Sister , I feel like we are living & have lived such similar lives . My father made me feel that way when I was a child , In my 40’s I’m still packing it around . I pray Jesus will help me experience my deliverance from it he has given me
Thank you Sister! Yes! This is about facing all that we have suppressed and haven't fully faced yet! Divine timing and emotional and physical safety play a big role! Will be publishing a video about how I transcend and face these aspects!!
Sister , I feel like we are living & have lived such similar lives . My father made me feel that way when I was a child , In my 40’s I’m still packing it around . I pray Jesus will help me experience my deliverance from it he has given me
Thank you Sister! Yes! This is about facing all that we have suppressed and haven't fully faced yet! Divine timing and emotional and physical safety play a big role! Will be publishing a video about how I transcend and face these aspects!!