Круто! Как я сам до сих пор не додумался?! Теперь у меня от разбитого кинескопа старого телевизора работают стиралка, микроволновка, холодильник и бойлер на 100 литров Ищу второй старый телевизор чтоб запитать хлебопечку, кофеварку и пылесос с компьютером! А если удастся найти третий, то я смогу продавать электричество прямо в гороскую элекртосеть! 😅😅😅
Interestingly, there was a gust of wind on his shirt that started at exactly 8:31 am, right at the beginning of his test with this engine that spins incredibly freely, as if there were no magnet inside it. Congratulations on the cuts and gluing of the mirrors. Great trick with the motor and fan, I didn't know that the energy used in a tube TV could power an entire house. For those who like deception, it is great entertainment.😂🎉 Não colou irmão, aqui é Brasil.🇧🇷
0:27 When he looked at the sun with exaggerated gestures. I knew it. I stopped the video. He knows that people are going to watch the video and then read the comments. That's the reason why he put some intense shots at the beginning, so that people stay hooked to the video before reading the exposing comments. Another pretence the youtuber does is "no ingles". 😁😁 He keeps liking comments. As if he doesn't know English. But he is fully aware.
*"Não colou irmão, aqui é Brasil"* KKK Isso aí, anos e anos de praia lidando com toda sorte de picaretas. Não é um gringinho Nutella que vai nos levar no bico. O vídeo serve como diversão. E olhe lá.
Mong rằng anh thợ điện sau khi đọc được hàng tá bìng luận bên dưới thì hãy biết xấu hổ với bản thân, hãy làm những dự án có thực, có ý nghĩa cho cộng đồng. Đừng làm các dự án fake nữa. Nhiều dự án fakel trên kênh này và trên kênh "anh thợ điện " đã bị "bốc phốt" rồi. Là người có kiến thức thì không nên dùng kiến thức để lừa người khác. Kiến thức đó nếu hướng theo chiều có ích sẽ tốt hơn. Dear !
I imagined a similar system, a parabola (in solar oven) mounted on a motorized asymmetrical articulation which would follow the sun and heat water until steam then would run an alternator, what do you think? (I am French, Google translation)
j'ai imaginé un système similaire,une parabole( in four solaire) monté sur une articulation asymutale motorisée qui suivrait le soleil et chaufferait de l'eau jusqu'à vapeur puis ferait toutner un alternateur,qu'est que tu en penses ?( je suis français,google traduction)
Los engañadores, mentirosos No se van al cielo amigo "inventor", sino al infierno. Además estos videos son una pérdida dw tiempo para la gente que sí necesita un buen invento para dar electeicidad a su hogar.
@@АлександрАкулов-м1ю Там же ещё насос есть. Явно с асинхронником. Но тут такое дело: этот "фотонный генератор" сразу и постоянку и переменку производит. И ещё торсионные поля.
Я ТОЖЕ ТАКУЮ СДЕЛАЛ!!! Только на зеркало денег не было, поэтому сковордку отполировал и покрыл ТОЛСТЫМ слоем сусального золота с обеих сторон! (чем толще тем лучше!) А так как золото тоже жёлтое как и Солнце, оно отражает ВДВОЕ больше лучей!!! Благодаря этой желтизне, даже свет от Луны, становится горячим как от Солнца!!! :-))
He has uploaded only 27 videos on this channel and got more than one million subscribers and he is making making somewhere 1k to 5k dollars every month from this channel. So I think what he makes videos about doesn't matter but what matters is he's making good money without similar efforts
If it's not obvious, it's an ad farm. Dude has bots subbing and watching, you can still see some of them in his older videos after the botpocolis. The video content itself is usually to sell something simple on a marketplace like Amazon or Wish.
thanks a lot from shiraz. Iran your innovation as an unique method for using from the most famous of face ENERGY that is electricity without any first source except sunlight that is 100 percent off and very useful and unique Power and simple and in its place very smarter work ❤❤
Amazing magic show for entertaining and comedy😅👍 But it's nice predecessor to deeply think of invention real generator heat, before china do that for dumping some sexy markets in the world to be slavery. Btw, in mine some factory's(some of them are textile) had bankruptcy cause dumping effect then lot of citizens lost their job
@@ШурикКрутЧто такое ислам? 🔴 Ислам - это не просто еще одна религия 🔵 Это же послание проповедовали Моисей, Иисус и Авраам. 🔴 Ислам буквально означает «покорность Богу». 🔵 и учит нас иметь прямые отношения с Богом. 🔴 Это напоминает нам, что с тех пор, как Бог создал нас, никому нельзя поклоняться, кроме одного Бога. 🔵 Он также учит, что Бог не похож на человека или что-либо, что мы можем вообразить. 🔴 Концепция Бога кратко изложена в Коране как: { Скажи: «Он - Аллах Единый,. Аллах Самодостаточный. Он не родил и не был рожден,. и нет никого равного Ему».} (Коран, 112:1-4) 🔵 Стать мусульманином - это не повернуться спиной к Иисусу. 🔴 Скорее, это возвращение к изначальным учениям Иисуса и повиновение ему...
@@ШурикКрут Вообще-то это обман зрителей, т.е. нарушение правил ЮТ, вполне можно жалобы катать - справа внизу под видео три точки, кликайте там, если на ПК, на телефоне не знаю.
Genau so habe ich meine Satellitenschüssel umgebaut. Seitdem empfange ich alle freien Sender der Omega-Galaxie und telefonieren jede Woche mit ET. Ich soll den Erfinder dieser genialen Technik von ihm grüßen.
Filament and side plate are use to produce electron by thermionic emissions in crt not produced photon ,if once suppose it is photon producer then electricity will be dc , while you running ac induction motor 😅
Water pumps and fans come in 6/12volts DC as well as 120vAC + 220vAC. The solar concentrater increases the photons to the electron gun generating electricity. If you don't like the explanation, then think about the plastic housing of fan to contain 6v lithium batteries. The dual socket hooks both plugs together. The guy is real handy with a glue bottle. The assistant can use remote control switch to turn on battery power, when he waves his hand. My guess is that the set up is actually real. The electrons emission unit came from a COLOR type old tv. The large picture tube was in vacuum. He had to break the seal and be careful of the flying glass. Mr. John Keely of the late 1800's, did many fake science bench set ups for public viewing. Even engineers believed his work. The building was torn apart after he died to find the deceit methods, that were ALL published in the N.Y. Journal and Advertiser Jan 29, 1899. Keely the Monumental fraud Of The Century. These done again,,,,,,,,,,, on you tube, could generate a lot of money without even responding to all the people. Many John Keely books and photos, drawings available.
В ЛАМПОЧКЕ СПРЯТАНО ФОТОРЕЛЕ, или просто фоторезистор! При попадании на него света, изменяется его сопротивление, работает как регулятор напряжения или выключатель включающий питание на насос и вентилятор от внешнего источника питания!!! Электронная пушка от кинескопа,без вакуума,просто набор жестянок и проволочек! ;-(( КОГДА ДЕЛАЕШЬ ВЕЧНЫЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ или БТГ( безтопливный генератор свободной энергии) САМОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ - ХОРОШО СПРЯТАТЬ БАТАРЕЙКУ И МОТОРЧИК!!! :-))
Сделал как показано в ролике. Телепартировался на Марс. Телекинезом пообщался с Маском. Вернулся обратно. Вентилятор так и не крутится,зато пищеварение в норме
WARNING FAKE ALART As a professional and knowledgeable individual, I hope that the electrician considers the community's feedback seriously. It’s crucial to focus on genuine, impactful projects rather than those that merely appear to be beneficial. Much like how single-celled organisms cannot operate on direct current (DC) for fan and AC pump motors-despite the presence of a converter for appearance's sake-authenticity in projects cannot be substituted by superficial fixes. To truly contribute positively, expertise should be used with integrity and transparency. Moving forward, it is essential to align actions with honest and meaningful contributions to earn and maintain the community’s trust.
its not necessarily fake- the "sterling engine" creates a current based on a temperature difference from a hot end and a cold end creating a back and forth piston between each end. Usingmirrors and a bowl us a fun application, thank you for inspiration!
Your way of doing things is different and the way of posting videos is also different, which attracts followers. Well done. We wish you success and good luck. We hope that you post real things that benefit the community without deception and lies.
E aí meu amigo eu vi você fazendo esse negócio aí no tacho aí tipo uma placa solar queria que você passava a forma como que é que faz isso aí eu fiquei interessado para isso aí gostei de ver
Stronger than solar panels . Use whole plastic mirror that amplify reflection - it’ll push the electric pump to an even higher voltage . Because looked like when I curve a plastic mirror in 1995 , the light amplifies 100 folds and when released , it gets even brighter than the sunlight that bounces back on the parabolic mirror plane .❤😂💩🤧🤡👻💀☠️😷🤐🥴🤒🤒
Totally Fake and that's why: Beaming extreme concentrated sunlight onto the cathode-ray tube (CRT) or its components, such as the filament or cathode, might produce some interesting effects, but it is unlikely to result in the generation of usable electricity. If a CRT were exposed to extreme concentrated sunlight, it might exhibit thermionic emission due to heating but would not efficiently generate electricity via the photoelectric effect. The setup might unintentionally damage the CRT rather than produce any meaningful electrical output. If you're interested in using sunlight to generate electricity, photovoltaic cells (solar panels) or thermionic converters specifically designed for these purposes are far better options.
اذا كذبت اي عمل يجب عليك ان تبرر بمنطق ليس فقط ان تقول تزييف وتقادر اقدر عمل هذا الشاب افضل من بعض الحمقي الذين مهنتهم تكسير مجاديف الناجحين شكرا يا رائع ❤️🙏
I think the pump is also a fake one because the suction pipe normally comes to one side parallel to the motor armature. In this arrangement how the suction happens. Please show the foot valve if you are brave enough.
*Manufacturers Will GO BANKRUPT If You Make Your Own Induction Cooker This Way* ua-cam.com/video/t0h7y5dsxxg/v-deo.html
Very interesting, connecting a dc motor first and then connecting a pump and a fan that run on AC current, that must be magic LOL
Круто! Как я сам до сих пор не додумался?! Теперь у меня от разбитого кинескопа старого телевизора работают стиралка, микроволновка, холодильник и бойлер на 100 литров Ищу второй старый телевизор чтоб запитать хлебопечку, кофеварку и пылесос с компьютером! А если удастся найти третий, то я смогу продавать электричество прямо в гороскую элекртосеть! 😅😅😅
Ты тоже смешной, не так ли?
Зачетно! ржом вместе)
потомучто ты русский по этому не додумался
There is no photon generator in cathode ray tubes. There is an electron gun, but it cannot generate energy in any way.
3 electron guns, so they produce three phase AC, it's obvious 🤣
в ютубе все возможно, особенно если это тайский контент
Where are the repeated warnings regarding “safe”CRT disassembly⁉️ 💥⚡️💥
"По вере вашей дано вам будет" - мужчина искренне верит и у него работает.
(Квантовая физика)
Сделал такую точную копию, все заработало, уже месяца пользу, платить за свет всего 3%. Спасибо Вам!
Interestingly, there was a gust of wind on his shirt that started at exactly 8:31 am, right at the beginning of his test with this engine that spins incredibly freely, as if there were no magnet inside it. Congratulations on the cuts and gluing of the mirrors. Great trick with the motor and fan, I didn't know that the energy used in a tube TV could power an entire house. For those who like deception, it is great entertainment.😂🎉
Não colou irmão, aqui é Brasil.🇧🇷
0:27 When he looked at the sun with exaggerated gestures. I knew it. I stopped the video.
He knows that people are going to watch the video and then read the comments. That's the reason why he put some intense shots at the beginning, so that people stay hooked to the video before reading the exposing comments.
Another pretence the youtuber does is "no ingles". 😁😁 He keeps liking comments. As if he doesn't know English. But he is fully aware.
This video is fake ideals
*"Não colou irmão, aqui é Brasil"*
KKK Isso aí, anos e anos de praia lidando com toda sorte de picaretas. Não é um gringinho Nutella que vai nos levar no bico. O vídeo serve como diversão. E olhe lá.
Ну и мошенник а я уж и поверил. Спасибо что открыл глаза. Надо в Ю.Т. проводить форумы на присвоения лучший мошенник сайта
chauni ma
Estava pensando nisso mesmo
Mong rằng anh thợ điện sau khi đọc được hàng tá bìng luận bên dưới thì hãy biết xấu hổ với bản thân, hãy làm những dự án có thực, có ý nghĩa cho cộng đồng. Đừng làm các dự án fake nữa. Nhiều dự án fakel trên kênh này và trên kênh "anh thợ điện " đã bị "bốc phốt" rồi. Là người có kiến thức thì không nên dùng kiến thức để lừa người khác. Kiến thức đó nếu hướng theo chiều có ích sẽ tốt hơn. Dear !
Зато день прошол у человека,а так бы лежал,загорал! И сам при деле и деньги не лежат! 😀😄😄😄
I imagined a similar system, a parabola (in solar oven) mounted on a motorized asymmetrical articulation which would follow the sun and heat water until steam then would run an alternator, what do you think? (I am French, Google translation)
j'ai imaginé un système similaire,une parabole( in four solaire) monté sur une articulation asymutale motorisée qui suivrait le soleil et chaufferait de l'eau jusqu'à vapeur puis ferait toutner un alternateur,qu'est que tu en penses ?( je suis français,google traduction)
Los engañadores, mentirosos No se van al cielo amigo "inventor", sino al infierno. Además estos videos son una pérdida dw tiempo para la gente que sí necesita un buen invento para dar electeicidad a su hogar.
Tác giả của kênh nầy chỉ làm xạo để kiếm tiền từ UA-cam. Cũng mai là nhiều người không biết đây là kênh của người VN.
No ac voltage ,no ampere, no cycle but motor is running ,whats a marvelous idea.
Fan aur water pump dc bhi to ho Sakta h.
That is not the point...if it is generating power...that is the deal. Is it???
Hidden wire.
Пусть лучше колбасу в пучке солнечного света жарит и то будет правдивее, чем мозги людям засирает тупыми идеями
You are really creative in fake video creation
Yes your right
Veri nice
Интересно, на каком законе физики эта хрень вдруг заработала ? 😂
На закне барона Мюнхаузена - беззастенчивой лжи и шарлотанстве!
На цыганском! Главное наебать!
To stop this content from existing you must use an ad blocker and give it a thumbs down, is it that difficult?
На законе, налурил миллион, получил 10 тонн зелени. Но, как весный огонь, да и чйник вскепятить можно.
На основе фотоэффекта физика 10-11 кл
Wow AC motor is working on DC 😮😂
Good job bro 👍, I hope this video gets demonetised and reported as soon as possible ❤
А где ты увидел у вентилятора переменный ток?? 😅
@@АлександрАкулов-м1ю Там же ещё насос есть. Явно с асинхронником. Но тут такое дело: этот "фотонный генератор" сразу и постоянку и переменку производит. И ещё торсионные поля.
To stop this content from existing you must use an ad blocker and give it a thumbs down, is it that difficult?
Solar pawer not AC curent 😅😅fake video
Fan and water pump may be dc also
Here is DC motor and D fan . unsolve is never . Solve is always Proves in earth.
To stop this content from existing you must use an ad blocker and give it a thumbs down, is it that difficult?
Только на зеркало денег не было,
поэтому сковордку отполировал и покрыл ТОЛСТЫМ слоем
сусального золота с обеих сторон!
(чем толще тем лучше!)
А так как золото тоже жёлтое как и Солнце,
оно отражает ВДВОЕ больше лучей!!!
Благодаря этой желтизне,
даже свет от Луны,
становится горячим как от Солнца!!!
Блин, ты гений! Как же я до этого не додумался? Пойду еще раз попробую с использованием свежих знаний.
сусального золота не существует. есть золото сОсальное. и доступно оно только женскому полу. (и некоторым СЕРЕДНЯКАМ (ни то, ни сё))
@@МИКОЛА-л5я7яты,видимо,хотел сказать Сексуальное злато
как я могу связаться с тобой Действительно ли это можно сделать дома?
He has uploaded only 27 videos on this channel and got more than one million subscribers and he is making making somewhere 1k to 5k dollars every month from this channel.
So I think what he makes videos about doesn't matter but what matters is he's making good money without similar efforts
If it's not obvious, it's an ad farm. Dude has bots subbing and watching, you can still see some of them in his older videos after the botpocolis. The video content itself is usually to sell something simple on a marketplace like Amazon or Wish.
Wow thanks brother.....that TV fuse thing is pretty powerful and you mirrors that reflect the solar......thanks for the find.....I'll try it .
هل نجحت ام زلت تحاول
@@OpRi-ev5en А трубка от телека без вакуума не работает электроны.Это просто фэйк!
Сделал как на видео, поставил на свою Теслу, и
уже 3 недели езжу без заправки, питаю дома на своей улице, все счастливы.
Что теперь Путин делать будет? Где деньги для России брать? Снова будем на коленях к США ползти ...
😂😂😂nice joke
نشكرك على الكذبه الامعقوله اخوكم ابو عبدالله السحيمي من اليمن عدن
I understood and appreciated everything except numbering the mirror pieces.
TOP Job 😎
Möchte gerne bei Nacht unendlich Strom haben 💯
thanks a lot from shiraz. Iran
your innovation as an unique method for using from the most famous of face ENERGY that is electricity without any first source except sunlight that is 100 percent off and very useful and unique Power and simple and in its place very smarter work ❤❤
فكرة جميلة رائعة تستحق التجريب وان شاء الله المزيد من التألق كنج هومميد
Kolay gelsin, Kablo bağlantıları aletin baştaki ve sondaki uçlara mı? Bağlıyoruz 👍⚡⚡⚡💥💥💥
Amazing magic show for entertaining and comedy😅👍
But it's nice predecessor to deeply think of invention real generator heat, before china do that for dumping some sexy markets in the world to be slavery. Btw, in mine some factory's(some of them are textile) had bankruptcy cause dumping effect then lot of citizens lost their job
Super dahara
Смотришь на его обстановку... А нелохой Ютуб заработок даёт с просмотров!
Всем понятно, что полную чушь показывает... Но деньги не пахнут 😊
Да! Главное автор сам верит, что это работает! НАЕБАЛОВО
@@ШурикКрутЧто такое ислам?
🔴 Ислам - это не просто еще одна религия
🔵 Это же послание проповедовали Моисей, Иисус и Авраам.
🔴 Ислам буквально означает «покорность Богу».
🔵 и учит нас иметь прямые отношения с Богом.
🔴 Это напоминает нам, что с тех пор, как Бог создал нас, никому нельзя поклоняться, кроме одного Бога.
🔵 Он также учит, что Бог не похож на человека или что-либо, что мы можем вообразить.
🔴 Концепция Бога кратко изложена в Коране как:
{ Скажи: «Он - Аллах Единый,. Аллах Самодостаточный. Он не родил и не был рожден,. и нет никого равного Ему».}
(Коран, 112:1-4)
🔵 Стать мусульманином - это не повернуться спиной к Иисусу.
🔴 Скорее, это возвращение к изначальным учениям Иисуса и повиновение ему...
loll crazy....!! 😅😅😅😅😅😅🤣🤣
@@ШурикКрут Вообще-то это обман зрителей, т.е. нарушение правил ЮТ, вполне можно жалобы катать - справа внизу под видео три точки, кликайте там, если на ПК, на телефоне не знаю.
A intenção do UA-camr é a visualização mesmo , pois o experimento não dá certo.
Great acting you deserve an oscar
No falta el latino weon..que cree todo
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 GREAT FAKE😂😂😂😂
I stopped the video as soon as I read your comment. Thanks bro. 😎✨
What are you waiting for to demonstrate this to us in this case...? And it is certainly not your many Smileys, which demonstrates this my poor boy.
@@jeanmarcchauveau-u4q people knows the case very well my rich fake boy .
Placa solar dentro da lâmpada. Kkk
Pembohongan , tanpa inverter dapat menyakan kipas angin dan pompa air 220 vac,tipuan yg menakjubkan....
Это фокус... для тех кто не учил физику в школе....)))
А может вы погуляли тему о фотоэлектрическом эффекте в 11 Кл?☺️
Sei grande e molto motivato a creare soluzioni con poco.😂🎉
Genau so habe ich meine Satellitenschüssel umgebaut. Seitdem empfange ich alle freien Sender der Omega-Galaxie und telefonieren jede Woche mit ET. Ich soll den Erfinder dieser genialen Technik von ihm grüßen.
Excellent job hiding the batteries or AC cord!
Como dijo Arjona el problema no es que mientas el problema es que te creo 😂😂😂😂
Filament and side plate are use to produce electron by thermionic emissions in crt not produced photon ,if once suppose it is photon producer then electricity will be dc , while you running ac induction motor 😅
Water pumps and fans come in 6/12volts DC as well as 120vAC + 220vAC. The solar concentrater increases the photons to the electron gun generating electricity. If you don't like the explanation, then think about the plastic housing of fan to contain 6v lithium batteries. The dual socket hooks both plugs together. The guy is real handy with a glue bottle. The assistant can use remote control switch to turn on battery power, when he waves his hand. My guess is that the set up is actually real. The electrons emission unit came from a COLOR type old tv. The large picture tube was in vacuum. He had to break the seal and be careful of the flying glass.
Mr. John Keely of the late 1800's, did many fake science bench set ups for public viewing. Even engineers believed his work. The building was torn apart after he died to find the deceit methods, that were ALL published in the N.Y. Journal and Advertiser Jan 29, 1899. Keely the Monumental fraud Of The Century. These done again,,,,,,,,,,, on you tube, could generate a lot of money without even responding to all the people. Many John Keely books and photos, drawings available.
Wow ini luar biasa, mulai sekarang aku akan cari tv tabung yang rusak
Excellent 👌 pour discothèque 🎉
Negativo de discoteca é colorido !!
или просто фоторезистор!
При попадании на него света,
изменяется его сопротивление,
работает как регулятор напряжения или выключатель
включающий питание на насос и вентилятор от внешнего источника питания!!!
Электронная пушка от кинескопа,без вакуума,просто набор жестянок и проволочек! ;-((
или БТГ( безтопливный генератор свободной энергии)
You're probably right, but where are the batteries ? Or the wires ?
А по моему все еще проще-всем управляет человек за камерой.
❤❤❤As usual, my brother, your projects are amazing. You are always the best. May God bless you.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤
still aliive ?
सबसे आसान तरीका है बिजली बनाने का
Сделал как показано в ролике. Телепартировался на Марс. Телекинезом пообщался с Маском. Вернулся обратно. Вентилятор так и не крутится,зато пищеварение в норме
Вам также следует писать эскизы, просто чтобы рассмешить людей в Интернете!
Que gorronea
As a professional and knowledgeable individual, I hope that the electrician considers the community's feedback seriously. It’s crucial to focus on genuine, impactful projects rather than those that merely appear to be beneficial. Much like how single-celled organisms cannot operate on direct current (DC) for fan and AC pump motors-despite the presence of a converter for appearance's sake-authenticity in projects cannot be substituted by superficial fixes. To truly contribute positively, expertise should be used with integrity and transparency. Moving forward, it is essential to align actions with honest and meaningful contributions to earn and maintain the community’s trust.
- Haha - i jak widać gdzie słońce się odbija od tych lusterek... :)
would be nice if it was thrue!! but nice show, 🤣
Без шапочки из фольги это отасно !!!! 😜
Sound effects are amazing. We don't get this effect even in IMAX 🤣
Nice trick!! How could you do that?
Socket holder🎉
Я бы поверил если бы это был двигатель Стирлинга.
its not necessarily fake- the "sterling engine" creates a current based on a temperature difference from a hot end and a cold end creating a back and forth piston between each end. Usingmirrors and a bowl us a fun application, thank you for inspiration!
But dose that produces that amount of energy?
Oh louco.
O cara gera 110 V com 60 hz com uma lâmpada de 60 w?
Nicolas Tesla tá vivo. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Quero te contratar para instalar um destes no meu sítio você eco gênio da lampada😅
Your way of doing things is different and the way of posting videos is also different, which attracts followers. Well done. We wish you success and good luck. We hope that you post real things that benefit the community without deception and lies.
Nice 👍
Muita paciência pra cortar tanto pedaço de espelho, pode fazer também com papel alumínio.
Đúng là Thái Bình còn tung hoành cả trên cõi mạng !
Your yellow sweater flutters in the wind every time you light up the bulb.
Bạn định dùng bóng đèn sợi đốt để tạo ra điện à ĐÂY LÀ GIẢ
А чё из сковороды? Я из ванны сделал, теперь весь подъезд халявным электричеством пользуются 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
عجبتني تلك المقلاة الكبيرة تحفة جميلة. 😂
Ещё и переменный ток на вентилятор даёт! Ого гений😅😅😅
Еще босиком сделал бы пример,руками трогать открытый провод ⚡️который крутить электродвигатель😀
What a crazy innov. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
E aí meu amigo eu vi você fazendo esse negócio aí no tacho aí tipo uma placa solar queria que você passava a forma como que é que faz isso aí eu fiquei interessado para isso aí gostei de ver
Так вот он настоящий спаситель мира😮
Премия шнабеля у тебя уже в кармане 😂😂😂
wow nice
Do you believe on the person who switch on and off the power, he will confess one day
Шнобелевскую премию в студию!
Leider weiß jeder Elektroniker das man mit den Innereien einer Bildröhre keinen Strom erzeugen kann !🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
You should put Stirling's engine in focus and you don't need fake.
El mejor truco de todos ha sido esconder la linea de alimentacion para el ventilador y la bonba
Stronger than solar panels . Use whole plastic mirror that amplify reflection - it’ll push the electric pump to an even higher voltage . Because looked like when I curve a plastic mirror in 1995 , the light amplifies 100 folds and when released , it gets even brighter than the sunlight that bounces back on the parabolic mirror plane .❤😂💩🤧🤡👻💀☠️😷🤐🥴🤒🤒
It had rather put the mirror opposite a steam boiler so that it heats water then it can move a turbine to generate power.
Вес секрет в нумераций куска стекол, иначе переменное напряжение не получиться!!!
Прям Дэвид Копперфильд 😅😅😅
Xin chào em ! rất tuyệt vời ! có làm công suất lớn được k em ?
It's not bad that you make it, but if I do it according to you, I don't think it would work😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
In this timing you exposed your self 13:07 😏
Good job
Just fun for UA-camrs! Nothing more
The electronic gun taken from a TV tube can not produce electricity....
Kolay gelsin, Bravo!!! Bende güneş enerjisi üzerinde çalışıyorum, fikir için teşekkürler 👍⚡⚡⚡
Truth lies in the fan 😂 actual current is flowing from the hidden wire under the fan
Totally Fake and that's why: Beaming extreme concentrated sunlight onto the cathode-ray tube (CRT) or its components, such as the filament or cathode, might produce some interesting effects, but it is unlikely to result in the generation of usable electricity. If a CRT were exposed to extreme concentrated sunlight, it might exhibit thermionic emission due to heating but would not efficiently generate electricity via the photoelectric effect. The setup might unintentionally damage the CRT rather than produce any meaningful electrical output. If you're interested in using sunlight to generate electricity, photovoltaic cells (solar panels) or thermionic converters specifically designed for these purposes are far better options.
A energia "não surge do nada", não se destrói,ela apenas se transforma "
😂😂А зачем под тазик выключатель ставил😂
العملية صحيحة لكن باستعمال أكثر من 30بطارية ليثيوم صغيرة في الأنبوب الاسطوانية تحت الصحن مخبأة موصولة عبر تقب في الرأس.. حيلة ذكية
اذا كذبت اي عمل يجب عليك ان تبرر بمنطق ليس فقط ان تقول تزييف وتقادر اقدر عمل هذا الشاب افضل من بعض الحمقي الذين مهنتهم تكسير مجاديف الناجحين شكرا يا رائع ❤️🙏
😁😁😂😂🤣🤣 Questo è proprio un fenomeno 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
I think the pump is also a fake one because the suction pipe normally comes to one side parallel to the motor armature. In this arrangement how the suction happens. Please show the foot valve if you are brave enough.
Se você quiser você pode montar uma "central solar com isso"vai ter energia de graça!