I am surprised how sexually graphic this film was for 1907. In an age when it was scandulous to see a woman's leg here are two people in bed together making out.
Actually, it is one of the few films from this director when at least one woman wasn't totally nude. At least here there was more of a plot than normal.
I am pretty the moustache guy who would later become the crazy ruler of Germany used to watch the Saturn Film when he was young.
Didn't they have a smaller bed at the store?
The shocking early film.
I am surprised how sexually graphic this film was for 1907. In an age when it was scandulous to see a woman's leg here are two people in bed together making out.
Actually, it is one of the few films from this director when at least one woman wasn't totally nude. At least here there was more of a plot than normal.
Machen die da Liebe?
Es sieht so aus, als ob sie das tun.