Just fitted some LEDs to my interior lights and encountered the fuse popping problem from the rear ones, it turns out that on my LEDs my connector on the bottom had wire that wrapped around to both sides, and due to the way the rear light connector works that shorts the system, you can either bend the wires and fold it on to one side or snip the opposite diagonal ends off (make sure it’s the end and not the bit that goes into the bulb) Hope this helps anyone!
Thanks for filming & posting this. I did this a few months ago, swapping out the old bulbs for 501 LEDs. Fuse has blown twice, even using different LED bulbs. Any suggestions on what might be causing this?
Do anyone know we're I can find the whole light unit.i was changing a bulb and the plastic that clips it in snapped and now I cant hold it in place any info were I can get a new one would he appreciated thanks
I had also my rear courtesy lights changed in leds in my astra H. The first time they worked well. After 3 minutes they are off. Now my front and rear lights don't work anymore even when i open my doors. Do you know what went wrong? Im fighting now for 3 days. Thnx
Hi, I has the same problem, its easy to solve, you have to go to the fuse box that is located inside the trunk on the left side, and if you have a fuse at number 37, check it, its must be blown, if you dont have a fuse in that position as my case just plug a new one 15 o 20 Ohm and your lights will work again.
Why does it needs 20mins to work again? I just done the same, waited 20mins my front Middle one came on and flickered and rear did not come on at all however I had the front prior the rears 1months ago they worked like a charm.. going to reverse the resr bulbs now amd wait again... I hate these Canbus bs 👍
The seats in that Astra H sure look good.
The prettiest seats. I got them and Im happy with it. Its soo good to the eyes !
Good work, thank you for explaining details as well.
Just fitted some LEDs to my interior lights and encountered the fuse popping problem from the rear ones, it turns out that on my LEDs my connector on the bottom had wire that wrapped around to both sides, and due to the way the rear light connector works that shorts the system, you can either bend the wires and fold it on to one side or snip the opposite diagonal ends off (make sure it’s the end and not the bit that goes into the bulb)
Hope this helps anyone!
Thanks bro u saved me
Thanks for filming & posting this. I did this a few months ago, swapping out the old bulbs for 501 LEDs. Fuse has blown twice, even using different LED bulbs. Any suggestions on what might be causing this?
Where’s the fuse mate just happened to me
@@Pond82 sorry bud, I don't remember. I don't have that car anymore either so I can't check
Can this work on my saturn version of this car
Thanks man
Cum repar la opel treptele 12și 3astra h 17 .2024
Do anyone know we're I can find the whole light unit.i was changing a bulb and the plastic that clips it in snapped and now I cant hold it in place any info were I can get a new one would he appreciated thanks
I had also my rear courtesy lights changed in leds in my astra H. The first time they worked well. After 3 minutes they are off. Now my front and rear lights don't work anymore even when i open my doors. Do you know what went wrong? Im fighting now for 3 days. Thnx
Yarino Salakory it happened to me exacly that! Did you find a fix?
Hi, I has the same problem, its easy to solve, you have to go to the fuse box that is located inside the trunk on the left side, and if you have a fuse at number 37, check it, its must be blown, if you dont have a fuse in that position as my case just plug a new one 15 o 20 Ohm and your lights will work again.
@@JoseNavarroMed What was the wattage of the resistor?
Same here. Did you fix it?
hi mate i just tried it but left it 20 minutes and my lights didnt come back on do you know any reason why so?
my lights have just done that how did u fix it
Probably fuse blown
You just need a bigger fuse I went for number 20
@@regrufc48is that the fuse location number?
@@landy4x4life just says number on the little fuse thing that you insert
I hate this low roof
Why does it needs 20mins to work again? I just done the same, waited 20mins my front Middle one came on and flickered and rear did not come on at all however I had the front prior the rears 1months ago they worked like a charm.. going to reverse the resr bulbs now amd wait again... I hate these Canbus bs 👍
J.ahmed47 mine did the same the back ones shut off the rest idk why did you find a fix?