I just received my first DDR uniform the other day and was struggling with the collar tabs and shoulder boards, so this video has a really perfect timing!
Although I don't collect the NVA uniforms. I focus mostly on NVA small kit. Your videos are really informative. I have built up a small library of the books you have recommended. Keep up the good work.
Excellent tutorial, helped me with my infantry officer uniform. Also, I hope this doesnt sound weird, but you have a really soothing voice and accent, I could sleep to it. Thank you
Waiting for my tunic, I have insignia, but I only have a greatcoat. Very informative video, thank you. Also, may I ask where you get your militaria from?
I could use some assistance putting together a wachregiment fredrich engles uniform. Specificallty the Neue Wache guards. Is there a way to contact you?
Can you do a tutorial on how to sew collar lining (sorry, been out of collecting for a few years)? I have this German WWII NCO uniform where there is a "silver lining" along the collar, but both the thick wool of the uniform and the lining is so d*mn thick I just can't make it (and I don't have a sewing machine)...
Yes, some did. As mentioned in the video, the most common way was to have them attached at the factory. But not all of them had, so handsewn officer tabs are correct aswell.
Ein Schwede erklärt mir auf Englisch, wie ich an einer alten deutschen Uniform, die Kragenspiegel vernünftig anbringe. ô.O kay. Thank you for the Video.
I just received my first DDR uniform the other day and was struggling with the collar tabs and shoulder boards, so this video has a really perfect timing!
I'm happy to hear that! Thanks! :)
Although I don't collect the NVA uniforms. I focus mostly on NVA small kit. Your videos are really informative. I have built up a small library of the books you have recommended. Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much! :)
Thanks for the video!! Got a grenztruppen/border guard uniform recently with no collar tabs or shoulder boards
Excellent tutorial, helped me with my infantry officer uniform. Also, I hope this doesnt sound weird, but you have a really soothing voice and accent, I could sleep to it. Thank you
Merry Christmas my friend.
The same to you!
Waiting for my tunic, I have insignia, but I only have a greatcoat. Very informative video, thank you. Also, may I ask where you get your militaria from?
Thanks a lot! And good luck with your tunic! :) My militaria comes mainly from my contact network and online auctions.
Might give it a go, I have a "blank" M48 and the only MfS jackets they seem to be selling online are tent size SGs.
Do it! :)
I could use some assistance putting together a wachregiment fredrich engles uniform. Specificallty the Neue Wache guards. Is there a way to contact you?
Send a PM on Instagram! :)
Can you do a tutorial on how to sew collar lining (sorry, been out of collecting for a few years)? I have this German WWII NCO uniform where there is a "silver lining" along the collar, but both the thick wool of the uniform and the lining is so d*mn thick I just can't make it (and I don't have a sewing machine)...
I have one last question what is the highest thing on east German pins like don handler and grenztruppen qualification badge 1or3
Did they do this in the DDR? This way?
Yes, some did. As mentioned in the video, the most common way was to have them attached at the factory. But not all of them had, so handsewn officer tabs are correct aswell.
@@MilitaryMonetary thx
what does the red on the shoulder ranks and collar ranks mean?
I guess that’s Stasi piping
@@chardecombatprincipalfranc7917 i just bought a uniform just like this with medals so trynna get info on iy
In this case it is Zivilverteidigung, the piping is purple rather than the maroon Stasi colour.
@@MilitaryMonetary thank you, just got my uniform today looks cool.
Can't find an exact uniform where I live. A do-it-youurself video would be interesting.
I'm not sure what you mean? To do your own uniform?
@@MilitaryMonetary Yes
@@emirvmendoza That would be extremely complicated, and expensive! I would search for one online instead!
Ein Schwede erklärt mir auf Englisch, wie ich an einer alten deutschen Uniform, die Kragenspiegel vernünftig anbringe. ô.O kay. Thank you for the Video.
Die fantastischen Effekte einer internationalen Sammlergemeinschaft! Schön, dass dir das Video gefallen hat! 🙂
Unfortunately I used the tips of the collar tabs on my volkspolizei uniform
I did it three months ago
I did the same on my Strafvollzug uniform many years ago. But i left the prongs as they were and stitched the corners! Looks great now!
Also can yo do a video on pip placement?{ ||||D v|v ( [ ||||}
Great idea!
@@MilitaryMonetary thank you
du är svensk eller hur
Don’t use glue to attach collar tabs on the uniform please!!