Fixing the tachometer and instrument cluster on ford 3000

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @caleblivaudais7573
    @caleblivaudais7573 2 роки тому +4

    Thanks for the video brother. I fixed my Ford 3000 with your help . Really appreciate your time. 🙏

  • @richardross7219
    @richardross7219 Рік тому +1

    Nice video. I have a 1973 Ford 2000 with FEL. Looks the same as yours. I've had it for 37 years. The best annual investment for it is a 10 mil tarp to cover it. Park it in shade to protect the tarp. Good Luck, Rick

    • @rgcattleandhay2215
      @rgcattleandhay2215  Рік тому +1

      I’ve recently repainted the tractor. It doesn’t spend the nights outside anymore

  • @mcyoutubeclashroyal7896
    @mcyoutubeclashroyal7896 2 роки тому +3

    First time I ever heard 'oh ow, I don't know why that's not broke.' 😂

  • @keithwarkentin
    @keithwarkentin 2 роки тому +1

    I think the lesson the good Lord Jesus Christ is teaching us is never bet on anything! But I like the fact that you want everything on your tractor working it’s nice to see how many hours you have on your oil and how responsive your engine is with the tack it will look really sharp once your loader is painted!

  • @joegugala6992
    @joegugala6992 Рік тому

    What year was that front end loader that you put on your ford 3000? I’m looking to do the same thing with my ford 4000?

  • @kerrysupporter
    @kerrysupporter Рік тому

    Nice job

  • @Localtruthspeaker
    @Localtruthspeaker 2 роки тому

    I just bought a Ford 5000. Where do you get your parts from.

  • @bernardmccarthy2193
    @bernardmccarthy2193 2 роки тому +2

    why didnt you show where the wires go on the back ..mine burnt

  • @showie67
    @showie67 2 роки тому +1

    My problem is the opposite... the tachometer is the only thing that works on my 3600 😄
    All the lights /wires at the rear of the dash panel have come off, and I don't know which one is which!

  • @BhullarBangi
    @BhullarBangi 2 роки тому

    Hey bro same thing happened me that tacho wire broken inside the meter and drill up in that hole and piece of wire came outside ….that’s simple

  • @davidbrittenham4631
    @davidbrittenham4631 2 роки тому +1

    For a box labeled FRAGILE you aren't very careful with it.

  • @stefanfixar
    @stefanfixar 2 роки тому

    100 dollar Please 😉😄😄

    • @rgcattleandhay2215
      @rgcattleandhay2215  2 роки тому +1

      I was shocked it wasn’t broke off in there. That’s normally what happens on them.