The Fight Against Identity Theft | Pastor Sheryl Brady

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • The enemy’s oldest trick in the book is to attack your identity, and in today’s world, it’s easier than ever to get caught up in the lies. But here’s the truth-you are chosen, valuable, loved, forgiven, and fully capable in Christ! Don’t let the enemy steal what God has already declared over you. Your confidence and power come from knowing who you are in Him. When you understand that, no devil in hell can touch you!
    You’ve got to uproot the lies and plant yourself firmly in the truth of who God says you are. It’s not about what others think, it’s about what God has already spoken over your life. When you stand in that truth, your identity becomes unshakable, your confidence becomes unmovable, and your purpose becomes unstoppable. Find your identity in Christ and don’t let anyone or anything steal it from you!
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