9 - Designing Your Posts with Elementor

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @jfricard
    @jfricard 2 місяці тому

    00:06 Organize posts effectively in WordPress
    01:04 Designing a project post with Elementor
    01:57 Design the layout and style of post content
    02:51 Customize heading and add client quote with Elementor
    04:04 Customize post design with Elementor
    05:07 Designing posts with Elementor using overlays and captions.
    06:26 Styling the layout with padding adjustments
    07:47 Design your posts with Elementor for consistent and appealing appearance.

  • @mativva
    @mativva 2 роки тому +2

    At 8:48, the instructor says "we can save the first post as a template... and soon, we will learn how to import and modify templates". Am I missing something or are the never actually showing how to import and modify templates?

    • @Elementor
      @Elementor  2 роки тому

      Hi mativva, we import and edit a template in Lesson 11: ua-cam.com/video/M3FNHlCLUeg/v-deo.html.

  • @rgg5696
    @rgg5696 2 роки тому +4

    I don't get why design in each particular post. Shouldn't that be done dinamically with the single post template?
    Or maybe is it that this course doesn't want to get into more deeper dynamic options?

    • @gras7777777
      @gras7777777 2 роки тому +2

      because you're customising a gallery which a post doesn't have by default

  • @martapitadelgado2972
    @martapitadelgado2972 Рік тому +1

    Ho! thanks for the tutorials,
    When I'm going to make another post, how do I use the template for the next blog post without deleting the image from the previous one?

  • @flatspaces3876
    @flatspaces3876 2 роки тому

    Ya, I have been perplexed by this for years. When I try and get support at Elementor they reply once or twice then close the ticket before all my questions are answered. At the 1:55 mark in this video they open a post VIA ELEMENTOR but claim the featured image and some other things were created from the single post template. When I attempt to do this exact same thing the pages are always BLANK. I do not see, and no one at Elementor can explain, why my pages are blank when opened with Elementor, yet the pages are fine in this video.
    I also don't see why anyone would want their blogs to all be exactly the same. What are the odds that every blog is going to have the same amount of images, headings, and text? Isn't it better to just create them all from scratch and forget trying to deal with the single post template.

    • @gras7777777
      @gras7777777 2 роки тому

      you need to have dragged in a Featured Image widget to your post. this vid builds on a previous video that shows how to do it

  • @WorldofCrypto24
    @WorldofCrypto24 4 роки тому +2

    When I click edit with Elementor my single post template does NOT show up. It's just an empty page with my header and footer. Any suggestions please?

    • @amitagarwal8043
      @amitagarwal8043 3 роки тому

      could you get a solution to this. I am facing the same issue

    • @ilyagogin6012
      @ilyagogin6012 3 роки тому +10

      When creating a blog post (and editing the old ones), select template as "theme" and NOT "default template" in the right hand side settings. This solved it for me.

    • @eikonagrfxs
      @eikonagrfxs 3 роки тому +9

      ​@@ilyagogin6012 That worked. It's the "Theme" on the right-hand side of the post before you "Edit with Elementor" They left out putting the post widget into the "Post" template also. They mention it briefly and say in the video that they put it in earlier, but couldn't find where they actually showed them dropping it into the template. Dam that was frustrating!

    • @hannaaverkamp-peters149
      @hannaaverkamp-peters149 3 роки тому +1

      @@ilyagogin6012 Thank you :)

    • @thebrazensorceress
      @thebrazensorceress 3 роки тому +1

      @@eikonagrfxs Great and thank you :)

  • @mutantlabor
    @mutantlabor 6 місяців тому

    The Edit With Elementor button is in a different location and when I push it, it takes me to an unpopulated blank page in my site, rather than opening and populating the Post template that I built in the previous video. Any idea why this is happening?

  • @Joost-fe9gx
    @Joost-fe9gx Рік тому +1

    Hello I copied exactly everything what is show in above lesson. When I am clicking "Edit with Elementor" am not getting anything that I supposed to setup in the Single Post Template. A few days ago everything I made was working. When I wanted to continue the next day, it did not work anymore. It looked like de Single Post Template was not working. Now I have deleted everything to built it up again, but the Single Post Template still does not work. I can see it seems am not the only one with this problem.

    • @NeilSnapePhotography
      @NeilSnapePhotography Рік тому

      This is what is happening on my site under construction too. My main site I always used edit post with Elementor and the dynamic content was working as expected. Could it be a recent update to Elementor? Too bad they didn't leave the old templates with sections, the choice for Elementor Pro posts is very limited.

  • @claudiagiuliodori9651
    @claudiagiuliodori9651 2 роки тому +1

    One more problem: After I uploaded the images in the gallery I can't drag and drop them

  • @pienvandenieuwenhof8366
    @pienvandenieuwenhof8366 3 роки тому +1

    Hey! I can't see the Single post template when I open edit with elementor. How can I solve this?

    • @Elementor
      @Elementor  3 роки тому

      Hey Pien, make sure you are using Elementor Pro. From the WordPress dashboard, go to Templates > Theme Builder > Try now. You'll find the option to create a Single Post template there.

    • @pienvandenieuwenhof8366
      @pienvandenieuwenhof8366 3 роки тому +1

      @@Elementor Hey! I have the pro version and followed all the steps as it was stated in the instruction. Problem happens after I made the template and when I want to design the individual posts. I don't see the template I designed but just the contents of the post.
      I've tried solving it by uploading the template to the post but then the template itself gets dublicated in the post content section of the template.

    • @pienvandenieuwenhof8366
      @pienvandenieuwenhof8366 3 роки тому +2

      Hey! I think I solved it by not building the template as a single post template, but just a genaral page template. I

  • @mohammedsalman8305
    @mohammedsalman8305 2 роки тому

    hey i tried setting feature image catogerize excerpt as shown but when i clicked edit with elementor i am not getting any thing that we setup in the single post template please guide me through this

    • @Elementor
      @Elementor  2 роки тому

      Hey Mohammed, have you joined the Elementor Community? It's a great place to ask questions like this, and get advice from other web creators. You can even share screenshots and links there: facebook.com/groups/Elementors. Alternatively, if you are a Pro subscriber, you can contact Support from the Elementor Dashboard.

  • @claudiagiuliodori9651
    @claudiagiuliodori9651 2 роки тому

    Hi! Responsive mobile doesn't look good in Portfolio gallery section, How can i fix it? It appears in two columns (text on the left and gallery on the right) Thanks

    • @moeingha2683
      @moeingha2683 2 роки тому

      it took a lot but i found an answer. the problem is with an experimental option in setting forcing the template not to break, go to your dashboard, elementor, setting, Experiments and disable Additional Custom Breakpoints. i had your problem an it fixed it. hope it helps you too

  • @mushtaqtechnologycom2824
    @mushtaqtechnologycom2824 2 роки тому

    Hi, How to change elementor post comment widget text exp name, email, website, checkbox text etc. Please help me elementor I want to show another text inside this fields text guide me...🙏🙏

  • @cindybuzadi3050
    @cindybuzadi3050 3 роки тому

    In case you have a similar problem: the header I built (while following the video course) would always show up twice on every page until the footer was installed. Tech support resolved that for me.

  • @shavit7000
    @shavit7000 4 роки тому

    question - if i am stop paying yearly to elementor- does my site that i had built will be deleted ?

    • @widyahong
      @widyahong 3 роки тому

      no but stop automatic update because it will not compatible in future..

  • @mushtaq.3452
    @mushtaq.3452 4 роки тому

    Great 👌

  • @mehdiip
    @mehdiip 3 роки тому

    Thaaaanks great

  • @rosemih
    @rosemih 3 роки тому

    #9 надо смотреть, перед №8 для ознакомления

  • @sojibchandashimul9550
    @sojibchandashimul9550 Рік тому


  • @jinnahians
    @jinnahians 4 роки тому

    Love you

  • @rswebmarketing
    @rswebmarketing Рік тому +1

    Wrong practice in my opinion. You better create your post without Elementor builder. And create the layout in the post template. First because it avoid to create each time the structure and design. And second, because if you want to export your articles in another website, it would fail and you would have to recreate one by one each post.

    • @the_outlier1
      @the_outlier1 Рік тому

      I've been looking into this topic recently (hard to find information on it). How would you go about adding unique/different elements to posts? Like if I wanted to add a custom blockquote to a post. And on a different post I wanted that blockquote to be a different color. Another post I didn't want the blockquote. And on yet another one, I want unique subheadlines.
      If it's best practice to have posts in the wordpress editor, how do you accomplish those unique design elements on a post by post basis?

    • @rswebmarketing
      @rswebmarketing Рік тому

      @@the_outlier1 If you want to personnalize each post, then go on Elementor editing.