You just need a peaky blinders outfit to play the part haha. Looks great.
How can I buy it bro..
Army lover go to
Recently the Blumaan products have been very killer.
Brian Kop all have been quality for different hair types
Slick back is nice, but it does not compliment your face
Holy, u still the Smooth version. Wow
Good slick back son
Khrev thank you
of course my dude :D
Love joe actually. Think he’s great. But does he send the rest of you guys kneepads as well as his products?
Mayur Patel love this comment
Sorry but unless it's intended, that's a bad fade.
firefreezy it’s intended I asked him to do it
What do you think of long hair on guys
In the begining this Monday hair be looking like Kim Jong un
how long does it last for .?
Shubham Ghodgaonkar how long does what last for
Didn’t mention the hold
Your video leteast and greatest
This product is not to get a sleek back... I think if you try to get a little bit of volume on the front it would look better on you 👌
Does smell of it irritate your eyes or am I tripping ?
My growth is very fast I want to stop fast hair growth
just £19.50
so what is it? wax...clay... something else? 😐 sorry, don't know the difference.
Fayeaz Ahmed Rhythm I’m pretty sure it’s a paste
just £19.50
justin bieberlake great price in the market for a product as good as this
Yea the price of the product is reasonable however the Shipping cost is bleedin high. $12.95 😒. To me it's only worth buying if you are from the US everywhere else it's a bit much to be paying.