I live in Calgary, Alberta. Typically a very conservative province of Canada. We will never be part of the US. That is something that Canadians will bond against no matter what party they belong to
I agree. The vast majority of Canadians love our country deeply and will not allow this. Trump's threats ironically will bring us together, at least on this issue.
I don't blame you. Don't lose sleep over this. It's Trump "crazy talk". He's a lame duck president and lost some of his sway with the rest of the Republican politicians/idiots. They don't want to lose their office by having voted for starting a war and non Trumper politicians definitely won't. Americans love Canada. We've lived with Cheetohead for 8 years in one form or another. He has carried through on very few of any things he's said. He's parroting his buddy Putin and a couple of other sickos acting like he can expand his territory. Take a breath, 4 years is a long time.
Thanks for having an actual Canadian who knows his stuff on the show! Really tired of seeing American pundits chiming in on Canadian politics, mostly cause their analysis isn’t very good
Wow, that is almost as bad as Canada having an actual American who knows his stuff on a Canadian news show. BTW the word is "because" NOT "cause." Learn English.
2:00 "we basically protect Canada?" Sounds like the mob's goon telling the store owner, after breaking all the windows, "we will protect you from this when you pay every month."
I would have to believe that making it clear that a U. S. takeover of Canada would mean ending their health care system and taking on ours would make Canadians ready to take up arms to defend against such a takeover, just for that reason alone. Whenever I run into a Canadian I make it a point to ask them if they would rather have their health care system or ours, and to a person they say theirs and expressed sympathy for what we have to live (and die) with.
The conservative party in 2023 spent $8.5 Million on Ads compared to $420,000 for the Liberals and NDP combined. This can't be overlooked as we see how impactful media was in the last three elections south of the border.
If anyone understands how long and complex it is to put together a trade agreement between two countries, then they know comments about the integration of two sovereign states is a joke.
I don’t know if it was a good move to resign right before Trump comes, but I guess I’m not a politician. You know that President Musk and Trump will try to influence Canada their way.
Yay! Old school NDP that’s what I wanna hear!!!🎶 I envoke the spirit of Rosemary Brown may she lead us to a much better place ❤ Thank god a real news network is covering this properly❤ thank you democracy now Canadians appreciate your hard work
Beginning in 2008 the MSM abandoned any pretext of objectivity by their obsequious fawning over Barry, their mindless determination to destroy Trump, and their unabashed support for an obviously incapable and senile Joe. They robotically assumed the role of the democrat party’s Praetorian Guard as they, almost universally, regurgitated and promoted the talking points, fabrications, innuendos, and “fake news” given to them by their fellow-travelers. In a recent Gallup poll taken prior to the 2024 election just thirty percent of the citizenry have a great deal or fair amount of trust and confidence in the media. Further, 70% believe the media is pushing an agenda and not fairly reporting the news. Americans, as polling reveals, have become progressively suspicious of the mainstream media. The citizenry is increasingly assuming that virtually all news as presented by them is either a fabrication or an exaggeration to promote a left-wing agenda. The media’s grotesque exculpation of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats during the Biden presidency and their role as propagandists during the 2024 campaign has permanently cemented this mindset among the majority of the electorate.
Thank you Democracy Now! I have again made a contribution to you as you are a valuable news source. In this case, it`s great to hear from Avi Lewis about how the ordinary people in Canada are taken for a ride by the rich and powerful few. He would get my vote if I lived in his riding.
9 years of memory is a long time to forget or forgive the Federal Liberals MPs .... 99% working class Canadians are not uneducated nor ignorant in economic knowledge . Asking if a Federal Liberals party to win again in the next 10 years ? No one can say yes today ?
As someone from across the pond: I second that motion! We've got our hands full with our own homegrown right wing populists and don't need Canada to jump on that bandwagon!
There is no ''right wing'' in Canada except for PPC which only holds about 3% of the vote. You would need to be extremely ''far left'' to believe that Polievre is anything more than center.
Currently. Most liberals will vote liberal again with a new leader especially Mark Carney . Singh was the alternative choice. Pollieve's concerned now. @@Uncreative253
Wow, what an interview 😮. True words. Let’s see what will happen to Canada 🇨🇦 in the near future. It’s all about water . Remember, I was told that the biggest and greatest war will be fought over water 😮😢
I searched Avi Lewis and he seems to have his moral compass intact as far as Isnotreal and their Gen o cide. I could vote for someone like this! I will never vote for anyone supporting Zio nism!!!
To rebuild this country we need a leader who is seasoned in what it means to be marginalized. Top heavy will bring more cracks in a system very broken. I crawled up through the broken system to become a social worker. Knocked down over and over. Offered a bribe of $ 25,000 not to go through s tribunal. I refused on Principle. 5 months the arbitrator ( filled his pockets) took to decide, his decision was I was a probationary employee, of which he knew from the get go!
Canada is between a rock and a hard place. What Avi Lewis does not face is that the problem is not with billionaires, but with human greed, whether corporate greed or impersonal governmental, socialistic bureaucrats. Some of the greatest philanthropists in our nation are very rich but also very generous who give their money freely to help people, and charity given by freewill donations is much more relationally sustainable than charity given by bureaucrats with coerced government taxation dollars. So it is not quite as simplistic as Avi Lewis makes it out to be, and know this reality on the history of socialism never working on practical terms, is why the NDP of Avi's grandfather David Lewis never came close to forming a government in Canada, nor will the NDP of Jagmeet Singh and Avi Lewis. Their approach is academic, and works on paper only.
If Avi is such an activist, say the politicians are proroguing the government for their pensions. Also Avi is a personality on Canada music. He is a leech!
As someone who works in public opinion research on political matters in Ottawa, it pains me to disagree with you. Average Canadians the country over seem primed to elect Poilievre. I hope to be proven wrong, but I'm not expecting it.
Canada's Prime Minister resigned so a new Prime Minister can lead Canada. Canada doesn't have small governors. They have Prime Ministers, Ministers, and Premiers. Hope this helps you better understand how Parliamentary democracies work!
@deadname... Jokes are supposed to be funny. That's how jokes work. Since it didn't seem funny, but instead seemed ignorant, I thought a basic political science lesson was needed. Take notes, kiddo.
NDP gave liberals the majority in the Parliament to get ALL the laws to be adopted and led to the chaos the Canada is oin. NO EXCUSE for Maserati Marxist Singh ...and Liberals Trudeau. They will lose the elections. That is the question anymore. I want them to be held ACCOUNTABLE!!! By the way your party left us with a 1200 billions debt.
He also completely caved to Trump's framing and demands on the border, thereby destroying Canada's bargaining position and placing his partisan interests over Canadian national interests.
Not only that Trump totally swatted his comments away like he was a bug...Trump totally disregards Pollieve..he's concerned for Carney though.@@hemlock399
Because we cannot prioritize water over coke …. Story of human-failures. Projecting growth by annexation is illusion, which has for long been seen as growth (free trades, GDPs etc). Hence today we have Canada who is feeling insecure of its oil and water reserves. Wish rich countries exercise their power to create abundance instead of grab and go scarcity model. Had seen documentaries- one of them showing the craze of “doing business” in Mexico where coke was more readily available than drinking water. Similar story happened/happening in Rajasthan too. Tech investments like Apple plant, Microsoft data center etc also will put huge drain on critical resources in an already scarce land, not to mention adding to already abundant toxic waste in these countries. There is only so much organizations like Paani Foundation can do; rest public controls the demands until of course we replace ourselves with AI robots - just to generate business for the few, I call them core of in inward spiral 🌀 Elections is only valid when there is a right choice to elect. Jagmeet Singh from what I know is pro-Khalistan which is a big negative - a litmus test in my opinion to check a person’s credibility and integrity.
It was an interesting show until an NDP candidate came on. I had to shut it off. The NDP is the major player in our current mess. The NDP should have voted in a non-confident manner months ago. Now we sit basically leaderless, with Trump coming into power. Anything that comes out of a NDP's mouth isn't worth listening to. That is Singh's legacy to the party.
You're clearly very ignorant. Why would the NDP want to give PP a supermajority, that won't fix anything and just make all the issues they care about worse. Switching leaders won't simply make everything magically better, other countries that had elections recently tried it and many of them are worse off now. Also clearly you don't know much about Avi or what he stands for or the branch or the NDP he's part of. Assuming someone is bad just because you don't like their party, without knowing anything about them personally, is a very weak way of thinking.
@@jagerrosenberg9891 You are delirious if you think that still isn't going to happen when an election is called. Especially now with Trump breathing down our backs, this all could have been avoided. If the NDP had a sane thought they would be getting unhappy Liberal voters, but you don't see that happening in the polls. NDP has tied themselves to the Liberals, basically, Liberal 2.0. Singh even voted to hold the government in power even when his own words were used. I would suggest if the NDP had any hope of going anywhere as a party they should look at getting rid of their leader. I was a NDP supporter in the past, but now the party is a joke. Until Singh is gone, anyone with integrity wouldn't tie themselves to the party.
Many US states would be better served if they joined Canada, and Canada would welcome them. The US can keep its convicted felon president elect. Canada will stay Canadian.
Over my dead body! Millions of Canadians are peaceful , loving, kind and considerate. However when you insult us, you are in for a battle! By the way, we will not use guns, which many right wing Americans feel they have to have.! While we are on the subject of mass shoots, it is a bloody shame that American children go to school every day wonderful in fear of the possibility go to school without fear of being shot! Canadians will fight to protect Our Country with diplomacy and fairness. Watch out too if you insult Canadian Women they are a force to be reckoned with! You get on the wrong side of us you will regret it. Did you know that in Canada a women has the right to a legal abortion, Lesbians and Gays have the right to be legally married! Now thinking about it, the United States of America should become part of Canada instead! You would like it here!.
The NDP started as communists a very long time ago then changed their name a dozen times disowning their Progressive spending like Liberals. That is the major trouble. Taxing the so called super rich sounds good but they just pack up and go to a less taxed place. They all talk but Canada can not run on huge mega billion deficits forever. $62 billion last year another $40 billion coming up this year. Liberals and NDP have ONLY had mega billion dollar deficits. Canada can not afford these Progressive policies from either party.
Trying to defend the new gilded age. What ended the gilded age? Did billionaires save us all from the kindness of their billionaire hearts? No it was regulations, monopoly break ups and gasp taxation!! Of course people like you working for them for free makes things much harder. But I'm sure they'll thank you one day after they spit on you. No, no they won't.
Pretty much everything you said is incorrect. And the NDP and Liberals have, functionally, run fewer deficits than Conservatives over the past 30 years. Cherry-picking the past two years (fall-out from unprecedented stimulus levels to avoid economic collapse) is pretty disingenuous. If you're truly concerned about wealth being extracted from our society, you would opposed rip-and-run Conservative and Neo-liberal economic policy that loots the public coffers and hands the money over to private interests, never to be seen again. The fallacy that private business invests money into the public realm is laughable at best, and they pay so little in corporate taxes their social benefit is almost nothing.
The idea that the rich would flee to places that have lower taxes if taxed more is largely a falsehood and grossly exaggerated. These people are heavily tied to their communities and most would find it difficult to move shop. There's a wonderful video on it by reporter and comedian Jeff Seal which I would highly recommend watching. Also part of the reason that we have such high spending deficits is because our government provides large subsidies to corporations which then don't pay their fair share of taxes meaning that money is lost to the canadian government as the corporate profits gained as a result of those subsidies go into the pockets of the wealthy. For example when people like to hail Canada's oil industry as the life blood of our economy but when you account for the amount of money that they receive from government subsidies it's not as beneficial to us as we're led to believe. At the end of the day it's not matter of how much debt a country has but what that debt goes towards and the health care system improves the health of workers which improves the quantity and quality of their work. This results in higher profits which then should be taxed by government. These companies are benefiting as a result of Canada's welfare state and should conversely be contributing more towards that through their taxes. Sorry for the ranty reply but I just had a lot to say on the matter. 😂
Must be nice to live in a fantasy world. For those folks who insist on dealing with reality: According to the Fraser Institute, Steven Harper, who was also in power for a decade, had similar inflation numbers as Trudeau... but without a pandemic. (Both were approximately 2 to 3 percent, by the end of their terms.) He had more years in recession (4 vs. 2) and added almost a full 12% more than Trudeau to the national debt.... again, all while dealing with a worldwide pandemic. You're just gulliblely echoing Conservative talking points.
.... Not to mention the Panama Papers that showed how little in taxes the ultra wealthy and huge corporations paid by ducking our tax laws with offshore shelters. These are on the books laws that everyone else has followed for 50 years. ... but you keep licking the boot. These posts are for serious adults.
Hypocrisy Now does it again. Amy interviews still another fanatic communist instead of a real conservative. She knows dick all about politics or even about news broadcasting. She's sick. We all know Democracy Now is part of the deep state.
For someone who pronounces names so "authentically" (Greta Tuneberry, for example), I'm surprised that Amy can't properly pronounce, or put an accent on the name "Poilievre".
Lol. This guy is a joke, and only flaming liberals take him seriously…. He doesn’t realize that his point of view has been voted out in America and in Canada. Like I said, you’re a joke.
Trudeau isn't a convicted felon, so he wouldn't go to prison. Trump, on the other hand, is a 34 time convicted felon who would be going to prison. That's where convicted criminals go.
I live in Calgary, Alberta. Typically a very conservative province of Canada. We will never be part of the US. That is something that Canadians will bond against no matter what party they belong to
Dream on.
I agree. The vast majority of Canadians love our country deeply and will not allow this. Trump's threats ironically will bring us together, at least on this issue.
Absolutely. That will be outrageous, you are your own country!
I don't blame you. Don't lose sleep over this. It's Trump "crazy talk". He's a lame duck president and lost some of his sway with the rest of the Republican politicians/idiots. They don't want to lose their office by having voted for starting a war and non Trumper politicians definitely won't. Americans love Canada. We've lived with Cheetohead for 8 years in one form or another. He has carried through on very few of any things he's said. He's parroting his buddy Putin and a couple of other sickos acting like he can expand his territory. Take a breath, 4 years is a long time.
But don’t you want to be subjects if a Trump authoritarian dictatorship?
I live in nova Scotia Canada will never ever be a part of the USA not a chance.
Lol the canadian border is imaginary but the southern border needs a wall 😅
build the wall now.
Both borders need a wall. Most Canadians and Americans agree on that.
@@julianfischer2341 good
Thanks for having an actual Canadian who knows his stuff on the show! Really tired of seeing American pundits chiming in on Canadian politics, mostly cause their analysis isn’t very good
Democracy Now is incredible! ….Except in an email, right after they receive a donation from you, they ask if you can include them in your will. 🤔😄
Wow, that is almost as bad as Canada having an actual American who knows his stuff on a Canadian news show. BTW the word is "because" NOT "cause." Learn English.
Canada is not for sale!
Canada has always been for sale and always will be for sale. That's how economies work. Grow up.
It has been sold to china.
Spoiler alert - we've been selling Canada out for decades.
kid thats how democracy works
Lmfao, Who said we were going to pay for it?
2:00 "we basically protect Canada?" Sounds like the mob's goon telling the store owner, after breaking all the windows, "we will protect you from this when you pay every month."
"Mob goon" an accurate description of U.S foreign policy. 😢
I would have to believe that making it clear that a U. S. takeover of Canada would mean ending their health care system and taking on ours would make Canadians ready to take up arms to defend against such a takeover, just for that reason alone. Whenever I run into a Canadian I make it a point to ask them if they would rather have their health care system or ours, and to a person they say theirs and expressed sympathy for what we have to live (and die) with.
Taking up arms! lmao!
Trump is just being an idiot with no purpose but for obfuscation.
@@alaneastman7544 I certainly would, and I've never owned a gun in my life.
@@alaneastman7544don't laugh most actually do have access to stock piles. 😊
I'm anti-gun but if it ever came to it, I'll do whatever it takes to keep a US invasion out of my country. Plus the entire free world be on sour side
American imperialism has gone ballistic.
The conservative party in 2023 spent $8.5 Million on Ads compared to $420,000 for the Liberals and NDP combined. This can't be overlooked as we see how impactful media was in the last three elections south of the border.
This is a great interview. Tax the super rich so that the rest of us can have food, a decent home and a holiday once in a while. Well said Avi Lewis!
Sounds like another Marxist idea. Marxism without Trudeau
If anyone understands how long and complex it is to put together a trade agreement between two countries, then they know comments about the integration of two sovereign states is a joke.
I don’t know if it was a good move to resign right before Trump comes, but I guess I’m not a politician. You know that President Musk and Trump will try to influence Canada their way.
Oh Canada…Strong and Free…. from sea to shining sea! And it won’t be PP who helps keep us strong ….and FREE.
Ohhhh canada we stand on cars and freeeeeze
Who will?
Yay! Old school NDP that’s what I wanna hear!!!🎶 I envoke the spirit of Rosemary Brown may she lead us to a much better place ❤
Thank god a real news network is covering this properly❤ thank you democracy now Canadians appreciate your hard work
If you'd bothered to have a Resistance to his incompetence and criminality, you wouldn't have to Resist anything now..
Beginning in 2008 the MSM abandoned any pretext of objectivity by their obsequious fawning over Barry, their mindless determination to destroy Trump, and their unabashed support for an obviously incapable and senile Joe. They robotically assumed the role of the democrat party’s Praetorian Guard as they, almost universally, regurgitated and promoted the talking points, fabrications, innuendos, and “fake news” given to them by their fellow-travelers.
In a recent Gallup poll taken prior to the 2024 election just thirty percent of the citizenry have a great deal or fair amount of trust and confidence in the media. Further, 70% believe the media is pushing an agenda and not fairly reporting the news.
Americans, as polling reveals, have become progressively suspicious of the mainstream media. The citizenry is increasingly assuming that virtually all news as presented by them is either a fabrication or an exaggeration to promote a left-wing agenda. The media’s grotesque exculpation of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats during the Biden presidency and their role as propagandists during the 2024 campaign has permanently cemented this mindset among the majority of the electorate.
As a Canadian living in Victoria, I haven’t met a single person who would vote for Pierre. He scares the sh** out of many.
I live in Ontario and I haven’t met a person who isn’t voting for him.
That's because people in Victoria think. Elisabeth May is great your clueless
People in Victoria must be morons.
@@judi1989 as a Canadian living in Kingston Ontario. I don’t know anyone not voting conservative.
@@mick7310no it's because he disregards international law and supports the Israeli genocide.
Trump the grabber.
Showing your level of intelligence, couldn't come up with an educated comment 3:35
@@ssssss7816 well you are busy spending money on wars try spending some of it on education, maybe you wont get childish comments like his
@ssssss7816 ....and YET, you're bothered by it...... 🤔 Interesting.
@@whygohome172 comment deleted
Thank you Democracy Now! I have again made a contribution to you as you are a valuable news source. In this case, it`s great to hear from Avi Lewis about how the ordinary people in Canada are taken for a ride by the rich and powerful few. He would get my vote if I lived in his riding.
Thank you, DN
Avi was on the ball on every single point...me as a Canadian
With all due respect, Tommy Douglas was not the only CCF member to have the dream of universal medical care.
9 years of memory is a long time to forget or forgive the Federal Liberals MPs .... 99% working class Canadians are not uneducated nor ignorant in economic knowledge . Asking if a Federal Liberals party to win again in the next 10 years ? No one can say yes today ?
Please, Canada - don't vote for right wing.
You have no idea how bad the ''left wing'' has been over the last 9 and a half years.
As someone from across the pond: I second that motion! We've got our hands full with our own homegrown right wing populists and don't need Canada to jump on that bandwagon!
There is no ''right wing'' in Canada except for PPC which only holds about 3% of the vote. You would need to be extremely ''far left'' to believe that Polievre is anything more than center.
CBC has it at a 99% chance of a conservative majority 😭
Currently. Most liberals will vote liberal again with a new leader especially Mark Carney . Singh was the alternative choice. Pollieve's concerned now. @@Uncreative253
canada should be a superpower, stop being under the thumb of Usa
Canada will always be under America's thumb. Get used to it
Wow, what an interview 😮. True words. Let’s see what will happen to Canada 🇨🇦 in the near future. It’s all about water . Remember, I was told that the biggest and greatest war will be fought over water 😮😢
Wrong. The wars of the 21 century will be fought over information
Avi Lewis is a great voice of the Canadian left, I support his vision fully
I searched Avi Lewis and he seems to have his moral compass intact as far as Isnotreal and their Gen o cide. I could vote for someone like this! I will never vote for anyone supporting Zio nism!!!
The international left has had its day. They have left a dystopian world under their watch. Welcome to the world of patriots and common sense
A speaker wired from birth on communism.
Dominic LeBlanc has said he won't run for leadership.
😂 No Canada needs help to fight against the anarchist left
If he gets Canada, he will want Australia next.
The people wont do shit, they’re pathetic and I say this as a Canadian.
Bravo Avi. Glad you are stepping up to run again.
There's no way in a million years are the rich corporations are gonns give up their money for a better life for Canadian citizens.
We need a leader with INTEGRITY! Too many liars.
We don't need Poilièvre who is rigth radicalist
@ I was strong for him but not anymore. My gut tells me no!
To rebuild this country we need a leader who is seasoned in what it means to be marginalized. Top heavy will bring more cracks in a system very broken. I crawled up through the broken system to become a social worker. Knocked down over and over. Offered a bribe of $ 25,000 not to go through s tribunal. I refused on Principle. 5 months the arbitrator ( filled his pockets) took to decide, his decision was I was a probationary employee, of which he knew from the get go!
I love this guy!!
Is prorogation simply based on the need to appoint a new leader? Need immediate court challenge here.
Sorry, that's just how our law works. The party now chooses a new leader. Only then will Trudeau resign. Until then, he's our PM. Patience grasshopper
The governor general granted the request, so it's a done deal, and perfectly constitutional. Suck it up.
I wosh he would have let you ask questions and answer then succinctly instead of making a campaign speech but ….
anyone blames Putin anymore ?
he is still in power rest of the monkeys arent anymore
The only reason that Canada is in this mess i because of the greed of NDP Leader Jagmet
very interesting & insightful interview .
This dude 😎 better watch his mouth IDC activist whatever. Talking shit with no proof is looking for a lawsuit. Keep it up Avi Lewis.
This guy's grift is so obvious. Descriptive not prescriptive. He's just another grifter. A pathetic one at that.
Absolutely. Another Marxist grifter whose only solution is to tax the rich
UnHerd - Trudeau out: Is the Vibe shift complete?
If you realy want canada to join the u.s.a then the first thing you need to do is to cancel the 2 amendmant. Canadians hate guns.
does not represent the Canadian population well. In my opinion.
The whole world is bracing.😅
Canada is between a rock and a hard place. What Avi Lewis does not face is that the problem is not with billionaires, but with human greed, whether corporate greed or impersonal governmental, socialistic bureaucrats. Some of the greatest philanthropists in our nation are very rich but also very generous who give their money freely to help people, and charity given by freewill donations is much more relationally sustainable than charity given by bureaucrats with coerced government taxation dollars. So it is not quite as simplistic as Avi Lewis makes it out to be, and know this reality on the history of socialism never working on practical terms, is why the NDP of Avi's grandfather David Lewis never came close to forming a government in Canada, nor will the NDP of Jagmeet Singh and Avi Lewis. Their approach is academic, and works on paper only.
AVI!! Where you been? Nice to see you again. You hit all the points I care about!
Even after Pierre showed his support to Isreal 😂😂😂😂😂 this was Canada's fear!
OMG anyone from that administration please don't.
If Avi is such an activist, say the politicians are proroguing the government for their pensions. Also Avi is a personality on Canada music. He is a leech!
“Far left Prime Minster Justin Trudeau”
100% agreed!
The Hill Rising - TRUCKER VICTORY: Trudeau's Emergency Act use 'Unjustified' rules Judge
So what?
No it wasn't. Stop lying
Lady host of the show : learn to say Pierre Poilievre’s name right. You say it simply as Pauly - Ev.
I can't pronounce it either that's why I call him Pierre Poutine.
@@tinkerbell1120 The correct pronunciation is peepee.
Over my dead body.
Everything is going well over there
Conservs wont win lol. We need leaders who care about the public not a I dont give a F@ck guy, do it yourself. We need involvement, pierre wont win.
you're about to loose party status😘
As someone who works in public opinion research on political matters in Ottawa, it pains me to disagree with you. Average Canadians the country over seem primed to elect Poilievre. I hope to be proven wrong, but I'm not expecting it.
Americans, used same logic with orange clown and they stupidly elected him twice.
Bob the Kobb. Maybe Bob the Fool... stupid is what stupid does.
Trudeau resigned so he can run for Governor of Canada.
Canada's Prime Minister resigned so a new Prime Minister can lead Canada. Canada doesn't have small governors. They have Prime Ministers, Ministers, and Premiers. Hope this helps you better understand how Parliamentary democracies work!
It's a joke...
Hope this helps you better understand how life works.
@deadname... Jokes are supposed to be funny. That's how jokes work. Since it didn't seem funny, but instead seemed ignorant, I thought a basic political science lesson was needed. Take notes, kiddo.
Huge efforts and doing without, does not show on "lily white hands", those who might work a lot harder than some with calloused hands.
Thank God Trudeau is gone!
I hope to never see another NDP or Liberal again in Canada.
Supporting Jagmeet shows a very limited intelligence.
I guess supporting the conservatives who were working hard on the privatization of the health care system shows unlimited intelligence.
the art of the deal. read the book liberals.
Jagmeet Singh is the only hope Canada has. I've always voted NDP, the party of the people!!
NDP gave liberals the majority in the Parliament to get ALL the laws to be adopted and led to the chaos the Canada is oin. NO EXCUSE for Maserati Marxist Singh ...and Liberals Trudeau.
They will lose the elections. That is the question anymore.
I want them to be held ACCOUNTABLE!!!
By the way your party left us with a 1200 billions debt.
Our liberals
No Trump look alikes
Trump the Wooly Bully.
The elections are in October. That still gives the liberal party time. Do not call Poillievre pm yet.
OMG not PP Please!!! 🙏
time for what? continue destroying the country?
The election will be in May, not October
It won't last till October 😂😂😂😂. Seriously? Every party wants to bring them down. Who's gonna keep them in?
liberals bout to loose party status 😘
Neoliberalism to reactionary market authoritarianism…weeee
Does this mean the United States would finally have universal healthcare?!!
Of course not!!
Just Donald's non-existent "tremendous, fabulous" system
Pierre Poillievre was the very first party leader to denounce Trump's trolling of a Canada-US merger.
He also completely caved to Trump's framing and demands on the border, thereby destroying Canada's bargaining position and placing his partisan interests over Canadian national interests.
Not only that Trump totally swatted his comments away like he was a bug...Trump totally disregards Pollieve..he's concerned for Carney though.@@hemlock399
Canada's border is wide open thanks to liberal policies @@hemlock399
No, he wasn't.... and his response was melee mouthed at best.
He'd happily capitulate.
Because we cannot prioritize water over coke …. Story of human-failures.
Projecting growth by annexation is illusion, which has for long been seen as growth (free trades, GDPs etc). Hence today we have Canada who is feeling insecure of its oil and water reserves. Wish rich countries exercise their power to create abundance instead of grab and go scarcity model. Had seen documentaries- one of them showing the craze of “doing business” in Mexico where coke was more readily available than drinking water. Similar story happened/happening in Rajasthan too.
Tech investments like Apple plant, Microsoft data center etc also will put huge drain on critical resources in an already scarce land, not to mention adding to already abundant toxic waste in these countries. There is only so much organizations like Paani Foundation can do; rest public controls the demands until of course we replace ourselves with AI robots - just to generate business for the few, I call them core of in inward spiral 🌀
Elections is only valid when there is a right choice to elect. Jagmeet Singh from what I know is pro-Khalistan which is a big negative - a litmus test in my opinion to check a person’s credibility and integrity.
Hey America, how about you read your 14th Amendment first?... Don't call us, we'll call you
It was an interesting show until an NDP candidate came on. I had to shut it off. The NDP is the major player in our current mess. The NDP should have voted in a non-confident manner months ago. Now we sit basically leaderless, with Trump coming into power. Anything that comes out of a NDP's mouth isn't worth listening to. That is Singh's legacy to the party.
You're clearly very ignorant. Why would the NDP want to give PP a supermajority, that won't fix anything and just make all the issues they care about worse. Switching leaders won't simply make everything magically better, other countries that had elections recently tried it and many of them are worse off now. Also clearly you don't know much about Avi or what he stands for or the branch or the NDP he's part of. Assuming someone is bad just because you don't like their party, without knowing anything about them personally, is a very weak way of thinking.
@@jagerrosenberg9891 You are delirious if you think that still isn't going to happen when an election is called. Especially now with Trump breathing down our backs, this all could have been avoided. If the NDP had a sane thought they would be getting unhappy Liberal voters, but you don't see that happening in the polls. NDP has tied themselves to the Liberals, basically, Liberal 2.0. Singh even voted to hold the government in power even when his own words were used. I would suggest if the NDP had any hope of going anywhere as a party they should look at getting rid of their leader. I was a NDP supporter in the past, but now the party is a joke. Until Singh is gone, anyone with integrity wouldn't tie themselves to the party.
Go Avi !!
Get lost, Avi, 9:19 you little commie. My Canada can do without you and your kind.
This show always discuss go issues
Thank you Avi Lewis. May you succeed.
good luck
Pierre for prime minister of Canada
No Thank-you!!! He is Canada's Trump!!!
Pierre sucks
I hope you would try an run
Let Canada join the USA and become one big country. All provinces in Canada to become states as in USA.
Many US states would be better served if they joined Canada, and Canada would welcome them. The US can keep its convicted felon president elect. Canada will stay Canadian.
Over my dead body! Millions of Canadians are peaceful , loving, kind and considerate. However when you insult us, you are in for a battle! By the way, we will not use guns, which many right wing Americans feel they have to have.! While we are on the subject of mass shoots, it is a bloody shame that American children go to school every day wonderful in fear of the possibility go to school without fear of being shot! Canadians will fight to protect Our Country with diplomacy and fairness.
Watch out too if you insult Canadian Women they are a force to be reckoned with! You get on the wrong side of us you will regret it. Did you know that in Canada a women has the right to a legal abortion, Lesbians and Gays have the right to be legally married! Now thinking about it, the United States of America should become part of Canada instead! You would like it here!.
Many US states are wanting to join Canada, actually. They can become provinces of Canada 🇨🇦 😊
The NDP started as communists a very long time ago then changed their name a dozen times disowning their Progressive spending like Liberals. That is the major trouble. Taxing the so called super rich sounds good but they just pack up and go to a less taxed place.
They all talk but Canada can not run on huge mega billion deficits forever. $62 billion last year another $40 billion coming up this year. Liberals and NDP have ONLY had mega billion dollar deficits. Canada can not afford these Progressive policies from either party.
Trying to defend the new gilded age. What ended the gilded age? Did billionaires save us all from the kindness of their billionaire hearts? No it was regulations, monopoly break ups and gasp taxation!! Of course people like you working for them for free makes things much harder. But I'm sure they'll thank you one day after they spit on you. No, no they won't.
Pretty much everything you said is incorrect. And the NDP and Liberals have, functionally, run fewer deficits than Conservatives over the past 30 years. Cherry-picking the past two years (fall-out from unprecedented stimulus levels to avoid economic collapse) is pretty disingenuous. If you're truly concerned about wealth being extracted from our society, you would opposed rip-and-run Conservative and Neo-liberal economic policy that loots the public coffers and hands the money over to private interests, never to be seen again. The fallacy that private business invests money into the public realm is laughable at best, and they pay so little in corporate taxes their social benefit is almost nothing.
The idea that the rich would flee to places that have lower taxes if taxed more is largely a falsehood and grossly exaggerated. These people are heavily tied to their communities and most would find it difficult to move shop. There's a wonderful video on it by reporter and comedian Jeff Seal which I would highly recommend watching. Also part of the reason that we have such high spending deficits is because our government provides large subsidies to corporations which then don't pay their fair share of taxes meaning that money is lost to the canadian government as the corporate profits gained as a result of those subsidies go into the pockets of the wealthy. For example when people like to hail Canada's oil industry as the life blood of our economy but when you account for the amount of money that they receive from government subsidies it's not as beneficial to us as we're led to believe. At the end of the day it's not matter of how much debt a country has but what that debt goes towards and the health care system improves the health of workers which improves the quantity and quality of their work. This results in higher profits which then should be taxed by government. These companies are benefiting as a result of Canada's welfare state and should conversely be contributing more towards that through their taxes. Sorry for the ranty reply but I just had a lot to say on the matter. 😂
Must be nice to live in a fantasy world. For those folks who insist on dealing with reality:
According to the Fraser Institute, Steven Harper, who was also in power for a decade, had similar inflation numbers as Trudeau... but without a pandemic. (Both were approximately 2 to 3 percent, by the end of their terms.)
He had more years in recession (4 vs. 2) and added almost a full 12% more than Trudeau to the national debt.... again, all while dealing with a worldwide pandemic.
You're just gulliblely echoing Conservative talking points.
.... Not to mention the Panama Papers that showed how little in taxes the ultra wealthy and huge corporations paid by ducking our tax laws with offshore shelters. These are on the books laws that everyone else has followed for 50 years.
... but you keep licking the boot. These posts are for serious adults.
Amy shutting him down about Universal Healthcare. Whose side are you on Amy….😂
Democracy Not! 🤡 Propaganda for the dnc
Hypocrisy Now does it again. Amy interviews still another fanatic communist instead of a real conservative. She knows dick all about politics or even about news broadcasting. She's sick. We all know Democracy Now is part of the deep state.
Hello Ms Amy Goodman 🤗😇
Hey, Amy, how long ago did you start taking money from Soros, Gates, and the globalists? You need psychiatric help.
What a stupid interview. Zero discussion of the issues.
Justin trudeau tar mistress Melanie jolyr dream PM hobar demand fullfill krte resign diche exchange of physical service. Time will prove it
For someone who pronounces names so "authentically" (Greta Tuneberry, for example), I'm surprised that Amy can't properly pronounce, or put an accent on the name "Poilievre".
Stop zionism in Canada, this includes Pierre, Justin, and you guessed it - Avi...
I hate listening to you you are
Lol. This guy is a joke, and only flaming liberals take him seriously…. He doesn’t realize that his point of view has been voted out in America and in Canada. Like I said, you’re a joke.
Trudeau for prison
Trudeau isn't a convicted felon, so he wouldn't go to prison. Trump, on the other hand, is a 34 time convicted felon who would be going to prison. That's where convicted criminals go.
I prefer Mark Carney.
Amy his name is pronounced Paul -e -ev.
She's usually careful with pronunciations.
Should be