Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Hitmontop of the Morning - Jun 1 24 A

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Normally, The Pokémon Company puts out a new preview video of their upcoming Pokémon game in late may to early June, with an announcement of, well, the announcement shortly before. Well, it’s early June now, and not a peep. I wonder if this means that Pokémon Legends: Z-A is actually planned for LATE 2025, and not early in the year like Pokémon Legends: Arceus was. If that’s true, I’d be fine with it. I think Game Freak needs at least an extra year to make these Pokémon games the way they want them to be. Pokémon is a big enough seller that I think they can still turn a profit even with an additional year’s worth of expenses.
    The hard part is probably convincing Tsunekazu Ishihara to hold it off for that long. One of the things he was originally hired for was to ensure a new Pokémon movie every year (not happening anymore, it seems), so I’d bet he would want a main series release every year. The unfinished nature of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and the backlash it caused, may have convinced him that Pokémon games need more time. Nintendo usually takes way more than a year for the major releases for Super Mario, for The Legend of Zelda, for Kirby, for Splatoon, for Animal Crossing, for Mario Kart, for Metroid, and all of its other franchises that people know and love. Pokémon can afford to slow down its development cycle.
    Of course, there is a June 2024 Nintendo Direct, and usually, if they have a Pokémon Presents (unlikely, as they’re usually annual), it’ll be done shortly after the Nintendo Direct.
    Type: Double Battle
    Opponent: Cédric
    Battle Court: Cabo Poco
    Music: Nemona 2
    My Pokémon: Kelvin (Flareon), Tad (Poliwrath), Lincoln (Braviary) (Hisuian), Wendy (Toxtricity) (Amped)
    Opponent’s Pokémon: Oricorio (Sensu Style), Hitmontop, Agatha (Mismagius), Coallander (Torkoal)
    Every now and then, I find an opponent like this, who has the minimum number of Pokémon to play online. I’m guessing they were unclear on how the rules work, as it says you’re supposed to pick 4 Pokémon, but it’s ambiguous WHEN you pick them. They likely thought that you pick 4 to bring into Casual or Ranked, rather than bringing a full team of 6, then picking 4 to bring into battle. I hope these people come back with a full team later. They might not realize how much they’re disadvantaged during Team Preview because of their much higher predictability.
    Because Oricorio is shiny, and I couldn’t remember what their shiny forms actually look like, I had mistaken their Sensu Style Oricorio with Baile Style Oricorio. This is the actual reason why I Terastallized Kelvin (Flareon) immediately. It’s what I got for playing these matches after midnight.
    Looking back at this footage also, I can’t help but wonder if Intimidate might have been working against Hitmontop’s Endeavor strategy. Not only can Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan learn Endeavor (via TM209), but Hitmontop has other Abilities too (Technician and Steadfast). This Hitmontop I can confirm to have Endeavor and Quick Attack, hence Tera Normal, but that strategy relies on the Pokémon taking as much damage as possible without getting knockec out, which an Attack drop from Intimidate will make harder. Or am I overthinking things?
    My opponent’s Mismagius is nicknamed “Agatha,” most likely after the Kanto Elite Four member, who specializes in Ghost-types. Torkoal’s nickname of “Coallander” is a portmanteau of “coal” and “collander.”
    A bit of trivia: Hitmontop’s fancy footwork in his idle animation is the “ginga” (JEEN-gah), a technique in which a capoeirista (a person who practices capoeira, the Brazilian martial art that Hitmontop is based on, and a heck of a word to spell) shifts left to right, back and forth across three points on the floor. A capoeirista will always be in a ginga stance when they’re in battle and waiting for the opponent to make a move. Its purpose is to provide initial momentum for the capoeirista’s next move, whether to attack, block, or evade; and to make it harder for the opponent to hit them because, whereas most other martial artists would stand still, a capoeirista is always moving, shifting here and there. (It’s said that the mark of achieving true skill in capoeira is to have your own ginga style.)


  • @justinjyeung
    @justinjyeung 3 місяці тому +1

    Oho! So it's Upper Hand, not Quick Guard that I was guessing, that allows Tad to "control priority moves" as you'd mentioned. Nice to see these fancy new moves being used

    • @Overhazard
      @Overhazard  3 місяці тому +2

      Upper Hand has been proving to be harder to use than I had anticipated though. This battle was an example in that I thought Hitmontop would begin with Fake Out, but instead used Endeavor. I have also guessed incorrectly with Raging Bolt and Rillaboom a lot. The only Pokémon I could count on to use a priority move when I expected is Incineroar.

  • @schyzofrene1708
    @schyzofrene1708 3 місяці тому +1

    What a weird team the opponent had. I was happy to see someone use Oricorio's (its talent makes fun teams) so I was expecting the team to be based around dance moves. But no. And the Torkoal at the end...

    • @Overhazard
      @Overhazard  3 місяці тому +1

      I would love to make a dance themed team revolving around Oricorio sometime. Hopefully, I can do that before the end of this generation.

  • @mrmostache7971
    @mrmostache7971 3 місяці тому +1

    So it seems Upper Hand has priority 3, but so does Fake Out. I'm assuming that if you want to interrupt someone from using Fake Out, you would need to still be faster than them. Though to be fair, common Pokemon with Intimidate like Incineroar usually carry Fake Out, so Adrenaline orbs guarantee that Poliwrath is faster than those Pokemon. Reason why I thought Poliwrath was holding an Assault Vest was that it took a critical hit Extrasensory from Suicune pretty well. I guess that could also be explained by your previous opponent lack of training.
    I always disliked that Toxic Orb is the only option for Flareon's Guts ability. Testralization can give it the option to hold a Flame Orb, but that's only if you are willing to always Testralize it. I believe you used a Luxury in Sword and Shield with a similar idea.
    Hitmontop has 125 HP meaning it has minimal HP investments for Endeavor (still some IVs there), which means its focusing on both offense and speed. I was hoping to see more of Oricorio there, though I'm not sure if any of its 3 partners has any "Dance" moves. Looks like they are in the process of building the team, and need to see what 2 more members they need to add.

    • @Overhazard
      @Overhazard  3 місяці тому +1

      I think it’s that they’re unclear about what “pick 4” means and might have thought that you are to bring four Pokémon into the Battle Spot, rather than picking four during Team Preview.
      I did use a similar strategy with Luxray last generation, though I think I used the Flame Orb, as Guts will negate the Attack drop from Burn.
      Poliwrath has an unusually defensive stat spread for a Fighting-type Pokémon. Not to the extent of Scrafty, but it isn’t the “all Attack, middling to bad stats everywhere else” that many other Fighting Pokémon exhibit like Machamp and Conkeldurr (though they have their own ways to be useful).

    • @mrmostache7971
      @mrmostache7971 3 місяці тому

      @@Overhazard Your opponent definitely looked like a Johnny and had a specific strategy in mind, so I doubt that they would be duped like that. It is casual battles, so there are no penalties. I have done a similar thought process for team building before, so I wonder how common it is among unorthodox players.

    • @Overhazard
      @Overhazard  3 місяці тому

      I was honestly unaware people did that prior to your comment. Every team I make, I make sure to have six Pokémon on them before I even begin testing, as an important part of them is learning how opponents behave when they're all together.
      The way I decide on teams is that I have 10 to 15 Pokémon I want to put on that team, then I narrow them down to the 6 that, together, can deal with as many situations as possible. This is an experimental team I'm using, and even then, I had a bunch of other Pokémon I thought about but ultimately rejected, like Reuniclus, Basculegion (female), Blaziken, and Sandy Shocks. There's no way I can narrow it down to just 4 at first!

    • @mrmostache7971
      @mrmostache7971 3 місяці тому

      @@Overhazard Ah I see. You are reverse-building your team from +6 members to 6 members, rather than building from 0 to 6.

    • @Overhazard
      @Overhazard  3 місяці тому

      Yeah, I think the highest number of candidate Pokémon for a team was 20, with the Zoroark Team last generation.

  • @randomyoshi
    @randomyoshi 3 місяці тому

    -Your Poliwrath is holding an Adrenaline Orb? That's surprising. That item only works in niche situations.
    -I was wondering why Hitmontop knew Endeavor until your Poliwrath used Knock Off on it and removed the Focus Sash it was holding.
    -Flareon did an awesome job in this match!

    • @Overhazard
      @Overhazard  3 місяці тому

      I used to think the Adrenaline Orb is a niche item, but Incineroar is so stupid popular now that it’s no longer niche. That tiger is the first Pokémon to dethrone Flutter Mane off the #1 spot on the HOME rankings.
      Flare on can really deal huge damage once Guts kicks in. 130 Attack is nothing to trifle with, and a x1.5 boost on top of that lets it live up to its Japanese name of “Booster.”