The fear response is based on consequence. If there is no consequence on day 1 associated with the noise the result will be none. There will be no result on day 30 either. But your return window will have expired.
May take up to 30 days to work? Animals become more acclimated over time, so it would be less effective the longer they were exposed to it (not that it's effective at all, anyway).
The literature says they don't work. I worked in pest control for 20 years, if I had a dollar for every time I had to treat for mice in the presence of similar devices I'd be rich. Great video, thanks Shawn. 👍
If you worked in pest control, than you would have been called in after these devices didn't work? So you would have changed people for your service while standing in front of these devices? So that means you ARE SUPER RICH! unless you charge less than a dollar for your services?
Generally speaking, if your cat/dog doesn't run away from it neither will rats or mice. These USB powered devices are the equivalent of bad music being played at your favorite grocery store, you'll probably still shop there... Unless the ultrasonic device is powerful enough to cause pain they'll just ignore it and continue feasting...
6 years ago when I bought a house and moved in, rats were keeping us awake at night as we could hear them running around in the roof space. A friend of mine recommended a particular ultrasonic repeller from a local hardware store. Due to the design of the house I bought two and installed them. About a week later the rats were gone. The units are still in the roof space and we haven't had another mouse or rat since.
Selling something on Amazon and then asking you to wait 30 days "to see results" so you can't return it... I knew even before the test started that it was clearly a scam targeting gullible people lmao
Possible there isnt even an ultrasonic transducer in there. Probably a super cheap speaker for the test tone and only a circuit to flash the LEDs and make the test sound. Wouldn't work anyway. In May of 2001, the FTC sent warning letters to over 60 manufacturers and retailers of ultrasonic pest-control devices. They found that many of the advertisements make explicit false claims about the products’ ability to eliminate or repel pests (mice). According to FTC staff, these types of claims may not be in compliance with the FTC Act, which prohibits false and deceptive advertising.
@@tpl608 The current regulations require you buy expensive useless insurance to button your trousers. Govt & corpo's scamming but also on the other side of the fence you have people suing for things and amounts well beyond their actual damages no matter how trivial.
I absolutely despise those ultrasonic noise blasters. People around my neighborhood have them for moles, and I swear it makes me not want to walk my dog around they are so annoying. I couldn't hear the highest pitch setting on this one (or maybe the camera microphone simply didn't pick it up), but the ones my neighbors have are very annoying to my ears.
Was it in the 1990's that started seeing ads for ultrasonic mouse and bug repellant devices. Was pretty sure they wouldn't work right off as they said it would bother your pets and pet rodents! If it did work, your pet rats, hamsters, gerbils and mice would be going nuts to get away from it too! With as much money as all our goverment spends on all types of agencies, you would think there would be one to protect consumers from such with at least making them labeled as failing tests to work.
_"you would think there would be one to protect consumers from such with at least making them labeled as failing tests to work"_ there were gov consumer reports that these are scams
I am very pleased that you show that this one - and explained that all the others you tested - Do Not Work. Every time I see one of these in someone's home, with no other pest control being used, I feel horrible for them.
My grandfather was an engineer who bought a couple of the original units that claimed this. After multiple replacements and continued testing he finally decided either the units were utterly useless… …or the mice were deaf.
TBH, I'm sort of surprised that people still fall for that. I bought something like this 30 years ago, and it didn't seem to really do anything, so I lost interest pretty quickly.
@@trublgrl Yes, and my ultrasonic cleaner also works pretty well. But, part of the issue with ultrasonic devices is that we can't hear them and there's not ever a good way of knowing if they're doing anything unless you've got appropriate gear to check.
I once bought an ultrasonic "bark preventer" intended to detect barking and annoy the dog into being quiet. It actually made the barking far, far worse, and I later found her fearful about entering the house and discovered it was emitting ultrasound at all times it was plugged in. Be wary of devices making unlikely claims you can't easily verify yourself.
Hey shawn just ordered one of your dizzy dunker traps for my father. He's been having some mouse trouble in the shed where he stores the grain for his chickens and made me think immediately of your videos.
I just found your channel. Great information. I'm learning a lot. Do you have any videos on how to clean when you find evidence of mice? We recently found droppings under our kitchen sink, which is what lead me to your channel. We've caught a couple of mice, but I'm not sure what the best way to clean up after the mice, since it's often said they carry lots of disease. Thanks for any info.
Ever notice how mice run away and hide, even if you try to quietly walk up and catch them? There needs to be something that simulates someone walking. Like something that hits the floor at random intervals with enough weight to seem like a predator approaching. Dont know if it would work long term, but might still have a better effect than these kinds of things. The poison bait still works best though.
Even aside from return policies, "30 days" is probably just there so at the end of 30 days, you're not sure if it worked or not, because you don't remember exactly how many mice showed up beforehand either.
Look at them all. Terrified! Lol takes thirty days? How da ^#%! ? Sure the longer a strange noise is there the scarier it is lol. Great vid as usual Shawn. Keep fighting the good fight.
The buyers will just assume the manufacturers are trustworthy and know what they are talking about. Most of them will not thoroughly test the device like this video did.
Hello Shawn, are weasel sound repellent devices also a scam? Those which you install in the hood of your car, or even claim to work inside, under the seats?
I try to watch all your videos. I just saw on Facebook that Lowe’s is selling RINNETRAPS. Is that one a scam? I know you said that people are scamming out there. Hope you read this. God bless you and merry Christmas.
I've been a Commercial Applicator and have replaced bait blocks in bait stations within inches of these ultrasonic repellers for years. I've seen these in homes, barns, feed lots, etc... They don't work ever under any circumstance.
Dang, it sure looks purdy though. Seriously, from an aesthetic design perspective, the thing looks sleek and technological and has neat sounding things like ultrasound. I kinda love it. Nice add to your collection.
....Yeaaahh, PARTY TIME the mice invite for party now with disco light ;-D ;-/ Thank you so much for sharing. I am having "fun" with a mouse in my kitchen these days....! It bites toiletpaper, kitchenroles, plast bags everything... and doing its business all over... Merry Christmas :-)
A brand of these kind of devices were fined under consumer law here in NZ a decade or two ago. They and others continue to sell this bollocks however. I don't know how they get away with it.
I've a couple small plug in ultrasonic devices. I did notice a drop in the number of mice, but it didn't stop the mice from coming in. Mice find these devices annoying, but in truth, that's about it. If there is a ready food source they will just ignore it.
The nest luck I have had is to hit glue a chocolate chip to the trap so mice can’t walk away with it and are forced to pull on the chocolate and more likely to trigger the trap.
I would think it would be far more likely that something like that would STOP working after 30 days, due to the animals getting used to the deterrent being there.
These ultrasonic gimmick devices are just scams. I once bought an ultrasonic gopher repeller years ago. The next day I saw a new gohper hole right next to the device. I tossed it into the trash after that.
I took some ultrasonic rodent repellant devices that were left in a resteraunt I was gutting for renovation after it was sold to plug in in a room I was renting in a rooming block infested with rodents and they didn't dissuade them from coming in my room at all.
They want you to wait 30 days because your return window ends in 30 days. 🤣
Red flag
I was about to type the same thing.
Exactly what I was going to say. :)
“Note: Please give product one full return period to demonstrate effectiveness.”
I'm glad someone else figured it out lol was just about to type this.
I was thinking the same thing. Also the expiration of the review window
May take 30 days to work. Money Back Guarantee in 25 days
Exactly what I was thinking! 😅
That's such a bullshit claim. Either it works or it doesnt.
lol comment of the day 😅
And aren't the mouse figures on the devise a copy of the mouse logo on Victor traps?
My company bought a couple of big, professional ultrasonic devices, to keep birds out of the shop. The birds built nests on them. Case closed.
The mice are having a rave party
It does look like the Ultrasonic Rodent devise would block that hole in the wall nicely.
That's the only way it would work. 🤣
Too darn funny!!! 😂
Seems to be something like it. With how close they kept on getting to the machine it seems like it was almost attracting them
That's why it didn't work after 30 days, didn't add hard drugs.
The fear response is based on consequence. If there is no consequence on day 1 associated with the noise the result will be none. There will be no result on day 30 either. But your return window will have expired.
Exactly! I tried the radio thing to scare off coyotes. It worked for about a week until they figured out the voices werent actual people.
In fact fear response only goes down with time. Even if they were afraid on day 1, after 30 days they'd be accustomed to the device.
I half expected the mice to just stand up and start dancing the night away.
Like a poor man's Kia Soul commercial, lol!
Yah… looks like a Disco Ball from the old days!
It’s like a disco for rodents!
Apparently the only thing this trap catches is buyers. Thank you, Shawn.
It catches the money from the buyer's bank account.😂
May take up to 30 days to work? Animals become more acclimated over time, so it would be less effective the longer they were exposed to it (not that it's effective at all, anyway).
30 day return window...
Seems somebody would just invent the Cat.
What for exactly, meow? What are you implying, I hope it has nothing to do with cat catching mice.
Hungry cat.
@@tpl608 Meow?! Fancy a mouse anyone? :)
The literature says they don't work. I worked in pest control for 20 years, if I had a dollar for every time I had to treat for mice in the presence of similar devices I'd be rich. Great video, thanks Shawn. 👍
If you worked in pest control, than you would have been called in after these devices didn't work? So you would have changed people for your service while standing in front of these devices? So that means you ARE SUPER RICH! unless you charge less than a dollar for your services?
@phil2782 I was called in when they didn't work. Having bought them though, a lot of the offices I serviced left them in place.
@@Legomanfred I currently do that for a living and tell everyone these are a scam and just waste electricity.
Y'all charge so much for pest control that you're probably rich anyway lmfao
Wait 30 days for the Amazon return window to close.
Generally speaking, if your cat/dog doesn't run away from it neither will rats or mice.
These USB powered devices are the equivalent of bad music being played at your favorite grocery store, you'll probably still shop there... Unless the ultrasonic device is powerful enough to cause pain they'll just ignore it and continue feasting...
For it to work it has to also be detrimental to humans
6 years ago when I bought a house and moved in, rats were keeping us awake at night as we could hear them running around in the roof space. A friend of mine recommended a particular ultrasonic repeller from a local hardware store. Due to the design of the house I bought two and installed them. About a week later the rats were gone. The units are still in the roof space and we haven't had another mouse or rat since.
Selling something on Amazon and then asking you to wait 30 days "to see results" so you can't return it... I knew even before the test started that it was clearly a scam targeting gullible people lmao
my sister would be fooled by this lol.
Possible there isnt even an ultrasonic transducer in there. Probably a super cheap speaker for the test tone and only a circuit to flash the LEDs and make the test sound. Wouldn't work anyway. In May of 2001, the FTC sent warning letters to over 60 manufacturers and retailers of ultrasonic pest-control devices. They found that many of the advertisements make explicit false claims about the products’ ability to eliminate or repel pests (mice). According to FTC staff, these types of claims may not be in compliance with the FTC Act, which prohibits false and deceptive advertising.
"which prohibits false and deceptive advertising" - Unless the company pays them extra heh
That law needs to be amended with stronger language.
Very old career. They used to push these for food service operations. They do not work and a county person was told to stop pushing them
Welcome to capitalism! The whole system is based on snake oil! xD
@3nertia unregulated capitalism, yes. Learn our history
@@tpl608 The current regulations require you buy expensive useless insurance to button your trousers. Govt & corpo's scamming but also on the other side of the fence you have people suing for things and amounts well beyond their actual damages no matter how trivial.
@@3nertiaCommunism would have stopped these products or fascism? I bet it's made in a communist country, lol.
"Takes up to 30-Days" - Hmm, the same as the return policy. Clearly tricking people into waiting too long that they cannot return it anymore.
Have never had much luck with ultrasonic repellent devices in the past
mice be like "I hear a high pitched tone. OOOO sunflower seeds! Yum yum yum yum yum."
I absolutely despise those ultrasonic noise blasters. People around my neighborhood have them for moles, and I swear it makes me not want to walk my dog around they are so annoying. I couldn't hear the highest pitch setting on this one (or maybe the camera microphone simply didn't pick it up), but the ones my neighbors have are very annoying to my ears.
even if it did speakers(and headphones) dont usually go over 20k either.....
So it seems they are effective at repelling dog droppings at least
And pesky humans @@LeesChannel
Probably causes hearing damage too.
@@thePond11not the smoke alarm type which you should be trying to repel, it might even end up attracting them
This product takes until the return window is over to work lol
Was it in the 1990's that started seeing ads for ultrasonic mouse and bug repellant devices. Was pretty sure they wouldn't work right off as they said it would bother your pets and pet rodents! If it did work, your pet rats, hamsters, gerbils and mice would be going nuts to get away from it too! With as much money as all our goverment spends on all types of agencies, you would think there would be one to protect consumers from such with at least making them labeled as failing tests to work.
_"you would think there would be one to protect consumers from such with at least making them labeled as failing tests to work"_
there were gov consumer reports that these are scams
Yeah, and in the '70s the same junk science (ultrasound) was being peddled in "mosquito repelling devices" that got the same non-results.
Regulators just take 30 decades to work.
@@freedustin Or 30 yrs. and don't work, but claim they need more $$ and personal!
I am very pleased that you show that this one - and explained that all the others you tested - Do Not Work. Every time I see one of these in someone's home, with no other pest control being used, I feel horrible for them.
The back of the carton clearly indicates it doesn't work on Squirrels, Mice, Rats, Bats, Roaches, or Spiders.
My grandfather was an engineer who bought a couple of the original units that claimed this. After multiple replacements and continued testing he finally decided either the units were utterly useless…
…or the mice were deaf.
My local hardware store sells hundreds of them every year, none of them work. One of the biggest scams around
TBH, I'm sort of surprised that people still fall for that. I bought something like this 30 years ago, and it didn't seem to really do anything, so I lost interest pretty quickly.
It says it may take 30 days to work, so you can't return it to Amazon!
These electronic mice repellers have been around since the late 1950’s. They never worked then and they don’t work now and won’t work in the future.
Water is wet.
With the sound and the lights you setup a great Rave site for them!
Mice: "It's a rave!"
Your serenading the mice with sounds and strobe lights. They liked it.
* You're.
@ Thanks mom.
I've never had any Ultra sonic anything work. Ultra sonic pest repellent, anti dog bark, or anything similar
@@chrisbarnes3864 I tried the dog one on my neighbour dog. He obviously heard something, because he'd bark at it.
Ultrasonic toothbrushes work really well, though.
@@trublgrl Yes, and my ultrasonic cleaner also works pretty well. But, part of the issue with ultrasonic devices is that we can't hear them and there's not ever a good way of knowing if they're doing anything unless you've got appropriate gear to check.
1:13 "wait 30 days to see results" which would put you outside the amazon return window lol.
I bet if you did a tear-apart on that "repeller" you'd probably find an LED light circuit only.
He said it was making sound.
I once bought an ultrasonic "bark preventer" intended to detect barking and annoy the dog into being quiet. It actually made the barking far, far worse, and I later found her fearful about entering the house and discovered it was emitting ultrasound at all times it was plugged in. Be wary of devices making unlikely claims you can't easily verify yourself.
Always thought these were rubbish. Thanks for proving it.
It's been proven, for decades. This is nothing new.
Surprised they didn't eat the wire
There is a sucker born every minute - PT Barnum
Seems to be every second now.
Hey shawn just ordered one of your dizzy dunker traps for my father. He's been having some mouse trouble in the shed where he stores the grain for his chickens and made me think immediately of your videos.
I just found your channel. Great information. I'm learning a lot. Do you have any videos on how to clean when you find evidence of mice? We recently found droppings under our kitchen sink, which is what lead me to your channel. We've caught a couple of mice, but I'm not sure what the best way to clean up after the mice, since it's often said they carry lots of disease. Thanks for any info.
It needs to come with a calendar for the mice to know when to start avoiding it.
I knew that thing wouldn't work. But there is no better way to convince people than to actually try it and show the results. Thanks for your efforts.
30 Days?
Two weeks of that is teaching the mice the line dances
I was waiting for a mouse to chew through the wires! 🤣😂
great videos, have you ever tested a ozone generator for mice?
Looked to me like it might actually ATTRACT mice! (And bugs, apparently.)
I have an ultrasonic lion repeller. Works wonder, never seen a lion near my house.
I've tried similar devices and found mouse droppings on the floor in front of it. Thanks for the video!
Got to love products that promise results after the return window is over.
Ever notice how mice run away and hide, even if you try to quietly walk up and catch them? There needs to be something that simulates someone walking. Like something that hits the floor at random intervals with enough weight to seem like a predator approaching. Dont know if it would work long term, but might still have a better effect than these kinds of things. The poison bait still works best though.
Could you please test the claim that Vick Vaporub keeps mice away,
I think it will work after 30 years , when mice will die from an old age.
I think you should disassemble it, to see what inside
Even aside from return policies, "30 days" is probably just there so at the end of 30 days, you're not sure if it worked or not, because you don't remember exactly how many mice showed up beforehand either.
Kindly wait 30 days until the return period is closed
Look at them all. Terrified! Lol takes thirty days? How da ^#%! ? Sure the longer a strange noise is there the scarier it is lol. Great vid as usual Shawn. Keep fighting the good fight.
The buyers will just assume the manufacturers are trustworthy and know what they are talking about. Most of them will not thoroughly test the device like this video did.
30 days? What, you have to wait for the mice to find a new rental place and move out? Do they give notice?
Hello Shawn, are weasel sound repellent devices also a scam? Those which you install in the hood of your car, or even claim to work inside, under the seats?
Wait 30 days = wait until return policies expire :(
I had a similar product. It did nothing for my mousse issues. However, it did get rid if flying insects!
I try to watch all your videos. I just saw on Facebook that Lowe’s is selling RINNETRAPS. Is that one a scam? I know you said that people are scamming out there. Hope you read this. God bless you and merry Christmas.
I've been a Commercial Applicator and have replaced bait blocks in bait stations within inches of these ultrasonic repellers for years. I've seen these in homes, barns, feed lots, etc... They don't work ever under any circumstance.
Hi Shawn. Have you ever tested a Strobe Light squirrel repeller. ?
30 day placebo generating device. The snake oil of the modern age.
Thank you for sharing.👍👍👍👍👍❤️
30 days is how long you have to return things on Amazon (unless you buy it during the holiday season).
Have you done a video trying preditor urine as a deterant?
It looks about the right size to plug that hole with.
Not only does it not work but it's unnecessary electrical and plastic waste you have to dispose of as well.
Any tips on repelling or capturing snakes?
Well it does work... just stick it into the mouse hole!
These "ultrasonic" "repellers" are a outright scam.
What do you bet 30 days is your closing date for return?
Little flip into the garbage? Or saving it to the fail collection?
The flashing lights help the mice find their way around 😂
Dang, it sure looks purdy though. Seriously, from an aesthetic design perspective, the thing looks sleek and technological and has neat sounding things like ultrasound. I kinda love it. Nice add to your collection.
....Yeaaahh, PARTY TIME the mice invite for party now with disco light ;-D ;-/ Thank you so much for sharing. I am having "fun" with a mouse in my kitchen these days....! It bites toiletpaper, kitchenroles, plast bags everything... and doing its business all over... Merry Christmas :-)
"Mice don't care" - that would go nice on a t-shirt.
Surprised the mice didn't set a velvet rope guard and charge admission.
It doesn't work on ants either.
A brand of these kind of devices were fined under consumer law here in NZ a decade or two ago. They and others continue to sell this bollocks however. I don't know how they get away with it.
I've a couple small plug in ultrasonic devices. I did notice a drop in the number of mice, but it didn't stop the mice from coming in. Mice find these devices annoying, but in truth, that's about it. If there is a ready food source they will just ignore it.
They are a scam for sure. As most of us know. You're correct on how to stop mice n rats! Thanks for the video.
At least a Dalek had a plunger.
The nest luck I have had is to hit glue a chocolate chip to the trap so mice can’t walk away with it and are forced to pull on the chocolate and more likely to trigger the trap.
Takes 30 days to work? What is it doing to mice then? Annoy them just slightly and it gets more annoying for them over time???
mouse: ' meet at the flashing light'
Love the disco look. Like fishing lures, you’re catching the humans wallet. After that, functionality is unimportant.
That frequency is more likely to piss off a pachyderm.
I purchased some ultrasonic repellers (not this brand) to keep bats out of my shutters and it seems to repel them.
30 days to cash in and run with your Money!
I would think it would be far more likely that something like that would STOP working after 30 days, due to the animals getting used to the deterrent being there.
Mice are only scared off by very loud noises, but if the noises were loud enough that would annoy you more than the mice.
"wait 30 days to see results"
"comes with 2 week return period"
Maybe the mice around Shawn's place are deaf.
And blind!
Mouse trap Monday Disco is back baby!
Mice now know what Disco lights mean??
They just Don't Work.
Thanks Shawn.
Cheers 🙏🇨🇦
I thought I saw a roach zooming across the barn floor! 😆
You did
These ultrasonic gimmick devices are just scams. I once bought an ultrasonic gopher repeller years ago. The next day I saw a new gohper hole right next to the device. I tossed it into the trash after that.
Motion detector that sends laser lights in different directions into the eyes should work. :P
I took some ultrasonic rodent repellant devices that were left in a resteraunt I was gutting for renovation after it was sold to plug in in a room I was renting in a rooming block infested with rodents and they didn't dissuade them from coming in my room at all.