Story 2: there is a BIG difference between being controlling and setting boundaries and OP is just trying to set a boundary. If she continues to act like this, dump her.
story 2 leave her she clearly loves the other guy more then you the fact she doesn't understand you dont fell conformable about it says a lot she isn't worth your time if she doesn't care about your fallings
For story one. As a security guard, sadly, I have to deal with shit like this all the time. Sometimes, I'm the one who has to stop contractors because nobody feels like it's important to inform us that they are at x location or not. I hate having to do that shit.
The original poster was not the jerk, I am legally blind myself, so I know that sometimes I might need some assistance from people on the occasional basis, but that’s rare. This guy should know how to take care of himself whether he is blind or not. I also find it very creepy and unsettling that this neighbor would allow someone he doesn’t know to check his own blood.
Being blind sending text messages may be more difficult for him that's probably why he prefers a phone call. But also let him know they have glucometers that talk to you so that he can do that himself
I'm sure he knows about talking glucometers. How else did he check his blood sugar before they agreed to help? I guarantee that was just a ploy to get them over every day. Also you would be surprised at the efficiency most blind people can text at especially with talk to text.
Story 3 might have another solution. What detergent are they using for their clothes? Do they use fabric conditioner? Did they dry their clothes inside or outside the house?
Story 1. She was not completely out of line. Many years ago I was working at an insurance company wher I handled a couple of claims for several branches of a large multinational company. Investigations uncovered that the theives had got access to the offices posing as an Alarm contractor conducting just this type of cover. No one challenged them so they were left to conduct their survey after hours. Next morning all offices had no computers. It was a lot of money paid out. In the story the karen just went too far.
Ok, I 100% understand story #3. I have an extremely sensitive nose. I can smell things most people can't for some reason. I can smell differences within different rooms (everyone's room smells different- some sweet, some sour, etc. You guys know.) My foster brother stinks baaad. Now I don't get nauseous my bad smells, but his smell makes be gag. And when I say gag, I mean that I look like a cat coughing up a hair ball. I really try to hide it, but he has the smell that you can FEEL. God it's bad, and no one else can smell it, but I do. So, nothing can be done about it. So, I have to hide my disgust.
For the last story, just get a Bluetooth earpiece, plug your destination into google, and whenever your girlfriend tells you a turn that Google doesn't, tell her you think she's wrong and continue on.
Story 2: far and wide, when a female calls a guy “insecure” or “manipulative” take that as you doing something right. This is shaming language and it is the equivalent of gaslighting. There is nothing wrong with what Op is doing. Honestly, OP just needs to break it off with the fiancee and go back home if he can. She wants to invest in another guy then she can do that while single.
In the story with the girl that smells bad- there is a liver condition that can cause this issue- She should have her Doctor check her liver enzymes and metabolism.
story 1: they should give the contractors something to make them recognizable as fire alarm testers... like a shirt with it written on the back or smthing
So, she does things that are a clear red flag and then gaslights you in to thinking you're the problem for seeing the red flags. Sounds like a narcissist.
Story 2: the woman belongs to the streets, kick her cheating, gaslighting self out. She will never love you more than the security and money you provide.
2nd Story. Dump her. She don’t want to have a relationship with you and only you. She can have friends. But spending time with men by herself. Is a No No.
4th story: This one just reminded me of my own weird neighbor story. When I was ten, I had these neighbors who became "friends" with my aunt who was sixteen at the time. That already made me uncomfortable because the husband was in his late twenties and the wife was only SIXTEEN. My aunt, who was constantly tasked with "babysitting" all the kids in the family (which meant that I took care of everyone and she sat around daydreaming), was incredibly naive, likely because she was never allowed have a life outside of "babysitting." Anywho, these neighbors would have my aunt over all the time, which meant that I and the other kids had to go with her. They were the strangest couple. Their house was gross and the husband was uncomfortably interested in touching my aunt (he'd rub her shoulders and back and stuff like that). The young wife would just sit there smiling, watching her husband with his hands all over my aunt. I am not sure, but I think I even remember the husband shooting up once. My mother and her other siblings (who are all much older than the aunt in this story) were oblivious to everything. I tried for months to explain to my mom what was happening, but she either didn't believe me or didn't care to lose her babysitter. To give her a break, I honestly think it's the former, as she had never believed me about anything up to that point, and I was apparently a "good storyteller." One day, my aunt abruptly stopped talking to and visiting with the neighbors. She's never told me why, but I have my theories. To make a long story longer, my aunt had a really hard time from that point on. Her personality completely changed. It came out years later that sixteen is the age when she began using drugs. I 100% believe it had something to do with those neighbors. My point in rambling this way is to say that people HAVE to be careful when it comes to neighbors, even friendly ones, especially when children are involved. BE overly cautious. Talk to your kids! Don't dismiss everything they tell you. Pay attention. In case anyone's interested, my aunt is doing great now. She's been clean for over twenty years and I would definitely describe her as a woman of God. She and I did not speak for many years but are now very close. And don't come for my mom. She's a bad ass who made some big mistakes (that she regrets) with her kids. Everyone makes mistakes and I forgave her a long time ago.
As the mom of an intellectually challenged son, 32 yrs. He is fairly independent, he chooses to live with me and I am totally fine with that. He expects no special treatment, other than if he is truly struggling with something he doesn't quite grasp. He always offers a helping hand to people, especially if he is out shopping, or in winter weather if he sees someone stuck or having a tough time managing parcels etc. He just does it, though I taught him to be helpful and courteous, he goes way beyond and that makes me incredibly proud and fortunate to have been his mom. He would never manipulate anyone into doing something he can totally do on his own... (Me sometimes, but I'm his mom and its rare) or has supports for things he has trouble with. I hate the fact that some disabled use it as a way to get people to do what they want by acting helpless. I do understand that there are folks out there that do require some assistance, but they do not use it in a fashion that uses or manipulates anyone into giving them special treatment when they are capable.
I would call the department of human services. My friend helps disabled people. She says they never get enough hours and these people, despite having some government help, isn't nearly enough. He may need more help than what he has.
Story 1: Okay, first off, don't those companies give warnings to the workers in the buildings that they are going to be conducting fire testings? And if they dont, maybe they need to give a heads up to people.... especially idiots like this Karen. Now, as for the Karen here, it really helps if you just shut up and listen for once in your life.... but as we all know, Karen's seem to be incapable of both shutting up and listening. Good thing the OP's contractor boss came in and also put the Karen in her place. Too bad the horns were disabled... should've given the Karen an extra jolt. Story 2: OP isnt the jerk here. He had every right to be concerned over his bipolar gf going out and getting drunk with another guy. Its totally fine to have friends of the opposite sex, but doing that crosses some boundaries in a relationship, and can easily lead to crossing more serious lines. I think its only a matter of time before she cheats on the OP here and uses both being bipolar and being "lonely" as an excuse to do it, then try and gaslight the OP for it too. OP is not being insecure or manipulative... the gf is. I think the OP can do better really. Story 3: OP is not a jerk here. The friend Jackie may have a medical problem, or it could just be personal choices too. She may need to up the amount of showers or use different deodroants or soaps or something, or maybe even eliminated certain things from her diet. I know that people that eat a ton of curry eventually develop an after-odor. Something to think of. By the way; Jackie... you stink! There, that's how you say it. Story 4: This neighbour shouldn't be living alone if he has that many issues, especially if he is blind. He's also pretty lazy, maniuplative and intrusive. I dont blame the OP for stopping to help the neighbour.... i wouldnt either if hes asking all that stuff. I would tell him off. Story 5: Does no one have a Rand McNally road map/atlas anymore??? Maybe its just me and im old-school that way. Nowadays, who doesn't use GoogleMaps to find their way in an unfamiliar place? The OP's gf is being really stupid here. It's one thing if you are just driving around aimlessly, but if you are going somewhere specific, then you really want to know where you are going. Don't want to be lost and run out of gas or lose a tire or something.
On the second story, op I'm with you on this, friends is one thing, but staying till about 4 or 5 am, NO THAT'S WRONG. I got a feeling that they were up to no good.
If I was the boy with a fiancé who was acting the way she was acting, I would ask for the ring back and make sure I get it back. If she wants to flirt and have fun with other people and not focus on being in a committed relationship then I don't want to marry that person. I would tell her, once I get the ring back, get your priorities straight. You either tell me that you want this relationship to happen or you wanna mess around. Until she lets you know what she wants, I would not even bother speaking to her at all. She wants to play games then she can find someone else and somewhere else to be.
Blind neighbor story: first, let me just say that im blind. Second: there’s talking glucose monitors. There’s also a sensor that you can put in your arm that can then be connected with your phone. No reason u had to do that. Third: there’s email lists for stuff including how to operate a phone when blind. It also sounds like he could use some type of blindness organization that teaches daily living skills (travel skills, tech skills, cleaning a house, cooking etc) if this continues, u might wanna suggest these things. Idk which part of ca y’all live, but if public transportation, isn’t a thing, you can ask him for gas money, or to buy your lunch or a soda if y’all take him somewhere. It’s what I do.
As a T1D, I feel sympathy for that blind man, but there are things you can buy such as a Dexcom (A constant blood glucose monitor.), that checks your blood for you. I'm not sure if he was tight on money, but making someone else check your blood every morning seems cruel.
No you're not the jerk for telling your girlfriend that she doesn't have as great of navigational skills that she thinks however to her benefit where I locally live I have Googled how to get from my house to the expressway and it takes me way out of the way it's just totally ridiculous so yes with Google you will get there but if you don't know exactly where you're going I'm not sure they're always the most concise path either
this is the down side to "if you see something, say something" safety campaigns."something" is often nothing bad just you didnt understand it. like calling the police to tow away the patrol vechicle of the security guard while he is inside patrolling the building. yes, that happened to me years ago. maybe I should type up the hole story and submit it?
The oder story, i get that the friend is mad and there is a huge psychological issue that comes with it, however OP isnt a jerk for being honest and telling the friend that the dad got pissed. He has a sensetive nose and that is something that cant really be helped either. Maybe OP can help the friend find better treatment. Sometimes, prescription deodorants are like putting a bandaid on a broken bone. The friend might need medication or even surgery to fix it, if it causes that much of a issue. Either that, or i still have some of my great grandmothers perfume. That stuff is still made of whale ambergrease. That stuff can gag a msggot in a old lady perfume way.
so um... i relate to that story about smelling bad. i think its a medical issue. I have *been* here. and honestly i had to STOP using deoderant and overall address my health to fix it. the deoderant just makes your body fight *harder* to swet. im so sorry you are dealing with that.
story 1: that karen should learn that people like op are trying to keep people safe and she's jumping to conclusions just to hinder the op's job? she like the kind of karen that stops firefighter from doing their job (whether they just volunteered or is actually their job) and someone's dying in a fire, there death would be karen's issue, not the firefighter's
t ok 1st story ROFL 2ed story sad get her a gift of lume see if you can even go with her to the doc with her and be by her side I am so glad your still friends now to The guy With th woman in collage let go now and move on do not be played get bounty hunter D or oe of them guys on her and for the last guy find him a caregiver solves all probs have a nice life everybody
Story 5, you've obviously never had Google maps send you in the wrong direction. I saw a story not too long ago about 2 vehicles being sent down a boat ramp and into the water within a month of each other when Google maps told them to do it. I also have had it tell me to take the right off ramp when the ramp is on the left. It also sent me west when I wanted to go east. I'm a tech lover and generally love Google maps but I also know it's only as good as the information it receives, it can and will get you lost if you rely on it too much.
story 3: You are definitely the jerk for the way you handled that. You KNEW about the issue, how bad she felt, and how hard she was trying. And instead of stepping up and being a supportive friend and encouraging her to seek the medical help she obviously needs, you was just a push over to your dad, led her on and then basically just told her that it doesn't matter that you've had this friendship for 7 years because the thing she cannot control is more important than her friendship. There are people who go through their entire lives with medical conditions like this and they are bullied, excluded, and made to feel less than human for something they literally can't control any more than their skin color. Just because it's rare, doesn't mean it's easier to deal with.
story 2: Ok, calm the hell down. She hung out with the specific guy once and then gave her clear reasons for her actions. She hung out with her friends because it was literally her last night in the city to see them. In one sentence, op claims not to have issues with her having guy friends but then in the next complains about her guy friends. I don't think we have the whole story here. You're complaining that she got defensive when you said you were uncomfortable, but then what are you doing to fix the problem with her feeling so lonely. Probably both of you need to take a good hard look at yourselves.
listen, i believe guys and girls can be friends. I believe this is fine during a relationship. However, certain things need to be followed. One, the friend of the opposite gender needs to be seen by the significant other (in this case OP sees his gf’s new guy friend) and two) all chill sessions are done in a group with people the s/o trusts or with the s/o involved. In this case, the gf failed at doing this and this bought up concerns. She stood out having dinner and drinking until the morning with some random guy. So yeah imo OP is not in the wrong for this.
😈😈 finish listening to ALL the stories here
instagram - @amithejerk
twitter - @amithejerk
Karen: Are you pulling the firealarm on purpose
OP: yes indeed I am because that's my job.
That lady definitely should've been fired right after this incident. Somebody like her would end up inciting a panic for literally nothing.
@LunaP1 that's the op's job
Story 2: there is a BIG difference between being controlling and setting boundaries and OP is just trying to set a boundary. If she continues to act like this, dump her.
Blind guy is probably lonely, but that doesn't mean you need to donate all your free time to him
story 2 leave her she clearly loves the other guy more then you the fact she doesn't understand you dont fell conformable about it says a lot she isn't worth your time if she doesn't care about your fallings
I feel bad for the guy Ik how it feels to be ignored like thst
Ffs when a Karen demands to know what you're doing you only reply with "My job" then just ignore them!
For story one. As a security guard, sadly, I have to deal with shit like this all the time. Sometimes, I'm the one who has to stop contractors because nobody feels like it's important to inform us that they are at x location or not. I hate having to do that shit.
The original poster was not the jerk, I am legally blind myself, so I know that sometimes I might need some assistance from people on the occasional basis, but that’s rare. This guy should know how to take care of himself whether he is blind or not. I also find it very creepy and unsettling that this neighbor would allow someone he doesn’t know to check his own blood.
Story 2: she’s for the streets. Get rid of her. Call the wedding off.
Story 2... Oh hell no!
She is being manipulative and sneaky.
Calling you "controlling" because you have boundaries is BS.
You need to get out now!
Being blind sending text messages may be more difficult for him that's probably why he prefers a phone call. But also let him know they have glucometers that talk to you so that he can do that himself
I'm sure he knows about talking glucometers. How else did he check his blood sugar before they agreed to help? I guarantee that was just a ploy to get them over every day. Also you would be surprised at the efficiency most blind people can text at especially with talk to text.
Oh that last story, was hilarious, I was crying with laughter
Story 3 might have another solution. What detergent are they using for their clothes? Do they use fabric conditioner? Did they dry their clothes inside or outside the house?
Story 1. She was not completely out of line. Many years ago I was working at an insurance company wher I handled a couple of claims for several branches of a large multinational company. Investigations uncovered that the theives had got access to the offices posing as an Alarm contractor conducting just this type of cover. No one challenged them so they were left to conduct their survey after hours. Next morning all offices had no computers. It was a lot of money paid out. In the story the karen just went too far.
which one?
Ok, I 100% understand story #3. I have an extremely sensitive nose. I can smell things most people can't for some reason. I can smell differences within different rooms (everyone's room smells different- some sweet, some sour, etc. You guys know.)
My foster brother stinks baaad. Now I don't get nauseous my bad smells, but his smell makes be gag. And when I say gag, I mean that I look like a cat coughing up a hair ball.
I really try to hide it, but he has the smell that you can FEEL. God it's bad, and no one else can smell it, but I do. So, nothing can be done about it. So, I have to hide my disgust.
Story 5: The girlfriend has no sense of direction.
For the last story, just get a Bluetooth earpiece, plug your destination into google, and whenever your girlfriend tells you a turn that Google doesn't, tell her you think she's wrong and continue on.
I love doing homework while watch your videos
On the second story again, op, if it was me, I would break up with her.
I think people that work in that industry, should wear a vest saying "I'm doing my work, soif you think I'm suspicious, don't be a hero."
Story 2: far and wide, when a female calls a guy “insecure” or “manipulative” take that as you doing something right. This is shaming language and it is the equivalent of gaslighting.
There is nothing wrong with what Op is doing. Honestly, OP just needs to break it off with the fiancee and go back home if he can. She wants to invest in another guy then she can do that while single.
You lost me when you said "Female" lmao
@@random_bs4322 okay. Have a good day/night wherever you are.
In the story with the girl that smells bad- there is a liver condition that can cause this issue- She should have her Doctor check her liver enzymes and metabolism.
story 1: they should give the contractors something to make them recognizable as fire alarm testers... like a shirt with it written on the back or smthing
Even then, that doesnt stop stupid Karens.
So, she does things that are a clear red flag and then gaslights you in to thinking you're the problem for seeing the red flags. Sounds like a narcissist.
Story 2: the woman belongs to the streets, kick her cheating, gaslighting self out. She will never love you more than the security and money you provide.
you have mastered the karen voice.
2nd Story. Dump her. She don’t want to have a relationship with you and only you. She can have friends. But spending time with men by herself. Is a No No.
You are being ridiculous
@@Batman-lg2zj You are being ridiculous
4th story: This one just reminded me of my own weird neighbor story. When I was ten, I had these neighbors who became "friends" with my aunt who was sixteen at the time. That already made me uncomfortable because the husband was in his late twenties and the wife was only SIXTEEN. My aunt, who was constantly tasked with "babysitting" all the kids in the family (which meant that I took care of everyone and she sat around daydreaming), was incredibly naive, likely because she was never allowed have a life outside of "babysitting." Anywho, these neighbors would have my aunt over all the time, which meant that I and the other kids had to go with her. They were the strangest couple. Their house was gross and the husband was uncomfortably interested in touching my aunt (he'd rub her shoulders and back and stuff like that). The young wife would just sit there smiling, watching her husband with his hands all over my aunt. I am not sure, but I think I even remember the husband shooting up once. My mother and her other siblings (who are all much older than the aunt in this story) were oblivious to everything. I tried for months to explain to my mom what was happening, but she either didn't believe me or didn't care to lose her babysitter. To give her a break, I honestly think it's the former, as she had never believed me about anything up to that point, and I was apparently a "good storyteller." One day, my aunt abruptly stopped talking to and visiting with the neighbors. She's never told me why, but I have my theories. To make a long story longer, my aunt had a really hard time from that point on. Her personality completely changed. It came out years later that sixteen is the age when she began using drugs. I 100% believe it had something to do with those neighbors. My point in rambling this way is to say that people HAVE to be careful when it comes to neighbors, even friendly ones, especially when children are involved. BE overly cautious. Talk to your kids! Don't dismiss everything they tell you. Pay attention.
In case anyone's interested, my aunt is doing great now. She's been clean for over twenty years and I would definitely describe her as a woman of God. She and I did not speak for many years but are now very close.
And don't come for my mom. She's a bad ass who made some big mistakes (that she regrets) with her kids. Everyone makes mistakes and I forgave her a long time ago.
As the mom of an intellectually challenged son, 32 yrs. He is fairly independent, he chooses to live with me and I am totally fine with that. He expects no special treatment, other than if he is truly struggling with something he doesn't quite grasp. He always offers a helping hand to people, especially if he is out shopping, or in winter weather if he sees someone stuck or having a tough time managing parcels etc. He just does it, though I taught him to be helpful and courteous, he goes way beyond and that makes me incredibly proud and fortunate to have been his mom. He would never manipulate anyone into doing something he can totally do on his own... (Me sometimes, but I'm his mom and its rare) or has supports for things he has trouble with. I hate the fact that some disabled use it as a way to get people to do what they want by acting helpless. I do understand that there are folks out there that do require some assistance, but they do not use it in a fashion that uses or manipulates anyone into giving them special treatment when they are capable.
I would call the department of human services. My friend helps disabled people. She says they never get enough hours and these people, despite having some government help, isn't nearly enough. He may need more help than what he has.
Story 2: She went on a date with that guy
No she didn’t
@@Batman-lg2zjyes she did
Good job on the new vid
#2. The OP should say deuces to her, because she fought against his boundaries. Making it seem as if you are in the wrong.
Story 1: Okay, first off, don't those companies give warnings to the workers in the buildings that they are going to be conducting fire testings? And if they dont, maybe they need to give a heads up to people.... especially idiots like this Karen. Now, as for the Karen here, it really helps if you just shut up and listen for once in your life.... but as we all know, Karen's seem to be incapable of both shutting up and listening. Good thing the OP's contractor boss came in and also put the Karen in her place. Too bad the horns were disabled... should've given the Karen an extra jolt.
Story 2: OP isnt the jerk here. He had every right to be concerned over his bipolar gf going out and getting drunk with another guy. Its totally fine to have friends of the opposite sex, but doing that crosses some boundaries in a relationship, and can easily lead to crossing more serious lines. I think its only a matter of time before she cheats on the OP here and uses both being bipolar and being "lonely" as an excuse to do it, then try and gaslight the OP for it too. OP is not being insecure or manipulative... the gf is. I think the OP can do better really.
Story 3: OP is not a jerk here. The friend Jackie may have a medical problem, or it could just be personal choices too. She may need to up the amount of showers or use different deodroants or soaps or something, or maybe even eliminated certain things from her diet. I know that people that eat a ton of curry eventually develop an after-odor. Something to think of. By the way; Jackie... you stink! There, that's how you say it.
Story 4: This neighbour shouldn't be living alone if he has that many issues, especially if he is blind. He's also pretty lazy, maniuplative and intrusive. I dont blame the OP for stopping to help the neighbour.... i wouldnt either if hes asking all that stuff. I would tell him off.
Story 5: Does no one have a Rand McNally road map/atlas anymore??? Maybe its just me and im old-school that way. Nowadays, who doesn't use GoogleMaps to find their way in an unfamiliar place? The OP's gf is being really stupid here. It's one thing if you are just driving around aimlessly, but if you are going somewhere specific, then you really want to know where you are going. Don't want to be lost and run out of gas or lose a tire or something.
On the second story, op I'm with you on this, friends is one thing, but staying till about 4 or 5 am, NO THAT'S WRONG. I got a feeling that they were up to no good.
a karen story for a job i want.
If I was the boy with a fiancé who was acting the way she was acting, I would ask for the ring back and make sure I get it back. If she wants to flirt and have fun with other people and not focus on being in a committed relationship then I don't want to marry that person. I would tell her, once I get the ring back, get your priorities straight. You either tell me that you want this relationship to happen or you wanna mess around. Until she lets you know what she wants, I would not even bother speaking to her at all. She wants to play games then she can find someone else and somewhere else to be.
boy, he's a man.
@@viviennemorgan7217 Yow know what I meant. Don't nit pick
@@11rahimis1234 I'm not nit picking, I was correcting you
I love your videos and i am subscribed to your channel
Yeah they were hanging out alright 😂
Blind neighbor story: first, let me just say that im blind. Second: there’s talking glucose monitors. There’s also a sensor that you can put in your arm that can then be connected with your phone. No reason u had to do that. Third: there’s email lists for stuff including how to operate a phone when blind. It also sounds like he could use some type of blindness organization that teaches daily living skills (travel skills, tech skills, cleaning a house, cooking etc) if this continues, u might wanna suggest these things. Idk which part of ca y’all live, but if public transportation, isn’t a thing, you can ask him for gas money, or to buy your lunch or a soda if y’all take him somewhere. It’s what I do.
As a T1D, I feel sympathy for that blind man, but there are things you can buy such as a Dexcom (A constant blood glucose monitor.), that checks your blood for you. I'm not sure if he was tight on money, but making someone else check your blood every morning seems cruel.
Why am I more interested in the background game than the story
No you're not the jerk for telling your girlfriend that she doesn't have as great of navigational skills that she thinks however to her benefit where I locally live I have Googled how to get from my house to the expressway and it takes me way out of the way it's just totally ridiculous so yes with Google you will get there but if you don't know exactly where you're going I'm not sure they're always the most concise path either
Let’s goo new video
Story 3: NTA
It is telling that he didn’t call her fiancée in the original post
this is the down side to "if you see something, say something" safety campaigns."something" is often nothing bad just you didnt understand it. like calling the police to tow away the patrol vechicle of the security guard while he is inside patrolling the building. yes, that happened to me years ago. maybe I should type up the hole story and submit it?
Hi i have been a sub ever since
Gta dude be flying
I like it
Oh hey
So sad Banana 🍌😢
How da hell a blind person cn read a text in a phone bruh that why he wants call X_X
The oder story, i get that the friend is mad and there is a huge psychological issue that comes with it, however OP isnt a jerk for being honest and telling the friend that the dad got pissed. He has a sensetive nose and that is something that cant really be helped either. Maybe OP can help the friend find better treatment. Sometimes, prescription deodorants are like putting a bandaid on a broken bone. The friend might need medication or even surgery to fix it, if it causes that much of a issue. Either that, or i still have some of my great grandmothers perfume. That stuff is still made of whale ambergrease. That stuff can gag a msggot in a old lady perfume way.
What’s the game in the background and what do you play it on
Why do you think that your apartment/house/condo was open to rent?
so um... i relate to that story about smelling bad. i think its a medical issue. I have *been* here. and honestly i had to STOP using deoderant and overall address my health to fix it. the deoderant just makes your body fight *harder* to swet. im so sorry you are dealing with that.
story 1: that karen should learn that people like op are trying to keep people safe and she's jumping to conclusions just to hinder the op's job? she like the kind of karen that stops firefighter from doing their job (whether they just volunteered or is actually their job) and someone's dying in a fire, there death would be karen's issue, not the firefighter's
Karen's need to learn to mind their own business and leave people alone.
@@QuickManEXE yeah basically that.
FIRST HAIIII :0 Junior and David here
@@ambreenijaz3919 aw ):
@@Random1997hehe to check if you are actually first
Go to the newest catagory in the comments and go to the last comment that is first comment
Story 4: NTA
👉👌😏😫 🗿 first
Wtf is Alien X on the bike in the video in the background?
Hi! ^^
Day 96 of saying the same thing every day until I get pinned
Karen's getting destroyed is one of the best parts of my life
Wow, that’s some dedication! And this is a great comment and I will be happy to see how far this goes and I hope you get your way work day❤
@@YourAverageGamer- thank you
You earned a sub
what game is in the background
How many jobs has the narrator had?
What happened to am I the genius
Nothing, it’s still up and posts just not as much I think
t ok 1st story ROFL 2ed story sad get her a gift of lume see if you can even go with her to the doc with her and be by her side I am so glad your still friends now to The guy With th woman in collage let go now and move on do not be played get bounty hunter D or oe of them guys on her and for the last guy find him a caregiver solves all probs have a nice life everybody
I just wanted to comment lol
If only the videos matched the stories being told. I would've found them more interesting.
First comment and second like
No I have the first comment
Congratulations your actually first idk 'bout the like tho
@@Serrratedblade no your not first
Story 5, you've obviously never had Google maps send you in the wrong direction. I saw a story not too long ago about 2 vehicles being sent down a boat ramp and into the water within a month of each other when Google maps told them to do it. I also have had it tell me to take the right off ramp when the ramp is on the left. It also sent me west when I wanted to go east. I'm a tech lover and generally love Google maps but I also know it's only as good as the information it receives, it can and will get you lost if you rely on it too much.
story 3: You are definitely the jerk for the way you handled that. You KNEW about the issue, how bad she felt, and how hard she was trying. And instead of stepping up and being a supportive friend and encouraging her to seek the medical help she obviously needs, you was just a push over to your dad, led her on and then basically just told her that it doesn't matter that you've had this friendship for 7 years because the thing she cannot control is more important than her friendship. There are people who go through their entire lives with medical conditions like this and they are bullied, excluded, and made to feel less than human for something they literally can't control any more than their skin color. Just because it's rare, doesn't mean it's easier to deal with.
Actually op isn’t at fault
You are 4th
You are 7th
Downvoted every video you say Karen called the police but didn't.
First to comment
You are 16th
welp my bad
First comment
I’m first comment lol
Your second this time
story 2: Ok, calm the hell down. She hung out with the specific guy once and then gave her clear reasons for her actions. She hung out with her friends because it was literally her last night in the city to see them. In one sentence, op claims not to have issues with her having guy friends but then in the next complains about her guy friends. I don't think we have the whole story here.
You're complaining that she got defensive when you said you were uncomfortable, but then what are you doing to fix the problem with her feeling so lonely. Probably both of you need to take a good hard look at yourselves.
listen, i believe guys and girls can be friends. I believe this is fine during a relationship. However, certain things need to be followed. One, the friend of the opposite gender needs to be seen by the significant other (in this case OP sees his gf’s new guy friend) and two) all chill sessions are done in a group with people the s/o trusts or with the s/o involved.
In this case, the gf failed at doing this and this bought up concerns. She stood out having dinner and drinking until the morning with some random guy. So yeah imo OP is not in the wrong for this.
@@DanielGonzalez-qk6sdyeah he is
That last night was with her ex id be pissed to
@@Batman-lg2zj can you explain how he is wrong?
Where did batman go?
I think batman knew that he was in the wrong, so he tucked his tail and ran.