BluMaan Monarch Matte Paste HONEST Review - Slick Back Hairstyle 2025

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @joeisblu
    @joeisblu 6 років тому +72

    damnn Jake killin it with that slickback!

  • @soucemoiunitedforlifeeksol9570
    @soucemoiunitedforlifeeksol9570 6 років тому +51

    This hairstyle does not suit you

    • @markjordan7800
      @markjordan7800 6 років тому +3


    • @nickcove7355
      @nickcove7355 6 років тому +3

      Fuck these guys it looks good on you bud!

    • @slaveofthealmighty
      @slaveofthealmighty 6 років тому +5

      Agree. Speaking a hairdresser - he hasn’t got the head shape, doesn’t flatter him at all. Whoever blended his sides also hasn’t done the best job - mate change your hairstyle honestly.

    • @liew2159
      @liew2159 6 років тому +2

      That fade not blur

    • @Julio-qk6wg
      @Julio-qk6wg 6 років тому +1

      souce moi united for life ek so lekip soucer gogot a side part or pompadour would look way better and has more volume

  • @kbdesilva
    @kbdesilva 6 років тому +1

    have you got your keratin treatment again? recommend?

  • @dawsonthecreative
    @dawsonthecreative 6 років тому +1

    Hey man! Love the product review, I’m looking at going for a similar hair style as yours, would you mind sharpening you hair length? I’m growing mine out. Also thanks for that tip for curly wavy hair. My hair is super wavy

  • @TheFootyCoach351
    @TheFootyCoach351 6 років тому +1

    What brush are you using and would you say this product is better than Hanz De Fuko quicksand? Thanks

  • @prettyboymchugh77
    @prettyboymchugh77 6 років тому

    do you not get the Brazilian blowout anymore mate? is it worth getting?

    • @JakeDanielsWorld
      @JakeDanielsWorld  6 років тому

      I've never actually got the Brazilian, ive only just spoke about it, glad I got the chemical relaxer treatment though!

    • @prettyboymchugh77
      @prettyboymchugh77 6 років тому

      thanks for the reply fella, got the exact same hair type as you and i'm stuck between shaving it all off or trying a relaxer. I just thought it didn't work maybe

  • @soucemoiunitedforlifeeksol9570
    @soucemoiunitedforlifeeksol9570 6 років тому +1

    You must do some review on hats and helmet no on hair product

  • @nickcove7355
    @nickcove7355 6 років тому +1

    You just need a peaky blinders outfit to play the part haha. Looks great.

  • @Chill_pill_shorts
    @Chill_pill_shorts 6 років тому +1

    How can I buy it bro..

    • @phantommoo0
      @phantommoo0 6 років тому +1

      Army lover go to

  • @MhmdHack
    @MhmdHack 6 років тому


  • @bkopgamer
    @bkopgamer 6 років тому +9

    Recently the Blumaan products have been very killer.

    • @JakeDanielsWorld
      @JakeDanielsWorld  6 років тому

      Brian Kop all have been quality for different hair types

  • @nokiakapitonas
    @nokiakapitonas 6 років тому +9

    Slick back is nice, but it does not compliment your face

  • @ducngyentri6622
    @ducngyentri6622 6 років тому +1

    Holy, u still the Smooth version. Wow

  • @Khrev
    @Khrev 6 років тому +5

    Good slick back son

  • @MayurUPatel
    @MayurUPatel 6 років тому +5

    Love joe actually. Think he’s great. But does he send the rest of you guys kneepads as well as his products?

    • @zach3955
      @zach3955 4 роки тому

      Mayur Patel love this comment

  • @FireFreezY
    @FireFreezY 6 років тому +12

    Sorry but unless it's intended, that's a bad fade.

    • @JakeDanielsWorld
      @JakeDanielsWorld  6 років тому +3

      firefreezy it’s intended I asked him to do it

  • @simonmaskell9431
    @simonmaskell9431 6 років тому

    What do you think of long hair on guys

  • @zulabadral9411
    @zulabadral9411 6 років тому +2

    In the begining this Monday hair be looking like Kim Jong un

  • @shubhamghodgaonkar7333
    @shubhamghodgaonkar7333 6 років тому +1

    how long does it last for .?

  • @zachkissinger1548
    @zachkissinger1548 6 років тому +1

    Didn’t mention the hold

  • @farazfatmi2509
    @farazfatmi2509 6 років тому +4


  • @abhisekbouri7590
    @abhisekbouri7590 6 років тому

    Your video leteast and greatest

  • @christiaaanC7
    @christiaaanC7 5 років тому

    This product is not to get a sleek back... I think if you try to get a little bit of volume on the front it would look better on you 👌

  • @parhus868
    @parhus868 2 місяці тому

    Does smell of it irritate your eyes or am I tripping ?

  • @harshheera7455
    @harshheera7455 6 років тому

    My growth is very fast I want to stop fast hair growth

  • @juliodomingues8735
    @juliodomingues8735 6 років тому +1


  • @UClPzboBcvuDhAERoig
    @UClPzboBcvuDhAERoig 6 років тому

    just £19.50

  • @εασ-χ1ψ
    @εασ-χ1ψ 6 років тому


  • @fayeazahmedrhythm7460
    @fayeazahmedrhythm7460 6 років тому

    so what is it? wax...clay... something else? 😐 sorry, don't know the difference.

    • @kylereese5021
      @kylereese5021 6 років тому

      Fayeaz Ahmed Rhythm I’m pretty sure it’s a paste

  • @UClPzboBcvuDhAERoig
    @UClPzboBcvuDhAERoig 6 років тому +3

    just £19.50

    • @JakeDanielsWorld
      @JakeDanielsWorld  6 років тому

      justin bieberlake great price in the market for a product as good as this

    • @TipsForHim
      @TipsForHim 6 років тому

      Yea the price of the product is reasonable however the Shipping cost is bleedin high. $12.95 😒. To me it's only worth buying if you are from the US everywhere else it's a bit much to be paying.