DotNetIsolator: an experimental package for running .NET code in an isolated sandbox

  • Опубліковано 22 кві 2024
  • A quick overview and demo of an experimental new .NET package that can create isolated .NET runtime instances for running code in a sandbox.


  • @marianf25
    @marianf25 Рік тому +140

    First Blazor, then Blazor United, now this. Steve is truly a visionary and must be protected at all cost!

    • @ADOConnection
      @ADOConnection Рік тому +18

      First knockoutjs 😀

    • @marianf25
      @marianf25 Рік тому +5

      ​@@ADOConnection ooh Knockout, even before React was a thing, good times!

    • @activex7327
      @activex7327 Рік тому

      @@ADOConnection I used it, it is really we thought out library and simple to use. You could accomplish a lot of things with it.

  • @aL3891_
    @aL3891_ Рік тому +7

    Steve posts, you pay attention:)

  • @Dustyy01
    @Dustyy01 Рік тому +3

    This guy would invent rocket science in the stone age.

  • @kylekukshtel9945
    @kylekukshtel9945 2 місяці тому

    I was to small-brained the first time I saw this to understand it's implications but revisiting again the consequences seem incredible. It's effectively an arbitrary scripting runtime for dotnet, solving a longstanding "issue" where you couldn't easily eval arbitrary C# at runtime without that code having access to the full context of the host application. Being able to leverage this for things like game scripting are huge, and as others pointed out here the ability to tie this into a better hot reloading experience would be incredible.

  • @AkiraTTS
    @AkiraTTS Рік тому +14

    I always love anything Steve shows. Amazing guy.

  • @ever-modern
    @ever-modern Рік тому

    7:55 - the moment I waited for. Like "that's the way it should be to be classy" - and here it is, the elegant approach.

  • @ryan.crosby
    @ryan.crosby Рік тому +13

    This is awesome. The first usecase that comes to mind is giving website users the ability to provide their own scripts to transform data, for example to define the shape of an event webhook to suit their own API endpoints.

    • @jimbob1xghtnm
      @jimbob1xghtnm Рік тому

      Yeah, this scenario is something I'd like to implement in my own application as well. It will open up a wide range of customization capabilities to my users. I am looking forward to experimenting with this!

    • @h3techsme
      @h3techsme Рік тому

      Agreed - if you see Steve's previous demo where he runs SQLite in a WASM instance to pull data from a source and then mash through 100K+ rows of data (because it's effectively cached in the WASM sandbox) it's really mind-bending. I look at this demo and think "so *that's* how he did it..."

  • @darkbobo000
    @darkbobo000 Рік тому +18

    I have been very interested in sandboxing for C#, and seeing recent dotnet versions not having any options was a bit of a let down. This is very promising and I am definitely gonna play around with it.

  • @aslanamca8225
    @aslanamca8225 Рік тому +4

    If it's going to be a revolution for dotnet, you're going to do it, Steve.

  • @hobbit125
    @hobbit125 Рік тому +1

    Steve Sanderson: This is not a real product, just a fun little experiment....
    .NET Community: ...

  • @jewymchoser
    @jewymchoser Рік тому

    Steven, Blazor has changed my life. It makes my day so much better.

  • @malisancube01
    @malisancube01 Рік тому +1

    Brains blown! I see .NET containers and their ochestrators too. Genius guy Steve!

  • @FelipeGualberto
    @FelipeGualberto Рік тому +2

    Nice experiment! Love it.

  • @johnlouros
    @johnlouros Рік тому +1

    This is absolutely mind-blowing

  • @modernkennnern
    @modernkennnern Рік тому +4

    I wonder if something like this could improve the usefulness of Hot Reload; Being able to fully recompile a controller or service and then it seamlessly being transferred to a subprocess

  • @fernandosantosferreira1746
    @fernandosantosferreira1746 Рік тому

    Greate video Steve!! It's amazing!

  • @weluvmusicz
    @weluvmusicz Рік тому

    This is one of the most genuis ideas! Steve you are a brain!

  • @dukefleed9525
    @dukefleed9525 Рік тому +1

    This is a gold mine! thank you!

  • @EER0000
    @EER0000 Рік тому +3

    This looks like a lot of fun to experiment with for a plugin system! I do wonder how it works technically so I guess it’s time for some code spelunking :D

  • @LoganDunning
    @LoganDunning Рік тому +2

    Steve Sanderson continues to drop huge.... CASUAL... Industry TRANSFORMATIVE Genius++ Level of God's grace... 🕴️James Bond swag... 😎😍🫠😍😮‍💨💪. Dude you are a GOD Bro!!💪

  • @nickz6066
    @nickz6066 Рік тому

    We need to go deeper... )))
    Awesome, just awesome!
    Thank you for your work!

  • @philc787
    @philc787 Рік тому

    Great stuff Steve

  • @TheBlubb
    @TheBlubb Рік тому

    this is very cool, good job!

  • @erril8285
    @erril8285 Рік тому

    Steve you are a genius 👍

  • @robopzijnwerk5999
    @robopzijnwerk5999 Рік тому

    Awesome, please keep the api this simple!

  • @maxbitran
    @maxbitran Рік тому

    All this sound just like a container (like the ones used in K8S)... which is awesome!

  • @JosephRuhundwa
    @JosephRuhundwa Рік тому

    Great stuff. Thank you very much

  • @cooldavee
    @cooldavee Рік тому

    This is brilliant!

  • @krccmsitp2884
    @krccmsitp2884 Рік тому

    Wow, this is amazing! 😲

  • @ArturoTorresSanchez
    @ArturoTorresSanchez Рік тому +5

    Is the spreadsheet app available as a demo? I was looking for something like this for one of my projects.

  • @metaltyphoon
    @metaltyphoon Рік тому +4

    Is this analogous to AppDomain but using WASM?

  • @igtukra
    @igtukra Рік тому +3

    I wonder if this could be used for something like a "blazor wasm micro front-ends"? 😅

  • @davidtaylor3771
    @davidtaylor3771 Рік тому +5

    Nice Steve. I can almost imagine Blazor Web assembly in a mode where it starts instantly as an isolated WASM process running on the server (so not starting as server side blazor), then is instantly transitioned to the browser once the assemblies are loaded (I assume you could serialize the whole WASM dotnet state for that user). Might not be practical of course given the various web APIs wouldn't be available until after the transition to the browser.

    • @AvineshSinghSaab
      @AvineshSinghSaab 7 місяців тому

      Can't believe Steve demoed EXACTLY this in his recent video 👏

  • @adelarsq
    @adelarsq Рік тому

    Cool! Thanks for share!

  • @mark_heath
    @mark_heath Рік тому


  • @fandermill
    @fandermill Рік тому

    Nice, thank you!

  • @toadman5184
    @toadman5184 Рік тому


  • @RebelZach
    @RebelZach Рік тому

    So great!

  • @alijamal7893
    @alijamal7893 Рік тому

    its super cool 👏👏👏

  • @hectorbas9850
    @hectorbas9850 Рік тому +1

    Very neat! I'd def like to hear more on the scope and limitations of passing data to and from the isolated runtime. On the api project, u did show how u could isolate the counter variable on a per request level, but its unclear if the counter variable is being serialized into the isolation env (i.e. what happens with bigger objects with various levels of nestings). And also the example on passing the results of directory.GetFiles, what happens if I pass back a FileInfo object and in the main env calls a method on the returned object? I would assume there would be errors since those paths don't exist in the main env. And also, what about network isolation control?
    Either way, awesome stuff that adds tons of flexibility and potential security to the platform. Well done! 👏

    • @obinnaokafor6252
      @obinnaokafor6252 Рік тому

      Maybe you could try the library yourself to ascertain answers to your questions. It is a nugget package and open source.

  • @nazar5549
    @nazar5549 Рік тому +3

    Is it generating wasm on the fly? Is it possible to do AOT or cache generated WASM?
    And is the WASM code JIT-ed or it's using WebAssembly version of Mono as an CIL interpreter ?

  • @RichardHarding44
    @RichardHarding44 Рік тому +1

    witchcraft! :) - fantastic, great demo as usual

  • @TheRadderz
    @TheRadderz Рік тому +1

    Very interesting!
    Is it possible to pass down an interface/object to the sandboxed code or have the sandboxed code able to interact with that objects functions on the outside?
    I may not be explaining this well, but being able to sandbox a customers code while still allowing it to pull data as part of the sandboxed code in a controlled way could be useful.

  • @cwevers
    @cwevers Рік тому


  • @XhantiBomela
    @XhantiBomela Рік тому

    Super super cool

  • @jazzweather
    @jazzweather Рік тому

    Great to hear from Steve as always, he is full of cool ideas. Anyone know which library he used for the spreadsheet component? It's not part of the github project he shared.

  • @pawebielecki887
    @pawebielecki887 Рік тому +4

    A bit offtopic but what was this Spreadsheet component?

    • @vasoelias
      @vasoelias Рік тому

      Right on the topic. I also want to know! 🤣🤣

    • @stevensandersonuk
      @stevensandersonuk  Рік тому +4

      It’s this:

  • @orterves
    @orterves Рік тому

    When Steve talks I listen

  • @StileLiberoSud
    @StileLiberoSud Рік тому

    Great !

  • @tobyjacobs1310
    @tobyjacobs1310 Рік тому

    I wonder if this would solve the issue of max one runtime that prevents the modernization of VSTO....

  • @Twilliames
    @Twilliames Місяць тому

    That SpreadSheetApp looked pretty cool. Was this project shared or could it be please?

  • @charles_kuperus
    @charles_kuperus Рік тому


  • @S3Kglitches
    @S3Kglitches Рік тому

    Cool, I wonder how these online C# code tools worked like.

  • @cheesypufs
    @cheesypufs Рік тому +1

    I wonder if this can be used as a basis for a plugin system that allows third party devs to create their own plugin and run isolated from everyone else. Or a way to distribute plugins in a distributed system.

  • @miroslavparvanov
    @miroslavparvanov Рік тому

    Does anybody know how it works internally? Does it create a separate process for each runtime or are those created runtimes are managed inside the current process? Thanks!

    • @stevensandersonuk
      @stevensandersonuk  Рік тому +8

      It’s all in process. No external processes are created.

  • @CRBarchager
    @CRBarchager Рік тому

    5:15 You mentioned that the runtime can't log to console without the WithInheritedStandardOutput but you just demoed that at 3:55 without this being enabled. Its that already setup as default?

  • @rajsite
    @rajsite Рік тому

    Can you use wasm native dependencies with this approach?

  • @TheBlubb
    @TheBlubb Рік тому

    Is there a way you could share the SpreadsheetApp?

  • @tomthunderforest1681
    @tomthunderforest1681 Рік тому

    Will .NET + WA replace Docker?

  • @dcuccia
    @dcuccia Рік тому

    Unbelievable. Can we reference 3rd party code with a single parent Nuget?

  • @charles_kuperus
    @charles_kuperus Рік тому

    I think do a pre-release.

  • @rodrigonunes9981
    @rodrigonunes9981 Рік тому

    Smart contract?

  • @EricInTheNet
    @EricInTheNet Рік тому +1

    Once you run WebAssembly, why limit yourself to running dotnet inside. This is basically a functions as a service host environment. :)

    • @EricInTheNet
      @EricInTheNet Рік тому

      And with very small cold start time to compiled runtime (now I’ve watched the whole video). An amazing work!

  • @TheHarirak
    @TheHarirak Рік тому

    .Net Inception

  • @wildert1
    @wildert1 Рік тому

    Very cool but viewers should know this is really well traveled territory outside of dotnet, and MS probably will not grow this to be as feature rich as the Linux tooling (seccomp, chroot, etc), rust and crypto use this tech a lot

  • @nothingisreal6345
    @nothingisreal6345 Рік тому
