vim + tmux - OMG!Code

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @Amike
    @Amike 3 роки тому +30

    As a linux user that 1:50 "we are mac users" broke my heart

    • @naowalplayzgames6218
      @naowalplayzgames6218 3 роки тому +7

      Facts. Why use a proprietary unix system when you can use an open source unix system.

    • @Amike
      @Amike 3 роки тому +11

      @@naowalplayzgames6218 I truly see no benefict in using Mac, you have all the disadvantages of lack of software and the disadvantages of being proprietary.

    • @hoshiya4522
      @hoshiya4522 3 роки тому +1

      same :(

  • @samwilson9833
    @samwilson9833 3 роки тому +17

    You have a great audience. They add so much value to your presentation

  • @hubertdzierzawski1120
    @hubertdzierzawski1120 2 роки тому +16

    I love the form of this video. It is somewhere between friendly conversation/podcast and tutorial, I have never come up to something like this :D

    • @flesz_
      @flesz_ Рік тому

      Looks like did a few vids and it's gone

  • @kafeltz
    @kafeltz 8 років тому +136

    40:56 begins the tmux subject, just in case someone wants to jump to it directly

    • @joemw8806
      @joemw8806 7 років тому +2

      very cool thanks;

    • @h.mafnannazir9481
      @h.mafnannazir9481 7 років тому +5

      But i would suggest its worth watching first 41 minutes.

  • @tamasadorjani4454
    @tamasadorjani4454 8 років тому +47

    In vim you can use ZZ and ZQ in command mode (with shift pressed), instead of :wq and :q!

    • @wolverine9632
      @wolverine9632 2 роки тому +3

      I'm so used to hitting :w all the time that :wq is practically free.

    • @sunny_disposition
      @sunny_disposition 2 роки тому +1

      Ten hefty ladies from Huntsville Alabama had to sit buck nekkid in the nosebleed at the crocodile dun see funeral party (for the full service, half time, and post game Ho-down) just to save a file in their new tui text editor. And it was still more intuitive than fucking Vim.

    • @lxy1312
      @lxy1312 Рік тому

      :command W w
      a must

  • @yasinelgabrun5067
    @yasinelgabrun5067 2 роки тому +4

    I never get tired of learning more "simple" vim hacks :)
    This is awesome!

  • @dfence1985
    @dfence1985 6 років тому +5

    This is the talk that got me into Vim! Thank you so much, Nick!

  • @arnaudparan1419
    @arnaudparan1419 4 роки тому +9

    The talk is great, and many effort has been put in doing it. By watching it I even learned some things I didn't know before like the :earlier command (learning never ends with vim). However, there is one thing which I never understand.
    Why would someone want to use tmux + vim while vim has buffers, tabs, splitting, :find, and tons of features to make multiple file editing cool. You can even use the :shell command (or :terminal in neovim) to just start a shell or use the power of :make to compile and test your code.
    Also, why do people always want to transform vim into an IDE with that files tree and everything. I personally find project trees to be useless when vim has the power of :find, or even control P and control T. And I want my vim to be the most lightweight it could possibly be. I want it to load in less than one second, and to never crash. So all the features which are IDE like (some of them using a lot of autocommands and making vim heck of slow) seem really not vim like to me. The only feature that I find useful is file linting and that's basically the reason why now I use neovim with neomake because syntastic is way too slow for me.
    I see people using vim with all those fancy stuff (like nerd tree or powerbar), and while that is completely okay and you can use it as you want, I struggle to understand the need to make vim that fancy. It sometimes even ends up with people saying "oh yes, vim is powerful, but I stopped using it and started using a vim shortcut plugin with sublime text". If you want to learn vim, I think it is better to dive inside of vim's workflow instead of trying to transform it into a modern IDE. Vim is older than me (created in 1991), and its philosophy is completely different than the philosophy of modern IDEs, so trying to use it like it was one is kind of wasting time and energy, while it would be way easier to just conform to Vim's philosophy. Vim is just so powerful by itself that not many functionalities have to be added
    Instead of that IDE styled vim, I personally prefer a minimal vim with just the necessary plugins
    editorconfig/editorconfig-vim to be able to work with other people having other text editors
    neomake/neomake if you have neovim
    wakatime/vim-wakatime can be useful if you have an account
    kien/ctrlp.vim can be useful but I personally think that :find is just as powerful and is shipped with vim
    other plugins for syntax such as udalov/kotlin-vim depending on the languages you use
    wikitopian/hardmode can be cool to stop using hjkl
    and finally I personally like terryma/vim-multiple-cursors which offers the command d of sulime text, because, yes macros could do the same thing, but sometimes, comand d is just way faster.

    • @emptytextfield
      @emptytextfield 2 роки тому +1

      I agree that a file tree is mostly not useful in vim, however sometimes I just forget what the filename is and I have to see the file system to see what the filename was (happens to me a lot) and I use the tree plugins just for that

  • @kozmicluis2552
    @kozmicluis2552 3 роки тому

    A better way to do the whole increasing the number for each data object is to record the following macro:
    Step 0- Place cursor anywhere before the first number
    Step 1- yy (copy line)
    Step 2- j (go down 1 line)
    Step 3- (increase the first number it finds)
    Step 4- l (go right 1 character)
    Step 5- Either press again or use . to repeat the increase
    Step 6- Do steps 4 and 5 as many times as it takes to reach and increase the last number; in this case, it's 2 more times.
    Step 7- Stop recording
    Step 8- now you can repeat the macro with N@, for example, create 49 more objects so you can have 1 to 50: 49@q

  • @jsteins
    @jsteins 2 роки тому +6

    3:33 Yes, I use "ex" mode LoTs of times, especially for bulk edits, where you want to search through
    a 5000 line file for a word or pattern, and making 800 edit changes in only 40 seconds.
    You have a LOT of command-line power on the "ex" :colon: command line, when you need it.
    A bit of Unix history: The "ex" command line is a complete editor, all by itself... and was the
    editor used on BSD Unix, way back in 1976, when most terminals ONLY had command line, and
    printed to paper like a teletype at 300 baud.(no screen) Original Unix was all written that way !
    The "vi" editor was written as the vi=visual mode "on top of ex"; but the full "ex" editor still exists
    at the :colon" command line under vi+vim, with over 50 editing commands that you can use.
    BTW: As mentioned at 3:33... When you "get stuck" at the "ex" command line, just type "vi' and you
    should get back to the main screen you are familiar with. The "ex" editor and "vi" editor are the SAME
    binary program/EXE on Unix (BSD,Sun,HP-UX,AIX,MIPS,AT&T,Altos,3b2a,Ultrix) I've used each of them.
    The editor program just pays attention to what name you used on the command line when you typed
    the command to start it... and if you call it "ex" on Unix command line, it starts with command line mode
    and if you say vi/vim on Unix command line, it starts with "vi" full screen mode. In the original "vi" program
    capital-Q would switch from "vi" to "ex" editing, and typing "visual" or "vi" in "ex" mode went full screen.
    I suspect, you felt "stuck" in "ex" mode, after pressing "Q"... although "vim" often re-maps "Q" recently.
    4:04 even though I've used "vi" for 30+ years, I consider it "ok" if you want to use arrow keys in "vim".
    What ever makes YOU feel most effective +comfortable getting work done with the editor is good.
    ...Learning more efficient ways to get work done is still a good thing.
    Of course, most Unix machines across the decades had NO mouse attached to VT100 terminals,
    (before GUI+X-widows) and even after GUI-Unix, "vi" didn't know the mouse was there before Linux.
    5:04 You can look here, to see layout of ADM-3A terminal in use at Berkley when "vi" was written. The VT100 terminals did have arrow keys at the time, but FN-keys
    and arrows were not standard across different brands, and that is a big reason that 'vi' was written
    to use ALL available keys as function keys in command mode.
    5:35 Many keys are Easier to remember, if you learn them with related key-words in a description.
    ^F=Fwd page, ^B=Back page, H=High(cursor to top line) L=Low/Last_displayed-Line, #G=Goto line_N
    ^E=Edge-Up(scroll) ^Y=wYpe-Down(scroll)
    36:00 The fugitive plugin looks Good, to let "vim" use "git" features smoothly in sub-windows.
    Old-style "vi" certainly didn't have anything like that 20 years ago !

  • @BozAmir
    @BozAmir 3 роки тому +1

    Loved it! Still relevant in 2021

  • @mtheoryx83
    @mtheoryx83 7 років тому +29

    So, I'm currently training on vim. UA-cam has some interesting keybindings:
    j: back 10 seconds,
    k: pause/play,
    l: forward 10 seconds
    This must be by design :)

    • @ReneHoffmann194
      @ReneHoffmann194 5 років тому +8

      Press "?" to see even more. You can also try this in the webinterface of gmail. Have fun.

    • @skyeplus
      @skyeplus 5 років тому +1

      i - to 'minimize' to the corner.

    • @redsky_gaming1316
      @redsky_gaming1316 5 років тому

      ikr??? The number of times I jumped around the video on accident haha

  • @atimholt
    @atimholt 4 роки тому +12

    For moving around, I always leave `'relativenumber'` on, so I can just type [number]j/k instead of having to concoct some particular special movement. Also, look up ctrl-u & ctrl-d to scroll by half a page, and zt and zb to scroll such that the current line goes to the top/bottom of the window.
    So, if I'm reading the docs for Vim or a plugin, I'll scroll by half-page to keep context, and then sometimes [number]j to a header, followed by a zt to put that header at the top of the window.
    I hardly ever use i or a. I'll use cc (change the whole line, respecting smart indentation) a lot, or C (change to the end of the line), or I (insert before first non-whitespace) or A (insert after last character). If I need to replace something somewhere in a line, I'll use ci[text object or delimiter] (though I don't remember how much of that is Tim Pope's surround plugin). Or I'll use c[motion], with motions like '4W', or 't[character]'.
    I use macros, but I probably use things like the :s command more frequently-usually upon a visual selection. I've also started preceding various multi-line manipulations with recursive :g commands for more precise narrowing.

    • @tuananhdo1870
      @tuananhdo1870 2 роки тому

      i use easy motion plugin

    • @BradenBest
      @BradenBest Рік тому

      I just use absolute numbering, so instead of [number]j, I just [number]G. I've tried to get used to rnu a couple times but tbh I can't really see a use for it. Seems like a ymmv to me

  • @GrahamMcGregor
    @GrahamMcGregor 8 років тому +5

    This video was amazing, thanks for sharing!!
    Couple tidbits to add to your repertoire
    b jumps back a word in vim
    :qa quits all windows in vim

  • @leegaines2391
    @leegaines2391 7 років тому +2

    This is the best vim tutorial on youtube i've seen so far. Thanks for sharing!

  • @rizkifuad
    @rizkifuad 9 років тому +1

    Watched this around 6 months ago, I admit you change my way of editing text since then. Thank you, Nick!!

  • @x0rZ15t
    @x0rZ15t 8 років тому +4

    Fantastic vid, thanks allot Nick, now my I'm hooked to tmux and vim.
    Also just found tmux-resurrect plugin for session restore between reboots, can't be happier now.

  • @coo-kies
    @coo-kies 6 років тому +14

    12:49 Jay saying "wow" is all of us

  • @rodrigosantacruzortega8890
    @rodrigosantacruzortega8890 3 роки тому +4

    This is the talk that made me try vim. It's been 5 years

  • @wpdonders
    @wpdonders 8 років тому +5

    A simpler macro (no marks) for @25:58 is the following. Start anywhere on the template line and then record this macro (store it in a register):
    i.e.: yank the entire line (yy), paste it (p), find the comma (f,), move left (h), increment the number (^A), find the single quotation mark (f') but move to the next one (;), move left (h), increment the number (^A), and lastly find the single quotation mark (f'), but move to the third one (;;), move left (h) and increment the number again (^A).

    • @BurhanDanger
      @BurhanDanger 5 років тому

      My solution was -> q=> 0 t,^A 2t'^A t}h^A yyp
      Now for repeating say 20@q
      Edit: a simpler version of your's would be yypt,^Af';h^A3;h^A

  • @guillermomonteros1421
    @guillermomonteros1421 8 років тому

    Just letting you know this is one of the best presentations of vi/vim I have ever read/watched. I pass this everyone I know.

  • @arunpal3792
    @arunpal3792 Рік тому

    7 years gone yet this video is so useful.

  • @vainoleppanen8971
    @vainoleppanen8971 8 років тому +1

    Much thanks for the video. Always nice to see people explaining how they wield the sword of the gods :) You are guaranteed to learn a few new tricks.

  • @ozame
    @ozame 8 років тому +2

    This was one of the most interesting videos I've seen for a long time, thanks a lot

  • @ideletemyelf1585
    @ideletemyelf1585 7 років тому +3

    This is by far the best video on Vim on UA-cam. Thanks so much!!

  • @claused7958
    @claused7958 8 років тому +1

    Thanks a lot, this video is awesome!
    Using Vim since many years now, I still could learn a lot from your lesson. I also got encouraged to watch out for some nice plugins. Great Look 'n' Feel that you implemented.

  • @jessedarko
    @jessedarko 9 років тому

    Fantastic video, Nick Nisi. Very helpful. I'm just getting back into Vim after a two year lapse and this was a fantastic refresher. I tried tmux once and it was just too much for me. Really helpful. Thank you.

  • @RocketLR
    @RocketLR 4 роки тому

    I got distracted at 22:59 by my other monitor... But then Ace ventura brought me back.
    11/10 presentation.

  • @KellenChase
    @KellenChase 6 років тому +2

    Literally putting this video on my todo list for the next week... each day I’ll watch and review the pieces you outlined. I’ve been loving vim, and am doing alright with it, but I clearly have much Kung fu to learn. Thank you

  • @李智-u9k
    @李智-u9k 3 роки тому

    I found this tutorial several month ago, Now I code very smoothly in IDE Vim mode.Thanks for sharing.. :)

  • @RakibFiha
    @RakibFiha 5 років тому +5

    lol, I wanted to exit when I saw webstorm in the beginning then in 2 seconds realised its a joke. lol, good one. You got me.

  • @sh1pme2themune9
    @sh1pme2themune9 5 років тому +1

    If I only get the dot command from this, I still seriously leveled-up my vim game.

  • @porcellinoveille
    @porcellinoveille Рік тому

    The "." command to repeat what you just did is awesome. Did not know it, using it all the time now xD

  • @brianbenson4761
    @brianbenson4761 8 років тому +1

    God bless this upload! i am quarter way this video and i have learnt a lot, very INFORMATIVE highly recommend this video for anyone starting / intermediate with vim. Am surprised to see the dislikes prolly Emacs fans!

  • @piotrlewicki8812
    @piotrlewicki8812 8 років тому

    Hey Nick. You're "the man". Thanks to you I switched to tmux (you and a problem with neovim escaping under GNU screen). Also thanks to you and NeoVim video I switched to neovim - it's Great. Thank You! There is only one thinig which I can't understand.. In your "tmux.conf" there is a section "more settings to make copy-mode more vim-like" where you unbind opening square bracket. I hope you know that in Vim you don't have to use "Esc" at all because there is "Ctrl + [" which does exactly the same... Once I have learned that- I stopped using escape completely...

  • @Diegotrus7
    @Diegotrus7 9 років тому +14

    58:30 In vim you can ctrl + w + o to close all panes but the current one (where cursor is).

    • @atimholt
      @atimholt 4 роки тому

      I like ctrl-w s ctrl-w T for a similar effect that preserves your window layout and opens another window for the current buffer in a new tab.

    • @atimholt
      @atimholt 4 роки тому

      I like ctrl-w s ctrl-w T for a similar effect that preserves your window layout and opens another window for the current buffer in a new tab.

  • @abrahammercado9125
    @abrahammercado9125 8 років тому +31

    on 5:20 the J is DOWN not UP

    • @jsteins
      @jsteins 2 роки тому

      Yea, I usually remember direction: "J"ump down and "K"ick UP... "H"ang-Left, "L"etter-Right
      VIM cmd-mode uses nearly Every key on your keyboard into bonus FUNCtion keys
      that give you precision control of your editing.
      ** Alphabet keys gets tripple use, with Upper/Lower/Ctrl capabilities
      ** Each key has a mnemonic name, to help remember what it does (list below)
      ** verb,num,obj,key words form a vocabulary +quick edit phrases for "vi" edit magic.
      ** the more "fluent" you get with these "vim" phrases, the faster you can get things done.
      ### Here is a vi/vim keyword summary, for Upper+lower case features:
      (a)fter(A)pp-END (b)ack(B)ack.more (c)hange(C)hange>end (d)el(D)el>End
      (e)nd-word(E)nd.more (F)indX (g)go(#G)Go-line/EOF (h)ang.Left(H)
      (i)nsert.B4(I)Nsert@front (j)ump.dn(J)oin.line (k)ick.UP (l)etter.RT(L)ast.Line.shown
      (m)ark-X (M)iddle.Line.shown (n) (o)pen.low(O)pen.up
      (p)aste.dn(P)aste.up (r) (s)ub-X.char(S)ubstitute.Line
      (tX)jump-TO-x (Tx)back-TO-x (u)ndo (U)NDO.Line.mult (w)ord.fwd (W)ord.big
      (x)X-del-1 (X)

  • @FaisaLKanout
    @FaisaLKanout 9 років тому +2

    I liked so much the way that you present and customize Vim !!! it's just very funny and practical at the same time.
    Thank you Nick

  • @tigeruppercut7
    @tigeruppercut7 8 років тому

    Super solid video. One of the best vim + tmux videos I've seen. Thanks

  • @kamalkumarmukiri4267
    @kamalkumarmukiri4267 8 років тому

    Very good tutorial... the way of explaining is awesome... it is like a friend sitting beside me and explaining. Thank you so much for sharing this video.

  • @dod-do-or-dont
    @dod-do-or-dont 8 років тому +33

    left down up right

  • @TruSktr
    @TruSktr 9 років тому +9

    Try Neovim, you can run asynchronous terminals in it, so you don't need tmux anymore. You can run terminals in Neovim windows just like any other buffer.

    • @liesdamnlies3372
      @liesdamnlies3372 7 років тому +8

      Of course, the best use of that feature is to run emacs in nvim in emacs.

    • @EricLouisYoung
      @EricLouisYoung 5 років тому

      Not using tmux would be insane

  • @rubendebien5557
    @rubendebien5557 5 років тому +2

    This has a nice podcast vibe to it, although this video is 4 years old it would be really interesting if you made more videos where you just showcase something interesting and discuss/explain it with/to your mates

  • @bernarde9039
    @bernarde9039 7 років тому +1

    The whole thing you're trying to do @29:40 can be accomplished with only a few keystrokes. Place the cursor on the line you're trying to run the macro on and do:
    That macro does exactly what you want it to do and doesn't require messing with markers or any other such silliness.

    • @nonconsensualopinion
      @nonconsensualopinion Рік тому

      Thank you. I had to search for this comment. That part of the video was hard to watch.

  • @EpicDearz
    @EpicDearz 4 роки тому +1

    The :earlier 2 min part blew my mind.

  • @DivyanshuBansal
    @DivyanshuBansal 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for teaching me(and others) Vim.

  • @huxiaoxu
    @huxiaoxu 8 років тому +4

    This video is very good, i learn so much. Improving my work efficiency. Thanks~

  • @mcgdb3606
    @mcgdb3606 8 років тому +4

    what is your terminal music manager? I see T Swift is hanging around on the bottom right for a lot of the talk in your terminal.
    Great video, by the way.

    • @NickNisi
      @NickNisi  8 років тому +1

      I'm just using Spotify or Apple Music, but I have an AppleScript running and printing the current song in the tmux bar.

    • @ChristofferRonaasen
      @ChristofferRonaasen 8 років тому +7

      Ok reading this comment means I have to watch the rest of the video haha!

  • @CuervoAndres65
    @CuervoAndres65 9 років тому +1

    Thanks for this, learned so much about tmux and a nice refresher on some interesting vim!

  • @manmohan_manoj
    @manmohan_manoj 5 років тому +8

    4:30 its left, down, up, right

  • @oishiine6781
    @oishiine6781 4 місяці тому

    I picked up a ton of helpful tricks from this talk. Thank you so much!

  • @johnmarkperocho2590
    @johnmarkperocho2590 9 років тому +35

    This video is Gold! thanks for sharing... Can you share your colored slick status line code? thanks again!

    • @NickNisi
      @NickNisi  9 років тому +21

      John Mark Perocho Are you referring to within vim? That's the airline plugin: In tmux, I have set up custom styles:

    • @johnmarkperocho2590
      @johnmarkperocho2590 9 років тому

      Wow thanks for the link!!!

    • @ravichandraveeramachaneni
      @ravichandraveeramachaneni 7 років тому +1

      Hi Nick, I have seen the github but there are no instructions on how to set it up. I am new to these concepts, so could you please let me know. Also when i tried to download the tmux on my OS X Sierra, its says build failed. Same with the macvim.
      url: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
      Error: Failed to download resource "readline--patch"
      Download failed:

  • @mvargasmoran
    @mvargasmoran 4 роки тому

    late to the party but I'm glad to be doing tons of what he is using, but still everything I didn't know... Wow!

  • @rbledsaw3
    @rbledsaw3 4 роки тому

    56:08 tmux allows for a read-only session via the -r flag since 1.6 (released in Jan 2012).

  • @MrRobinMoser
    @MrRobinMoser 6 років тому +1

    Great tip for disabling arrow keys in your .vimrc, I also have to do that! 4:32

  • @avi12
    @avi12 5 років тому +1

    Vim vs WebStorm:
    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." -Albert Einstein

    • @KubaCortin
      @KubaCortin 4 роки тому

      "Stop using quotes" - Albert Einstein

  • @RomainBoman
    @RomainBoman 4 роки тому

    The best presentation about vim

  • @AliSHAN_Networking-lectures
    @AliSHAN_Networking-lectures 7 років тому +5

    awesome presentation dude u r amazing:)

  • @hansdampf3172
    @hansdampf3172 9 років тому +1

    Almost every tmux tutorial shows to unbind and use instead. I really don't understand why. It looks for me that everybody is just repeating this without thinking. is used in Vim to increment numbers. I would really really miss that! is fine for me. Also most Vim users use as alternative , so mapping this to also makes not much sense to me. You type much more inside Vim, than controlling tmux, think about it. Maybe the mapping makes sense if you use the "jk" sequence in Vim to leave insert mode. Nice video.

    • @Littlehope804
      @Littlehope804 9 років тому +1

      +Hans Dampf I also use because it works fine. is often seen in the recommendations because a lot of people are moving to tmux from GNU Screen which uses as its prefix.

    • @luisvillavicencio7653
      @luisvillavicencio7653 8 років тому

      +Hans Dampf I use because they are closer to type than

    • @LouiseBrooksBob
      @LouiseBrooksBob 6 років тому

      I say leave ctrl-b for tmux because on occasion I have ssh'ed to another host from within tmux and then used screen on the remote host as a simple way to preserve a session in case of disconnecting.

  • @MrKsuhiyp
    @MrKsuhiyp 5 років тому

    the vim section was very informative to me, thanks nick.

  • @LuisLarreaJr
    @LuisLarreaJr 8 років тому

    Ran with this and created my own dotfiles repo. Hard to accept the fact that I'll never have problems with a new computer.

  • @meetpatel5497
    @meetpatel5497 9 років тому +1

    Hey, this is the best thing on youtube. Best video ever. you should do a version for linux, cuz ATM, i dont ahve a mac OS X machine. Or you could make a seriesthat would walk us through doing this, to our vim, cuz you have like the best dotfiles. Again, Great job

  • @sealwithawkwardness3951
    @sealwithawkwardness3951 3 роки тому

    Sigh, I'mma head into vim now, see you guys on the other side.

  • @AlecGirman
    @AlecGirman 5 років тому +4

    20:15 holy shit, didnt know that one !

  • @adrielm6727
    @adrielm6727 5 років тому

    for the's just a for loop with a replace command......
    pasting default lines: yy20p
    create the iterator (that doesn't pollute the text): :let a=1
    create a macro "q" that replace "0" with the iterator: qq:exec ":s/0/".a."/g"
    that increments the iterator and down 1 line: :let a+=1jq
    now do this for 20 lines: 20@q
    your solution would need to yank and paste from a random register, like with r: "ryw

  • @AubreyLavigne
    @AubreyLavigne 7 років тому +1

    It's a bit late for this video, but I am curious about something.
    You have a vim binding/plugin for "Move left one video, and if we're already at the most left, create a new window". What would this be?

  • @nikhilbhandarkar390
    @nikhilbhandarkar390 4 роки тому

    Leaning VIM is the only right decision I made in my life.

  • @qwarlockz8017
    @qwarlockz8017 3 роки тому

    The vim part was GREAT! The tmux was a good intro to what it can do. It did not really show much of how you actually do it.

  • @ultort
    @ultort 8 років тому +3

    Good to know I'm not the only one messing my macros 3/4 of the time

  • @supercc66
    @supercc66 8 років тому +1

    thanks for a lot. the tutorial is GOLD!
    i have gave up using vim.but your video help me break the while(not using vim)

  • @apehex1623
    @apehex1623 2 роки тому

    You're basically running Vimos at this stage ^^

  • @camspiers
    @camspiers 9 років тому +12

    h j k l is left down up right. You had: left up down right

  • @DenisovichDev
    @DenisovichDev 2 роки тому

    Absolutely amazing video!

  • @laughingman-hass
    @laughingman-hass 7 років тому +2

    Hi Nick, what tool do you use for your slides and presentation?.
    Thanks for the nice video.

    • @NickNisi
      @NickNisi  7 років тому +2

      Hassan Khalid thank you! the slide tool is called Deckset

  • @Danny-uq9zf
    @Danny-uq9zf 4 роки тому

    Wow, this is the same guy who's dotfiles come at the top whenever I type 'best tmux and vim dotfiles'

  • @CanMetan
    @CanMetan 9 років тому +3

    31:18 "I've only been using Vim for 3 years".
    Only? Vim is intimidating....

    • @AssailantLF
      @AssailantLF 9 років тому +4

      Kazathul Imo, if you're actually trying, you can make Vim pretty usable within 2 weeks. Last year I started learning Vim and it took about 2 weeks for me to stop using my previous editor ( which was Notepad++). From that point on, you'll only get better and better at using it.
      Much like programming, learning to use Vim takes a bit of time and persistence to get good. And there's a high skill ceiling, so you'll always have room to improve.

  • @mimmovisconti2559
    @mimmovisconti2559 5 років тому

    This intro is the BEST.

  • @iamjimfan
    @iamjimfan 7 років тому

    Cool video. I could not found command d+i+ elsewhere and this is extraordinarily useful for code editing. I prefer ctrl+[ instead of Esc for I don't have to move left hand that much.

  • @pnavais
    @pnavais 7 років тому

    Absolutely amazing ! Keep up the good work.

  • @duncanmcdougall5066
    @duncanmcdougall5066 8 років тому +6

    what about :%s/... ? (search and replace with regex awesomeness)

    • @ChrisLeeX
      @ChrisLeeX 8 років тому +1

      +Duncan Mc Dougall %s and g are so sweet.

  • @ehsankhorasani_
    @ehsankhorasani_ 4 роки тому

    It's just changed everything till now

  • @kamilsokoowski7640
    @kamilsokoowski7640 9 років тому

    Hey there Nick.
    Really nice presentation with tons of useful tips. One non-techie question tho. Are You using one of built-in zsh themes or a custom one?

  • @snowboard_clips
    @snowboard_clips 9 років тому

    Great intro to vim and tmux. I use vim but just got into tmux and found this helpful!
    I got a question regarding you indent guide. Which plugin are you using? There are a few of them out there that I am evaluating but none of them looks like yours. Trying to settle on one :)

  • @TimothyxYip
    @TimothyxYip 7 років тому +4

    Great video! Learnt a lot from this.
    I want to ask which vim colour theme are you using??

  • @thuongle5670
    @thuongle5670 6 років тому

    Thank you. I leant a lot from your great presentation

  • @snakecharmer169
    @snakecharmer169 6 років тому +5

    4:23 i need that as my wallpaper

    • @WizardGambles
      @WizardGambles 4 роки тому

      Lol, it's wrong. up and down is switched.

  • @beyondvisualrange
    @beyondvisualrange 9 років тому +2

    hey nick, your menu bar has so many items which are so useful.. could you point to what u are using there?

  • @opiyosebastian50
    @opiyosebastian50 6 років тому

    Great presentation and content too. Thanks.

  • @alejandrocastro2394
    @alejandrocastro2394 4 роки тому

    Taylor Swift, Shake it off song... I would try to be mean, but it is actually a good song and this is a free world.
    Great video!

  • @modolief
    @modolief 8 років тому +4

    He uses keycastr to display the keys being hit. I was able to install it like this:
    *brew cask install keycastr*

  • @吴海-z2v
    @吴海-z2v 8 років тому +1

    Hi, nick, what is your plugin ,when you press keyboard and it displayed in the screen at the same time?

    • @wRadion
      @wRadion 8 років тому

      7:47 KeyCast

  • @barbatusimperator
    @barbatusimperator 9 років тому

    Really nice talk. Thanks for this.

  • @nileshk1455
    @nileshk1455 4 роки тому

    you can practice vim basic commands much better through vimium extension. you can get it installed either on Firefox or Chrome.

  • @mahfuzurrahman601
    @mahfuzurrahman601 5 років тому

    @25:58 I'd probably do substitution with macro in that situation. I kind of have motion sickness. For following
    { id: 0, name: 'foo 0', description: 'description 0'},
    my q macro would be
    yyp t, "kyiw ^A yiw :s/^Rk/^R0/g ^M
    In this situation
    yyp -> copy pastes current line to the bottom at moves cursor to starting.
    t, -> moves cursor until , meaning 0(first integer)
    "kyiw -> copies what's under that in k register
    ^A -> increment value
    yiw -> yank to default vim register
    :s/^Rk/^R0/g -> substitution , ^R -> pastes from register , so ^Rk means paste from k register, ^R0 means paste from 0 register(which is where yanked texts are stored)
    ^M -> enter
    Purely macro(and motion) based answer would be ->

  • @jozsefgubicza8808
    @jozsefgubicza8808 8 років тому

    I've been using VIM for almost three years but hell... there is still new things worth to watch even in part where you talk about the basics! Great talk! My question is: what's the plugin/method for displaying tabs before each line? I am using spaces and I couldn't find any working plugin to show these spaces (could not imagine why).

    • @kloppervok
      @kloppervok 8 років тому

      +József Gubicza :set list

  • @donquixoterosinante7899
    @donquixoterosinante7899 5 років тому

    Now i understand why HHKB keyboard layout is like the way it is. It was by design

  • @hotmen83
    @hotmen83 8 років тому

    That was awesome! Thanks a lot for this! It's made my work with tmux more effective)

  • @beyondvisualrange
    @beyondvisualrange 9 років тому

    You are my inspiration, awesome demo

  • @hrnekbezucha
    @hrnekbezucha 9 років тому

    This is just admirable..

  • @supercasterjacy
    @supercasterjacy 2 роки тому +1

    05:22 typo. Left down up right