Puzzling? These multiple videos giving tips on how to prepare for Ranger school. At the time I went through I was a standard, ground pounding, Marine grunt. No specialized training, non airborne and no elaborate prep work; just determination and grit. I was both physically and mentally prepared to take on whatever they threw at me. As Marines we don’t wear tabs, so many of the Army students were like: “why are you going through this”? Our answer was: for the training and experience and the satisfaction of graduating from one of the toughest courses in the military. Class 9-82.
I was a PFC in the 82nd when my squad leader asked if I wanted to go to Ranger School. A guy had dropped out and Division needed to fill that slot. I had 2 weeks to prepare. Physically, I was fit enough. As a private, I lacked a lot of knowledge. Most guys transitioned to the scout platoon or allowed to have a heavily modified schedule to study and train for Ranger School as Division hated sending failures. I learned this was normal in all other units. In Ranger Battalions, privates were grilled for a year or so getting ready for Ranger School. I was so lost on 7-8 and the technical side of patrol base operations and had never written an OPORD, let alone understand how to construct one. Having to learn all this stuff while tired and hungry at Ranger School was tough. I failed all my patrols in Darby, but showed enough they sent me through. I failed all my patrols in Desert Phase (McGregor) and recycled. Gulag was during Best Ranger competition so we sat for a month. The RIs helped me take what I'd done and learn from it. I soaked it up. After that, I cruised through recycled Desert, Mountains and Florida. I was not a PT stud, but competent. I was also 5'6" and 130 lbs. Rucking was a challenge, especially since RIs would not allow us to run during forced road marches. I will say that mental toughness is far more important than pure physical abilities, though you have to be able to hang. So many things they talk about, I can relate. I was one of those that lost a large chunk of deep skin on my heel and it was raw. Every step of Florida phase was pure intense pain. But no way was I going to quit after making it that far.
I'm sort of in the same boat, got slotted with 6 day's notice. I'm 4 days out from going. Honestly not sure if I'll even have everything, I need to pass the packing list since it's a 4-day weekend giving me 2 days to get things. Wish me luck guys. I'm in good enough shape but trying to pack on the ponds before I leave. I can tell you this much. I'm not goanna quit. They'll have to kick me out first.
@@redstar3693 I wish you well. Never quit, even if you feel like it every single day. Always take one more step. Your Ranger Buddy is so important for morale and as a source to keep going. You can choose who you want regardless if one gets "assigned." Choose a Ranger Buddy that has your back. I had two. One, even after 29 years, he is a trusted brother for life. The other was my closest friend from Division but sadly died in 2003. I will never forget what he meant to me and will always mourn his loss. My son was born on his birthday, so I love that connection.
35:10 on a 1 : 50 scale map a 6 digit grid should get you within 100 m margin error. And that’s what they’re looking for. If you can do 8 digit (10m radius) you’re a rock star.
I was Air Force going through RS back in the '80's when we had Utah (Dugway) phase. I remember being razed during RAP when it came to fitness assessment. I know I was doing the push-up and sit-ups correctly but the RI would only count every other one, where as Army troops were given every one they did. I did double. That went on all through RS but I didn't quit. One of the RI's that I thought hated me came, shook my hand after grad and told me that the reason they were hard on me and other services that come to RS was due to us representing the Rangers outside of the Army and they only want the best to do so. My advice, if you're coming from another service is prepare for doing more. More of everything and...don't quit! RLTW!
Thanks for the comment! I had a few Airforce TACP guys go through with me. I heard the desert phase was no joke! How did getting your tab effect your career in 80s?
People didn't really understand what we went through to get it. I got asked what it was for and then they would just shrug. "Oh, you were in the Army?" Trying to explain was useless. Most in upper ranks knew like E8 & above and some officers Maj & above and most were Vietnam vets. I was hoping to go into a formal training position somewhere but, AF had other ideas. Left after second enlistment. Desert was interesting especially the final day of the FTX. It's was a live fire assault on a mock air base. We actually got some decent sleep the night before. They didn't want us droning with live rounds. RLTW@@MilitaryCashflow
42:58 Mole skin is your bests friend. Back in 1995 we were allowed to use 100mph tape to wrap your boot as an ankle wrestler wrap over the boot, to avoid friction.
I went through Ranger school in 92. Class 1-93. it was four phases which consist of camp rogers for rap week, camp Darby 4th RTB , mountains at Yonah Mountain Tennessee 5th RTB, 7th RTB at Camp Shocklee desert Phase and finally 6th RTB swamp phase in Florida. 76 days long and so exhausted and mentally drained. I didn't even care about food anymore, I just wanted to sleep because I was hallucinating ridiculously on my patrols. Thank god no one peered anyone out of my class. graduated with only a couple spot reports. passed my team leader patrols. RAP week consisted of a lay out, PT test with a 5 mile run, day two was CWST and the slide for life at Victory Pond. Day 3 was night into day land nav. and a 6 mile buddy march. we also did the ranger stakes with 8 out of 11 weapons must be a go, day 5 was the malvesti and finally the 12 miler. we also did the 1 mile Darby queen o course. They smoked everyone so bad that the class started with 270 and by the time we started Darby phase we were down to 98 and the rest of the class were recycles from previous classes. got to love those blue berry pancakes. LOL
In Florida, we did indeed have the 26:50 Pogey birds. It was an air assault mission, not a jump; the aviators were student aviators and they had sandwiches, apples and snack cakes. I never ate so fast ever.
I was switched companies a few times throughout Ranger School so maybe we might have been in the same company at one point. Do you remember the RI that pronounced his R’s as W’s? Lol “Hey Wanger!” Great times indeed!
I went thru in 1986. Most remembered lesson I remember is a night drop. Dz was in trees and students cut rip cords and left chutes in trees. RI was pissed. Told us that we volunteered to be commando. He said the purpose of this course is to show you at what point you will fuck your buddy. Still remember that night.
How can I get in touch with you guys. ? I’m a Prior service Marine and just enlisted in the Army NG. Ranger option available with a catch , I wanted to get some info from of y’all if you don’t mind .
No such thing as a Ranger option for National Guard since Option 40 is for Regular Army RASP after you make it through OSUT or Basic/AIT for soft skills. What MOS are you enlisting for?
@@LRRPFco52 11B it’s a new program in the guard . We just had graduates comeback . If you sign for an 11B you can get a Ranger contract meaning you go to ranger school making you qualified not RASP where it’s selection . But if you take that option form the guard you have to attend air assault , airborne and then ranger . We just got briefed on it this last drill .
@@LRRPFco52 yes correct Ranger school option . But the catch is you have to go through all 3 schools back 2 back . There’s no breaks . This is my first time dealing with the army so idk what the mission is but it seems like they want high qualified infantry soldiers coming straight to their NG units . I’m tempted to take the offer but at the same time I have plans on the civilian side that are on a time crunch as well and based on my Marine corps experience and the guys I’ve spoke too who came back from the training . It’s high risk of injury and failure not cause people aren’t good enough but high intensity and volume across all 3 schools and not enough time to recover and train up to it .
@@joshcaraballo5151 In most of the units I was in, they had Division-level Pre-Ranger School to prep you to be successful and come back with your tab, because the unit has to pay for the school and it isn’t cheap. It always turned out to be a dangle-the-carrot affair to get guys to reenlist. In Ranger Regiment, it’s just expected of junior enlisted by the time you make E-4. In Long Range Surveillance, all the Team Leaders and ATLs were Ranger qualified already, having come from other LRS, Recon, and Ranger units. I think this has more to do with recruiting than anything else for NG. Airborne School and Air Assault School weren’t that hard. AAS was a bit harder because of the 12-mile road march and sling loads tests. Airborne School was just monotonous and weak PT, stupid ground week, then jump week finally. I could walk a faster pace than the runs, and there were a lot of POGs who could never hack morning 1, day 1 in the Infantry. The Guard especially is hurting on people because they’ve been run ragged over the past 22 years, being used as Reserves instead of State Guards, then the Covid mRNA mandates and retardation under this traitor Biden has crushed morale-exactly what the Russians and Chinese want.
This was too funny. I remember seeing a team leader give sectors of fire to a bush. Mike, if you're not sure if you were awake then you were definitely sleeping. Dan, BRC recycle at Darby might be the worst one. Big oof when I heard that.
That’s a great question. It would not make you less competitive. If you qualify you will join. Just understand that promotion and rank come with a time commitment to how long your in and how long you’ve been a certain rank. So you will have many people younger than you out ranking you. If your ok with playing your role and keeping your ego in check, then you’ll be fone
I went through with a 45 year old chaplain. We peered him out for quitting on us during a patrol. He was personal buddies with the Ranger Regiment CDR, so we got smoked and chewed out for peering him. They moved him to another company and he made it, deserved or not. Regardless, he physically went through entire course at that age. He was physically fit, but mentally weak when stuff hit the fan. On a personal level, he was a great guy. You just didn't want him on land nav and definitely not in a fire fight.
Thanks for the comment and sorry for the late reply. The link has now been added below the video in the notes. I hope they help you! After you graduate please send us note with tips you have to add. docs.google.com/document/d/1R8vzLMIV3VVEIMAaV9eICOYjVrNtdsCT/edit
So, my idea is to find the slightest pockets of comfort in discomfort because youll be uncomfortable the whole time. That being said, whats up with shitting and peeing during ranger school? Do you just pull up to the side and shit? Or do you just shit yourself?
Regarding finding comfort, its much easier said than done. Just remember why you are there and don't quit. Regarding #1 and #2. This is a weird thing to worry about but it depends on your location. There are porta johns when you are not on patrol. When on patrol you have to figure it out or hold it. Its pretty easy to pee during patrol. #2 is much harder during patrol but I've seen it done. During patrol base ops you will go #2 in a slit trench that you and your platoon establish. Hope this helps.
Although we don't believe our language in this video damages our creditability in any way, we will take your opinion into consideration if we make part 2. Thanks for your comment.
@@MilitaryCashflow I still value your content and am in agreement with your message. I was in RGT when Obama was pushing these agendas. It was disgusting witnessing the best cadre getting fired for “hazing”.
The cussing just makes it difficult to share with other audiences. I was looking for content to share with people and unfortunately a lot of people dismiss well thought out ideas when they hear cussing.
@@koreycunningham9431 No problem brother. We appreciate the candor. We respect and understand you worrying about the language for other audiences. It gives us something to consider for future vids.
Every other word wasn’t a curse word. The cursing wasn’t anywhere near as bad as what I’ve heard on many of these other military podcasts/videos and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment that said you’d have more “credibility” if you didn’t curse. It’s certainly not anything most veterans haven’t heard throughout their entire career. I didn’t think it took anything away from the presentation. What audience are you wanting to share this with? Kindergartners? Anyone who’s interested in going to Ranger School and looking for tips for success would not be put off by a little cursing. You’re complaining about the RI’s being fired during the Obama administration but you’re worried about a little cursing here. What’s your agenda?
If you'd like to see a part 2 of this video in the future, let us know down below in the comments.
Puzzling? These multiple videos giving tips on how to prepare for Ranger school. At the time I went through I was a standard, ground pounding, Marine grunt. No specialized training, non airborne and no elaborate prep work; just determination and grit. I was both physically and mentally prepared to take on whatever they threw at me. As Marines we don’t wear tabs, so many of the Army students were like: “why are you going through this”? Our answer was: for the training and experience and the satisfaction of graduating from one of the toughest courses in the military. Class 9-82.
Respect! I had a feeling marine recon guys in my platoon. They were a serious asset to our team.
I was a PFC in the 82nd when my squad leader asked if I wanted to go to Ranger School. A guy had dropped out and Division needed to fill that slot. I had 2 weeks to prepare. Physically, I was fit enough. As a private, I lacked a lot of knowledge. Most guys transitioned to the scout platoon or allowed to have a heavily modified schedule to study and train for Ranger School as Division hated sending failures. I learned this was normal in all other units. In Ranger Battalions, privates were grilled for a year or so getting ready for Ranger School.
I was so lost on 7-8 and the technical side of patrol base operations and had never written an OPORD, let alone understand how to construct one. Having to learn all this stuff while tired and hungry at Ranger School was tough. I failed all my patrols in Darby, but showed enough they sent me through. I failed all my patrols in Desert Phase (McGregor) and recycled. Gulag was during Best Ranger competition so we sat for a month. The RIs helped me take what I'd done and learn from it. I soaked it up. After that, I cruised through recycled Desert, Mountains and Florida.
I was not a PT stud, but competent. I was also 5'6" and 130 lbs. Rucking was a challenge, especially since RIs would not allow us to run during forced road marches. I will say that mental toughness is far more important than pure physical abilities, though you have to be able to hang.
So many things they talk about, I can relate. I was one of those that lost a large chunk of deep skin on my heel and it was raw. Every step of Florida phase was pure intense pain. But no way was I going to quit after making it that far.
Glad you stuck with it and made it through! How did having a tab effect your career?
I'm sort of in the same boat, got slotted with 6 day's notice. I'm 4 days out from going. Honestly not sure if I'll even have everything, I need to pass the packing list since it's a 4-day weekend giving me 2 days to get things. Wish me luck guys. I'm in good enough shape but trying to pack on the ponds before I leave. I can tell you this much. I'm not goanna quit. They'll have to kick me out first.
@@redstar3693 Good luck brother! sounds like you have the right attitude! Let us know when you make it through!
@@redstar3693 I wish you well. Never quit, even if you feel like it every single day. Always take one more step. Your Ranger Buddy is so important for morale and as a source to keep going. You can choose who you want regardless if one gets "assigned." Choose a Ranger Buddy that has your back. I had two. One, even after 29 years, he is a trusted brother for life. The other was my closest friend from Division but sadly died in 2003. I will never forget what he meant to me and will always mourn his loss. My son was born on his birthday, so I love that connection.
Ranger School was so much Fun but come prepared if your reading this..... Do Push ups and Pull ups and Ruck at least 5-6 miles 2/week. No joke
Thanks for the comment! Great advice! I recommend the same!
35:10 on a 1 : 50 scale map a 6 digit grid should get you within 100 m margin error. And that’s what they’re looking for. If you can do 8 digit (10m radius) you’re a rock star.
I was Air Force going through RS back in the '80's when we had Utah (Dugway) phase. I remember being razed during RAP when it came to fitness assessment. I know I was doing the push-up and sit-ups correctly but the RI would only count every other one, where as Army troops were given every one they did. I did double. That went on all through RS but I didn't quit. One of the RI's that I thought hated me came, shook my hand after grad and told me that the reason they were hard on me and other services that come to RS was due to us representing the Rangers outside of the Army and they only want the best to do so. My advice, if you're coming from another service is prepare for doing more. More of everything and...don't quit! RLTW!
Thanks for the comment! I had a few Airforce TACP guys go through with me. I heard the desert phase was no joke! How did getting your tab effect your career in 80s?
People didn't really understand what we went through to get it. I got asked what it was for and then they would just shrug. "Oh, you were in the Army?" Trying to explain was useless. Most in upper ranks knew like E8 & above and some officers Maj & above and most were Vietnam vets. I was hoping to go into a formal training position somewhere but, AF had other ideas. Left after second enlistment. Desert was interesting especially the final day of the FTX. It's was a live fire assault on a mock air base. We actually got some decent sleep the night before. They didn't want us droning with live rounds. RLTW@@MilitaryCashflow
I hear you, us Marines were always given “special treatment” when it came to pre- workouts before PT sessions. We took it all in stride. Class 9-82.
I am here taking ALL this insightful knowledge.
We're honestly happy we could provide value to you man. If you think it would be valuable to anyone else please share it with them. 🙌
42:58 Mole skin is your bests friend. Back in 1995 we were allowed to use 100mph tape to wrap your boot as an ankle wrestler wrap over the boot, to avoid friction.
I went through Ranger school in 92. Class 1-93. it was four phases which consist of camp rogers for rap week, camp Darby 4th RTB , mountains at Yonah Mountain Tennessee 5th RTB, 7th RTB at Camp Shocklee desert Phase and finally 6th RTB swamp phase in Florida. 76 days long and so exhausted and mentally drained. I didn't even care about food anymore, I just wanted to sleep because I was hallucinating ridiculously on my patrols. Thank god no one peered anyone out of my class. graduated with only a couple spot reports. passed my team leader patrols. RAP week consisted of a lay out, PT test with a 5 mile run, day two was CWST and the slide for life at Victory Pond. Day 3 was night into day land nav. and a 6 mile buddy march. we also did the ranger stakes with 8 out of 11 weapons must be a go, day 5 was the malvesti and finally the 12 miler. we also did the 1 mile Darby queen o course. They smoked everyone so bad that the class started with 270 and by the time we started Darby phase we were down to 98 and the rest of the class were recycles from previous classes. got to love those blue berry pancakes. LOL
It was amazing too hear both of your stories. I'm always searching for interviews from former SF/Ranger/CAG/Nsw guys who look like me. Thanks
Thanks for your comment brother. Do you have any crazy stories from any mil schools? we'd love to hear them.
In Florida, we did indeed have the 26:50 Pogey birds. It was an air assault mission, not a jump; the aviators were student aviators and they had sandwiches, apples and snack cakes. I never ate so fast ever.
Thanks for the comment! You Sir, are a lucky man! When did you go through?
@@MilitaryCashflow I started with class 10-95, recycled Florida, and graduated class 11-95
@@siz4sean Lucky man!
@@MilitaryCashflowIf you visit the RTB website, look at Class Photos, find 11-95, Im 4th row 10th in from the left.
Dan, went through with you but not sure if we met. B Co entire time. Class 07-13 great times.
I was switched companies a few times throughout Ranger School so maybe we might have been in the same company at one point. Do you remember the RI that pronounced his R’s as W’s? Lol “Hey Wanger!”
Great times indeed!
I was class 10-95, recycled Florida, graduated 11-95
The Pizzas story is just a motivator. LoL 😂 i remember! 27:20
Roll tide 🐘 !!
Very funny and informative thank you both!
Thanks for the comment! Are you going to Ranger school anytime soon?
Another rucking day, best wishes all
Thanks for the comment brother. I need to throw my ruck on and go for a walk too!
This was hilarious
It’s wild how bad it sucked but how funny it is now
True statement!. When did you graduate?
Thanks for the comment!
lol Early 90’s….
Ps the break in contact stories really hit home
@@tomyoung8563 OG Ranger! Awesome! RLTW!
Thank you but there was a generation of Rangers way before me.
I went thru in 1986. Most remembered lesson I remember is a night drop. Dz was in trees and students cut rip cords and left chutes in trees. RI was pissed. Told us that we volunteered to be commando. He said the purpose of this course is to show you at what point you will fuck your buddy. Still remember that night.
Tell me more about these Rip cords.
39:40 Are you a STRONG SWIMMER.?
Daniel Wynn is THE MAN!
Thanks for commenting! Dan is the man. lol! We'll make sure he sees your message!
How can I get in touch with you guys. ? I’m a Prior service Marine and just enlisted in the Army NG. Ranger option available with a catch , I wanted to get some info from of y’all if you don’t mind .
No such thing as a Ranger option for National Guard since Option 40 is for Regular Army RASP after you make it through OSUT or Basic/AIT for soft skills.
What MOS are you enlisting for?
@@LRRPFco52 11B it’s a new program in the guard . We just had graduates comeback . If you sign for an 11B you can get a Ranger contract meaning you go to ranger school making you qualified not RASP where it’s selection . But if you take that option form the guard you have to attend air assault , airborne and then ranger . We just got briefed on it this last drill .
@@joshcaraballo5151 So Ranger School option, not Regiment. Sounds like they're doing everything they can to try to recruit in the current atmosphere.
@@LRRPFco52 yes correct Ranger school option . But the catch is you have to go through all 3 schools back 2 back . There’s no breaks . This is my first time dealing with the army so idk what the mission is but it seems like they want high qualified infantry soldiers coming straight to their NG units .
I’m tempted to take the offer but at the same time I have plans on the civilian side that are on a time crunch as well and based on my Marine corps experience and the guys I’ve spoke too who came back from the training . It’s high risk of injury and failure not cause people aren’t good enough but high intensity and volume across all 3 schools and not enough time to recover and train up to it .
@@joshcaraballo5151 In most of the units I was in, they had Division-level Pre-Ranger School to prep you to be successful and come back with your tab, because the unit has to pay for the school and it isn’t cheap.
It always turned out to be a dangle-the-carrot affair to get guys to reenlist. In Ranger Regiment, it’s just expected of junior enlisted by the time you make E-4. In Long Range Surveillance, all the Team Leaders and ATLs were Ranger qualified already, having come from other LRS, Recon, and Ranger units.
I think this has more to do with recruiting than anything else for NG. Airborne School and Air Assault School weren’t that hard. AAS was a bit harder because of the 12-mile road march and sling loads tests. Airborne School was just monotonous and weak PT, stupid ground week, then jump week finally. I could walk a faster pace than the runs, and there were a lot of POGs who could never hack morning 1, day 1 in the Infantry.
The Guard especially is hurting on people because they’ve been run ragged over the past 22 years, being used as Reserves instead of State Guards, then the Covid mRNA mandates and retardation under this traitor Biden has crushed morale-exactly what the Russians and Chinese want.
LoL 😂. 30:48 i was actually sleeping standing and broke contact from my squad. LoL 😂
😂 so true lol
My nicca be talking with them hands lol 👋🏽🤲🏽☝🏽
This was too funny. I remember seeing a team leader give sectors of fire to a bush.
Mike, if you're not sure if you were awake then you were definitely sleeping.
Dan, BRC recycle at Darby might be the worst one. Big oof when I heard that.
Lol! Glad you got a few laughs!
What were some of your funniest memories? What about best tips?
I’m 31 years old … would this make me less competitive to join
That’s a great question. It would not make you less competitive. If you qualify you will join. Just understand that promotion and rank come with a time commitment to how long your in and how long you’ve been a certain rank. So you will have many people younger than you out ranking you. If your ok with playing your role and keeping your ego in check, then you’ll be fone
I went through with a 45 year old chaplain. We peered him out for quitting on us during a patrol. He was personal buddies with the Ranger Regiment CDR, so we got smoked and chewed out for peering him. They moved him to another company and he made it, deserved or not. Regardless, he physically went through entire course at that age. He was physically fit, but mentally weak when stuff hit the fan. On a personal level, he was a great guy. You just didn't want him on land nav and definitely not in a fire fight.
How do I get the PDF?
Thanks for the comment and sorry for the late reply. The link has now been added below the video in the notes. I hope they help you! After you graduate please send us note with tips you have to add.
39:14 i suffer the opposite racism in a funny way. Because i am Hispanic (Puertorican). All of us know are STRONG SWIMMER. LOL 😂
44:47 i wish i had a motivated wife like that. It took me two wives later. LoL 😂
So, my idea is to find the slightest pockets of comfort in discomfort because youll be uncomfortable the whole time. That being said, whats up with shitting and peeing during ranger school? Do you just pull up to the side and shit? Or do you just shit yourself?
Regarding finding comfort, its much easier said than done. Just remember why you are there and don't quit. Regarding #1 and #2. This is a weird thing to worry about but it depends on your location. There are porta johns when you are not on patrol. When on patrol you have to figure it out or hold it. Its pretty easy to pee during patrol. #2 is much harder during patrol but I've seen it done. During patrol base ops you will go #2 in a slit trench that you and your platoon establish. Hope this helps.
The pancakes sucked the 2nd time
Tiny females complete Ranger school, so it can’t be that difficult.
Lol! Ok!
I think you’d hold more credibility if every other word wasn’t a cuss word
Although we don't believe our language in this video damages our creditability in any way, we will take your opinion into consideration if we make part 2. Thanks for your comment.
@@MilitaryCashflow I still value your content and am in agreement with your message. I was in RGT when Obama was pushing these agendas. It was disgusting witnessing the best cadre getting fired for “hazing”.
The cussing just makes it difficult to share with other audiences. I was looking for content to share with people and unfortunately a lot of people dismiss well thought out ideas when they hear cussing.
@@koreycunningham9431 No problem brother. We appreciate the candor. We respect and understand you worrying about the language for other audiences. It gives us something to consider for future vids.
Every other word wasn’t a curse word. The cursing wasn’t anywhere near as bad as what I’ve heard on many of these other military podcasts/videos and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment that said you’d have more “credibility” if you didn’t curse. It’s certainly not anything most veterans haven’t heard throughout their entire career. I didn’t think it took anything away from the presentation. What audience are you wanting to share this with? Kindergartners? Anyone who’s interested in going to Ranger School and looking for tips for success would not be put off by a little cursing. You’re complaining about the RI’s being fired during the Obama administration but you’re worried about a little cursing here. What’s your agenda?