Please add my mom in your duwaa, hja sabrina. She died two days ago. On her death bed, she had uttered the shahada many times until she had her last breath. She look up on the ceiling left, then right with a smile then died peacefully. May she be one of jannah’s inhabitants. Ameen.
@@zarahuq8923 both are great but is depending on what moment in general ayat Al Kursi is the most important ayat in all q that's not mean that is worst than another but after praying is better at Al Kursi and before sleep i read both
@@zarahuq8923 according to many scholars they said it is the best sura of the quran.. but that doesn't mean another verse are not good they are all the same in eyes of Allah
@@zarahuq8923 there's hadist said that reading ayatul qursi after every prayer will make the distance between u and heaven is just death. While reading al mulk every night will save u from test in grave.
Peace be upon you, Islamic Guidance I converted to Islam when I watch your videos, it helps me a lot to practice Islam, what tires me are those around me, my parents hurt me, my friends laugh at me , etc.
Asalamu alaykum. Alhamdulillah, I'm happy for you. Don't worry, shaytan is a loser! Bear patience, be steadfast and trust Allah SWT. Allah SWT is the best of Planners 🤗
May Allah guide them. And welcome to the true way of life Islam. Nobody will be laughing when you are promised paradise on that day. I ask Allah to keep you steadfast and guide your friends and family. Aaameen
My mother passed away this Ramadan 2021 and my father in 2009 Ramadan. May Allah swt bless them a place in jannah and every Muslim in this life and the ones that have passed away. 😢.
Let's share rewards: 1) SubhanAllah 2) Alhamdulillah 3) La ilaha illaallah 4) Allahu Akbar 5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi 6) SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi SubhanAllahil azeem. it's only going to take a few seconds! Please recite!
O Allah, forgive my father (Noor Rehman) and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it.
How become a better Muslim 🕋🤲🏽 1) When you are with your friends mind your tongue 2) When you've been blessed by Allah, control your ego. 3) When you are alone always remember to control your thoughts. 4) When you are angry make sure to stop and control your temper. 5) When you are in a group remain calm and control your behaviour. 6) Even when you are surrounded by wrong stay on the truth. Stay blessed 💖
does a lot of doua for me because thanks to allah there is 1 of my little brothers who wants to convert to islam what scares my little brother the most is the test that allah is going to make him do
Allah's mercy is beyond what i and you can comprehend. Don't let the shaytan trick you into thinking that allah can't possibly forgive you. As you and i, our sins are nothing compared to allah's love for us. And his will to forgive. May allah make you honourable in his eyes. My sister and brother. Peace
Before you go to sleep, ~ Wudhu ~ Dust bedding ~ Al-Mulk ~ Ayat Al-Kursi ~ Dhikr ~ Set Alarm ~ Shahada ~ Sleeping duaa ~ Right side ~ Hand under cheek ~ Clean heart ~ Forgive and forget
Please make du’a for my mum, she passed away last week peacefully in hospital. 💔😢💔😢 May Allah (swt) make my Mum’s & all believers final abode janat al firdous aameen 🤲
Subhanallah Wallhi adeem I often remember death more then enjoying anything especially at this taught times no one is promised to witness the next hour leave tomorrow later May Allah swt grant us good endings And make us steadfast in our dunya and in our grave ya rabb Brothers and sisters pls pray for me as the the Dua of a brother for his brother/sister in absence is accepted 😭🤲🏻😔
My father Basim Muhandis. Passed last week in front me. We was always together. He was a man I have never and will never meet in this life. The most beautiful caring soul. Please member pray for my Baba.
"should I go left where nothing is right or left where nothing is right" - Itachi Uchiha Itachis words hit so much different, especially in the haram world we live in today 😔
My father just passed away tonight. Please pray for him. Allah yirhamik Baba (Ghazi Abdallah Al-Meshaan). I pray for his soul to rest in everlasting Peace inshallah 🤍 I have never met a more Kind Hearted man than my father. Please pray for his soul inshallah ❣️🤲🏼❣️
Take a moment to just say: Astaghfirullah Subhanallah Alhamdulillah La ilaha illallah Allahu Akbar Subhanallah wabi hamdi Subhanallahil azim Ya muqalib al Qulub, thabit qalbi ‘ala deenik
1) Subhan'Allah 2) Alhamdulillah 3) La ilaha illaallah 4) Allahu Akbar 5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi 6) SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi SubhanAllahil azeem. it s only going to take a few seconds! Please recite! and share as well!( Sadaqah Jariya) Have a nice day Everyone.
Wallahi brothers and sisters we have all done bad but please do not be disheartened turn back to Allah as he will never turn his back on you. Inshallah I pray that we can find it in our hearts to change for the better 🤲🏽😔
8 ways earn even good deeds Even after your death. 1. Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Every time they read from it, you gain. 2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain. 3. Teach someone to recite a Dua. 4. Sharing islimic content. 5. Participate in building a Mosque. 6. Place a water cooler/ well in a public place. 7. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it. 8. And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even if one person applies any of the above, you gain. Also copy & share with others😊
Subhanallah this is so powerful and makes cry alot for not knowing where our final destination will be.Are we going to be the successful ones or not 😭😭😭😭 ya allah grant us jannatul firdausal aclaa for your mercy and forgive all of our sins😭😭brothers and sisters let’s not be deceived in this worldly life.
23. Reward for Reciting each letter of Holy Qur’an. It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ud (Ra) said: The Prophet (SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter, rather Alif is a letter, laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.” [Al-Tirmidhi, 2910]
Mashallah Tabarak Al-Rahman . I make duaa that we all see the face of our lord the most Merciful . And that we enter Jannat al Ferdous and were protected from Jahannam and the punishments' of the dunia and the Akira. Allahuma Ameen !!!
May allah forgive everyone’s major and minor sins and make them into good deeds, and may we all in sha allah by Allahs mercy enter Jannah al Firdaous Ameen❤️
I have an earnest question: I was born and raised Catholic, I became a born again Protestant 3 years ago and was baptized, but I reverted and took my shahada 4 months ago, having come to the Qu’ran by Allah’s divine revelation through the Injil. I am learning the ayahs, pray 5 times a day, fast Ramadan (and fasted regularly as led by the ruh Al-qudus (Holy Spirit) even before accepting the deen of Islam), and give sadakat for the sake of Allah. I believe in the angels, and the sovereignty of my Lord. My Rabb is Allah, the One and Only God, I am a Muslim (ie a believer), but the man that was sent to me, my prophet, if I am completely honest is Isa AS. Do I belong to the ummah and what would Islam say about this? I simply don’t yet know Mohammed SAW like I know Jesus PBUH. May Allah have mercy on me on that day.
Do not forget about the grave and Islam my Brothers and Sisters! And If you read this, please pray for me and I pray that Allah (SWT) takes care of all of us. Ameen.
سبحان اللهم وبحمده سبحان الله العلي العظيم Subhan Allah wa bihamdih Subhan Allah Al-Alei Al-Adheem wa Astaghfiru Allah wa atub ilaih استغفر الله واتوب اليه❤️🤲❤️✨
et's share rewards: 1) SubhanAllah 2) Alhamdulillah 3) La ilaha illaallah 4) Allahu Akbar 5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi 6) SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi SubhanAllahil azeem. it's only going to take a few seconds! Please recite
Subhan 'Allah Alhumdulilah Wa li ilahaillilah Wa Allah O Akbar peace and blessings of Allah Swt be upon all the prophets messengers and the Muslim Ummah Ameen yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️ Yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️ save me and my family and the Muslim Ummah from the punishment of the grave and the hellfire Ameen yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️♥️☝️♥️☝️♥️☝️♥️☝️
Ya sheikh may Allah bless you here and there, and for us may the Almighty Allah guide us into the right way if Allah, and may Allah drive our parents died to Janaha insha Allah
Ya Allah ﷻ forgive my parents for their shortcomings and make them among the Shuhadah and saleheen and enter them into your jannah and guide me to the path which pleases you give me the death of a Momin inshAllah
Subhan Allah Alhumdulillah Wa li ilahaililah Wa Allah Hu Akbar ☝️♥️ Peace and blessings of Allah swt be upon all the prophets messangers companions ra and the Sunni Muslim ummah ameen yah rabbul Aalameen ♥️ Alhumdulillah ♥️ a beautiful teaching of the religion of peace Alhumdulillah ♥️ Yah rabbul Aalameen guide the Muslim ummah on the straight path ♥️ Ameen yah rabbul Aalameen ♥️
The belief that Allah, ta^ala, exists without a place is the creed of the Messenger of Allah, the Companions, and those who graciously followed them, and it shall so be until the Day of Judgment. The proof of this precious statement is what Allah said in the Qur’an, in Surat ash-Shura, ayah 11: "There is absolutely nothing like Allah whatsoever, and He has the attributes of Hearing and Seeing." This ayah absolutely clears Allah of resembling the creations. It comprises that Allah, ta^ala, is absolutely different from the creations in the Self, Attributes, and Actions. Whatever exists in a place is by nature composed of particles and it is a body which occupies space and Allah is clear from such attributes. Allah existed without a beginning, i.e., before creating any of the creation. There was nothing with Allah: no place, no space, no sky, no Earth, no light, and no darkness. It is determined in the rules of the Religion and the judgments of the sound mind that Allah, the Exalted, does not change. Hence, it is impossible that after having been existing without a place, Allah will change and dwell in a place God is not in need of any of his creations e.g place, direction ... (Al-Ghaniyy and As-Samad) Abu Ja`far At-Tahawi,who is among the heads of Salaf said: “God is clear of all boundaries, extremes, sides, organs. The six directions do not contain God as is the case with all the created things.” God is not in everywhere, for “every-where” (or every place) is created by God, and God does not need any of his creations. Surat Taha, ayah 5, in the Qur’an “Ar-RaHmanu alal-Arsh-istawa” clearly does not mean that Allah sits on the throne or that Allah is firmly established on the throne. In the Arabic language, the word istawa has fifteen (15) different meanings, among of which are to sit, to subjugate, to protect, to conquer, and to preserve. Based on what we have covered so far it is clear that it is blasphemous to apply the meaning ‘to sit’ to Allah. However the terms to preserve and to subjugate are in compliance with the Religion and the language. And those so-called translations of al-Quran that referred to the term “Istawa” to “Sits” or “Sat”or “Established himself firmly on the throne” contradict Arabic rules, and Islamic bases. Bewarned from such translations and such attribues, Allah is almighty clear from the sitting, movement, size, shape, form or change
Please add my mom in your duwaa, hja sabrina. She died two days ago. On her death bed, she had uttered the shahada many times until she had her last breath. She look up on the ceiling left, then right with a smile then died peacefully. May she be one of jannah’s inhabitants. Ameen.
sure, may Allah forgive her all sins in and elevates her status in Jannah.
Ameen Thuma Ameen ❤
AMIN...AMIN...AMIN...YA RABBI❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Don't forget to read Ayat el Kursi after each pray, before bed and before stepping out of your home 😊🤲
Please let me know the benefits of Ayat Ul Kursi? I thought Syrah mulk is more important.
@@zarahuq8923 both are great but is depending on what moment in general ayat Al Kursi is the most important ayat in all q that's not mean that is worst than another but after praying is better at Al Kursi and before sleep i read both
MA sha Allah
@@zarahuq8923 according to many scholars they said it is the best sura of the quran.. but that doesn't mean another verse are not good they are all the same in eyes of Allah
@@zarahuq8923 there's hadist said that reading ayatul qursi after every prayer will make the distance between u and heaven is just death.
While reading al mulk every night will save u from test in grave.
Please pray for my brother he was 13 we just buried him today May Allah forgive him and grant him the highest level of jannah
Peace be upon you, Islamic Guidance
I converted to Islam when I watch your videos, it helps me a lot to practice Islam, what tires me are those around me, my parents hurt me, my friends laugh at me , etc.
Asalamu alaykum. Alhamdulillah, I'm happy for you. Don't worry, shaytan is a loser! Bear patience, be steadfast and trust Allah SWT. Allah SWT is the best of Planners 🤗
@@childrenshine152 thank you very much
May Allah guide them. And welcome to the true way of life Islam. Nobody will be laughing when you are promised paradise on that day. I ask Allah to keep you steadfast and guide your friends and family. Aaameen
@@Conannnnn amine thank you very much brother
My mother passed away this Ramadan 2021 and my father in 2009 Ramadan. May Allah swt bless them a place in jannah and every Muslim in this life and the ones that have passed away. 😢.
That’s a really good sign that both of them passed away during Ramadan! They must be beautiful souls loved by Allah ❤️❤️
May allah make it easy for you 💛
Amin brother. My grandpa and his other siblings All died in Ramadan isnt that beautiful? ❤️
Let's share rewards:
1) SubhanAllah
2) Alhamdulillah
3) La ilaha illaallah
4) Allahu Akbar
5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi
6) SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi SubhanAllahil
it's only going to take a few seconds! Please recite!
JazakAllahu khair❤️
Mashallah ❤️
Marshallah but do u think I get to see Muhammad in jannah
😱 subhanAllah I can’t wait
O Allah, forgive my father (Noor Rehman) and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it.
Ameen Ya rabbi
Ya Allah ameen
😢😢I just buried my cousin today.. please make dua for him so that Allah May put his soul in the gardens of jannah in shaa Allah
May Allah grant him jannah
It would be better if you specify he is a Muslim or not.
How become a better Muslim 🕋🤲🏽
1) When you are with your friends mind your tongue
2) When you've been blessed by Allah, control your ego.
3) When you are alone always remember to control your thoughts.
4) When you are angry make sure to stop and control your temper.
5) When you are in a group remain calm and control your behaviour.
6) Even when you are surrounded by wrong stay on the truth.
Stay blessed 💖
Jazaka Allahu Khair
May Allah protect us from the punishment of grave and keep us on the straight path ameen
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
أمين يا رب العالمين
ya Allah take our souls from our bodies in a state of wudu, pure taqwa, and tawakkul and sajdah, ameen ya Wadood ya Rahman
أمين يا رب العالمين ❤
ameen fus us and our loved ones ameen
does a lot of doua for me because thanks to allah there is 1 of my little brothers who wants to convert to islam what scares my little brother the most is the test that allah is going to make him do
Let’s strive for janatul firdaus my brother and sisters , we are Muslims but sometimes we act like we are not ! This is very sad
Allah's mercy is beyond what i and you can comprehend. Don't let the shaytan trick you into thinking that allah can't possibly forgive you. As you and i, our sins are nothing compared to allah's love for us. And his will to forgive. May allah make you honourable in his eyes. My sister and brother. Peace
Oh Allah, please forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
Before you go to sleep,
~ Wudhu
~ Dust bedding
~ Al-Mulk
~ Ayat Al-Kursi
~ Dhikr
~ Set Alarm
~ Shahada
~ Sleeping duaa
~ Right side
~ Hand under cheek
~ Clean heart
~ Forgive and forget
May Allah forgive us and grant us all Jannah
Ameen Ya rabbi
This channel deserves more subscribers. One of the best Islamic channels❤️
Everytime you hear name of our beloved prophet send salam or atleast say sallallahualaihiwasallam...
Please make du’a for my mum, she passed away last week peacefully in hospital. 💔😢💔😢 May Allah (swt) make my Mum’s & all believers final abode janat al firdous aameen 🤲
Subhannalah I can’t wait man.
PLEASE never stop uploading videos
Lots of love and Blessings from us to the Team......❣
Assalamoalikum please search on youtube
Top Quran channel
for learn quran with tajweed
First channel you can subcribe. .
Assalamoalikum please search on youtube
Top Quran channel
for learn quran with tajweed
First channel you can subcribe. .
Subhanallah Wallhi adeem I often remember death more then enjoying anything especially at this taught times no one is promised to witness the next hour leave tomorrow later
May Allah swt grant us good endings
And make us steadfast in our dunya and in our grave ya rabb
Brothers and sisters pls pray for me as the the Dua of a brother for his brother/sister in absence is accepted 😭🤲🏻😔
Love these talks. Important reminders that we need in our day to day lives. jazak Allahu Khairun
My father Basim Muhandis. Passed last week in front me. We was always together. He was a man I have never and will never meet in this life. The most beautiful caring soul. Please member pray for my Baba.
may Allah let us be amongst those who answer the questions in the grave with ease ameen
"should I go left where nothing is right or left where nothing is right" - Itachi Uchiha
Itachis words hit so much different, especially in the haram world we live in today 😔
My father just passed away tonight. Please pray for him. Allah yirhamik Baba (Ghazi Abdallah Al-Meshaan). I pray for his soul to rest in everlasting Peace inshallah 🤍 I have never met a more Kind Hearted man than my father. Please pray for his soul inshallah ❣️🤲🏼❣️
You can’t pray for the dead bro 🙏🏾 now whatever happens is between him and God , may his soul Rest In Peace 🙏🏾 but you can’t pray for the dead
@@youdontknowme3318 wait what? That's new to me 😅
May Almighty Allah Grant us higher Place in Paradise ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ AMEEN 🤲🤲
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Lahilahailallah Allahuakbar..Muhammed rasoolallah (saw)🤍⚘️🤎
Alhamdulillah Allah for islam 🌸
Allahuakbar, may Allah gives us peaceful death with the kalima.
أمين يا رب العالمين
Those who read surah mulk before sleep he/she will be saved from torment of grave.😊
this made me cry so much, may allah make it easy for all of us inshallah ❤️
O Allah protect us from your punishment and wrath and enter us into ur mercy O most merciful! Allahuma Ameen🙏🤲 say Ameen!!
Take a moment to just say:
La ilaha illallah
Allahu Akbar
Subhanallah wabi hamdi
Subhanallahil azim
Ya muqalib al Qulub, thabit qalbi ‘ala deenik
Seek refuge from the punishment of the grave after every prayer and read surah mulk before sleep every day
1) Subhan'Allah
2) Alhamdulillah
3) La ilaha illaallah
4) Allahu Akbar
5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi
6) SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi SubhanAllahil azeem.
it s only going to take a few seconds! Please recite!
and share as well!( Sadaqah Jariya)
Have a nice day Everyone.
Wallahi brothers and sisters we have all done bad but please do not be disheartened turn back to Allah as he will never turn his back on you. Inshallah I pray that we can find it in our hearts to change for the better 🤲🏽😔
8 ways earn even good deeds
Even after your death.
1. Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Every time they read from it, you gain.
2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain.
3. Teach someone to recite a Dua.
4. Sharing islimic content.
5. Participate in building a Mosque.
6. Place a water cooler/ well in a public place.
7. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.
8. And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even if one
person applies any of the above,
you gain.
Also copy & share with others😊
Oh Allah grant my mom janatul firdaws and protect her from the punishment of the grave
Subhanallah this is so powerful and makes cry alot for not knowing where our final destination will be.Are we going to be the successful ones or not 😭😭😭😭 ya allah grant us jannatul firdausal aclaa for your mercy and forgive all of our sins😭😭brothers and sisters let’s not be deceived in this worldly life.
23. Reward for Reciting each letter of Holy Qur’an.
It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ud (Ra) said: The Prophet (SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter, rather Alif is a letter, laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.” [Al-Tirmidhi, 2910]
May Allah will Protect us ❤🙏🏾
May Allah SWT grant us all Jannah Al Firdous
Mashallah Tabarak Al-Rahman . I make duaa that we all see the face of our lord the most Merciful . And that we enter Jannat al Ferdous and were protected from Jahannam and the punishments' of the dunia and the Akira. Allahuma Ameen !!!
May Allah grant us jannah 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽
May allah forgive everyone’s major and minor sins and make them into good deeds, and may we all in sha allah by Allahs mercy enter Jannah al Firdaous Ameen❤️
Read surah mulk after maghrib to be protected from the punishment of the grave
Allahumma j'alna minal muminoon. Ameen
JazakAllahu khair
I have an earnest question: I was born and raised Catholic, I became a born again Protestant 3 years ago and was baptized, but I reverted and took my shahada 4 months ago, having come to the Qu’ran by Allah’s divine revelation through the Injil. I am learning the ayahs, pray 5 times a day, fast Ramadan (and fasted regularly as led by the ruh Al-qudus (Holy Spirit) even before accepting the deen of Islam), and give sadakat for the sake of Allah. I believe in the angels, and the sovereignty of my Lord.
My Rabb is Allah, the One and Only God, I am a Muslim (ie a believer), but the man that was sent to me, my prophet, if I am completely honest is Isa AS. Do I belong to the ummah and what would Islam say about this? I simply don’t yet know Mohammed SAW like I know Jesus PBUH. May Allah have mercy on me on that day.
Learn about Muhammad ﷺ his seerah
Please make dua for brother sheraz Khan who has passed away 😢May Allah have mercy on his soul and enter him in to paradise 🙏
May Allah grant my mother jannah ❤ AMEEN
Jazakalahu kheir
Ashhadu allaa ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah
Mashallah may Allah grant us all jannah inshallah ameen
May Allah make it easy and protect us from the punishment of the grave
Allahu Akbar!
May Allah put us all on the right path!
May Allah forgive us and grant us all jannah ameen
Allahu Akbar Mashaallah الله اكبر ما شاء الله
بارك الله فيكم
Ma sha Allah today I came early
May Allah forgive us all ameen
May Allah have mercy unto us all aameen YaRabbal Aalameen.
💞 جزاكم الله خيرا 💞
🌻 اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله واصحابه وسلم عدد خلقك ورضا نفسك وزنة عرشك ومداد كلماتك فى كل وقت وحين 🌷.
Do not forget about the grave and Islam my Brothers and Sisters!
And If you read this, please pray for me and I pray that Allah (SWT) takes care of all of us.
May Allah forgive all of us
Take a few seconds to say:
Subhan Allah x5
Alhamdu-lil-lah x5
La ilaha illallah x5
Allahu Akbar x5
La Hawla wala Quwatta illa Billah x5
سبحان اللهم وبحمده سبحان الله العلي العظيم Subhan Allah wa bihamdih Subhan Allah Al-Alei Al-Adheem wa Astaghfiru Allah wa atub ilaih استغفر الله واتوب اليه❤️🤲❤️✨
et's share rewards:
1) SubhanAllah
2) Alhamdulillah
3) La ilaha illaallah
4) Allahu Akbar
5) Astagfirullah watub ilaihi
6) SubhanAllahi Wabi Hamdihi SubhanAllahil
it's only going to take a few seconds! Please recite
Subhan 'Allah Alhumdulilah Wa li ilahaillilah Wa Allah O Akbar peace and blessings of Allah Swt be upon all the prophets messengers and the Muslim Ummah Ameen yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️
Yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️ save me and my family and the Muslim Ummah from the punishment of the grave and the hellfire Ameen yah rabbil Aalameen ♥️☝️♥️☝️♥️☝️♥️☝️♥️☝️
My father died last of 2023 December 31💔💔😢😢 May Allah grant him to the paradise Ameen🤲😢💔
Surat mulk is must every night as this protects you from the punishment of the grave.
recite surah mulk often and love it because that surah will protect you from the azaab of the grave
Ya allah forgive ours sins ameen allhuameen 💖❤️
MashAllah beatiful truly the best may Allah bless you
Ya sheikh may Allah bless you here and there, and for us may the Almighty Allah guide us into the right way if Allah, and may Allah drive our parents died to Janaha insha Allah
Maasha Allah.a good reminder may Allah (s.w.t)guide us to straight path to last of our breath and forgive our sins and enter jannatul firdaus.ameen😭🤲
more of these please
Please make Dua for my beloved Father Rana Muhammad Latif. May Allah SWT grant Him highest Muqam in Jannat-ul-Firdous, AMEEN.
Mashallah good job jazaq Allah
no body can escape...tomorrow is my turn or you are to meet the grave.
Everyone must die brother 🙏🏾 we must prepare ourselves to meet Almighty God 🙏🏾
Jazakallahu khairan
Guys try to read surah al mulk before you go to sleep. And when you wake up try to read surah yasin.
Alhamdulillah, a very nice video
Ya Allah ﷻ forgive my parents for their shortcomings and make them among the Shuhadah and saleheen and enter them into your jannah and guide me to the path which pleases you give me the death of a Momin inshAllah
This is very scary. Please Allah guide to the correct path and me become close to you
My nani just passed away please pray for her maghfirat
Subhan Allah Alhumdulillah Wa li ilahaililah Wa Allah Hu Akbar ☝️♥️
Peace and blessings of Allah swt be upon all the prophets messangers companions ra and the Sunni Muslim ummah ameen yah rabbul Aalameen ♥️
Alhumdulillah ♥️ a beautiful teaching of the religion of peace Alhumdulillah ♥️
Yah rabbul Aalameen guide the Muslim ummah on the straight path ♥️
Ameen yah rabbul Aalameen ♥️
Assalamoalikum please search on youtube
Top Quran channel
for learn quran with tajweed
First channel you can subcribe. .
I liked this azan voice. Do anyone know from where I can download it
Please reply me I want to hear this full azaan.
The belief that Allah, ta^ala, exists without a place is the creed of the Messenger of Allah, the Companions, and those who graciously followed them, and it shall so be until the Day of Judgment. The proof of this precious statement is what Allah said in the Qur’an, in Surat ash-Shura, ayah 11:
"There is absolutely nothing like Allah whatsoever, and He has the attributes of Hearing and Seeing."
This ayah absolutely clears Allah of resembling the creations. It comprises that Allah, ta^ala, is absolutely different from the creations in the Self, Attributes, and Actions.
Whatever exists in a place is by nature composed of particles and it is a body which occupies space and Allah is clear from such attributes.
Allah existed without a beginning, i.e., before creating any of the creation. There was nothing with Allah: no place, no space, no sky, no Earth, no light, and no darkness. It is determined in the rules of the Religion and the judgments of the sound mind that Allah, the Exalted, does not change. Hence, it is impossible that after having been existing without a place, Allah will change and dwell in a place
God is not in need of any of his creations e.g place, direction ... (Al-Ghaniyy and As-Samad)
Abu Ja`far At-Tahawi,who is among the heads of Salaf said: “God is clear of all boundaries, extremes, sides, organs. The six directions do not contain God as is the case with all the created things.”
God is not in everywhere, for “every-where” (or every place) is created by God, and God does not need any of his creations.
Surat Taha, ayah 5, in the Qur’an “Ar-RaHmanu alal-Arsh-istawa” clearly does not mean that Allah sits on the throne or that Allah is firmly established on the throne. In the Arabic language, the word istawa has fifteen (15) different meanings, among of which are to sit, to subjugate, to protect, to conquer, and to preserve.
Based on what we have covered so far it is clear that it is blasphemous to apply the meaning ‘to sit’ to Allah. However the terms to preserve and to subjugate are in compliance with the Religion and the language. And those so-called translations of al-Quran that referred to the term “Istawa” to “Sits” or “Sat”or “Established himself firmly on the throne” contradict Arabic rules, and Islamic bases. Bewarned from such translations and such attribues, Allah is almighty clear from the sitting, movement, size, shape, form or change