  • Опубліковано 3 гру 2024


  • @alola3270
    @alola3270 11 годин тому +87

    3:46 はじまり みんなの位置紹介
    5:32 料理人、莉々華さん驚く
    5:59 らでんちゃんと莉々華社長がキアラ店長がいるオーストリアに来た
    6:44 真ん中の機材「ラクレット」の紹介
    7:46 大事なじゃがいもを忘れていた
    8:18 オーストリアでの思い出を話す、りりらでん
    9:24 美術館に行った話
    11:24 ラクレットの説明をする、キアラ店長
    12:50 アルコールが苦手なキアラ店長が、二人のためにワインを購入
    13:25 クリスマスマーケットで酔った、莉々華社長
    14:45 50ユーロ(約7000円)のチーズを買ってしまった、莉々華社長
    17:33 本をたくさん買って残金が100ユーロの、らでんちゃん
    17:57 本を買った話から、美術館の話へ
    20:38 美術館のゲームで作った絵、莉々華社長ver.
    22:20 美術館のゲームで作った絵、キアラ店長ver.
    23:14 美術館のゲームで作った絵、らでんちゃんver.
    27:21 今日の朝食と今日したこと
    29:38 みんなが気に入ったお菓子
    31:39 コメント欄に話しかける、莉々華社長。タクシーでの話をする、らでんちゃん
    33:01 キアラ店長のオススメ
    36:15 配信時のオーストリアの時間は夜9時
    37:12 莉々華社長の作るラクレット
    38:17 らでんちゃんの作るラクレット
    39:05 らでんちゃんがのせたもの
    39:33 莉々華社長のラクレット
    40:02 キアラ店長のラクレット
    41:12 なかなか焼けないラクレット
    43:53 ラクレットを食べる、りりらでん
    44:48 ラクレットの事を教えてくれる、キアラ店長1
    45:33 ウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚)
    45:59 ラクレットの事を教えてくれる、キアラ店長2
    46:59 限界飯は社長考案
    47:54 朝5時(JST)の飯テロ
    51:34 莉々華社長の酔い方は面白い
    52:18 ちょっと英語が分かるようになった、らでんちゃん
    54:49 「ザ・ストレス」を歌う、キアラ店長
    55:29 「ロボキッス」を歌ったことを伝える、りりらでん
    56:32 らっきょのようなサイズのタマネギ
    59:07 オーストリア流のもてなしをしてくれる、キアラ社長
    1:00:44 テレサを持ってきてくれた、らでんちゃん
    1:01:38 キアラ店長のラクレット。航空でのプチトラベル
    1:03:31 美術館でのエピソード、オーストリアの人は優しい
    1:05:03 らでんちゃんが事前に伝えたこと
    1:05:57 タクシーで曲を流した話
    1:07:27 らっきょのようなサイズのタマネギが美味しい
    1:08:31 クリスマスマーケットの話
    1:11:39 英訳する、莉々華社長
    1:13:20 食事量と日本でラクレットするなら
    1:15:49 赤ワインを開けることに、お母さん専用になっているワイングラス
    1:18:00 食洗機の話
    1:20:48 莉々華社長のベッドの話
    1:24:45 明後日(2024/12/06)はカラオケ配信、配信時間は今回と同じ時間帯
    1:25:50 旅行とお酒についてお医者さんの許可をもらった、らでんちゃん
    1:27:02 〆の言葉

  • @imoyaki_life
    @imoyaki_life 13 годин тому +69


  • @fireblaze1580
    @fireblaze1580 12 годин тому +86

    *A Few Timestamps* (Start: 3:47 / BOO! 1:00:58)
    --------- (WIP)
    *[Ririka + Raden German / English!]*
    8:27 - “Guten Morgen!”
    8:36 - ”Dankeschön!”
    9:09 - “Kase Spätzle”
    9:32 *Ririka:* “Today we went to Art museum together!”
    10:41 *Ririka:* “OMG so Cute! Sugoi!! Exciting!”
    13:18 *Ririka:* “To Be Honest We already drank some Alcohol Already..”
    21:58 - “Ririka is queen!”
    36:18 - “9 PM~”
    37:30 - “NO CHEESE NO LIFE~”
    37:52 *Raden:* “CHEESU~ CHEESU CHEESU~”
    38:40 - “More Meat”
    42:38 - “Cheese! Hayaku! Come on!”
    43:19 - “Party Party~!”
    44:16 - “Barbeque Sauce C0cktail”
    57:11 - "Dankeschon
    57:27 - "Guten Morgen"
    57:33 - "Guten Nacht"
    9:24 - went to a Museum Today!
    12:56 - Alcohol at The Christmas Market!
    19:35 - At the Museum They Could create their own version of one of the paintings!
    25:25 - They went to the Gift shop afterward and There was a HUGE *Original Painting Print that Kiara Bought it for **_260 Euro!_*
    50:01 - Talking about How *Drunk Ririka* Was after one Tiny Punch! / *“Raden was Fine”*
    1:02:48 - Raden's P0n Episodes -Raden Forgot her Phone and her Glasses
    14:48 *Food:* Expensive *50 Euro* Truffle Cheese!
    29:43 *Food:* Roasted Candied Almonds!
    39:11 *Food:* Pearl Onions
    39:20 *Food:* Tomato + Zucchini
    40:01 *Food:* Kiara’s Raclette
    1:01:40 *Food:* Kiara's Raclette "It's still breathing"
    *[More Moments]*
    40:33 *Cute Raden Tune~*
    45:01 U-U-UmaUma~!
    54:48 *Humming~*
    3:47 “Kikkeriki!”
    3:59 - *Ririka* hand!
    4:05 - *Raden* hand!
    4:16 - *Wawa* hand!
    5:52Raden and Ririka are i n Austria!!
    6:35 *This is there fist welcome party DInner together!*
    6:44 Raclette!
    7:15 *Ririka fingers:* dododododdodo~
    7:23/7:43 Explaining Raclette
    *[Ririka and Raden Speak German]*
    8:27 - “Guten Morgen!”
    8:36 - ”Dankeschön!”
    9:09 - “Kase Spätzle”
    *[They went to a Museum Today!]*
    9:24 *Ririka:* “Today we went to Art museum together!” *(Rembrandt)*
    10:42 *Ririka describing Raden acting an Excited little kid:* “OMG so Cute! Sugoi!! Exciting!”
    *[Kiara describes the Cooking process]*
    11:22 Potatoes are starting To Cook
    11:56 Raclette Cheese! / How they do it in Austria
    13:33 *Sauces:* ketchup~ Mayo~ Sour Cream~
    *[Alcohol at The Christmas Market! / Expensive Cheese]*
    12:56 *Kiara:* “I don't Like Alcohol..” / She bought wine for them!
    13:12 *Wine Bottle!* (Domaine Wachau)
    13:18 *Ririka:* “To Be Honest We already drank some Alcohol Already..”
    13:30 Lightweight Ririka had *punch* While Raden had *hot Wine*
    14:48 *Food:* Expensive *50 Euro* Truffle Cheese!
    16:21 How much is 47 Euro in yen? (7800)
    *[Talking More about their Time at the Museum]*
    17:38 Raden bought a Lot of Books at the museum
    18:04 *Cultured Raden!* the Winter Hunting Scene Painting Raden wanted to see / There was a Rembrandt collection they paid extra for!
    19:35 *Kiara:* “Me and Ririka were in love with one particular style of painting / There was a palace where you could recreate that painting yourself..”
    20:39 - *Ririka’s Painting!*
    21:47 Ririka explains her Crown -> 21:58 “Ririka is queen!”
    20:22 - *Kiara’s Painting!*
    23:15 “Raden’s looks uninteresting..”
    22:35 - *Raden’s Painting!*
    24:06 Fixing Raden’s Mic / Raden’s is a little quiet because her Throat is bad right now
    24:30 Raden Explains The cigarettes!
    25:25 They went to the Gift shop afterward and There was a HUGE *Original Print that Kiara Bought it for **_260 Euro!_*
    *[Talking More about their Day]*
    27:25 They had Breakfast
    28:42 “The Girls Love my *Cats!”* - Kiara
    29:35 Christmas market was Nice
    29:43-30:23 *Food:* Roasted Candied Almonds!
    31:05 Checking the potatoes!
    31:38 Sleepy Ririka: “Global Niki!”
    32:31 Kiara describes Cute Raden Running around like a child
    *[Cooking Begins!]*
    32:56 _“POTATO!”_
    33:06 *Kiara Gives Instructions on How to Start*
    33:40 Grilling
    34:56 “I’m Sorry people IN switzerland if this isn't exactly how you do it, This how we do it in Austria”
    34:11 *Sizzle ASMR~*
    34:35 Kiara likes the Small Onions
    34:58 Ririka Gives kiara some Corn!
    35:06 Kiara adds *Raclette cheese on top!*
    36:18 *“9 PM~”*
    37:11 *Ririka’s Raclette!* (No vegetables…)
    37:30 _“NO CHEESE NO LIFE~”_ -> 27:44 The Raclette cheese!
    37:52 *Raden:* “CHEESU~ CHEESU CHEESU~”
    38:02 Meow~
    38:18 *Raden’s Raclette!*
    38:40 “More Meat!”
    39:11 *Food Close Up:* Pearl Onions
    39:20 *Food Close Up:* Pepper + Zucchini
    39:41 Rarika’s Raclette !
    40:01 *Food Close Up:* Kiara’s Raclette
    40:33 *Cute Raden Tune~*
    40:50 Everyone Needs a
    42:38 “Cheese! Hayaku! Come on!”
    43:19 “Party Party~!”
    43:32 *Ririka:* “Noo~! don’t Look at me!”
    42:52 *Raden’s Raclette!*
    43:40 Eating!
    44:16 “Barbeque Sauce C0cktail”
    45:29 UMAI~!
    45:01 U-U-UmaUma~!
    46:05 Kiara’s Trick Of What to Do with the left over food when You are Do
    46:52 *Genkai Mesh*
    47:12 Tensai!
    49:08 *Grilling ASMR~*
    *[Chatting While Cooking their FInal Raclettes]*
    50:01 Talking about How *Drunk Ririka* Was after one Tiny Punch! / *“Raden was Fine”*
    52:00 When Ririka Become Drunk she became more Clingy Like a G1rlfr1end”
    52:41 _Grill Master kiara!_
    53:21 They Drank *Carrot Juice Today!* / Carrots taste In Europe VS Japan
    54:16 *Smoothie* Is Sitting in Raden's Suitcase
    54:48 *Humming~*
    56:03/56:21 Ririka's and Raden’s Next Raclettes!
    57:00 Kiara passes Ririka The C0cktail Onions
    57:11 "Dankeschon"
    57:19 Kiara's Next Raclette with two Slices of Cheese
    57:27 "Guten Morgen"
    57:33 "Guten Nacht"
    57:48 *AH THE PEPPELONI*
    58:43 Everyone's Pretty Full
    59:09 The issue With Raclette is all the leftovers if you want a good variety
    1:00:09 They are Sleeping at *Wawa Hotel!*
    1:00:58 *Kiara Shows her BOO!*
    1:01:40 *Close up:* Kiara's Raclette Close Up! "It's still breathing"
    1:01:54 "WAHOO~!" - Ririka
    *[STORY: There Time at the Museum]*
    1:02:48 Raden's P0n Episodes -Raden Forgot her Phone and her Glasses
    1:03:18 Raden Forgot her Phone and her Glasses
    1:04:16 They were Standing a bit too Close to the paintings at Times...
    1:04:56 The Texture of The Paint

  • @demithevampireking4285
    @demithevampireking4285 13 годин тому +74

    3:46 start for those interested!

  • @MintyPolaroid
    @MintyPolaroid 13 годин тому +47

    I'm always reminded how amazing and unique these 3 are, they make a fantastic group Austria is the perfect place for them to explore together, it was rly exciting to hear they all enjoyed the museum, being giggly to the point of altering the guards

  • @Pride__
    @Pride__ 12 годин тому +22

    Genuinely happy to see Raden and Ririka visit Kiara so quickly after Raden first mentioned wanting to go to Austria. Enjoy yourselves you 3.

  • @jinyou727
    @jinyou727 7 годин тому +12


  • @shrektsadkfpagentorange7460
    @shrektsadkfpagentorange7460 13 годин тому +45

    I'm sooo glad that R&R kept their promise & visited you, Wawa, especially in this glorious time of the year, when Austria Christmas atmosphere is oozing w/ festive joy!
    Thanks, girlies, for starting off this guest mini-arc w/ a delicious cheesy bang. Have fun cuties🧡🩷🩶

  • @nagano_chii
    @nagano_chii 11 годин тому +43


  • @warekosowa
    @warekosowa 13 годин тому +21

    You finally got some guests from Japan to hang out and show off Austrian culture to! Hope you all have a great time together, sounds like you’re already off to a good start!

  • @晴希-v6u
    @晴希-v6u 10 годин тому +8


  • @misorano
    @misorano 11 годин тому +11


  • @phone-kun5085
    @phone-kun5085 13 годин тому +32

    This was such a fun off-collab, I'm super happy Raden was so enthusiastic about fulfilling her promise to visit 10chou and even got Shachou to come along with her.
    I hope you girls have a ton of fun hanging out and also that Raden feels better soon!

  • @JojiAnsoni
    @JojiAnsoni 13 годин тому +16

    They've only been there a day and you already took them to museums, a Christmas market and a raclette party, such a gracious host The atmosphere of cooking food and eating together around the grill is really nice, I've never done it but I can see why it's so popular, plus all the yummy food Thanks for the stream Kiwawa🧡 Have fun enjoy your time with Ririka and Raden! And hope Raden feels better soon

  • @地獄のきょん
    @地獄のきょん 12 годин тому +79


  • @spacewaterfallkfp12
    @spacewaterfallkfp12 12 годин тому +21

    Gutes altes Raclette, immer gut😊, immer lecker😋 und immer ein Spaß😃
    I'm so happy that Raden and Ririka are finally visiting you and enjoying your company and Austrian and European culture first hand!
    Showing them that Art Museum, the traditional Christmas Market and other sites and the city sounds like you had so much fun together!😊 Raden being like and excited kid and Ririka being insta drunk and a completely different person is both cute and funny!
    Being able to make your own art vased on that one art is so cool and I really liked all 3 of your takes on it! Really liked the symbolism with Radens and the simple cuteness of Ririkas and how sweet yours was with all the references like the fanletters that mean so much to you
    And agreed roasted almonds are amazing! And christmas punch is so good! (I only drink alcohol free christmas punch as I also dont like alcohol)
    Your Raclette ingredient selection was very nice and seeing the yummy results just got me drooling
    I could go for Raclette too rn
    Also we do it the same way as in Austria, stuff first the cheese ontop, sorry Swiss people.
    Thank you 3 for the fun, cute and hunger inducing offcollab stream, Kiwawa, Ririka and Raden!!!
    I hope you 3 have some great days ahead of you with fun activities and many good memories to make!!😊
    Seeya Übermorgen probably then!
    Until then Get Smoothie from Radens suitcase and also Chonkers and give them some cuddles
    Sleep well with sweet dreams!! Raden and Ririka drink enough water to not get a hangover!! Stay hydrated in general
    Gute Nacht meine liebe Kiwawa und ihre lieben Gäste Ririka und Raden

  • @gaato.
    @gaato. 13 годин тому +31


  • @jojosworlds1208
    @jojosworlds1208 11 годин тому +11

    11:04 Cute. I sometimes see this behavior with Asian tourists and I like that they are as fascinated from our old architecture and culture as I am from theirs.

  • @CarpeAbsurdum
    @CarpeAbsurdum 12 годин тому +11

    Awesome stream and start to a possible offcollab arc with Ririka & Raden! Very excited for the possible karaoke and just wanna say, huge thank you to Ririka & Raden for visiting Kiara and to Kiara for being a great host

  • @ポコです-k8v
    @ポコです-k8v 13 годин тому +22


  • @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets
    @Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets 8 годин тому +5

    Kiara always has great collabs. Her energy and chemistry is incredible

  • @Moondog943
    @Moondog943 13 годин тому +10

    Cheese is so good, I'm jealous. Sounds like Ririka and Raden are having a great time! Art museum and christmas market would definitely be a highlight of a trip. Kiara and her cats are great hostesses.

  • @Yuria-of-Londor-683
    @Yuria-of-Londor-683 11 годин тому +7

    I just bought a raclette grill last week thanks to you!! Gonna use with the family for Christmas yayyy. Thanks to this stream I'm now copying all your ingredients especially the corn and bacon-wrapped sausage Have fun with Ririka and Raden, so happy that they've even applied for passport to visit you, they're the real ones

  • @カクレオン-s9r
    @カクレオン-s9r 12 годин тому +123


  • @nenonano
    @nenonano 11 годин тому +9


  • @mysticruin6043
    @mysticruin6043 11 годин тому +9

    Nice to see that they actually went out there. Seems like a fun time. Raden's childlike enthusiasm was really cute. Please continue feeding Shachou proper meals. 🫡

  • @KazzBiggs
    @KazzBiggs 13 годин тому +12

    Chonky and Smoovie are too OP lol already capturing the hearts of your 2 lovely guests

  • @osiris_no_osiri
    @osiris_no_osiri 12 годин тому +19


  • @remi7567
    @remi7567 12 годин тому +11

    3:46 start!

  • @EllaEllaAudios
    @EllaEllaAudios 13 годин тому +56

    After Raden was so enthusiastic about visiting Austria in the summer, I'm happy to see it be organised Ririka being on board is so sweet too

  • @SmoothDGFD
    @SmoothDGFD 13 годин тому +7

    This is the most chill and comfy stream i've seen.
    Thank you!

  • @anononnononon8716
    @anononnononon8716 12 годин тому +11

    Ah, it does muh heart good to know you're having so much comfy, wholesome fun with Raden and Ririka . And as an Austrian fluent in Japanese, a funny charismatic cute girl, and a professional air-reader, you are INARGUABLY the best host they could ever have
    (btw Kiwawa, if that stone grill is detachable, you can just soak it in a container of hot water and dish soap overnight. It'll be super easy to clean with a scrubber by morning. Almost TOO easy.)

  • @lerneanlion
    @lerneanlion Годину тому +2

    Thank you for the stream, Queen Kiara, Miss Ririka and Miss Raden!

  • @佳苗-s5r
    @佳苗-s5r 8 годин тому +5


  • @bissbass-kfp3829
    @bissbass-kfp3829 13 годин тому +13

    Absolutely loved all of this from the cute conversations to the really delicious looking food!

  • @Emka112
    @Emka112 12 годин тому +6

    Thank you for the collab, Wawa! It's so awesome to see that Raden has kept her promise to visit Austria. And Ririka came along too! It sounded like they were both having a great time.

  • @koike-ushi
    @koike-ushi 8 годин тому


  • @YurkoGruha
    @YurkoGruha 13 годин тому +29

    Happy to hear that Ririka and Raden enjoy their EU trip so far I hope this will interest other jp girls to also visit Wawa, have fun sightseeing and get charmed by Wawa's cats Have fun Tenchou, show them lots of stuff and make wonderful memories

  • @Jerorawr_XD
    @Jerorawr_XD 13 годин тому +10

    Kiara's already given them a tour of Christmas Markets and introduced them to European cuisine... what a wonderful host and guide.
    Unsurprising that they fell in love with the cattos immediately. Who can resist?
    Thanks for the cooking stream and for the chit chat. Have fun with the rest of your trip, girls!

  • @franklinKFP
    @franklinKFP 13 годин тому +8

    WawaRiriRaden BIG LOVE!!! This stream really cheered me up, and also made me very hungry. I hope you three continue to have lots of fun together

  • @Sonicmaster2008
    @Sonicmaster2008 13 годин тому +9

    Had to be a way for half of the parts but bits I did see it was a lot of fun. Plenty of topics and some nice looking food! Adorable that the cats approve of Ririka and Raden. Thanks for the cooking off-collab Tenchou and hope the three of you have a great time!

  • @hasanii8321
    @hasanii8321 13 годин тому +13


  • @mo-fp7dlc
    @mo-fp7dlc 6 годин тому +1

    Thanks for your fun off-collabo, Kiara!
    I was really moved that the promise you once made to Raden has become a reality (with Ririka !!).
    I hope you three enjoy making lots of memories during your stay in Austria👏

  • @zipli_
    @zipli_ 13 годин тому +6

    It's so nice that they came to visit. They're so lovely Thank you for the stream!

  • @Dirkage
    @Dirkage 13 годин тому +6

    cooking like this looks like so much fun, loved hearing all the stories the girls had already

  • @Pierah
    @Pierah 12 годин тому +7

    Looks like Wawa is being a great host to her two cute kouhais. I'm so happy Raden and Ririka could visit her.
    The food looked so yummy and the short stories about the trip so far were great. Thanks for the fun collab!

  • @HASAN0083
    @HASAN0083 Годину тому +1


  • @Black_Lilith
    @Black_Lilith 4 години тому +2


  • @glgunblade
    @glgunblade 11 годин тому +4

    i did wonder if Raden would actually visit Austria but already there within the year and with Ririka. Hope they have fun. Was there recently. Absolutely beautiful.

    • @Earliersphere
      @Earliersphere 4 години тому

      She's the first I took seriously when Kiara said Raden was already working on her passport and travel papers after their off collab. It's good to see someone actually mean it when they said they would visit.

  • @kotaro998
    @kotaro998 13 годин тому +13


  • @mukakara
    @mukakara 12 годин тому +40


  • @pre_durden
    @pre_durden 11 годин тому +4


  • @OmegaGamingChan_KFP
    @OmegaGamingChan_KFP 13 годин тому +5

    Today was such an amazing comfy stream with Wawa but it was also a very tasty looking stream today!!! Thank you so much boss for the stream today with Raden and Ririka!! I’m glad that they’re having an awesome trip so far plus being able to hang out with you now that’s awesome! I hope you three continue to keep having a buttload of fun together. Thank you so much Wawa

  • @WrenchMcCool8
    @WrenchMcCool8 13 годин тому +6

    Sounds like a fun time. I'm sure they'll be impressed with Austria.

  • @UNKN0WN_O2
    @UNKN0WN_O2 13 годин тому +6

    Wawa is the best! Love Wawa so much!

  • @かどやんふわふわ
    @かどやんふわふわ 12 годин тому +7


  • @Ahhthur
    @Ahhthur 13 годин тому +15

    Tenchou and Sachou together? They cooking up something 👀

  • @gabugabu3500
    @gabugabu3500 10 годин тому +5


  • @ガーネットスタールビー
    @ガーネットスタールビー 11 годин тому +6


  • @MrMarnel
    @MrMarnel 12 годин тому +5

    It's my cute boss and her two (?) cute wives.

  • @Tengokujin
    @Tengokujin 13 годин тому +8

    Reminder: the easiest way to clean off burnt food is to boil the burnt bits and scrape them off while still hot/warm and wet.

  • @GodofAmiibo
    @GodofAmiibo 13 годин тому +4

    What a wonderful, good-vibe stream. I wanna do raclette someday! Glad you girls are having fun!

  • @leipzigergnom
    @leipzigergnom 10 годин тому +1

    Raclette is always great fir a meal during the holidays. We usually do it on New Year's Eve for some reason.

  • @salubriousbeets
    @salubriousbeets 12 годин тому +5

    I thought to myself, "oh I can get through the workday with a light meal". Oh how naive past me, you didn't think about what this stream would do to you. The sizzling of the grill, the sights of different meats and melted cheese... I could practically smell it, I'm so hungry . Setting food torture aside, was fun listening along, hearing you all are going on some fun adventures enjoying each other's company.

  • @krr1202
    @krr1202 9 годин тому +2

    So cute!!!💘💘💘

  • @こはるびより-q2m
    @こはるびより-q2m 13 годин тому +12


  • @OneWayOnlyHim
    @OneWayOnlyHim 13 годин тому +3

    This was such a great off collab Kiara ! Love the stories about Raden being PON and filled with child like wonder seeing the Austrian sights ! And Ririka's english is so good as always !

  • @apathetk
    @apathetk 11 годин тому +5

    The neverending raclette is invading other parts of youtube.

  • @hauba404
    @hauba404 13 годин тому +5

    Fun offcollab, hope you have lots of fun while Raden and Ririka are visiting you!

  • @高橋尚隆
    @高橋尚隆 13 годин тому +8

    KIWAWA!! I GET TICKET hololive STAGE World Tour '24 -Soar-! @ TAIPEI !!see you next year!!

  • @denniseggert211
    @denniseggert211 13 годин тому +4

    Such a wholesome collab. I think its awesome that Kiara host´s Raden and Ririka as guest, really hope they enjoy their stay. And the food looked fantastic thank you for letting us participate in this dinner!

  • @snipe4hireS4H
    @snipe4hireS4H 13 годин тому +4

    Cute, cheesy, girly grilling! What more could you ask for? Thanks for the stream!
    Glad you three are all having fun!

  • @quiety_gg
    @quiety_gg 13 годин тому +4

    nice surprise ririka and raden in austria!!

  • @rentwascheap
    @rentwascheap 12 годин тому +6

    This was such a good collab!!!

  • @waraiotoko888
    @waraiotoko888 7 годин тому +1


  • @bennydelon
    @bennydelon 10 годин тому +2

    Thanks for the stream! Always happy to see more collabs with ReGLOSS, and this one is extra special as a rare off-collab in Europe. I hope Raden's cold gets better so she can enjoy the rest of the trip.

  • @ソーシンt
    @ソーシンt 12 годин тому +5


  • @aishix2145
    @aishix2145 12 годин тому +4

    I just ate a raclette the last week (we love this in France you know) 😂❤

  • @ZXY101
    @ZXY101 13 годин тому +6


  • @extralie-kfpfirstapostle9160
    @extralie-kfpfirstapostle9160 13 годин тому +4

    That was so cute! But I'm hungry now....

  • @m1tchorry
    @m1tchorry 13 годин тому +4

    Thanks for the teetee cooking stream, boss! Ririka and Raden are so sweet and cool for visiting the Wawa house. Hope they have fun during their stay

  • @peekaboo0
    @peekaboo0 13 годин тому +8

    This was a very cute and heartwarming stream! The raclette made me so hungry , though I'm happy just watching you girls enjoy it. Ririka's english sounds so good and Raden sounds like a cute cat when she eats. Also great to hear that you went to some nice places already. You're a great host Wawa, I hope you 3 will have lots of fun in the next few days!

  • @_slash7
    @_slash7 13 годин тому +4

    Ririka and Raden are such sweethearts for coming to visit Kiara all the way to Austria You seem to already had lots of fun together! Wawa is the best host
    Food looked delicious Thanks for the cooking stream, this was great! Good night!~~

  • @Mati-kun
    @Mati-kun 13 годин тому +4

    Thank you for the stream, have fun with the girls!

  • @ギブミクレ-g3f
    @ギブミクレ-g3f 11 годин тому +5


  • @sorakeyblade100
    @sorakeyblade100 13 годин тому +3

    Raden is in Austria, all museum curators in the country shudder in anticipation

  • @vadaho3923
    @vadaho3923 13 годин тому +3

    Thank you for stream BOSS and thank for our special guest too !!! Good night everyone

  • @Ms-teriwo
    @Ms-teriwo 7 годин тому


  • @fry3k578
    @fry3k578 13 годин тому +4

    super fun stream! you were so cute together, hope you keep having much fun during their visit! it alwas melts my heart when other holo members are trying to speak german, and we got so much of that today, so cute! 🧡💗💚

  • @yonodetsu
    @yonodetsu 6 годин тому


  • @UNKN0WN_O1
    @UNKN0WN_O1 13 годин тому +5

    This was very fun! Thank you for the stream, Tenchou! This stream made me so hungry. I really want to try raclette now. I’m so happy to see JP members finally visiting you in Austria. You girls were so cute! Hope you all have a wonderful time! I can’t wait to hear more tangents from this.🧡🥰🧡

  • @aviorAUT
    @aviorAUT 13 годин тому +8

    So happy Wawa got visitors from japan! And two very cute girls too! Showing them Austria, especially Raden i bet Wawa sees and learns new things too. Like the museum the went today.

  • @kisetu1977
    @kisetu1977 12 годин тому +3


  • @klondikesaloon7026
    @klondikesaloon7026 6 годин тому

    Maybe I'm just sheltered, but this is the first time I've (🇺🇸) seen raclette, and of course it's just delightful to see Raden and Ririka take the time to come visit Kiara. First time JP are visiting the coop, I think? I suspect this is a great time to visit Austria, Christmas there sounds very aesthetically festive. Here's hoping everyone continues to have fun over the stay!

    • @klondikesaloon7026
      @klondikesaloon7026 6 годин тому

      Also, I can vouch for having TWO dishwashers. I know people that built their kitchen like that so they could handle larger dinners without leaving a pile of dirty dishers, but it also means that for day-to-day use, you don't really need to put the dishes away. They just go from the "clean" dishwasher, to the table, to the "dirty" dishwasher, repeat.

  • @matthew-514
    @matthew-514 3 години тому

    I've been waiting for this day to come since Raden and Ririka said they wanted to visit. I'm so glad it’s finally happening!

  • @jojosworlds1208
    @jojosworlds1208 11 годин тому +3

    Wawa jugdes Ririka for the 47€ cheese but then buys a 260€ Rembrandt print😂

  • @duploman0003
    @duploman0003 13 годин тому +4

    Thanks for the fun stream! Greetings from the Netherlands!

  • @高橋元々
    @高橋元々 10 годин тому +12


  • @TriChaser
    @TriChaser 7 годин тому

    Raden is such a woman of her words. What she said, she followed up with it!

  • @猫猫亭ミケ
    @猫猫亭ミケ 3 години тому
