😱 $500 EACH on BUFFALO GOLD 🐃 Group Pull at The Plaza Casino in Downtown Las Vegas

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @BCSlots
    @BCSlots  3 роки тому +18

    Join me for LIVE PLAY BINGO on Saturday, 3/13/21 at 4pm PST/7pm EST! Go to bingo.bcslots.com to download the free app and use code BCSLOTS for free coins! Let's line it UP!

  • @priscillabrown7140
    @priscillabrown7140 3 роки тому +9

    Who in their right mind gives @Brian Christopher a thumbs down??? They must be sleep walking...BC is the best in the game!!! How RUDE of u to give him a thumbs down!!! Line it up Brian!!! Hoping for a BIG turnout with the group pull!!!! 🤑🤑🤑💲💲💲☘️☘️☘️☘️❤️❤️❤️

  • @NGrtrdblue8562
    @NGrtrdblue8562 Рік тому


  • @LyndaMoore-e8v
    @LyndaMoore-e8v 11 місяців тому

    You are the king of Slots

  • @oldcrow1899
    @oldcrow1899 Рік тому

    I've watched this one five times - It's still fun to watch.

  • @cindymyers510
    @cindymyers510 3 роки тому +1

    Brian...I Love your Group Pull...Oh what Fun...Line it up 🎰🎰...

  • @ianmacdonald9633
    @ianmacdonald9633 2 роки тому

    Let the Buffalos run ✌️👍

  • @avisbryan8111
    @avisbryan8111 3 роки тому +4

    Love those group pulls

  • @nancyvelazquez7398
    @nancyvelazquez7398 2 роки тому

    I want to meet with you biggest FAN ever!!!!!! I'M. DISABLED, ALWAYS WATCH YOU AND MARCO!!!
    Many blessings happy holidays

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  2 роки тому

      Happy Holidays from su to you! 🎄 Whenever you're ready here is a link to sign up for a meet & greet! www.BCSlots.com/Events

  • @miriandavies901
    @miriandavies901 3 роки тому

    Just showing that gamblers are cool people 👏👏👏

  • @kokteonggan7499
    @kokteonggan7499 3 роки тому

    Thumb up for good luck and good fortune. From Malaysia.

  • @sheilahwithanh3132
    @sheilahwithanh3132 3 роки тому +4

    I can watch group pulls all day long!.... and it was worth it just hearing you say "BEHEMOTH"🤣🤣❤

  • @nancymench6441
    @nancymench6441 3 роки тому

    This is toooo Exciting 😁😁😁😍😍🥰💯💯🍀💚🤑💚🍀🤑🤑

  • @sandravalani359
    @sandravalani359 3 роки тому

    Hey Brian...thanks deeply for taking my adviCe years ago about brinGinG people together for a fun night of gamblinG adventures!!! See my idea wasn't so badd after all as I knew with your absolutely CharminG personality...you would brinG muCh happiness to otherS...includinG those who are homebound because of illness!!!✌Very best wishes to you and MarCo...plZ remember to nourish your heart and soul always!!!🥰🙏😇🌹🌞🌹🐰🌹☕☕☕💐

  • @aristopandaslotswashington
    @aristopandaslotswashington Рік тому

    Buffalo gold the best game

  • @garygwhicks5856
    @garygwhicks5856 3 роки тому

    Hi Brian & Britt! GREAT group. Stingy game. Thanks for the video.

  • @Beyloveseverybody
    @Beyloveseverybody 3 роки тому

    That Buffalo machine was tight, but it was a loss of only $70, so it wasn't so bad. Next time do a group pull at Park MGM! Yea!! Love ya BC❤❤

  • @alphaanderson1467
    @alphaanderson1467 3 роки тому +1

    Come on Brian to get that bonus

  • @crucitasantiago2721
    @crucitasantiago2721 3 роки тому

    Hello watching your show keep up the good work

  • @StarWarsDork
    @StarWarsDork 3 роки тому +1

    I'm the star of the thumbnail! ;)

  • @cavalcadewest777
    @cavalcadewest777 3 роки тому +1

    Love the work on the advertisement .....Good job !!!!

  • @SlotSavvyPK
    @SlotSavvyPK 3 роки тому

    Buffalo Gold Galore....Go Brian & Britt...❤️💚🧡💚🧡🤎💋👍🏽💙🖤🤍💖🌈🌹🌺🌻

  • @afrahtoney3702
    @afrahtoney3702 3 роки тому +1

    You can stop it if you want means hit the dang button 😂😂

  • @kenbredow8727
    @kenbredow8727 2 роки тому

    Fred Flintston had a gambling problem till he met this guy

  • @JoseRivera-pb1li
    @JoseRivera-pb1li 3 роки тому

    Me gusta esta clase de juegos saludos a mis amigos de arriesgado yo me gusta jugar aquí en Honduras

  • @danimoney3087
    @danimoney3087 3 роки тому +1

    Man that one was sooo good fun it must be in top 10 of most fun group pulls - Thank you guys !!!

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  3 роки тому

      Glad you enjoyed!

    • @sanfordstanley7495
      @sanfordstanley7495 3 роки тому

      Brain got your bands going to the casino Saturday wish some win stank on my bands.

  • @annetteward7878
    @annetteward7878 3 роки тому +4

    Love watching your group pulls .....looks like so much fun.💕

  • @alphaanderson1467
    @alphaanderson1467 3 роки тому

    Let's get that big jackpot today

  • @M4pockets18Annie
    @M4pockets18Annie 3 роки тому +3

    Love group pulls 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻

  • @rosemaryring371
    @rosemaryring371 2 роки тому

    Is this live

  • @philroger5006
    @philroger5006 3 роки тому +9

    I love what you do buddy I have been watching for a few month now! These I love especially getting everyone together even in these worst of times! All way from Newcastle UK baby

  • @donnapowell3585
    @donnapowell3585 3 роки тому +1

    Morning WOW good luck that's a rough machine

  • @DannyPops
    @DannyPops 3 роки тому +8

    That game in the background "would you like to play some blackack?"

  • @alphaanderson1467
    @alphaanderson1467 3 роки тому

    Is on now $500 who have a big win in Buffalo is going to be on the page

  • @melissaj8458
    @melissaj8458 3 роки тому +1

    Was jumping out of my seat watching! So much fun! 🌺🌺🌺

  • @colleenakers1472
    @colleenakers1472 3 роки тому +5

    I’m from Ohio ! Come to an Ohio casino and do a pull , it’s just our good luck !! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣

    • @kodiaklens09
      @kodiaklens09 3 роки тому

      Yes come to Ohio 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @dannymac9744
      @dannymac9744 2 роки тому

      Yes ohio

  • @BigReege
    @BigReege 3 роки тому +1

    Man the machine was tough

  • @nikotaimioja2393
    @nikotaimioja2393 3 роки тому +3

    Brian and Britt you guys are spoilig us with these group pulls💕I love it keep them coming these are so fun😊

  • @dantebarreras9409
    @dantebarreras9409 3 роки тому

    Do they get the money they win

  • @johnbastiani9673
    @johnbastiani9673 3 роки тому

    Hi Brian. Thank you for today's game. These groups are real fun. Thank you take care

  • @carolinegaston6
    @carolinegaston6 3 роки тому +1

    That was fun, love Buffalo💕💕

  • @joshuatazie9634
    @joshuatazie9634 3 роки тому +1

    Love you Brian 🤗your so sweet..very people person..peace💫

  • @coasterdriver
    @coasterdriver 3 роки тому +1

    Girl from Minnesota looked super stoked to be there. lol

  • @amberfisher5509
    @amberfisher5509 3 роки тому +8

    Had so much fun! Wish you couldn’t have heard me saying “go mom” every 5 seconds. We can’t wait to do another group pull. Much love from Denver

    • @susancaton3654
      @susancaton3654 3 роки тому

      Minimum I jwas have a car jin for my husband and then j

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  3 роки тому +3

      Thanks for joining us!

    • @MrEricrockinout
      @MrEricrockinout 3 роки тому +1

      I liked the screaming, this is my first experience with these group pull things and it really turned slots into a group sport. I like the audience participation! :D

  • @victoriamora3471
    @victoriamora3471 2 роки тому

    Victoria mora grasias Lancaster California grasias megusto

  • @vh04863
    @vh04863 3 роки тому +2

    Love me some BUFFALO

  • @sanfordstanley7495
    @sanfordstanley7495 3 роки тому +1

    Brian you need to try the 4 towers Buffalo you got more mutulplires than the single.

  • @igotaclue6120
    @igotaclue6120 3 роки тому +1

    Love the Bingo commercial!

  • @CaptainZaraki11
    @CaptainZaraki11 3 роки тому +1

    Can’t wait to go to Vegas this summer!

  • @707ridah
    @707ridah 3 роки тому +2

    Next time do a lighting link or dragon 🐉 link brotha, we all know hitting a huge bonus on the buffalo is rare AF. Stay blessed and healthy 💯

  • @barbarasmith7191
    @barbarasmith7191 3 роки тому

    Fun times! Exciting. Love watching 🥰

  • @donaldstewart1988
    @donaldstewart1988 Рік тому

    I hate the people who think they gotta smack or hard hit the button. Just push it dont break it

  • @billystinson4440
    @billystinson4440 2 роки тому

    I've wandered on a group pull if there is a handpay who is responsible for the taxes. I have never been part of one and would love to.

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  2 роки тому +1

      Brian does the spinning for the most part in group pulls for this reason - the spinner usually is responsible for taxes.

  • @nancymalacara3042
    @nancymalacara3042 3 роки тому +1

    Always love watching the group pull .
    So exciting.

  • @luckcometome
    @luckcometome 3 роки тому +5

    That was a great group pull 👏 But some of those bonuses were awful for 36 a spin😢. And Brian u got me hooked on bingo. Britt u are so cute. U did a great job last nite. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Thursday. 💚☘💚

    • @michaellee4585
      @michaellee4585 3 роки тому

      Right? Imagine betting $36/spin, getting all excited to trigger a bonus, and then getting $60 from it...😂😭

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  3 роки тому +1

      See you on Saturday for live bingo!

    • @luckcometome
      @luckcometome 3 роки тому

      @@BCSlots Yes u will

  • @sharonfox1610
    @sharonfox1610 3 роки тому

    you make me smile everyday thank you

  • @deborahsimmons3958
    @deborahsimmons3958 3 роки тому

    Good morning. Thanks for a great group pull. That was awesome. Love buffalo. 😁😁👍💝

  • @lorilou9742
    @lorilou9742 3 роки тому +1

    Enjoyed watching this group pull on Buffalo!💕

  • @peteryeh6866
    @peteryeh6866 3 роки тому

    Thank you for video 💯👍

  • @MsBRANDY007
    @MsBRANDY007 3 роки тому

    Fun fun fun group pull 😀!!

  • @stevekim4159
    @stevekim4159 3 роки тому

    Hey Brian and Britt from Ohio. Love the videos and the group pull.

  • @edithwarria4794
    @edithwarria4794 3 роки тому +2

    Good Luck Brian and everyone 👍🌺🦋🌈💖❤️😊😘🙏🏻 from Edith in 🇦🇺

  • @nathanburgess471
    @nathanburgess471 3 роки тому

    Hi Brian and Britt good luck

  • @jeffsturgeon137
    @jeffsturgeon137 3 роки тому +1

    Never realized how many "hard slappers" there are till this video.

  • @tracygarrett3952
    @tracygarrett3952 3 роки тому

    Do you know how many total symbols are on a single reel? Does it vary by machine?

  • @1rudipeni
    @1rudipeni 3 роки тому +2

    I went To Plaza Couple days Ago, I put 20 into Nija Moon in the BC Slot area Cashed out at 300 Dollars and got my Lucky Bracelet! haha.... Then Proceeded to do well rest of the trip...Was it the Bracelet?? Now I'm using it as a Money band for My Vegas Stash Cash! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

  • @pawelpoland.usa.3144
    @pawelpoland.usa.3144 3 роки тому

    Very good Nice 👍👍👍

  • @ireneberrong6353
    @ireneberrong6353 3 роки тому

    Ha Brian, watch you all time, really enjoy it.

  • @brendahunter280
    @brendahunter280 3 роки тому +1

    Oh Nellie good luck to all

  • @marys.750
    @marys.750 3 роки тому

    Love the intro...

  • @trippleslots
    @trippleslots 3 роки тому

    Did not think anyone knew where Waxahachie ,Texas was
    Hello Tim, we are neighbors . Mt Peak ,Texas

  • @davidisenberg125
    @davidisenberg125 3 роки тому

    well done mr. christopher

  • @michaellee4585
    @michaellee4585 3 роки тому +5

    Sucks that one of my favorite slots couldn’t give you guys one handpay! Hopefully you do more Buffalo Gold group pulls though 😁

  • @kathygermack1990
    @kathygermack1990 3 роки тому

    Go Ohio!!!!

  • @700BlakeProductions
    @700BlakeProductions 3 роки тому +1

    I'm assuming you meant to schedule the release of this video for the evening?

    • @joelphillips6264
      @joelphillips6264 3 роки тому

      Not sure, I found myself lately;'__ watching alot you tube in morning 🌅.... I hope he answers you.

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  3 роки тому +2

      Not at all, 3 days of group pulls in a row! And we are live tonight!

  • @erinnkemp
    @erinnkemp 3 роки тому +1

    2x in a week?? Yippee!!!

  • @carlosmendez4722
    @carlosmendez4722 3 роки тому

    Carlos Mendez y Teresa Rosario 😊😊😊😊😊😌😌😌😌

  • @lenora43
    @lenora43 3 роки тому

    Nice group pull.

  • @banderabird2797
    @banderabird2797 3 роки тому +3

    Oh dear sweet Brian..
    I laugh at your body language when folks hit the button right handed..
    It says **personal space people..personal space**
    Sending love ❤️

    • @Tyshkevich
      @Tyshkevich 3 роки тому

      Wouldn't that be left handed?

    • @TssTmo
      @TssTmo 3 роки тому

      His drinks are sitting right by the button bud... Brian haaaaaaa

  • @priscilamalaya2071
    @priscilamalaya2071 3 роки тому +1

    There should never be any change made on a slot machine to be used for group pulls!!!!!!!!!
    The casino should not be informed which machine will be used for any group pull!!!!!

  • @rosieqslots
    @rosieqslots 3 роки тому

    Awesome group pull

  • @richardk.3422
    @richardk.3422 3 роки тому

    Talk about a highly volatile game. But still fun to watch

  • @agrant3670
    @agrant3670 3 роки тому

    Nice good luck 👍

  • @harkarai4059
    @harkarai4059 3 роки тому

    soo small bet man..😀😀😀

  • @veronicamiller5284
    @veronicamiller5284 3 роки тому

    How much are you betting and how many lines

  • @maryharris8504
    @maryharris8504 3 роки тому

    Group pull good luck

  • @ronnieracey8768
    @ronnieracey8768 2 роки тому

    Go buffalo.

  • @polywatt61
    @polywatt61 3 роки тому

    Esto sí es diversión!

  • @FirstClassVO
    @FirstClassVO 3 роки тому +1

    Press. The. Damn. Button.

  • @mikej9470
    @mikej9470 3 роки тому

    More group pulls!!!!

  • @Roman_Vl
    @Roman_Vl 3 роки тому

    Any way to participate in the group pulls without being there in person?

    • @BCSlots
      @BCSlots  3 роки тому

      You must be there in person by law I’m afraid

  • @mariejung73
    @mariejung73 3 роки тому

    Fun fun fun!

  • @enriqueperez1483
    @enriqueperez1483 3 роки тому

    Se mira que asen buen ambiente good Job

  • @W3Slots
    @W3Slots 3 роки тому

    Insane! I'm shouting and clapping as if I'm there. I wish I would've known. I'm only a few minutes away from the Plaza 😭😜

  • @cynthiaWalker5226
    @cynthiaWalker5226 3 роки тому

    That was fun to watch!

  • @jovanwatkins8684
    @jovanwatkins8684 3 роки тому

    good morning good luck

  • @lorraineferraro1049
    @lorraineferraro1049 3 роки тому

    Good job

  • @jojohokky6285
    @jojohokky6285 3 роки тому

    Yeah yeah

  • @aristopandaslotswashington
    @aristopandaslotswashington Рік тому


  • @krystalramirezdallastx
    @krystalramirezdallastx 3 роки тому +3

    😂😂😂 so imagine them standing up and you sitting right there lol i saw what you did