"It's yearly interest" Deron is honestly just so casually hilarious. And Sara brings out that witty flippant side of her the most. DeroSara really is something special for both of them.
OMG, as someone who's been casually following the whole DeroSara affair since first getting deeper into Niji around this time 2 years ago, starting with HSKW's feelings about Deron, thank you for this anime episode's worth of food and teetee 🙏
Higuchi Kaede: I believe someone asked that question in her very first stream and she said: 授業中にでろーんとした体勢で寝ているから (Because I sleep in such a relaxed position during class) and then because it became a habit, her classmates just started to call her that because the "De" in "Kaede" easily rhymes with Deron. Notice the でろーん (Deron) part. It's an onomatopoeic expression used to indicate someone slumping or drooping. Ultimately it's all just related to her lore as a school student. (In all honesty I can't find the timestamp for this but there's a clip of her explaining this again to the same question in Inuyama Tamaki's stream) Tsukino Mito: In her lore, Mito is a class president so it's a given that she's called Iinchou which is a shortened version of 学級委員長 (Gakkyu iinchou) which means literally Class President.
"It's yearly interest" Deron is honestly just so casually hilarious. And Sara brings out that witty flippant side of her the most.
DeroSara really is something special for both of them.
have you heard the song "Takoyaki Rock" by Deron (Higuchi Kaede)? That is a funny song.
OMG, as someone who's been casually following the whole DeroSara affair since first getting deeper into Niji around this time 2 years ago, starting with HSKW's feelings about Deron, thank you for this anime episode's worth of food and teetee 🙏
This is much like a Japanese comedian duo with the fool and the straight man, its a good dynamic between these two.
Derosara has good development where Sara knows when to break and Deron knows when to push the gas.
These two are hilarious together, thanks for the subs.
Thanks for the tl!
Thank you as always for these DeroSara clips and subs 🙏
Thank you so much corvus. I mean it.
thank you for the subs! drsr is really teetee
Let there be more clips from derosara off collab 2023 hopefully..., Thank you again
1:30 shes so noisy lol
27 mins
You killed it as always, thanks for another great sub!
Curious as to what she was trying to convey when deron said “my mom’s watching tho”
28 minutes of diabetes
DeroSara teetee~~~
wait why is higuchi kaede called deron? also why is tsukino mito called linchou??
Higuchi Kaede: I believe someone asked that question in her very first stream and she said: 授業中にでろーんとした体勢で寝ているから (Because I sleep in such a relaxed position during class) and then because it became a habit, her classmates just started to call her that because the "De" in "Kaede" easily rhymes with Deron. Notice the でろーん (Deron) part. It's an onomatopoeic expression used to indicate someone slumping or drooping. Ultimately it's all just related to her lore as a school student. (In all honesty I can't find the timestamp for this but there's a clip of her explaining this again to the same question in Inuyama Tamaki's stream)
Tsukino Mito: In her lore, Mito is a class president so it's a given that she's called Iinchou which is a shortened version of 学級委員長 (Gakkyu iinchou) which means literally Class President.