Come and See - Timothy Keller [Sermon]

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • Tim Keller sermons via Gospel in Life: Do we see Jesus as he is or merely as we would like to see him? That same question goes for religious people and skeptics alike. For skeptics and seekers “come and see” means to come, think, and examine the evidence. For Christians “come and see” means to come and be a disciple of Jesus. We may think we are following him when in reality we are just following our own hearts. Coming to Jesus with a heart that seeks to see him as he wants to be seen opens the way to a life-changing encounter. Come and see.
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    This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on November 15, 1998.


  • @julievega9484
    @julievega9484 9 місяців тому +2

    Love the C.S Lewis story!! I so miss this man of God! Praying for Kathy this morning! ❤️

  • @blue-oceandreamer2756
    @blue-oceandreamer2756 Рік тому +7

    Whenever I thought of Tim Keller, I will always remember this sermon. Today is the day to remember, for he is with the Lord, eternally.

    • @teresitalimpin7075
      @teresitalimpin7075 Рік тому +1

      Yes I am listening to this sermon again ...Rev. Tim you are now in His presence

  • @TheSiewkng
    @TheSiewkng 2 роки тому +5

    Jesus is that ladder to heaven in Jacobs dream .

  • @teresitalimpin7075
    @teresitalimpin7075 Рік тому +2

    Jesus Christ knows you at the bottom,
    Praise you to the skies 💖
    ...thank you Rev. Tim Keller

  • @imcat-holic10
    @imcat-holic10 6 років тому +10

    I'm so glad that it's alright now to ask questions of faith. I love Jesus' approach of "Come And See", come and Think - examine for yourself the evidence; watch me, come and see how I am, how I live, what I do. I love Phillip's invitation to lets go and see together what He- Jesus - The Messiah is All About. Thank You Lord for your Invitation To Come and See You.

  • @TheSiewkng
    @TheSiewkng 2 роки тому

    so come and see and understand !

  • @msseedlady2587
    @msseedlady2587 6 років тому +17

    Thank you Gospel in Life for sharing Tim Keller's sermons and talks with us AND for listing the scriptures that the teaching focuses on. I've been walking with the Lord awhile now, but Tim's messages not only encourage me but they also CHALLENGE me to do self-reflection over the truth of the gospel and because of that I have grown! So thank you so very much for sharing Tim's teaching gift with us so that the truth of Christ and the gospel may reach more hearts!

  • @anitajohnson2913
    @anitajohnson2913 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for that wonderful sermon. Wrapping our minds on Jesus being the son of God fundamental to christianity. You put into order all my jumbled up thoughts. Thanks a lot for bringing clarity to my thoughts

  • @imcat-holic10
    @imcat-holic10 6 років тому +5

    I wish I could ask Kathy what her letters to C.S. Lewis said. I too have had a special place for C.S.Lewis. Before I was able to understand english I was reading one of his books the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at the library with a spanish-english dictionary and I loved that story. I wish I could have written to him. He's my top most favorite author. Then I read the problem of pain and that is so beautiful. I so wish I could meet this kind of man.

  • @jacquelinedemarco8360
    @jacquelinedemarco8360 Рік тому


  • @harrietnew1537
    @harrietnew1537 3 роки тому

    Its good to read the "Present with Religion", a book for free on the internet.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by thw world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.Knowing the truth is the key factor in our salvation.We must know the truth and live in it and changee ourselves according to it in order to be saved.There is no other way to our salvation.With the knowlege of the truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and also true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is a lifelong process.And God in His mercy will give us His wonderful grace which is thw time and ability to make thw proper change.Only in this way will we be able to attain our eternal salvation.Our task ia to find this narrow gate that leads to God and so it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.

  • @imcat-holic10
    @imcat-holic10 6 років тому +1

    the first time come and see happens the disciples basically are you know kind of
    nervous you know they were just told he's this incredible person so they
    follow him until Jesus asks them "what do you want?"
    what they want is they want to know if He's truly the Messiah. Jesus doesn't
    demand belief at the moment he doesn't sit there and say well let me tell you
    who I am and demand anything He says come and watch me come and get to know me come
    and see how I live come and see how I speak come and see what I do. The second time come and see is when Philip goes to his friend Nathaniel and says we found the Messiah. And Nathaniel comes back with an extremely valid and difficult question,everybody at that time knew that the
    Messiah would come out of Bethlehem (meaning the House of Bread) would come out of the line of David and so he looks at Philip and he says "this is the Messiah he's from Galilee, from Nazareth, how could he be the Messiah?" This is a very valid question. Philip does not say what how dare you question the Messiah...instead he Phillip says Lets Go Find Out; Come and See.
    Let's study it, let's learn it in other words if you were a modern-day Nathaniel you wouldn't be asking that question but you'd say something like "Christianity how could there be a loving and merciful God when the world is the way it is with all the injustice". The New Spirituality says it doesn't matter what you believe; figure out what works for you.
    how convenient no thinking necessary no critical thinking no assessment. Jesus
    doesn't do that he says come and think. But on the other hand He does not say to
    you what very often traditional religion has said and that is "don't question just
    believe what we're telling you because we told you". Jesus says come and think.
    now how can we do that that's the
    first thing this means how different
    this is then either the spirituality in
    new spirituality or older or old
    religion how can we do it because we say
    well great show me Jesus apartment I'll
    go check it out but you know he doesn't
    have an apartment here back then he did
    but the gospel writer the writer of this
    text is writing to people who are in the
    very same boat as we are sure he's
    writing to people who live 2,000 years
    ago but essentially they're in the same
    boat how can they go and look at Jesus
    how can they listen to him how can they
    look at the evidence of what he said and
    how he lived?
    and here's the answer this writer tells
    us and it's actually in this very
    interesting verse that at first look
    doesn't seem like much it says John ting
    the next day John was there and when he
    saw Jesus passing by he said look all
    through the first chapter of John
    there's actually two things in here all
    through the first chapter of John his
    first chapter of this Gospel John the
    Baptist five or six times
    we're told he saw and he said now
    sometimes it's translated said sometimes
    it's translated witness sometimes it's
    translated testify it's a shame because
    it's the same
    record happens over and over again five
    or six times and it's a word that means
    I was actually there
    I really saw this and now my testimony
    is admissible evidence in court the
    gospel writer over and over again uses
    words that are extremely concrete John
    is not talking about an inward
    experience John is not talking about an
    impression John is saying I'm seeing
    this I'm seeing this not only that but
    as you read all the way through every
    part of this passage we see that it has
    the marks of an eyewitness account for
    example how long did they go to see
    Jesus well we say it says they they went
    and they saw where he was staying and
    they spent a day with him until the
    tenth hour means around four o'clock Reynolds Price who is a English
    professor pretty well-known and every new book of his is reviewed in the New York Times, and that means he's pretty prominent
    person teaches English at at Duke and a couple years ago he put out a book
    called the three Gospels in which he looked at Mark and John and he actually wrote his own version of a gospel but in his introductions he said something extremely interesting he says one thing
    you're going to have to remember is this; modern fiction uses details. If you're going to read a modern novel you could say even though it's fiction you could say he stayed till four o'clock but ancient fiction never used details. Epics, legends, myths they never use details you
    don't read that Oedipus went to see the Oracle of Delphi and she came out around four. It doesn't say that and what Reynolds Price says is what you have here with even even in the very beginning of the
    passage look it says the next day doesn't say once upon a time Price says when you read this you know what's being said in in with signals that any reader of that day could have known the
    technical language used whenever John the Baptist speaks the details this is John's way of saying the writers way of saying this is an eyewitness account this this isn't something I heard
    this isn't something that has sort of been embellished over the years. I'm giving you an eyewitness account. I'm showing you exactly what he said I'm showing you exactly what he did so if you read my account you will be able to come and see and examine the evidence exactly the way we did now
    therefore how can you come and see how can you examine the evidence read the account and the Gospels now how do we know if you've done that if we move on how do we know how can you know that you have in a sustained way read the evidence of who Jesus is I'll tell you the sign is you have been pushed to the extremes of credulity in the position you've come up with now their words if
    you really look at the evidence and you come to a conclusion that conclusion will be at the exact other extremes of credulity you know what I'm saying that Reynolds price in his book makes he quotes a very famous quote by CS Lewis; "There are only two possible views of the Gospel accounts either this is reporting as close to the facts as Boswell reporting on Samuel Johnson's life or else some unknown writer in the second century without any known predecessors or successors suddenly anticipated the whole technique of modern novelistic realistic narrative fiction if these
    things didn't happen the writer must have accomplished this or else it's nothing but a fraud the reader who doesn't see this has simply not learned how to read now this is what he's saying this is what price is saying is what I'm saying if you read these accounts these accounts over and over and over again are saying we saw this we saw this we saw this this isn't a legend this isn't we saw this either you're gonna have to come to the conclusion the group of first century Jews who had been trained
    all their lives that human beings are not God came up with an incredibly elaborate very conscious and very deliberate system of lies wrote it up and sent it out there and then they went out into that world and they died for those lies and live lives of such attractive power that the whole Roman
    world was overcome and swept that old pagan world was swept by the power of their lives so you either have to believe this was deliberate lies by people who died for those lives or
    you have to believe that a human being was the Creator God who came to earth to
    save us but there's nothing in the middle you can come to come to if
    there's no conclusion in the middle that's warranted if you say well what I
    believe is that Jesus is a good good man but you can't believe everything in the
    Bible because a lot of that stuff is
    legend you can't take it literally
    anymore that is intellectually lazy it
    means you haven't read it means you
    don't know what you're reading you don't
    have to believe it to be a person of
    intellectual integrity but you can't
    have that position these are either
    fraudulent lies or else they're telling
    you the truth of what they saw and
    that's the only way you know that you
    have come and seen is if you have a
    position that frankly is extremely hard
    it's very hard to believe that somebody
    would be good then that a human being
    would be God and it's very hard to
    believe that this incredible movement
    and these incredible people who died for
    this consciously deliberately told us
    lies about they're both hard to believe
    very hard you have to decide which one
    is easier for you to believe but don't
    you dare stand in the middle if you have
    it means you haven't come and seen
    secondly come and see does not just mean
    come and think examine the evidence
    secondly it means come and follow change
    your life
    the word come means I move from where I
    am to here I might make a change the
    reason Jesus has come is because he
    wants them to follow he doesn't just
    want them to believe the text gets that
    across a couple ways but here's the best
    one if you read the whole chapter you'll
    see that it's in John pardon me in in
    John 1:29 First John the Baptist says to his disciples "Look the Lamb of God" ... not until verse 35 they actually follow and this
    is where we can see the difference between being a "fan" or a True Follower" Of The Messiah.
    when John the Baptist told his; disciples "This is the Messiah" surely they believed and were excited, they were thrilled they joined the Jesus-Christ fan club. But they weren't followers until the moment of The Invitation - When after their inquiry of "Rabbi where do you live?" and Jesus told them to "Come And See" and They Stayed With Him. Later they would go on to invite others; friends and relatives.

  • @nickvoutsas5144
    @nickvoutsas5144 4 роки тому

    I belong to a traditional Orthadox denomination and I fail to understand why Tim thinks that we do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Did all the martyrs who were thrown to wild animals and tortured in the name of Christ, were they also guilty of not having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.Do not take pride in how holy your denomination after all it is a denomination and I do not believe that Jesus Christ’s mission was to form as many denominational churches as possible. Don’t divide the body of Christ but rather unite in the Holy sacraments.

    • @sollytaele1961
      @sollytaele1961 4 роки тому +6

      I havent heard Tim saying that, not his style to discredit other religions