@@ChaboyAnthony Thanks man, really appreciate it! My bro is a big time art youtuber now, he's got like 400k subs (ua-cam.com/users/ModernDayJames). I'm a full time Data Scientist /software engineer but I do a lot of jazz guitar gigging and session work in the nyc area
@@ChaboyAnthony I'm actually working on a metal/fusion project with a great drummer and another founding member of Paiinted in Exile, will keep you in the loop
Finally got the plugin today and was happy to see you pop up when I searched tutorials. Been following on insta forever but I guess not the tube - subscribed and liked though. You’re one of my favs
Metric modulation, my friend. And in my mind it's the most refreshing technique being utilized in modern music right now. I'll try explaining what's happening, but it can be a mouthful. So the intro song starts in 13/16, and it's phrased 4+4+5. The tempo is 130 bpm. Sweet. But a very noticable shift occurse at 0:30, which is what probably made you go "wtf just happened?" Metric modulation, as I understand it, switching subdivisions, and then defining a new tempo based off those new subdivisions. So what Josh is actually doing here is making the 4+4+5 phrase longer - turning it into a 5+5+6 phrase, 16 notes long (the part is in 4/4). But the kicker is this. He's playing the 5 in the new phrase as if they were 16th note quintuplets in the old phrase in 130 bpm. Then, if you say "these fives are now 16th notes" you get a tempo change - now it's 160 bpm. In short: 16th note quintuplets in 130bm = 16th notes in 160 bpm. (It should actually be 156 bpm and not 160, but not really fussed about it.)
love it thanks for sharing! this plugin is def best optimized for those who have a good understanding of the mechanical aspects of playing the real instrument and I appreciate you emphasizing the finger movements involved from the perspective of a real bassist.
When I try to change the velocity via piano roll, it doesn't make any change. I've done stuff like (velocity level) 1 1 40 40 80 80 120 120 and all of the notes sound like they're being played at 127. What am I doing wrong?
They shouldn't be down that low. Try using whatever notes it says but in the c0 or c1 range. I can't remember the exact note, but I use this on fl and I can put the articulations in without going that low
@@Surrey_01 it's around like the c1 range I believe, if not that maybe c0. I'm not 100% sure as I'm at work right now, but I can double check when I'm home tonight and let you know. I think you can also change the articulation keymapping or whatever, but mine by default is down towards the bottom of piano roll
Question....in the demo song you are triggering the bass sound with your guitar...(and not a midi keyboard)...so how did you do that...ie..what software did you have to use to do that....thanks.
hes not triggering the bass with the guitar, the guitar and bass are both doing a thumping riff together. though thumping on an 8 string does sound a lot lower he programmed the thumping part on the bass like shown in the video, and also recorded the guitar part. the demo song is just so you can hear what it all sounds like in a mix
I'm just here for the demo song 🤘
Jacob was in my band, Painted in Exile. He's a phenomenal player, this is well deserved.
Woah. I remember painted in exile lol. That's sick dude
DUDE!! I still jam Revitalized on the regular. That EP is legendary in my eyes. Did you and your brother ever work on music after that EP?
@@ChaboyAnthony Thanks man, really appreciate it! My bro is a big time art youtuber now, he's got like 400k subs (ua-cam.com/users/ModernDayJames). I'm a full time Data Scientist /software engineer but I do a lot of jazz guitar gigging and session work
in the nyc area
@@ChaboyAnthony I'm actually working on a metal/fusion project with a great drummer and another founding member of Paiinted in Exile, will keep you in the loop
@@patrickftw8464 🙏
That is the sweetest, most aggressive "clean" sounding bass guitar VSTi I ever heard...and I've heard them all.
Damn that intro was amazing
When the demo song is the highlight of the video
Josh is that good, god dammit I looked at the demo like I was a kid in a candy store xD
Finally got the plugin today and was happy to see you pop up when I searched tutorials. Been following on insta forever but I guess not the tube - subscribed and liked though. You’re one of my favs
What in the actual hell is happening rhythmically in that into?! Super dope! Love the review!
Metric modulation, my friend. And in my mind it's the most refreshing technique being utilized in modern music right now. I'll try explaining what's happening, but it can be a mouthful.
So the intro song starts in 13/16, and it's phrased 4+4+5. The tempo is 130 bpm. Sweet. But a very noticable shift occurse at 0:30, which is what probably made you go "wtf just happened?"
Metric modulation, as I understand it, switching subdivisions, and then defining a new tempo based off those new subdivisions.
So what Josh is actually doing here is making the 4+4+5 phrase longer - turning it into a 5+5+6 phrase, 16 notes long (the part is in 4/4). But the kicker is this. He's playing the 5 in the new phrase as if they were 16th note quintuplets in the old phrase in 130 bpm. Then, if you say "these fives are now 16th notes" you get a tempo change - now it's 160 bpm.
In short: 16th note quintuplets in 130bm = 16th notes in 160 bpm.
(It should actually be 156 bpm and not 160, but not really fussed about it.)
love it thanks for sharing! this plugin is def best optimized for those who have a good understanding of the mechanical aspects of playing the real instrument and I appreciate you emphasizing the finger movements involved from the perspective of a real bassist.
Crazy that plugins can do this now
When I try to change the velocity via piano roll, it doesn't make any change. I've done stuff like (velocity level) 1 1 40 40 80 80 120 120 and all of the notes sound like they're being played at 127. What am I doing wrong?
sounds good bro
But what are your amp settings for thumping though :|
Archetype abasi, maybe
In FL Studio, i can only go down to C0, anyone know how to go lower so i can use the articulations?
They shouldn't be down that low. Try using whatever notes it says but in the c0 or c1 range. I can't remember the exact note, but I use this on fl and I can put the articulations in without going that low
@@patrickftw8464 Which notes do you use? Seems like i have to use like C#7 and higher but the plugin resets what notes i have them set to
@@Surrey_01 it's around like the c1 range I believe, if not that maybe c0. I'm not 100% sure as I'm at work right now, but I can double check when I'm home tonight and let you know. I think you can also change the articulation keymapping or whatever, but mine by default is down towards the bottom of piano roll
@@patrickftw8464 I see now. it doesnt match up with the key map but just messing around i found the harmonic articulation. thank you!!
@@Surrey_01 ah yeah I had the same issue, had to mess around with it to find the correct spots. But awesome, good to hear man! Good luck!
Question....in the demo song you are triggering the bass sound with your guitar...(and not a midi keyboard)...so how did you do that...ie..what software did you have to use to do that....thanks.
hes not triggering the bass with the guitar, the guitar and bass are both doing a thumping riff together. though thumping on an 8 string does sound a lot lower
he programmed the thumping part on the bass like shown in the video, and also recorded the guitar part. the demo song is just so you can hear what it all sounds like in a mix
...just when i bought new strings. That`s my luck.