A Simple Trick to Solve This System of Recurrence Relations | Princeton Maths Competition 2007

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @siddharthabhattacharya3787
    @siddharthabhattacharya3787 2 роки тому +6

    It is one liner by stolz cesaro theorem

  • @reeeeeplease1178
    @reeeeeplease1178 2 роки тому +5

    Maybe solve using linear algebra:
    Set A = [[4,3],[2,3]]. Then:
    (x_n, y_n)^T = A*(x_{n-1}, y_{n-1})^T
    And thus
    (x_n, y_n)^T = A^n * (x_0, y_0)^T
    = A^n * (7, 7)^T
    Now calculate A^n using diagonalization

    • @tiripoulain
      @tiripoulain 2 роки тому

      Yep, most systematic way to solve this. This is how I did it.

    • @lunstee
      @lunstee 2 роки тому +2

      Just find the eigenvalues of A, and find the corresponding eigenvectors. As long as the starting condition is linearly independent from the nondominant eigenvectors (e.g. not proportional to the one nondominant eigenvector), then the eigenvector corresponding to the larger eigenvalue will be proportional to the limit.
      det(sI-A)=(s-4)(s-3)-3*2=s^2-7s+6 = (s-6)(s-1) -> s=6 or s=1
      s=6 will dominate.
      Consider eigenvector for s=6, or v=[x,1]'. Av = 6v by definition. We can take either row of this equation. Bottom is perhaps easier: [2,3]*[x,1]' = 2x+3 = 6, or x=3/2.
      Now check the eigenvector for s=1: 2x+3 = 1 or x=-1.
      The initial condition of [7,7]' cannot be expressed in terms of the [-1,1]' eigenvector alone and thus must have a [3/2,1]' component. The latter will dominate as n goes to infinity. Thus x/y will go to 3/2.
      To be slightly more formal, [7,7]' = a*[3/2,1]'+b*[-1,1]'. We could work out what a and b are, but it only matters that a is nonzero. Then A^n*[7,7]' = a*6^n*[3/2,1]' + b*1^n*[-1,1]. As n goes to infinity, the first term dominates.

  • @franklyf4566
    @franklyf4566 2 роки тому +14

    My method is to let t_n=x_n/y_n=(4t_n-1+3)/(2t_n-1+3). Assume t_n converge to L. We can convert it to L=(4L+3)/(2L+3). Solve the equation, and then we can get L=3/2.

    • @田村博志-z8y
      @田村博志-z8y 2 роки тому

      You have to prove that t_n surely converges.

    • @franklyf4566
      @franklyf4566 2 роки тому +1

      @@田村博志-z8y Yes i just use monotonic convergence theorem to prove it.

    • @aashsyed1277
      @aashsyed1277 2 роки тому +1

      This method works generely

    • @田村博志-z8y
      @田村博志-z8y 2 роки тому

      @@aashsyed1277 Yeah. This is just a basic method in linear algebra.

  • @zadsar3406
    @zadsar3406 2 роки тому +3

    The last two recurrence relations - xn - x(n - 1) = 7 * 6^n and yn - y(n - 1) = 14/3 * 6^n - can be solved through standard methods quite easily. To obtain a particular solution, one can easily guess xn = (6 * 7)/5 * 6^n. Then the characteristic polynomial simply says that all of the solutions are of the form x(p) + C, so checking for the inital condition gives xn = (6 * 7)/5 * 6^n - 7/5 which is the solution that was obtained in the video.
    A similar thing works for yn.

  • @jfcrow1
    @jfcrow1 2 роки тому +2

    Could you have reduced your steps by using delta x/ delta y = 7/14/3 = 3/2

  • @sswy1984
    @sswy1984 2 роки тому +2

    i think you can just use formula 1 divide by formula 2, Xn/Yn=(4Xn-1/Yn-1+3)/(3+2Xn-1/Yn-1). limit both side, assume the limit Xn/Yn=k, then limit Xn-1/Yn-1 = k too. then you have k=(4k+3)/(3+2k)
    then k = -1 or 3/2. k must be positive so k = 3/2

    • @田村博志-z8y
      @田村博志-z8y 2 роки тому

      Before setting the limiting value, you have to prove that the sequence converges.

    • @sswy1984
      @sswy1984 2 роки тому +1

      @@田村博志-z8y right, need to prove xn/yn has a upper boundary. not that hard though since both formula are linear.

  • @senshustudios3175
    @senshustudios3175 2 роки тому

    Nice soln. Just an observation: you could find a recurrence for x_n+y_n with the constant 6 because (1, 1) is a left eigenvector of the corresponding matrix, with eigenvalue 6. With this in mind, one could also calculate the left eigenvector (2,-3) corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 and derive the recurrence 2x_n-3y_n= 2x_(n-1) -3y_(n-1) and solve for x_n, y_n using these two. Or, you could divide these two recurrences to get a recurrence for x_n/y_n

  • @kosed7041
    @kosed7041 2 роки тому

    I see a lot of methods in the comments, but not one like mine, so here it is:
    Using the Stolz-Cesaro theorem we immediately get that the limit they ask for is equal to 3A/2A = 3/2, where A= x_{n-1}+y_{n-1}
    Edit: I just saw Siddharda’s comment

  • @jaafarmejri3361
    @jaafarmejri3361 2 роки тому +1

    well...this was screaming for a Z-transform ...

  • @necro5379
    @necro5379 2 роки тому +1

    Please speak loud.

  • @nickcheng2547
    @nickcheng2547 2 роки тому +5

    My method:
    From the first equation, y_n = (x_{n+1} - 4x_n)/3
    Substitute into the second equation and simplifying:
    x_{n+1} - 7x_n + 6x_{n-1} = 0
    Since x^2 - 7x + 6=0 has roots 6 and 1, so x_n = A * 6^n + B * 1^n = A * 6^n + B, where A and B are constants.
    Using x_0 = 7 and compute x_1 = 49, x_n = (42 * 6^n-7)/5
    Substitute back into y_n = (x_{n+1} - 4x_n)/3, y_n = (28 * 6^n + 7)/5
    Take limit to get 3/2

  • @krishnanadityan2017
    @krishnanadityan2017 2 роки тому +1

    As n tends to infinity Xn/Yn=Xn-1/Yn-1
    =k. say
    Now Xn/Yn =
    Dividing by Yn-1 in numerator and denominator of RHS and putting
    the expression for k, we get a quadratic equation in k. Solve to get k=3/1

  • @harshvadher9234
    @harshvadher9234 2 роки тому +1

    Very good problem enjoyed it👍👍

  • @mathcanbeeasy
    @mathcanbeeasy 2 роки тому +2

    After some operation:
    Then r^2-7r+6=0, with roots 1 and 6. Then Xn=C1*1^n + C2*6^n. From X0 and X1 we get C1=-7/5 and C2=6*7/5 and Xn=7/5 * (6*6^n-1)
    Same way Yn=7/5 * (4*6^n+1). After that is very easy to se that the limit is 6/4=3/2.
    The liniar recurention are 3 years highschool level, so, this method is ok. More of that, if the roots of characteristics equation are complex, then the form of Xn and Yn contain cos and sin, which cannot be observed so easy from other method.

  • @richardfredlund3802
    @richardfredlund3802 2 роки тому +2

    this question reminds me of a recurrence relation i stumbled across a while ago, and was quite amazed to find (using sympy) that a certain expression factorized. given x_0 and y_0 the relation is:
    x_n+1 = A *x_n + M * B * y_n
    y_n+1= N*B * x_n + A * y_n
    Where rather remarkably :
    M * (y_n)^2 - N*(x_n)^2 = (A^2 - M*N*B^2)^n * (M*(y_0)^2 - N* (x_0)^2)

  • @ДенисЛогвинов-з6е
    @ДенисЛогвинов-з6е 2 роки тому +2

    I think we can use generating formal power series in order to transform this recession into simple system of linear differential equations.

  • @dneary
    @dneary 2 роки тому +1

    I tried to do this with linear algebra: (x_n // y_n) = (4 3 // 3 2) (x_{n-1} // y_{n-1}) but got bogged down a little in getting the explicit formulas for x_n, y_n - I could probably have stopped when I got to a basic surd solution, and taken the limit directly.I really like your "trick" solution, though!

  • @SumanGupta-hg4mz
    @SumanGupta-hg4mz 2 роки тому +1

    Very beautiful soln :))

  • @wesleydeng71
    @wesleydeng71 2 роки тому

    Here is an even simpler trick. Let t = lim(x_n/y_n). Notice that t = lim(x_n-1/y_n-1). Divide Equation1 by Equation 2 and take limit on both sides, one gets: t = (4t +3)/(3 + 2t). Solve it, t = -1 or 3/2. Since lim(x_n/y_n)>0, so lim(x_n/y_n) = 3/2.

  • @petersievert6830
    @petersievert6830 2 роки тому +2

    Is it possible to simply guess 3/2 by the first values of x_n and y_n, then show that it is a "fixpoint" (if x_n/y_n = 3/2 also x_n+1 / y_n+1 = 3/2) and take it from there? It shouldn't be too hard, to show, that x_n/y_n is strictly increasing when it is between 1 and 3/2 and that it also

  • @SuperYoonHo
    @SuperYoonHo 2 роки тому

    nice one

  • @krishnanadityan2017
    @krishnanadityan2017 2 роки тому

    3/2 I mean.

  • @matthewfunk734
    @matthewfunk734 2 роки тому

    I converted this into a matrix system, found the eigenvalues/eigenvectors, wrote down the general solution, implemented the initial values, wrote down the ratio of the two specific solutions, and took the limit as n tends to infinity; took me much less time than your video... only 5 minutes.

    • @zackjames2409
      @zackjames2409 2 роки тому

      I’d love to see how to do this ❤️

    • @matthewfunk734
      @matthewfunk734 2 роки тому

      @@zackjames2409 just like you would do a linear system of differential equations, tbh.

  • @gavintillman1884
    @gavintillman1884 2 роки тому

    In the same way that simultaneous linear ODEs in x and y can be cracked using eigenvalues and eigenvectors, I suspect an analogous approach would work here.