Sis, I attended the class in Singapore but I am not the regular student hehe, so I got a few knowledge from the class. Honestly I learnt about BIM software and regulation from my work. And I leant Revit and other software myself by watching youtude video, trouble shoot and from some books. Passion is the key to get into deep dive.
Siteမလုပ်ဖူးရင် အဆင်ပြေလား မမြင်မှာစိုးရတယ်
That's okay for designer but it is good if you used to work on Site
မြန်မာမှာ bimတက်မယ်ဆို ဘယ်သင်တန်းအဆင်ပြေလဲရှင့် မမတက်ခဲ့တဲ့သင်တန်းလေးကော shareပေးလို့ရမလားရှင့်
Sis, I attended the class in Singapore but I am not the regular student hehe, so I got a few knowledge from the class. Honestly I learnt about BIM software and regulation from my work. And I leant Revit and other software myself by watching youtude video, trouble shoot and from some books. Passion is the key to get into deep dive.