Dilexit Nos - a moving and beautiful encyclical

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @delladonnelly7871
    @delladonnelly7871 38 хвилин тому

    Thank you Robert, our responsibility always pray for all God's Children. Sacred heart of jesus we place all our thrust in thee.

  • @NiallDochartaigh
    @NiallDochartaigh 3 години тому +13


  • @karlheven8328
    @karlheven8328 2 години тому +8

    Before I went to bed yesterday meditating on world peace I felt very strongly something great would happen with the Encyclica. I feel the power of the sacred heart of Jesus will do a lot of good in the world.

  • @Karen-c3d7i
    @Karen-c3d7i Годину тому +2

    God bless you Robert, for your honesty, your transparency. Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect Pope Francis, protect Robert, protect us all in this time in the world. Prayers for you Robert. ❤ God Is Love and wants to be united to each one of us.

  • @paulmacaree
    @paulmacaree Годину тому +1

    Most encouraging Robert. Very much look forward to reading the doc. “The Pope of Surprises”😎

  • @petemaverick4538
    @petemaverick4538 3 години тому +8

    Praying for Mother Church and the hierarchy to evangelize the world. Praying now that Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill meet to usher in an era of Peace. God bless.

  • @angelikamaris8728
    @angelikamaris8728 22 хвилини тому

    He just had to remember us 'John Kurée' (Irish for Jean-Marie Vianney 😅)
    "Il est la !"

  • @HBLady16
    @HBLady16 2 години тому +2

    Our God indeed is a covenant keeping God. Has he said a thing and not perform it? I watch how things unfold in my life, from penury to $155,000 every three months and I can only praise him and trust him more. Hallelujah🙌🏻❤️

    • @joannaDavao
      @joannaDavao Годину тому

      Hello how do you make such monthly??
      I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 🤦of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God 🙏.

    • @HBLady16
      @HBLady16 Годину тому

      Thanks to my co-worker whom God used to give a great opportunity of crossing paths with 'Mrs CHRISTINE EVELYN MACKIE'.

    • @HBLady16
      @HBLady16 Годину тому

      After I raised up to 525k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.

    • @Beautiful_Sacred_Land
      @Beautiful_Sacred_Land Годину тому +1

      Scammer begone and your other scammer profiles begone, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  • @marybeth6750
    @marybeth6750 2 години тому +3

    As always, Im waiting for a sucker punch that seems to come after we receive a seemingly appropriate teaching.

    • @Mark3ABE
      @Mark3ABE Годину тому +1

      You’re not the only one!

    • @tmur3403
      @tmur3403 Годину тому

      As long as you don't listen to Catholic youtubers who make their living off creating false outrage, you should be fine.

  • @marycoggins8920
    @marycoggins8920 3 години тому +1


  • @clivedytor2069
    @clivedytor2069 37 хвилин тому

    If you are a Catholic it is your duty to lead for the Holy Father. Stop being disobedient and pray pray for the Holy Father.

  • @byroncrowell1127
    @byroncrowell1127 6 хвилин тому

    I hate to be negative but if history is our guide, then perhaps this means that the upcoming final Synodal document is going to be a real dozy the other way. Let's pray this is not more Peronism at work.

  • @Mark3ABE
    @Mark3ABE 2 години тому +9

    There is a veiled attack upon Traditionalists, the “sting in the tail” at the end, in paragraph 219 “lest the love of Christ be replaced with outdated structures and concerns, excessive attachment to our own ideas and opinions, and fanaticism in any number of forms….” You need to be able to read the code. For “outdated structures and concerns” read “the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on matters of sexual morality” and for “fanaticism” read “taking the Sacred Scriptures literally”. Now, of course, the Pope is perfectly correct to stress that, without love, nothing else matters. However, love does not exist in a vacuum - no more than a warm fuzzy feeling, and indulgence of the emotions. Jesus made this very clear “if you love me, keep my commandments”. So, it is simply not possible to waive away the commandments and the teachings of the Catholic Faith, as being in the nature of “outdated structures and concerns” in place of a “what the world needs now is love, sweet love” 1970s hippy approach to life. It didn’t work then and it will not work now. There is no way in which the eternal truths and teachings of the Catholic Faith can simply be set aside as being “outdated” - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, now and forever. The Church is not “progressing” to some new utopia, where the traditional teaching of the Church may be set aside as “outdated” in favour of some new and simple approach based on a “new way” - the way of love. The “Way” referred to in the New Testament has always been the way of love. There is nothing new here. It is a love based and founded on obedience, obedience to God rather than to man.

    • @thecatholicman
      @thecatholicman  2 години тому +4

      What Pope Francis says there is exactly what Pope Benedict said and nobody attacked him.

    • @Mark3ABE
      @Mark3ABE 2 години тому +1

      @@thecatholicmanPoint taken. To be honest, we shall just have to wait and see. We have already seen the “thin end of the wedge” in the alteration of the Catechism in respect of the death penalty, so that it no longer reflects the teaching of the Sacred Scriptures, as confirmed by the Council of Trent. Now, the Pope has justified this on the basis that, for the first two thousand years of its history, the Church did not have a proper understanding of the dignity of the human person - now, it does. So, suddenly, this new teaching of a Faith based solely on “love” causes the teaching of the Church to alter in substance. Why worry about this? Well, when he visited the Seminarians in Lisbon, the Pope encouraged them by saying that, since he had managed to alter the Catechism on the death penalty and no one had batted an eye lid he saw no reason not to alter it on the teaching concerning homosexuality. The same argument will be used. It is unloving and offends the dignity of the human person to take the teachings of the Sacred Scriptures and of the Ecumenical Councils of the Church literally. All of this talk about “love” sounds very good, however, the Catholic Faith is centred on loving God first and submitting, in obedience, to His will. Only then can we relate properly to others and experience true love as God intended it. There is no way of avoiding the fact - the Pope does consider that the teaching of the Church on several matters is “outdated”. If this is not the case, why did he appoint Cardinal Hollerich, who has openly denounced the teaching of the Church on homosexuality, as the Relator of the Synod? Why would a Pope who does not share the vision of Cardinal Hollerich prefer and advance him to such an extent in the Church? When the Church does promote homosexual unions, it will do so based on very high sounding principles - moving forward to a Church based on the dignity of the human person and the need to be able to express love fully, whatever the sexual orientation of the person. This Encyclical is a vehicle for this sort of change - there is so much which is unobjectionable in it, that no one (hopefully) will notice the subtle change of direction in the teaching of the Church which it represents.

    • @tmur3403
      @tmur3403 2 години тому

      @@Mark3ABE to the hammer, everything is a nail.

    • @Mark3ABE
      @Mark3ABE Годину тому +3

      @@tmur3403 A witty aphorism, but it does not address the point. The Pope must mean something when he refers to “outdated structures and concerns.” We know, for example, that he regards the Tridentine form of the Mass as an “outdated structure” since his appointee, Cardinal Roche, has said as much and the Pope has not corrected him. Cardinal Roche has said, in so many words, that he regards the Tridentine form of the Mass as based on an old Theology. He says that the Church now has a new Theology and this means that the Tridentine form of the Mass must now be finally set aside. Yet this directly contradicts the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, which required all existing forms of the Liturgy to be reverenced, respected and preserved. A Cardinal cannot overturn a teaching of an Ecumenical Council - neither, for that matter, can a Pope. However, it is this sort of approach which the Pope considers to be “outdated” - in the brave new world of a Church based only on love and not “outdated structures” it will no longer be possible to point out that a Cardinal, or a Pope, does not have the competence to overturn a teaching of an Ecumenical Council. All things will be possible in this brave new world of what Cardinal Fernandez calls the new “Theology of Francis” which the Faithful are encouraged to accept in place of the “outdated structures” known as the “Catholic Faith”.

    • @tmur3403
      @tmur3403 Годину тому

      ​@Mark3ABE so an encyclical extolling and promoting a beautiful traditional devotion of the Catholic Church is an attack on the Faith. Ok. Have a nice day Mr Hammer. I'm glad you found your nail.

  • @simonewilliams7224
    @simonewilliams7224 2 години тому +3

    Pray for Pope Francis. He has someone else writing for him. Sounds like St. P. John Paul II.

    • @JoannaAitken
      @JoannaAitken Годину тому

      This comment gave me a lot of food for thought. Thank-you =)

  • @user-ykn2na4y9s
    @user-ykn2na4y9s Годину тому

    He’s so angry, and so political, and often quite cutting, that it’s hard to undertsand his heart. I pray our Pope has a heart for Christ in a way we cannot see.

    • @JoannaAitken
      @JoannaAitken Годину тому

      have you read the encyclical?

    • @user-ykn2na4y9s
      @user-ykn2na4y9s 7 хвилин тому

      @@JoannaAitken Yes, and it surprised me to a degree. I agree with Robert’s feelings on it.

  • @savosavaya9467
    @savosavaya9467 Годину тому +2

    Does it mean that he is now against same sex blessings let’s be real Francis is a deceiver

  • @simonewilliams7224
    @simonewilliams7224 2 години тому +2

    Can’t we just follow Jesus, why all this giving into the world.

  • @juanhervas4193
    @juanhervas4193 Годину тому +1

    "Forked tongue, on one side venom, on the other sugar. Do you still believe this liar?"

  • @ognqski
    @ognqski 2 години тому +4

    Love the Sacred Heart. However, bergoglio dispensing modernism mambo style....two steps forward and one step back (to have some credibility looking a bit Catholic).....So I take the Sacred Heart, I trust bergoglio zero/nada.

    • @joseph_mta5840
      @joseph_mta5840 2 години тому

      He’s the Pope. Stop the modernist this and that nonsense. It’s a tired trope at this point.

  • @AlongCameSrPauline
    @AlongCameSrPauline Годину тому

    words & actions of the Holy Father do not align, maybe to the point that after 11 yrs of many abominations, some of us have switched off of this papacy.
    What are the chances that this " beautiful " encyclical was actually written by a different author, a long lost transcript that would do some damage control maybe? I would give it a high possibility

  • @paddyearly
    @paddyearly 37 хвилин тому

    Sounds to me like he could be speaking about the complete waste of time perusing “Synodality”!
    So he might speak good words in an encyclical but spreads total confusion by elevating “Fr.” Jimmy Martin and his ilk and allowing this whole emotive language to persuade people that sin doesn’t matter?
    There is no consistency within the Prelates of the Church and the various messages of Our Lady are being lived out!
    And at the same time he has released the attack dogs on the Mass of the Ages!
    Clearly a lot of Priests and Prelates do not enjoy that encounter with Jesus that you speak about?
    So we must pray for huge conversions within the ordained Ministers of our Church🙏

  • @johncollins8304
    @johncollins8304 Годину тому

    So you think he's been converted at last? This alone does not convince me. Let him repent of his 10+ years of destruction and betrayal and then I might be more inclined to believe like you. But I just think you're naive at best.