Need somebody to make a Livesey walk with Zach at the back, TP in the middle, and UL in the front. I would put Zach in the middle, but he strikes me as not really walking with a violent amount of swagger like TP would.
My favorite part is that the only useful part of the field of view is blocked by the player character effectively giving you about 20% of the screen to actually see what's going on. Even that 20% is mostly covered in particle effects making it EVEN HARDER to see XDDD
As bizzare as this game is, the idea of a 2d shooter from this specific angle and with those animations looks kinda rad
either the mushrooms are still in affect or this is one bizarre game
Didn't expect Zach to play obscure Russian shitpost game... oh wait, it's Uncle Larry, nevermind.
Need somebody to make a Livesey walk with Zach at the back, TP in the middle, and UL in the front.
I would put Zach in the middle, but he strikes me as not really walking with a violent amount of swagger like TP would.
Hooray for a "Treasure Island: made in Kyiv edition" mentioned!
(Yes this animated movie was fully animated, edited and voiced in Kyiv, by Ukrainians)
My favorite part is that the only useful part of the field of view is blocked by the player character effectively giving you about 20% of the screen to actually see what's going on. Even that 20% is mostly covered in particle effects making it EVEN HARDER to see XDDD
god damn okay this game artistically Fucks Hard but looks like a nightmare to try and play. I want it bad.
Uncle Larry straight cooked with this one
Starts at 2:06
Could you please add the song title/link into the description?
That's the weirdest game I've seen in a long time. But it's kinda neat at the same time.
The music on the We’ll Be Right Back screen reminded me of Flat Eric
Music track on that screen: Rock Hard - Conker's Bad Fur Day - Robin Beanland
Thank you, I was just mentioning that it reminded me of Flat Eric, I can imagine him head banging to it like the music video
It is definitely a game... of all time...
For you, RUM and DEATH mean the same!
WoopWoop! Zachhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Zach did the audio get removed or is my shit boofed?
Also the avatar is so goofy I fucking love it
This this is Great 👍
Awwwww Fhuqsss Yesh!!!! =3 Here we goooooooo!
Not gonna lie, the games a steal for that price
Treasure Island?!
By the Ukranian Communist Party Animation Studio?!
How the fuck?
Дай мне еще рома!!!
ngl BRB screen song JAMS tho
What the actual F did I just watch?
A 3-man 3rd Person Boomer Shooter sh!tpost, based on and inspired by a meme from an old and classic animated movie about Treasure Island.