Yes. You're right. One can't avoid water when learning to swim, and one can't avoid books when learning to read. By the way, the long metal stick used to measure the oil level is called the dipping stick. I really enjoyed watching your interview of the CAMBODIAN DONUT KING. I learned about him from the LA Times. In that article, he ended up losing everything and became homeless. I have no idea that he is still alive and well. He has grandchildren now and one of them calls themselves a Donut Princess and has now revolutionized the process of making donuts. I love watching your contents.
Use a pump. Pump the old oil out of the engine through the oil check knob. It’s a 10 minutes, no mess job. I have 5 cars and I do all the services myself.
Fancy.....most people just drained the oil from the plug under the car. Oil change on a regular basis ensure clean engine, no need to waste money on fancy tools!
Great video bong, thank for sharing. I agree everything has its first time. I think when my car is like 10 years old, I might do the oil change myself too LOL
Awesome video. Thank you. I am still afraid to try.
Go for it!
Yes. You're right. One can't avoid water when learning to swim, and one can't avoid books when learning to read. By the way, the long metal stick used to measure the oil level is called the dipping stick. I really enjoyed watching your interview of the CAMBODIAN DONUT KING. I learned about him from the LA Times. In that article, he ended up losing everything and became homeless. I have no idea that he is still alive and well. He has grandchildren now and one of them calls themselves a Donut Princess and has now revolutionized the process of making donuts. I love watching your contents.
@@longmann6466 thanks I’m glad you like it; thanks for telling about Mr donut king’s grandchildren as well 🙏
Use a pump. Pump the old oil out of the engine through the oil check knob. It’s a 10 minutes, no mess job. I have 5 cars and I do all the services myself.
I haven’t heard about that tool before Bong, let’s me search for that; thanks for your recommend 🙏
Fancy.....most people just drained the oil from the plug under the car. Oil change on a regular basis ensure clean engine, no need to waste money on fancy tools!
បងប្រេងអាល្លឺម៉ង់ល្អជាងអាមេរិក Moli would និង MPMរបស់ហូឡង់
កាត់បន្ថយការចំនាយបានខ្លះដែរបង❤❤❤ ពិតជាល្អ❤
ការរស់នៅទីនេះគឺបែបនេះឯង បើយើងចេះសន្សំយើងអាចសល់លុយបានខ្លះ
@@CamboXchange បាទ
Great video bong, thank for sharing. I agree everything has its first time. I think when my car is like 10 years old, I might do the oil change myself too LOL
keep a try bro.
សំណាងហើយមានមេជាងធំនៅមើល កុំអីមិនហ៊ានធ្វើខ្លួនឯងទេ 😂😂😂
@@CamboXchange លើកទីមួយចឹងហើយ ធ្វើតែម្តងពីរដងទៀតស្ទាត់ហើយ បងពូកែចឹង ចេះមកពីរៀន 😊
បង Oil Filter បកប្រែខ្មែរហៅថា តម្រងប្រេងម៉ាសីន
បាទអរគុណ ខ្ញុំស្គាល់តើនិយាយខុស អរគុណច្រើន
Oil filter តម្រងប្រេងម៉ាស៊ីន
អរគុណបង ខ្ញុំនិយាយខុសមែន
កំណល់ទ្រឡាន2 កាពារសុវត្ថភាព
បេីមានរបស់ទាំនេះទុក្ខនៅផ្ទះគឺល្អ ព្រោះអាចលេីកឡានអោយខ្ពស់បន្តិចងាយចូលមេីលក្រោមឡាន
ឡានខ្លះតំរងនៅក្រោម បេីឡានលេីកឡេីងខ្ពស់ងាយស្រួលដូ
អរគុណច្រើន បាទធ្វើលើកក្រោយប្រហែលត្រៀមបានល្អជាងនេះ អរគុណ
0w-20ប្រងរាវ សម្រាប់ឡាន រាងថ្មី សម្រាប់ឡានរបស់បង ចាក់ត្រឹម 5w-30 បានហើយ
thanks bong
ខ្ញុំធ្វើឆ្គងណាស់ 😂
ខ្ញុំធ្លាប់ចាញ់បោកគេទិញឡានតម្លៃ២៥០០ដុល្លារក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៨៦បើកបានមួយអាទិត្យខូចខឹងពេកទៅរៀនខាងឡានបន្ទាប់ពីឆ្នាំ៨៧មកខ្ញុំមិនដែលយកឡានចូលជាងទេអ្នកអើយឥឡូវចាប់ផ្ដើមបង្រៀនកូនៗជំនាន់ក្រោយឱ្យពួកគេចេះម្ដង។ 😂
បានបង ការពិតការងារជាងមិនថារឿងឡាន ផ្ទះ រឺ គ្រឿងប្រើប្រាស់ផ្សេងៗយើងគួរតែចេះខ្លះដើម្បីអាចកាត់បន្ថយចំណាយខ្លះ។ ខ្ញុំមករស់នៅអាមេរិកដំបូងមិនចេះទេ ពេលនេះក៏ទើបរៀនតិចៗ ព្រោះកាលពីនៅខ្មែរ ធ្វើអីក៏ជួលគេដែរ ព្រោះគិតថាថ្លៃពលកម្មថោក អរគុណបង!