You're correct! I call the DSM-5 a "catalog of billing codes". And ALL of the so-called "diagnoses" in it are bogus, and they were ALL INVENTED, not "discovered". That's because psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drug racket, and a means of social control. It's 21st Century Phrenology with potent neuro-toxins.
It's not that simple. But if your simple stick-figure kindergarten belief system helps with your feeling of being butthurt about something that happened to you somewhere along the line, good for you l.
And it says at the very beginning of the DSM - - in the book - - (!) that it should not be used that way Those who developed it were also promised that it would not be used that way.
I found the following on MadInAmerica recently. It's so deliciously snarky yet 100% accurate: How to Interview a potential Psychiatrist (& applies to Walk-in Clinic GP's as well): 1. Have you ever suffered from depression? (I understand that the depression rates are quite high in medical school.) 2. Are you comfortable with the violent and oppressive history that are the roots of your professions and that still exist today? 3. Have you ever thought about suicide? (I understand the rates for suicide are quite high for the Mental Health profession.) 4. How is your marriage? (I understand there is a lot of marital dissatisfaction in your profession.) 5. How do you deal with stress? 6. Who is running mental health checks on your profession to ensure you are fit to serve the public? 7. How many of your patients have you cured? 8. How many of the people who come to see you are not diagnosed with a mental illness? 9. What do you think of the methods that the DSMV uses to determine the criteria of a mental illness? 10. Do you agree that shrinks should be paid on a results-only basis? 11. How do you feel about me taping our sessions? 12. If your children were Dx’ed with Mental Illness(es), would you want these medications for them? 13. Would you ever take the drugs you are prescribing to me? 14. Have you ever been medicated? (I understand that medication is quite high for Doctors and in particular shrinks.) 15. Have any of your patients ever died of drug related side effects from the medication you prescribed to them? 16. Have any of your patients ever committed suicide? How many? 17. Have you ever been sued by a former patient? Do you mind if I FOIP that? 18. How many formal complaints have been lad against you by former clients? Where can I verify that information? 19. Do you have hospital privileges? Why did you lose them? Why not? 20. How much money are you being paid for this visit?
When they tell you that you suffer from depression, they don’t ask you if you hate your job or have any purpose to wake up too, no, they give you a pill to help you forget you hate your job.
true, but it seems that most people are not open/willing to accept the psychotherapy/psychoeducation needed to help treatment their symptoms and expect a pill for their symptoms/problems. Similar to how many type 2 diabetics are not open/willing to make lifestyle modifications.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. I’m sooooo hesitant but I KNOW EXACTLY what I want to say !! They’re ‘not ‘human !? What’s WRONG w them ! Nothing. Lazy. Believed the lie. Subjective. It’s not real. The MOST ‘abusive INDUSTRY and ppl. I’ve ever seen !
I was diagnosed with Asperger’s. I had 18/18 symptoms and the clinical psychologist told me it was lifelong. I believed it for years, made it my identity, and limited my life accordingly. I eventually changed my lifestyle and mindset and almost every symptom went away 😂 How many other people have been told they have a lifelong condition when they don’t?!
I have, Kirsty. Diagnosed @ age 4 in 1971 (I'm 55 now) w/Bipolar Disorder & ADHD (called Manic-Depression & Hyperkinesis, respectively, back in the 1970s). I was prescribed 30+ different psych meds ovr a 40+ yr period (been psych med-free since 1/1/2017). Courtesy of a book called "Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How & Why To Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications" by Drs. Peter Breggin & David Cohen along w/my personal experiences on psych meds, I began 2 realize that mental health conditions r ENVIRONMENTAL IMBALANCES (NOT CHEMICAL IMBALANCES). In other words; it primarily has 2 do w/ur surrounding atmosphere (especially when it involves abuse, bullying, & harassment committed against an individual by other people). Also; conflict plays a major role. Have psych meds ever addressed & resolved those a4mentioned triggers? No; nvr have & they nvr will.
Shocking. Unethical. Disgusting. Abuse of power. Thank you for your research into their lack of research and sharing about it to bring it to our attention
Holy shit - this video has confirmed something I've *KNOWN* and will *NEVER BE ABLE TO PROVE* because I'm a mere pleb trying to understand a diagnosis given within 30 min by 12 strangers who have not known me for (33 years at the time). I'm 38 now and I'm searching deeper and getting hungrier for answers EVERY DAY. I hereby, respectfully *REJECT* my diagnosis.
@@marthahenrich1185 those damn files are confidential and nobody in your life that matters will care about arbitrary labels that will probably be revised in the DSM 100 version. You are not your diagnosis. You are your choices. Believe in yourself 🌸
@@ImadeUlook I don't have a problem w/my diagnosis (Bipolar Disorder); I have a problem w/its classification ("mental illness" which's SHAMEFUL & STIGMATIZING in the EXACT SAME MANNER as "mental retardation").
I was born into a seriously dysfunctional family. I worked for years with Psychoanalysts, because a Psychologist could not answer my questions of her, as to why I was, as I was. She referred me to seek Psychoanalysis, which I did. I worked with a psychiatrist IN TRAINING to become a Psychoanalyst for many years. Although none of my original questions were ever resolved, it was not all for naught. I was able to return to university and more importantly I learned how to psychoanalyze myself, which I did many, many years later. What did I learn? I successfully treated myself, but more importantly I realized that we, ourselves, can only get to the heart of our issues. Every person is unique and different. Treatment of all problems with the same protocol (treatment plan) DOES NOT WORK!
Yep! The self knows itself better than the mind knows Kinesiology is an astonishingly accurate way of accessing help, Ie… I had much work done (adjustments following a truck accident at 98km hr) and after one visit I was asked how everything was and I explained everything adjusted felt great but I had a two inch stabbing pain in my right lower back… So the practitioner asked my muscles via testing what was it, She then says to me “what female friend betrayed you recently?” I thought, WHAT!, I had had a ‘friend’ of over two decades accuse me of taking her bike pants, and I have only ever given to this lady, and not just material items but a lot of my time… And I thought I dealt with it mentally but when I was asked that I explained it, and the practitioner looked at me with love and sincere acknowledgment and said that must have really hurt, and adjusted me, the pain left! Unresolved issues even if we think we are all good with it like these betrayals store in our muscles and the body holds onto everything that is not dealt with, The self knew, the practitioner asked the body and it tells it how it is… Another practitioner realised I’d had trauma with Sex as at the end of a session Grace turned to me and said oh and sex isn’t bad! I said , I know, but I could tell She knew I had trauma related to it.. if you want to be really astounded, visit a renowned reputable kinesiologist and they will not only help you out more than you’ll expect but spin you out, as they will know things from accessing muscle strength exercises you would not think possible,,, ❤
Drug addict here. I don't like it that it's only talking about drugs not causing a high instead of how alcoholism works. It's not the substance. It's the person addicted.
I am so glad I've found this lecture again , I was stunned when I first heard it but was unable to refer friends bc I'd not saved it . It is so completely outrageous that it boggles the mind. Full respect to Davies for such a well delivered important piece of work
This is astounding. A wonderful presentation that goes a long way to explaining the explosion in the diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' once it had been added to DSM V.
I suspect there is a money angle to this as well. If it is a "documented" disorder, you can charge an insurance company for treatment. Medicine is a business and one can make more money by charging more patient issues to the insurance company..
VERY true. That’s exactly how it was explained to me once: “If we don’t start labelling you with something from the beginning (even though we aren’t sure yet and need more sessions) your insurance isn’t going to cover it.”
The money angle is only part of the problem. Psych is one of the favorite tools in controlling others by the Marxist, Stalinist, Maoist godless Luciferian Control Freaks. Fight back! Do not comply!
There are very few "mental disorders" that clearly seem organic (some surely are.) But there are HUNDREDS of behavioral patterns that are dysfunctional, uncomfortable, annoying or criminal - and most of the DSM is just a way for therapists, psychiatrists and facilities to get paid for dealing with them - or attempting to.
The problem is that there are millions of people many young children who are subject to obligatory medical protocols by psychiatrists with no fondation whatever. Thank you Dr Davids. I am one who is forcibly drugged that l consider torture.
I refused to take it starting when I was 16. My parents made me a ward of the state, I spent a year going through a program called vision quest that was really for kids with felonies, but then I was free. I've never taken any psych meds since. I thank God everyday that I did that. I should have run away from home when I was 14.
As an integrative psychiatrist for 46 years, I knew there was a problem with diagnosis and treatment by the early 1990’s. When I saw the new diagnoses SAD, I knew it was fishy. We already had SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. Manic depressive became bipolar disorder or BPD. A few years later borderline personality disorder became BPD. Ten years later I heard about bipolar depressive disorder… BPD. I knew this was a scam. People were being funneled to the diagnosis in which psychiatrists can prescribe every category of psych drugs. Cardiologists deal with myocardial infarction or MI. They would never think of adding a second MI diagnosis. I have observed that people are diagnosed bipolar in cavalier ways, such as rapid speech…or a short red skirt. I spent 20 years in hospital psychiatry. With new coding you can only bill for axis one which includes schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar, and many more. You cannot bill for axis two which is personality disorders. Borderline personality is axis two, not billable. I observed that a high percentage of people with borderline personality (which I refer to as complex PTSD) were being diagnosed bipolar…which meant treatment with bipolar drugs. I happen to think that true bipolar disorder is rare.
Thank you for writing the book, Sedated, How Modern Capitalism Created Our Mental Health Crisis. I totally agree with every line of the book. As an Iranian woman who found herself homeless blowing the whistles on children sexual abuse by her relatives post petit mal, complex, and grand mal seizures and brain surgery to remove a right temporal lobe brain tumor. I became a perfect victim of crime of psychiatry. Gang crime of psychiatry. I was lured into my first psychiatric hospital six months after my brain surgery and in America and in November of 1985 and I immigrated to America on January 2, 1978. Fast Food Finder Dave is my roommate. Thank you for doing so well by so many victims. Tears of Joy. My name is Behnaz Safavi. I just want to add that people like I find themselves dragged back into psychiatric hospitals by the infamous sexual harasser for cop and then judge Paul Raleeh by Emergency Psychiatric Evaluation which is a problem of its own.
On the ordinary level… that’s the awesome (and healthy!) thing about having friends. On the level of having affordable access to PhD level expert counselling… maybe that’s too much to hope for in life.
Thank you so so much for all of you guys do. We need to change policies. There has to be a movement. I would like to interview any of you interested in wider activism or sharing your stories or knowledge. This needs to be taught in all hospitals and schools
There is no excuse for enslaving humans as laboratory animals, especially when the population has the gall to call this 'care' and label those enslaved as 'consumers.'
The origin of the DSM sounds like something from a Monty Python Skit especially when Dr Davies listened to that Dr saying science was needed to remove diagnoses added arbitrarily by consensus.
The problem is in the reality that psychiatrists believed that their training was based on experience; most is theoretical. Most all science seems to be based on theory not reality! The entire practice of Psychiatry needs to tossed out, deconstructed, and redone.
Been here to rewatch this one three times now and it’s always on my watch later list, it’s flabbergasting but you succeeded in succinctly explaining why the dsm is questionable to say the very least Thanks so much to the uploader of this lecture, astounds me every time I watch it again….
Cancer too. You can prevent cancer through diet and life style. I think Sigmund's work is only valid. Psychiatry just proves that people don't history, and they really should. I am not a psychiatrist though.
You can't cure cancer with diet and lifestyle. ~ Since believing in fairy tales makes you feel empowered, so be it. ~ Let me know how that approach works if you get cancer.
Yes, people do have similar symptoms which assists in the type of treatment received. However, each person became Ill due to different problematic issues, based on their genetic makeup and intrafamilial dysfunction. Pharmaceuticals may assist some people, however, my experience revealed that anti depressants only mask symptoms as long as the individual continues to pretend that all is good. Psychoanalysis in the 70s did NOT prescribe ANY pharmaceuticals. I believe that is no longer practiced, yet I don't know. Overcoming childhood abuse, or childhood emotional abuse (as in my case) takes a VERY long time. There may be chemical reasons for DEPRESSION, but after completing my recovery all symptoms of Depression vanished! Depression is the result of conflicting ideas in our minds - Cognitive Dissonance, one could say. All psychological (90%) dysfunction is rooted in dysfunctional childhoods. Generational dysfunction is passed on an on and on. Very few families are treated, hence, all emotional problems continue. IF Anything were to be changed, FAMILIES would be treated during the years of their children's early years. Neurotic parents/children only have a life of hell to expect from life! This is the truth, based on my experience.
There are huge issues around the western-centric view too. Is that norm even the healthiest? I doubt it, it's very repressed. DSM categories are highly individualised and take a person out of the context of their family, society, history which makes no sense whatsoever. As an indigenous person there are things about my way of being that are very pathologised under western medicine, but totally normal and supported in my native culture. Guess which one has supported my wellbeing best. I have seen DSM contributors discuss communities of neurodivergent people with nothing short of utter arrogance and a frightening lack of insight and compassion.
Agree, there is no holistic thinking whatsoever in psychiatry, which is why there is no real understanding of the causes for peoples problems and suffering.
Very important lecture. Unfortunately im required to diagnose to get reimbursed by insurance companies. Ironically a lot of counselors aren't taking insurance anymore, not cuz they dislike the system, but cuz they are just too annoying to deal with as they try to get out of paying every chance they get. Either way it hurts the client
I watched this video a couple of yrs ago and whenever I read or hear about 'Autism' or 'ADHD' etc I think of this talk of this dr. : The group of ppl who formed the 'commission' who "improved" / adjusted DSM 3 - 5 all had financial ties with Big Pharma. So were certain mental / fysical conditions created to favour the business model of big pharma ?
Their is parients bill of rights. Meaning you have the right to refuse treatment, you have a right to refuse medication, you have to right to en treatment at anytime without consequences. You can't report them to patience rights advocacyngroup and also take legal action.
@@Native722 I can assure you that I did many times to no avail. They nearly killed me due to forced medication claiming that I was Bipolar and Schizophrenic and Manic and other nonsense. I'm not. The Patients Bill of Rights was given to me. I gave my complaints continuously and they did absolutely nothing. I would have to sue the entire State Medical Board. Trying to find the funding to do just that. I found a lawyer who will help litigate, but, refuse to work under contingency. Do you know any non-profits who will help pay for my legal expenses and my lawyer?
I wish more people would learn how to simply watch their thoughts and know they are not real, and we really don't know where they come from and why. Simply watching those thoughts is enough to change how you feel. If a person can learn to do this, they may not need medication with side effects to calm down.
Oh, to be in the future, taking a history class on the epidemic of groupthink that led to the medicalization of existence at the beginning of the 21st century, deeply relieved to not have been born yet then
It would have been interesting to hear the diagnosis that had been most descriptive of this group of quasi psychiatrists. Grandiose delusions / "Delusions of Grandeur" ?!
I think about one in a thousand is truly psychotic and a danger to themselves and others and need to be hospitalised. 99% can live normal lives if they learn how to simply watch there thoughts and know thoughts are simply fantoms that pop in and out of existence in our mind, and when we learn to ignore them we feel much better.
What are you asking? 1) work, 2) money, 3) talk, 4) what you cannot be forced into, that is illegal if you don't want it, 5) leaving, 6) illegal file system erased.
Happy Monday! Question - Once you have decided you want to live, what do you need? IMMEDIATE SAFETY OXYGEN WATER FOOD SHELTER FROM EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS
My UA-cam channel has been inundated by videos about narcissism. These videos are so ridiculous that they caused me to lose faith in a lot of psychiatric diagnoses that I used to accept as scientific and proven to exist. Take psychopathy, for example, is that a real diagnosis or just a label that can be attached to people you don't like.
I found the following on MadInAmerica recently. It's so deliciously snarky yet 100% accurate: How to Interview a potential Psychiatrist (& applies to Walk-in Clinic GP's as well): 1. Have you ever suffered from depression? (I understand that the depression rates are quite high in medical school.) 2. Are you comfortable with the violent and oppressive history that are the roots of your professions and that still exist today? 3. Have you ever thought about suicide? (I understand the rates for suicide are quite high for the Mental Health profession.) 4. How is your marriage? (I understand there is a lot of marital dissatisfaction in your profession.) 5. How do you deal with stress? 6. Who is running mental health checks on your profession to ensure you are fit to serve the public? 7. How many of your patients have you cured? 8. How many of the people who come to see you are not diagnosed with a mental illness? 9. What do you think of the methods that the DSMV uses to determine the criteria of a mental illness? 10. Do you agree that shrinks should be paid on a results-only basis? 11. How do you feel about me taping our sessions? 12. If your children were Dx’ed with Mental Illness(es), would you want these medications for them? 13. Would you ever take the drugs you are prescribing to me? 14. Have you ever been medicated? (I understand that medication is quite high for Doctors and in particular shrinks.) 15. Have any of your patients ever died of drug related side effects from the medication you prescribed to them? 16. Have any of your patients ever committed suicide? How many? 17. Have you ever been sued by a former patient? Do you mind if I FOIP that? 18. How many formal complaints have been lad against you by former clients? Where can I verify that information? 19. Do you have hospital privileges? Why did you lose them? Why not? 20. How much money are you being paid for this visit?
Glad I found this video, the comments are making me feel more sane. It makes me realise it's not just me who feels this way!! Who are these quacks who define what we are and what we're not?? They know nothing! It's quite clear they don't understand human beings one bit. Noone does, humans are very strange and alot is unknown!!! I know from personal experience what they write about my 'diagnosis' is total trash, but yet everybody believes them as if they're priests. In fact, they make it worse because they insist it's fixed and 'biological' and can't be changed. It let's everybody off the hook, noone has to help me because it's just 'what I am' as if I'm a different species!! That's the psychologist's real job, to make every problem seem individual and biological so the society and people don't have to change!!
It's difficult not to feel some sympathy for Spitzer, who, to his credit, was very candid about much of this. In trying to tackle one legitimacy crisis for the profession in the 70s, DSM3 created the seeds of another. The missing piece of the historical puzzle for me is the "field research" which apparently led to the "operational definitions".
This big mistake wat American laid to me for long time and they still here at my house waching me don't have room they shooting at me taking my pictures report me to congress peopl and block my futur I can't go forward sad peopl
So which ones are "actual" psychiatric disorders? Does schizophrenia have biological markers? Does Bipolar Disorder? No, but are they real and helped by psychiatric medication. Just because the markers are not available yet does not mean they won't be in the future. Sir, when anti-seizure medication is given to many bipolar patients (including the bipolar 2 disorder you sneer at) they achieve greater stabilization in mood and in many cases lifted out of psychotic states. Suggests biology. Would you talk someone out of a seizure? Ever heard of Scientology? Are you with them? I beg anyone who reads this to check their beliefs and see the hostility they have for psychiatry. There are abuses in the mental health field but mental illness (yes, actual illness) exists and have physical foundations. Biology, sociology, and psychology interact. Of course you know better but I believe you wrote a book didn't you? Hopefully you'll make a tidy profit off it's sales. All part of your crusade to "save" people from psychiatric treatment. People not getting treatment is your goal after all.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drugs racket, and a means of social control. It's 21st Century Phrenology with potent neuro-toxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do far more harm than good. So-called "mental illnesses" are exactly as "real" as presents from Santa Claus, but not more real. The DSM-5 is nothing more than a catalog of billing codes. ALL of the bogus, so-called "diagnoses" in it were invented, not discovered.
"Sir, when anti-seizure medication is given to many bipolar patients (including the bipolar 2 disorder you sneer at)they achieve greater stabilization in mood and in many cases lifted out of psychotic states." Correction what they achieve is a resplendent homeostasis of robotized existence and a damaged brain with respect to pre and postsynaptic neurons. It is not that "disorders" do not exist, it is that there is very few biologically based evidence for the vast 95%++ of the fictionalized labels (e.g., dopamine excess or serotonin deficiencies)that then become the PLAYPEN of Phrama! Psychotherapy rather than medicalization bears precious few dollars. It is EPIGENETICS that has a MUCH MORE CENTRAL ROLE in how the brain is wired! Along of course with external not biologically based chemical imbalances or endocrine disruptors (biophenes, neurotoxins, etc)
Being against psychiatry does not make one a Scientologist. That's called a false correlation. I am a pagan who is against psychiatry, and for very different reasons than Scientologists are. In their case it's because it's a competing institution.
I think it's important to point out that things like mania and hallucinations are real. But my problem as a patient was the intense secrecy of the harms of these medications. In addition to that, there are so many ways to manipulate dopamine and serotonin and even deal with hallucinations and delusions. You can deal with these problems naturally and when you are in the public hospitals they don't emphasize these methods because there is no money to be made through them. If depressed people were told to support the maintenance of the hormones Serotonin and Melatonin through sunshine, exercise and sleep, there would be less money for drug companies and thus the government. The drugs do have some benefit in certain scenario's but the way they are being used there is a lot of abuse of patients involved. Psychiatry is greedy and they oversimplify and isolate these problems to the science of chemistry. Here's a drug and you have a life sentence of hopelessness. It's the biggest lie and to destroy someones hope is so cruel. That's the problem. If you start opening the doors of alternative therapy there would be a revolution and big pharma knows that. A major income source for a lot of governments would be lost. My suggestion to anyone suffering from being disturbed (I call these Psychiatric states being disturbed and not mental illnesses), is to take an educated approach to coming out of them and get the support you need and give yourself time. Learn different sciences. Learn about love. Learn about holistic health and don't let people take advantage of you because there are solutions. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and haven't had an episode in years. Don't trust people so easily because money can be used for evil too. I'm not against Psychiatry nor am I with it because of its current condition. I am against the extremes. Some of the medications are excellent if used in the right way. A lot of people died with Bipolar Disorder before lithium so we need to be grateful. But this industry has a bit of corruption and is a bit dirty and needs to be cleaned up.
The DSM is a Billing Manual, plain & simple!
You're correct! I call the DSM-5 a "catalog of billing codes". And ALL of the so-called "diagnoses" in it are bogus, and they were ALL INVENTED, not "discovered". That's because psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drug racket, and a means of social control. It's 21st Century Phrenology with potent neuro-toxins.
@@silentumexcubitor6747 The DSM was "developed" by Dumb Shitty Morons.
It's not that simple. But if your simple stick-figure kindergarten belief system helps with your feeling of being butthurt about something that happened to you somewhere along the line, good for you l.
@@jamesoeming5022isnt it? Well, good for you to have the superior capacity to appreciate the complex nuances we the rest cant 😆.
And it says at the very beginning of the DSM - - in the book - - (!) that it should not be used that way
Those who developed it were also promised that it would not be used that way.
Dr. Andrew Feldmar compares the DSM to Malleus maleficarum, the book the Inquisition used in the middle ages to decide who is a witch. Spot on.
Psychiatry really puts medicine to shame. Medical Associations need to call it out for the sham it is.
Abused patients are trying unsuccessfully.
@@meb8743 After all, they're "unstable", what do they know?
I found the following on MadInAmerica recently. It's so deliciously snarky yet 100% accurate:
How to Interview a potential Psychiatrist (& applies to Walk-in Clinic GP's as well):
1. Have you ever suffered from depression? (I understand that the depression rates are quite high in medical school.)
2. Are you comfortable with the violent and oppressive history that are the roots of your professions and that still exist today?
3. Have you ever thought about suicide? (I understand the rates for suicide are quite high for the Mental Health profession.)
4. How is your marriage? (I understand there is a lot of marital dissatisfaction in your profession.)
5. How do you deal with stress?
6. Who is running mental health checks on your profession to ensure you are fit to serve the public?
7. How many of your patients have you cured?
8. How many of the people who come to see you are not diagnosed with a mental illness?
9. What do you think of the methods that the DSMV uses to determine the criteria of a mental illness?
10. Do you agree that shrinks should be paid on a results-only basis?
11. How do you feel about me taping our sessions?
12. If your children were Dx’ed with Mental Illness(es), would you want these medications for them?
13. Would you ever take the drugs you are prescribing to me?
14. Have you ever been medicated? (I understand that medication is quite high for Doctors and in particular shrinks.)
15. Have any of your patients ever died of drug related side effects from the medication you prescribed to them?
16. Have any of your patients ever committed suicide? How many?
17. Have you ever been sued by a former patient? Do you mind if I FOIP that?
18. How many formal complaints have been lad against you by former clients? Where can I verify that information?
19. Do you have hospital privileges? Why did you lose them? Why not?
20. How much money are you being paid for this visit?
When they tell you that you suffer from depression, they don’t ask you if you hate your job or have any purpose to wake up too, no, they give you a pill to help you forget you hate your job.
Not only you have to deal with important difficulties, now you fell in a drug cartel.
true, but it seems that most people are not open/willing to accept the psychotherapy/psychoeducation needed to help treatment their symptoms and expect a pill for their symptoms/problems. Similar to how many type 2 diabetics are not open/willing to make lifestyle modifications.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. I’m sooooo hesitant but I KNOW EXACTLY what I want to say !! They’re ‘not ‘human !? What’s WRONG w them ! Nothing. Lazy. Believed the lie. Subjective. It’s not real. The MOST ‘abusive INDUSTRY and ppl. I’ve ever seen !
I was diagnosed with Asperger’s. I had 18/18 symptoms and the clinical psychologist told me it was lifelong. I believed it for years, made it my identity, and limited my life accordingly. I eventually changed my lifestyle and mindset and almost every symptom went away 😂 How many other people have been told they have a lifelong condition when they don’t?!
I have, Kirsty. Diagnosed @ age 4 in 1971 (I'm 55 now) w/Bipolar Disorder & ADHD (called Manic-Depression & Hyperkinesis, respectively, back in the 1970s). I was prescribed 30+ different psych meds ovr a 40+ yr period (been psych med-free since 1/1/2017). Courtesy of a book called "Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How & Why To Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications" by Drs. Peter Breggin & David Cohen along w/my personal experiences on psych meds, I began 2 realize that mental health conditions r ENVIRONMENTAL IMBALANCES (NOT CHEMICAL IMBALANCES). In other words; it primarily has 2 do w/ur surrounding atmosphere (especially when it involves abuse, bullying, & harassment committed against an individual by other people). Also; conflict plays a major role. Have psych meds ever addressed & resolved those a4mentioned triggers? No; nvr have & they nvr will.
PDD-NOS here, I mask who I am, and I get better. I am myself, and I get worse. All I did be eccentric as Hell, and I stopped caring about opinions.
Asperger's is not a mental disability.
I'm still Insulin dependant 😅
Shocking. Unethical. Disgusting. Abuse of power. Thank you for your research into their lack of research and sharing about it to bring it to our attention
It is 100% unethical. It's quite literally medical malpractice, yet we can't sue. These iatrogenic injuries are 100% a liability.
When will it be enough? When will enough people stand up & say NO MORE?? No more HACKS telling us how to define ourselves AND OUR CHILDREN??!!
Completely agreed, Steve; SPOT-ON U R!!!!! BTW; ur namesake was Billy Idol's guitarist.
Therefore, you know more..?
@@jamesoeming5022he does. What if I told you, I know whats best for you. And then give a lengthy description of my credentials, would you accept it?.
Holy shit - this video has confirmed something I've *KNOWN* and will *NEVER BE ABLE TO PROVE* because I'm a mere pleb trying to understand a diagnosis given within 30 min by 12 strangers who have not known me for (33 years at the time). I'm 38 now and I'm searching deeper and getting hungrier for answers EVERY DAY. I hereby, respectfully *REJECT* my diagnosis.
Well done! We all have the ability to self regulate internally. You don't need to plug into the madness matrix.
I rejected two diagnoses about 5 years ago but I know they will never be removed from my medical records and that ticks me off.
@@marthahenrich1185 those damn files are confidential and nobody in your life that matters will care about arbitrary labels that will probably be revised in the DSM 100 version. You are not your diagnosis. You are your choices. Believe in yourself 🌸
@@PebbleBeachLife I like your username 💪🏻
@@ImadeUlook I don't have a problem w/my diagnosis (Bipolar Disorder); I have a problem w/its classification ("mental illness" which's SHAMEFUL & STIGMATIZING in the EXACT SAME MANNER as "mental retardation").
I was born into a seriously dysfunctional family. I worked for years with Psychoanalysts, because a Psychologist could not answer my questions of her, as to why I was, as I was. She referred me to seek Psychoanalysis, which I did. I worked with a psychiatrist IN TRAINING to become a Psychoanalyst for many years. Although none of my original questions were ever resolved, it was not all for naught. I was able to return to university and more importantly I learned how to psychoanalyze myself, which I did many, many years later. What did I learn? I successfully treated myself, but more importantly I realized that we, ourselves, can only get to the heart of our issues.
Every person is unique and different. Treatment of all problems with the same protocol (treatment plan) DOES NOT WORK!
the purpose of psychiatry is to convert white women to destructive behaviour and destroy white nations
As long as you not once started to “ psych analyze”others…Psychobabble had seriously infiltrated our language! Sad.
Yep! The self knows itself better than the mind knows
Kinesiology is an astonishingly accurate way of accessing help,
I had much work done (adjustments following a truck accident at 98km hr) and after one visit I was asked how everything was and I explained everything adjusted felt great but I had a two inch stabbing pain in my right lower back… So the practitioner asked my muscles via testing what was it, She then says to me “what female friend betrayed you recently?” I thought, WHAT!, I had had a ‘friend’ of over two decades accuse me of taking her bike pants, and I have only ever given to this lady, and not just material items but a lot of my time…
And I thought I dealt with it mentally but when I was asked that I explained it, and the practitioner looked at me with love and sincere acknowledgment and said that must have really hurt, and adjusted me, the pain left!
Unresolved issues even if we think we are all good with it like these betrayals store in our muscles and the body holds onto everything that is not dealt with,
The self knew, the practitioner asked the body and it tells it how it is…
Another practitioner realised I’d had trauma with Sex as at the end of a session Grace turned to me and said oh and sex isn’t bad! I said , I know, but I could tell She knew I had trauma related to it..
if you want to be really astounded, visit a renowned reputable kinesiologist and they will not only help you out more than you’ll expect but spin you out, as they will know things from accessing muscle strength exercises you would not think possible,,,
As a psychiatrist for 25 years care for complex patients I completely agree.
Drug addict here. I don't like it that it's only talking about drugs not causing a high instead of how alcoholism works. It's not the substance. It's the person addicted.
Do you encounter disasociative identity disorder a lot and is it often misdiagnosed as psychosis?
You pay to listen this weasel getting paid to discredit science, a social anthropogist, this is nothing to do with a scientific profession.
I am so glad I've found this lecture again , I was stunned when I first heard it but was unable to refer friends bc I'd not saved it .
It is so completely outrageous that it boggles the mind.
Full respect to Davies for such a well delivered important piece of work
This is astounding. A wonderful presentation that goes a long way to explaining the explosion in the diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' once it had been added to DSM V.
This guy should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Price, what he is doing is revolutionary and brave.
Too bad the Nobel prize is a buncha BS as well.
True, true
I suspect there is a money angle to this as well. If it is a "documented" disorder, you can charge an insurance company for treatment. Medicine is a business and one can make more money by charging more patient issues to the insurance company..
VERY true. That’s exactly how it was explained to me once: “If we don’t start labelling you with something from the beginning (even though we aren’t sure yet and need more sessions) your insurance isn’t going to cover it.”
The money angle is only part of the problem. Psych is one of the favorite tools in controlling others by the Marxist, Stalinist, Maoist godless Luciferian Control Freaks.
Fight back!
Do not comply!
There are very few "mental disorders" that clearly seem organic (some surely are.) But there are HUNDREDS of behavioral patterns that are dysfunctional, uncomfortable, annoying or criminal - and most of the DSM is just a way for therapists, psychiatrists and facilities to get paid for dealing with them - or attempting to.
The problem is that there are millions of people many young children who are subject to obligatory medical protocols by psychiatrists with no fondation whatever. Thank you Dr Davids. I am one who is forcibly drugged that l consider torture.
Best wishes for ever along with all else that is truly good including logic and best quality information , understanding and love .
I refused to take it starting when I was 16. My parents made me a ward of the state, I spent a year going through a program called vision quest that was really for kids with felonies, but then I was free. I've never taken any psych meds since. I thank God everyday that I did that. I should have run away from home when I was 14.
@@matthewatwood8641 bless you 🙏
@@matthewatwood8641 this is the problem , bc its the legal accepted intervention anone going against that model is in big ttouble
@@bobjary9382 I know. I believe John Money had a lot to do with establishing it as legitimate.
Thank-you, Dr. Davies! I'm sorry your talk has not had a MUCH wider viewing....
As an integrative psychiatrist for 46 years, I knew there was a problem with diagnosis and treatment by the early 1990’s. When I saw the new diagnoses SAD, I knew it was fishy. We already had SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. Manic depressive became bipolar disorder or BPD. A few years later borderline personality disorder became BPD. Ten years later I heard about bipolar depressive disorder… BPD. I knew this was a scam. People were being funneled to the diagnosis in which psychiatrists can prescribe every category of psych drugs. Cardiologists deal with myocardial infarction or MI. They would never think of adding a second MI diagnosis. I have observed that people are diagnosed bipolar in cavalier ways, such as rapid speech…or a short red skirt. I spent 20 years in hospital psychiatry. With new coding you can only bill for axis one which includes schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar, and many more. You cannot bill for axis two which is personality disorders. Borderline personality is axis two, not billable. I observed that a high percentage of people with borderline personality (which I refer to as complex PTSD) were being diagnosed bipolar…which meant treatment with bipolar drugs. I happen to think that true bipolar disorder is rare.
The DSM has earned its place in the bookshelf right next to "Dianetics".
Lol well said
That's a brilliant statement!
Ha! Seems like it, yes. 😂
Tom Cruise says, "yeah, I told you so! oh wait."
Both in the fiction section. Or filed under 'cults' 🤔
psychiatric survivor here HEALING from psychology is worse than the disease
Psychiatry and psychology really are different. Psychiatry is the worse pseudoscience.
Another survivor here, keep on fighting!
I always knew this and now you give me proof. Thank you so much for following through and getting down to the nitty gritty.
Thank you for writing the book, Sedated, How Modern Capitalism Created Our Mental Health Crisis. I totally agree with every line of the book. As an Iranian woman who found herself homeless blowing the whistles on children sexual abuse by her relatives post petit mal, complex, and grand mal seizures and brain surgery to remove a right temporal lobe brain tumor. I became a perfect victim of crime of psychiatry. Gang crime of psychiatry. I was lured into my first psychiatric hospital six months after my brain surgery and in America and in November of 1985 and I immigrated to America on January 2, 1978. Fast Food Finder Dave is my roommate. Thank you for doing so well by so many victims. Tears of Joy. My name is Behnaz Safavi. I just want to add that people like I find themselves dragged back into psychiatric hospitals by the infamous sexual harasser for cop and then judge Paul Raleeh by Emergency Psychiatric Evaluation which is a problem of its own.
There needs to be more top quality talking therapy available for everyone who needs it .
On the ordinary level… that’s the awesome (and healthy!) thing about having friends. On the level of having affordable access to PhD level expert counselling… maybe that’s too much to hope for in life.
Thank you so so much for all of you guys do. We need to change policies. There has to be a movement. I would like to interview any of you interested in wider activism or sharing your stories or knowledge. This needs to be taught in all hospitals and schools
There is no excuse for enslaving humans as laboratory animals, especially when the population has the gall to call this 'care' and label those enslaved as 'consumers.'
I love your work, Initially NO! ;)
The origin of the DSM sounds like something from a Monty Python Skit especially when Dr Davies listened to that Dr saying science was needed to remove diagnoses added arbitrarily by consensus.
Dismantle the DSM Bible !!!
Thank you for standing up and being brave. We can do with a lot more people like you😊. We all need to wake up😊
Surprise ! almost everything we knew about the world is wrong.
I admit it. But I am still surprised!.
Psychiatry is a sect!
The problem is in the reality that psychiatrists believed that their training was based on experience; most is theoretical. Most all science seems to be based on theory not reality! The entire practice of Psychiatry needs to tossed out, deconstructed, and redone.
Been here to rewatch this one three times now and it’s always on my watch later list, it’s flabbergasting but you succeeded in succinctly explaining why the dsm is questionable to say the very least
Thanks so much to the uploader of this lecture, astounds me every time I watch it again….
Psychiatry is a business. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised about this.
Cancer too. You can prevent cancer through diet and life style. I think Sigmund's work is only valid. Psychiatry just proves that people don't history, and they really should. I am not a psychiatrist though.
People are surprised by it because psychiatry presents itself as a legitimate medical science, equivalent to, say, cardiology. And it's not.
You can't cure cancer with diet and lifestyle.
~ Since believing in fairy tales makes you feel empowered, so be it.
~ Let me know how that approach works if you get cancer.
It is sad to hear that psychiatric diagnosis are arbitrarily allocated to to patients
so upsetting to hear this...
Yes, people do have similar symptoms which assists in the type of treatment received. However, each person became Ill due to different problematic issues, based on their genetic makeup and intrafamilial dysfunction.
Pharmaceuticals may assist some people, however, my experience revealed that anti depressants only mask symptoms as long as the individual continues to pretend that all is good.
Psychoanalysis in the 70s did NOT prescribe ANY pharmaceuticals. I believe that is no longer practiced, yet I don't know.
Overcoming childhood abuse, or childhood emotional abuse (as in my case) takes a VERY long time. There may be chemical reasons for DEPRESSION, but after completing my recovery all symptoms of Depression vanished! Depression is the result of conflicting ideas in our minds - Cognitive Dissonance, one could say.
All psychological (90%) dysfunction is rooted in dysfunctional childhoods.
Generational dysfunction is
passed on an on and on.
Very few families are treated, hence, all emotional problems continue. IF Anything were to be changed, FAMILIES would be treated during the years of their children's early years. Neurotic parents/children only have a life of hell to expect from life!
This is the truth, based on my experience.
There are huge issues around the western-centric view too. Is that norm even the healthiest? I doubt it, it's very repressed. DSM categories are highly individualised and take a person out of the context of their family, society, history which makes no sense whatsoever.
As an indigenous person there are things about my way of being that are very pathologised under western medicine, but totally normal and supported in my native culture. Guess which one has supported my wellbeing best.
I have seen DSM contributors discuss communities of neurodivergent people with nothing short of utter arrogance and a frightening lack of insight and compassion.
Agree, there is no holistic thinking whatsoever in psychiatry, which is why there is no real understanding of the causes for peoples problems and suffering.
100% agreed about pathologizing.
May God bless you, and make you strong.
Very important lecture. Unfortunately im required to diagnose to get reimbursed by insurance companies. Ironically a lot of counselors aren't taking insurance anymore, not cuz they dislike the system, but cuz they are just too annoying to deal with as they try to get out of paying every chance they get. Either way it hurts the client
I watched this video a couple of yrs ago and whenever I read or hear about 'Autism' or 'ADHD' etc I think of this talk of this dr. : The group of ppl who formed the 'commission' who "improved" / adjusted DSM 3 - 5 all had financial ties with Big Pharma. So were certain mental / fysical conditions created to favour the business model of big pharma ?
Excellent lecture!
How can patients fight back? Can patients bring legal actions against the Mental Health Systems?
No man...
@@davidregi7571 Are you serious?
Their is parients bill of rights. Meaning you have the right to refuse treatment, you have a right to refuse medication, you have to right to en treatment at anytime without consequences.
You can't report them to patience rights advocacyngroup and also take legal action.
*Can report to patience right servicing group
@@Native722 I can assure you that I did many times to no avail. They nearly killed me due to forced medication claiming that I was Bipolar and Schizophrenic and Manic and other nonsense. I'm not. The Patients Bill of Rights was given to me. I gave my complaints continuously and they did absolutely nothing. I would have to sue the entire State Medical Board. Trying to find the funding to do just that. I found a lawyer who will help litigate, but, refuse to work under contingency. Do you know any non-profits who will help pay for my legal expenses and my lawyer?
I wish more people would learn how to simply watch their thoughts and know they are not real, and we really don't know where they come from and why. Simply watching those thoughts is enough to change how you feel. If a person can learn to do this, they may not need medication with side effects to calm down.
Oh, to be in the future, taking a history class on the epidemic of groupthink that led to the medicalization of existence at the beginning of the 21st century, deeply relieved to not have been born yet then
It would have been interesting to hear the diagnosis that had been most descriptive of this group of quasi psychiatrists.
Grandiose delusions / "Delusions of Grandeur" ?!
15:12 SCANDALOUS. I'm listening for the first time but I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Thank you! Right on!
Absolutely unbelievable. Thank you for an explanation of the complete madness that's been unfolding.
I think about one in a thousand is truly psychotic and a danger to themselves and others and need to be hospitalised. 99% can live normal lives if they learn how to simply watch there thoughts and know thoughts are simply fantoms that pop in and out of existence in our mind, and when we learn to ignore them we feel much better.
Wow the DSM is truly wild and I feel most psychiatric problems can be addressed with psilocybin and meditation
What are you asking? 1) work, 2) money, 3) talk, 4) what you cannot be forced into, that is illegal if you don't want it, 5) leaving, 6) illegal file system erased.
Happy Monday!
Question - Once you have decided you want to live, what do you need?
Dsm is a joke
My UA-cam channel has been inundated by videos about narcissism. These videos are so ridiculous that they caused me to lose faith in a lot of psychiatric diagnoses that I used to accept as scientific and proven to exist. Take psychopathy, for example, is that a real diagnosis or just a label that can be attached to people you don't like.
Psychopathy is real, but there is a tendency to overuse the term once you have some idea what it is.
*$* Psychiatric ~ Careerism ~ Disorder *$*
The biggest red flag about the validity - or lack thereof - of the DSM was when homosexual attraction was removed as a disorder.
25:29 so basically the field itself is the disorder haha
I found the following on MadInAmerica recently. It's so deliciously snarky yet 100% accurate:
How to Interview a potential Psychiatrist (& applies to Walk-in Clinic GP's as well):
1. Have you ever suffered from depression? (I understand that the depression rates are quite high in medical school.)
2. Are you comfortable with the violent and oppressive history that are the roots of your professions and that still exist today?
3. Have you ever thought about suicide? (I understand the rates for suicide are quite high for the Mental Health profession.)
4. How is your marriage? (I understand there is a lot of marital dissatisfaction in your profession.)
5. How do you deal with stress?
6. Who is running mental health checks on your profession to ensure you are fit to serve the public?
7. How many of your patients have you cured?
8. How many of the people who come to see you are not diagnosed with a mental illness?
9. What do you think of the methods that the DSMV uses to determine the criteria of a mental illness?
10. Do you agree that shrinks should be paid on a results-only basis?
11. How do you feel about me taping our sessions?
12. If your children were Dx’ed with Mental Illness(es), would you want these medications for them?
13. Would you ever take the drugs you are prescribing to me?
14. Have you ever been medicated? (I understand that medication is quite high for Doctors and in particular shrinks.)
15. Have any of your patients ever died of drug related side effects from the medication you prescribed to them?
16. Have any of your patients ever committed suicide? How many?
17. Have you ever been sued by a former patient? Do you mind if I FOIP that?
18. How many formal complaints have been lad against you by former clients? Where can I verify that information?
19. Do you have hospital privileges? Why did you lose them? Why not?
20. How much money are you being paid for this visit?
Glad I found this video, the comments are making me feel more sane. It makes me realise it's not just me who feels this way!! Who are these quacks who define what we are and what we're not?? They know nothing! It's quite clear they don't understand human beings one bit. Noone does, humans are very strange and alot is unknown!!! I know from personal experience what they write about my 'diagnosis' is total trash, but yet everybody believes them as if they're priests. In fact, they make it worse because they insist it's fixed and 'biological' and can't be changed. It let's everybody off the hook, noone has to help me because it's just 'what I am' as if I'm a different species!! That's the psychologist's real job, to make every problem seem individual and biological so the society and people don't have to change!!
Agreement does not mean scientific proof
The pathologizing and diagnositic framework is complete nonsense.
People aren't their behavior or thinking.
Professor Andrew Nathan of Columbia University was interviewed on a news program called World Focus and makes allusions to this subject matter.
Brave New World 😊
It's difficult not to feel some sympathy for Spitzer, who, to his credit, was very candid about much of this. In trying to tackle one legitimacy crisis for the profession in the 70s, DSM3 created the seeds of another. The missing piece of the historical puzzle for me is the "field research" which apparently led to the "operational definitions".
Good info
Open Dialogue. Jaakko Seikkula. Finland.
Psychiatry is useless! As for evidence-based medicine or psychiatry, come again! Only money-making clowns while harming their patients.
geil ding, Jess!
This big mistake wat American laid to me for long time and they still here at my house waching me don't have room they shooting at me taking my pictures report me to congress peopl and block my futur I can't go forward sad peopl
Follow the money and who benifits
Well, at least we know who to be pissed off at. Is the death penalty too severe in this case?
The suffering part so far is subject to misinterpretation.
So which ones are "actual" psychiatric disorders? Does schizophrenia have biological markers? Does Bipolar Disorder? No, but are they real and helped by psychiatric medication. Just because the markers are not available yet does not mean they won't be in the future. Sir, when anti-seizure medication is given to many bipolar patients (including the bipolar 2 disorder you sneer at) they achieve greater stabilization in mood and in many cases lifted out of psychotic states. Suggests biology. Would you talk someone out of a seizure? Ever heard of Scientology? Are you with them? I beg anyone who reads this to check their beliefs and see the hostility they have for psychiatry. There are abuses in the mental health field but mental illness (yes, actual illness) exists and have physical foundations. Biology, sociology, and psychology interact. Of course you know better but I believe you wrote a book didn't you? Hopefully you'll make a tidy profit off it's sales. All part of your crusade to "save" people from psychiatric treatment. People not getting treatment is your goal after all.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drugs racket, and a means of social control. It's 21st Century Phrenology with potent neuro-toxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do far more harm than good. So-called "mental illnesses" are exactly as "real" as presents from Santa Claus, but not more real. The DSM-5 is nothing more than a catalog of billing codes. ALL of the bogus, so-called "diagnoses" in it were invented, not discovered.
BTW, so-called "Scientology" is just as BOGUS as psychiatry, but at least they don't PUSH DRUGS....
"Sir, when anti-seizure medication is given to many bipolar patients (including the bipolar 2 disorder you sneer at)they achieve greater stabilization in mood and in many cases lifted out of psychotic states." Correction what they achieve is a resplendent homeostasis of robotized existence and a damaged brain with respect to pre and postsynaptic neurons. It is not that "disorders" do not exist, it is that there is very few biologically based evidence for the vast 95%++ of the fictionalized labels (e.g., dopamine excess or serotonin deficiencies)that then become the PLAYPEN of Phrama! Psychotherapy rather than medicalization bears precious few dollars. It is EPIGENETICS that has a MUCH MORE CENTRAL ROLE in how the brain is wired! Along of course with external not biologically based chemical imbalances or endocrine disruptors (biophenes, neurotoxins, etc)
Being against psychiatry does not make one a Scientologist. That's called a false correlation.
I am a pagan who is against psychiatry, and for very different reasons than Scientologists are. In their case it's because it's a competing institution.
I think it's important to point out that things like mania and hallucinations are real. But my problem as a patient was the intense secrecy of the harms of these medications. In addition to that, there are so many ways to manipulate dopamine and serotonin and even deal with hallucinations and delusions. You can deal with these problems naturally and when you are in the public hospitals they don't emphasize these methods because there is no money to be made through them. If depressed people were told to support the maintenance of the hormones Serotonin and Melatonin through sunshine, exercise and sleep, there would be less money for drug companies and thus the government. The drugs do have some benefit in certain scenario's but the way they are being used there is a lot of abuse of patients involved. Psychiatry is greedy and they oversimplify and isolate these problems to the science of chemistry. Here's a drug and you have a life sentence of hopelessness. It's the biggest lie and to destroy someones hope is so cruel. That's the problem. If you start opening the doors of alternative therapy there would be a revolution and big pharma knows that. A major income source for a lot of governments would be lost. My suggestion to anyone suffering from being disturbed (I call these Psychiatric states being disturbed and not mental illnesses), is to take an educated approach to coming out of them and get the support you need and give yourself time. Learn different sciences. Learn about love. Learn about holistic health and don't let people take advantage of you because there are solutions. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and haven't had an episode in years. Don't trust people so easily because money can be used for evil too. I'm not against Psychiatry nor am I with it because of its current condition. I am against the extremes. Some of the medications are excellent if used in the right way. A lot of people died with Bipolar Disorder before lithium so we need to be grateful. But this industry has a bit of corruption and is a bit dirty and needs to be cleaned up.