01 Ave Maria

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024
  • Ave Maria (聖母頌)
    Performed by National Taiwan University Alumni in Northern California
    指揮/Conductor: 方玉山/David Fong
    詞/Lyrics: Traditional Roman Catholic Prayer
    曲/Music: Jacques Arcadelt
    編曲/Arrangement: Pierre-Louis Dietsch
    2024 NTUAC-NC Annual Concert
    2024 北加州臺灣大學校友合唱團 年度公演
    Ave Maria 的歌詞來⾃天主教拉丁⽂經⽂,其歌頌有很多獨唱或詩班(合唱)的版本。許多有
    名的作曲家如古諾 (C. Gounod),孟德爾松 (F. Mendelssohn),舒伯特 (F. Schubert) 和莫扎特 (W.
    Mozart) 都寫過傳世的作品。
    這首是⽂藝復興中期 Jacques (Jacob) Arcadelt 的作品,原為情歌,後轉為宗教歌曲。原曲為⼆聲部,19世紀法國作曲家 Pierre-Louis Dietsch ⼜加⼊兩聲部形成此版本。
    The lyrics of Ave Maria originated from a Latin Catholic Prayer which were paired with solo and choir
    music tunes created by many famous composers like C. Gounod, F. Mendelssohn, F. Schubert, and W.
    Mozart. This choral version is written by Jacques (Jacob) Arcadelt. It was originally a love song with two choral parts. 19th-century French composer Pierre-Louis Dietsch added two more to give it the current form.
    National Taiwan University Alumni in Northern California