High Definition isn't always associated with theCD format, but HDCD might have once been able to claim it for this older digital technology. Have a question you want to ask Paul? Go to www.psaudio.co...
I own a Rotel HDCD player. The sound quality is far superior than a normal CD. As you mentioned the range in what you hear is exceptional. I also think the stereo split is more dynamic also. If anyone does ask for a HIFI demo, I always select one of my HDCDs. Great channel mate, 🇬🇧🎸
Even if you can't play the actual 20 bit HDCD content, most HDCD disks are going to sound good because the Pacific Microsonics HDCD analog to digital converters they use in the mastering sound really good. At the time they were promoting HDCD, these converters were a true R2R and cost around $18,000 to make. Even compared to some of the best ones today they are really full and musical sounding.
I'm very pleased with my HDCD-compatible Harman/Kardon HD760. Got some Neil Young and Isao Suzuki on HDCD. They Sound amazing! Thank's for your great videos, Paul. Best regards.
I got lucky and found an HD 990 six years ago in perfect shape. Way ahead of its time; CD players and DAC's just catching up now. Mates up to my H/K 3490, but was complimentary to the legendary H/K 990. I just restored an H/K Citation 5.1 amp, operating in 2-Channel 300 watt mode . . . all new capacitors. H/K's last venture into hi-end amplifiers (ZED Labs, California), pushing a pair of Dahlquist DQ-10's I just recapped, repaired, and with new woofers from Simply Speakers (originals stolen) . . .
I use dBpoweramp to rip all my CDs for use with Roon. One of the options they give is to do the HDCD conversion and create a 24 bit file instead of a 16 bit file (even though it only contains the 20 bit HDCD data). Almost all modern DACs can play that - even the ones that don't decode HDCD.
WMP can play HDCDs with the exception of the HDCD filtering. Only CD players with the actual HDCD chip in it can handle the filtering. Not all HDCDs even use filtering but some of the best do (Neil Young HDCDs come to mind right away).
I have one player, a Rotel RCD 02, that plays HDCDs. The difference in sound quality is noticeable. It is too bad this technology was never more widely used and never achieved its promise. It was a very economical way of improving CD quality. I think there is more going on than increased dynamic range. I believe they also have better depth, clarity, and resolution. I still occasionally buy CDs that have HDCD encoding. Apparently, the chips for decoding HDCDs are no longer made.
I've noticed back in 1995 that HDCD encoded CDs are way better than their plain vanilla counterparts like louder loud parts and softer soft parts and highs that seem to go on forever- even when played on mid 1990s era Rotel CD players that don't have HDCD decoding capabilities.
Hey, Armand, its George A from what used to be ODAR. I totally agree with you re HDCDs, they sound much better. I used to have a receiver that decoded them. Oh well. I'm recently retired, and enjoying it. Hope you are doing well. Stay healthy and safe!
Bruce Springsteen, Crosby, Stills and Nash, I have several dozen HDCDs. If you want to hear HDCD in it's glory, grab a used Mark Levinson 360s or a Krell KPS 25sc. They were well built. They sounded good then, and they still sound good today.
Put your hdcd in a computer and fiddle around with windows media player. It will show hdcd in bottom corner when its being decoded. Get an hdmi cable and send audio to your receiver
Jumbo Slice there’s also to a limited extent support via foobar plugins and also if you rip your CDs with dBPowerAmp. But I think there’s one of the filters employed by hardware supporting HDCD that the software solutions cannot work with.
Plenty of media players can decode it with a plugin or setting change. Jriver now allows you to scan your library for hdcd content. I had a lot more than I thought. I'd definitely check my library and cds when ripping for hdcd encoding.
What I found 25 years ago was that DACs with the HDCD chip when playing regular red book CDs sounded compressed and flat compared to the same DACs without the chip. Just recently a manufacturer has determined the same thing allowing the owner to bypass the HDCD filter. Of course undecoded HDCD discs will sound compressed compared to decoded but only because the HDCD disc was designed to sound more dynamic .
HDCD encoding had various settings and it was, I think, possible to create an HDCD disc which had almost none of the HDCD features present. I suspect that artists who took a keen interest in the quality of their recordings insisted on getting the best from the system. So King Crimsonand Neil Young HDCDs sound much better. Both artists are fairly pernickity about sound quality. It's a shame the format died out.
You can still get a SACD and HDCD player if you buy a good Blu Ray player. Most of the better ones still support those formats. I'm looking at them right now.
For a variety of reasons, I only listen to CDs. On my top tier SACD/CD player (Esoteric X-01XS), HDCD, UHQCD, MQACD as well as SACD, usually sound much better than Redbook CD. There is no noticeable distortion, but they are incredible. The only CD player I own on which SACDs sound slightly better on is a T+A 3000 player, but other CD formats do not sound as good on this digital source.
My CD player on certain CDs pops up an HD on the display. They sound really good. I have one SACD that when played on my non SACD player plays in HD. Its only like 4 or 5 of my CDs that do this. One is a country CD from the 2000s. A Trick Pony CD.
My Music Hall cd 25 could decode these. Too bad it recently expired. I only had 3 discs but they did sound very nice. Now, what about XRCD? Those can sound fantastic too, but limited and expensive.
The problem of HDCD is the same as the problem with MQACD. Even if the fully decoded format does sound better than a standard CD, it will by definition sound worse on a standard CD player. The only reasons Dolby wasn't an issue on Audio Cassette was because it became almost ubiquitous and because the tape had so much noise without it, such that the compressed sound without decoding might still sound better than all the noise you would have without it.
That's the trouble .. no recording engineers are allowed to utilise the full dynamic range any more .. why ? It's because people use a multitude of various playback systems and the cheap lower end of the market equipment just can't handle a wide dynamic range .. everyone is normalised now on MP3 ... that solves everything but completely misses the object of good sound reproduction
Normalization doesn't affect the dynamic range, it just assures that the loudest peaks are at or near 0dB for the highest resolution with the given bit rate. The difference between the loudest and softest passages stay the same.
@@janinapalmer8368 Normalization is not "fixed" at the recording stage. It can be applied at an time to a digital recording. When I create electronic music, which may have a large dynamic range, I cannot assure that when a mix is rendered to stereo from multiple tracks that the loudest peaks will be near 0 dB. The very last step is to normalize (I use -0.5 dB) the file. That has no effect on the dynamic range. It just moves the dynamic range of the entire file up to maximize digital resolution. The difference between the loudest and softest parts of the track stay the same. You appear to be confusing normalization with compression. the latter of which certainly reduces dynamic range.
A few months ago you were touting the HDCD format because of the extra 4 bit's of sampling rate and the expanded dynamic range. Now you are belittling it. Make up your mind, Paul. My ears have already decided for me and HDCD definitely sounds better than standard 16 bit CD's by a long way. 💯
Love SA-CD, but agree that HDCD is nice and all discs I have heard with it just sound better, even if you cannot decode it. Highlight titles include the soundtracks for MEET JOE BLACK and THE LIMEY, plus SPEAK OF THE DEVIL and BAHA SESSIONS by Chis Isaak. Recently, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra issued an SA-CD with the CD/PCM layer being HDCD, so the format is not dead yet.
For those that had old school dacs that can decode the hdcd i assume when streaming tidal lossless all the hdcd info is retained and will light up the hdcd decode light on the dac? Silly question and I know tidal doesn't advertise this in music library. Guessing perhaps using tidal in roon it would say so? Thanks paul!
Paul....When I was twenty years old? If I forgot some things I used to know when I was in first grade? Would that mean I was getting old? Or, it was just too many years back to retain what I was trying to recall? Of course, when we get older we will not remember certain things. It does not mean we are getting old. But that we lived long enough to not need to recall what we once knew, and there was no practical reason to retain such info in our RAM memory any longer! ;)
Heck I can remember a time in my late teens when I went away to friends of family for the summer and while I remember the trip there by buss I have absolutely zero recollection of how I got home and there were no drugs or alcohol involved.
I had a cd player that played HDCD, and i bought couple of reference recordings, to be honest I didn't like the sound that much, the sound stage was good, but the sound was a bit dull to my ears, the sound didn't have that bite, it was a little soft, but some people might like that.
Paul, I've got three copies of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. They're mastered three different ways. One is AAD, another is ADD and I forget what the third one is, but basically they are mastered in digital or analog, recorded in Analog or Digital or remastered in digital, recoded in digital and well, again, I forget what the third one is done. I would assume it's DDD. Unfortunately everything is in storage at the moment. How do these fall within the variations of CD recordings?
The first letter for the recording The second is for mixing The third is for mastering The last one is always a D since CD is a digital format so obviously mastering is always digital. The first can never be changed once the recording has been made (DSOTM was recorded on tape so A) But the second letter can be changed by remixing an album from the original master tapes using digital equipment. Analog mixing adds noise so when remixing old recordings that were previously mixed with analog mixing equipment you can improve the sound quality.
There are various settings on HDCD encoders. Some engineers didn't turn them on. So you get HDCDs with no HDCD features. Details here: wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=List_of_HDCD-encoded_Compact_Discs
Back in the early 1990s - before CD players and DACs that can decode HDCD became afforfable - HDCD encoded CDs sound much smoother and went loud to soft and vice versa faster than plain vanilla CD even on ordinary CD players and they seem to have a much extended highs than ordinary CDs. Then heavy metal bands and indie punk bands like Megadeth and Lunachicks started releasing their CDs with HDCD encoding - thus I started upgrading my digital front end around 1996. Although if it says HDCD or your player's indicator lights up doesn't always mean that hdcd is better than plain cd. I've dated the head of our local Avril Lavigne fan club back in 2004 and thus been able to borrow a plain vanilla CD but an American pressing and a Ukrainian HDCD pressing of Avril Lavine's Under My Skin album and the ordimary American CD pressing sounded more dynamic and has better high frequency extension than the Ukrainian HDCD version. Some pressings are indeed better than others. 🤔
I have about 150 hdcds. And an hdcd player. I find them in general to sound better, more definitive, greater clarity, than the redbook. And they are some of my favorite artists: The Beach Boys, Neil YOung, Chris Isaak, Roxy Music, The Cars, Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia, Mark Knopfler, Joni MItchell, the Doors, Keb Mo, etc. all have some amazing sounding hdcds. There are also hidden hdcds where it is not on the disc or packaging like Dave Brubeck Time Out, but activates if you have an hdcd player. A mostly full hdcd list can be had by searching hdcd in discogs or ebay. It's too bad everything didn't go in this direction b/c basically they were giving you a better sounding cd for the same price as a cd. Not sure you have ever heard Car Wheels on a Gravel Road until you hear it in hdcd, another hidden hdcd.
4 роки тому
I don't have any Doors CD's that light up the HDCD indicator.
if you compare regular CD with HD CD then you must use the same player and the same DAC! if you use example 2 players or 2 DAC then it will not be correct. You can compare the same album in CD and HD CD on your computer! Very offte then new release of an old album is remastered and does NOT sound like the original from the 80's 90's and this is where the problem lies when we compare!
I guess I lucked out. My Sony cd recorder, DVD player and Samsung laptop all player HDCD disc that I have (all Carly Simon, Spy, No Secrets, Boys In The Trees). The sound is much better than the regular cd version. Sounds just like vinyl.
Hello! Sorry, not True! My old Rotel rcd 951 has hdcd decoder by Pacific Microsonics...huge improvement on sound! More air, better details also. Too bad I only have two hdcd cds. However, XR cds are superior!
' Most recording engineers don't take advantage of 96 dB of dynamics' NUFF SAID. Lifeless crap out there. Compressing the crap out synthesizers that have steady-state signals already......smh. Too lame to do some normal volume riding, or such crappy hearing they don't even hear it anymore.
The format wars witnessed many field losses because different competitors stuck to their proprietary vehicle, instead of working toward cooperative standardization.
I agree, some times especially on particular gear the normal CD version sounds very flat compared to HDcd. I remember trying this on my old Rotel cd player, HDcd was so much more tuned in and with a better black level. Well observed!
@@WitzyZed If you compare regular CD with HD CD then you must use the same player and the same DAC! if you use example 2 players or 2 DAC then it will not be correct. You can compare the same album in CD and HD CD on your computer! Very offte then new release of an old album is remastered and does NOT sound like the original from the 80's 90's and this is where the problem lies when we compare!
I do mostly agree with you, but then there is also the extra cables differences to take into consideration that negotiate a different sound depending on the different unit you test it with. HDcd also sounds very different from different qualities of HDcd players. Plus there is also a much more big difference between the normal to high end CD players that do not play HDcd. That is also what makes HIFI so much fun to test :-) Not all HDcd's are really good quality. But some do really on some few players make a huge difference. But yeah if money was not a problem and I wanted the absolute best CD player then I would play normal cd's on an Audio Note 5 cd player, and that would be the best. But then again, I love my house a bit more :-)
skrotkalle skrotkalle You are mistaken I said NOTHING about any DAC. I specifically mentioned the Pacific Microsonics.. Look up the Pacific Microsonics Model Two. It’s literally what’s required to make HDCDs.
The audio industry has a graveyard of failed & dead formats over the decades. Consumers probably got sick of being ripped off & ending up with an expensive doorstop. So I'm not surprised that formats like HDCD & SACD failed (yes I know SACD is still around but never reached wide spread adoption). Wait till the optical pickups fail in these players & they'll also be in that graveyard. Parts for those players would no longer be available (like those very expensive Sony SACD players)
Just an Extra Tech Logo to make you feel that you are buying a SUPERIOR Product. They should have done this to all CDs.... better still developers of the format could have moved / switched to DVD to deal with the extra info - encoding - CD TEXT etc etc. ... The Music industry would have survived by now, knowing that there is a format that Delivers Master Quality Audio on Disc instead of streaming and MP3 / FLAC playback. Frankly, I have done this test before and hardly 2 out of a handful of 20 people can tell the difference between sampling at 44/16 and 48/24 and or 96/32 or even a 128k Mp3 encode...
@Jingle Nuts Well If you want me to suggest a really good DAWs for your mastering processes, use Cubase / Reaper or Vegas (the latter has a warmer sounding engine). For your plug-in suite use Fab Filter.. to correct EQs, Compression and add transparency and air to the track. WaveLab and Adobe Audition (Formerly Cool Edit Pro) are ok products to use but for your listening pleasure I would recommend sending your signal directly to a Focusrite Scarlette Series 2i2 (2nd Gen). It's not at all expensive, but you get Studio Quality Sound for your 16bit CDs
@Fat Rat Exactly! My Emotiva CD transports/players decode HD. Although my 4k player plays SACDs. Its a whole thing to have a decent 2 channel that will play SACDs. The players cost a ton then the pre amp cost a ton. You can end up investing a lot of money. I just listen to SACDs in my home theater.
@Fat Rat I have some old cheap Yamaha DVD player that can also do SACD, was 8 years old when I bought it and it'd cost me about 40 bucks. Only replaced the laser mechanism (another 25 bucks) to be sure the SACD transport would work like new again. Since it's a cheap POS I only use it as a transport, connected to my external DAC.
I still have all King Crimson's series and Jimy Hendrix on HDCD. I loved this codec very much. Also embedded in the old Windows OS software. Then...Mr. Bill Gates buyed the Company and...HDCD disappeared immediately first from Windows Srs audio codecs and from the whole CD market! Gates you are a f...And now HISTORY REPEATING with codecs and hardware from MQA
i always say its about the quality of the actual original recording,i have both vinyl and cds that are very poor,take BOSTON THIRD STAGE its an awful recording,its about the sound engineer,producer and the recording facilities they had at that time,take THE BEATLES for instance best studio,one of the best sound enigineers and producers there recordings are top quality even for today
If you were to buy a good hdcd compatible CD player it would be worth it - if you have some hdcd encoded music you really like - because not only would these sound great but all your other cds would get a modest upgrade - as if they had been deep cleaned - strange but true
Did you notice that actually no one can explain Digital conversion properly? No one can explain the Nyquist frequency and digital oversampling. It's a laugh. Don't worry 'audiophiles' I will invent the Analogue algorithm for you soon.
I own a Rotel HDCD player. The sound quality is far superior than a normal CD. As you mentioned the range in what you hear is exceptional. I also think the stereo split is more dynamic also. If anyone does ask for a HIFI demo, I always select one of my HDCDs. Great channel mate, 🇬🇧🎸
Even if you can't play the actual 20 bit HDCD content, most HDCD disks are going to sound good because the Pacific Microsonics HDCD analog to digital converters they use in the mastering sound really good. At the time they were promoting HDCD, these converters were a true R2R and cost around $18,000 to make. Even compared to some of the best ones today they are really full and musical sounding.
I'm very pleased with my HDCD-compatible Harman/Kardon HD760. Got some Neil Young and Isao Suzuki on HDCD. They Sound amazing! Thank's for your great videos, Paul. Best regards.
I got lucky and found an HD 990 six years ago in perfect shape. Way ahead of its time; CD players and DAC's just catching up now. Mates up to my H/K 3490, but was complimentary to the legendary H/K 990. I just restored an H/K Citation 5.1 amp, operating in 2-Channel 300 watt mode . . . all new capacitors. H/K's last venture into hi-end amplifiers (ZED Labs, California), pushing a pair of Dahlquist DQ-10's I just recapped, repaired, and with new woofers from Simply Speakers (originals stolen) . . .
Listening to Paul talk is like spending a bit more time with your grandfather , southing and full of life learned knowledge .
Small correction, HDCD stands for High Definition Compatible Digital.
All the Dave's Picks Grateful Dead reissued concerts are HDCD.
This man is just brilliant and full of knowledge 👏 . I never misses any of his videos.
Long live Sir 😇
I use dBpoweramp to rip all my CDs for use with Roon. One of the options they give is to do the HDCD conversion and create a 24 bit file instead of a 16 bit file (even though it only contains the 20 bit HDCD data). Almost all modern DACs can play that - even the ones that don't decode HDCD.
Any Windows PC with Windows Media Player 9 and up can Decode the HDCD codec.
That's true.
Oh! I didn’t know that. Does it work on Windows 10? What media player can I use on 10?
There are also other software decoders and players like foobar 2000.
Yes, Windows Media Player. As mentioned, Foobar 2000 has an HDCD plug in. JRiver also has a control built in to decode HDCD.
WMP can play HDCDs with the exception of the HDCD filtering. Only CD players with the actual HDCD chip in it can handle the filtering. Not all HDCDs even use filtering but some of the best do (Neil Young HDCDs come to mind right away).
I have one player, a Rotel RCD 02, that plays HDCDs. The difference in sound quality is noticeable. It is too bad this technology was never more widely used and never achieved its promise. It was a very economical way of improving CD quality. I think there is more going on than increased dynamic range. I believe they also have better depth, clarity, and resolution. I still occasionally buy CDs that have HDCD encoding. Apparently, the chips for decoding HDCDs are no longer made.
I've noticed back in 1995 that HDCD encoded CDs are way better than their plain vanilla counterparts like louder loud parts and softer soft parts and highs that seem to go on forever- even when played on mid 1990s era Rotel CD players that don't have HDCD decoding capabilities.
Hey, Armand, its George A from what used to be ODAR. I totally agree with you re HDCDs, they sound much better. I used to have a receiver that decoded them. Oh well. I'm recently retired, and enjoying it. Hope you are doing well. Stay healthy and safe!
@@georgeanisowicz6577 Good to hear from you, George. Stay safe and enjoy your retirement!
@@armanddimeo6575 Thanks Armand, keep listening to good music and stay healthy!
Bruce Springsteen, Crosby, Stills and Nash, I have several dozen HDCDs. If you want to hear HDCD in it's glory, grab a used Mark Levinson 360s or a Krell KPS 25sc. They were well built. They sounded good then, and they still sound good today.
It only helps if your hardware can all 96/24 or analog. Digital players often suffer audio jitter, so I don't know if it has a CRC.
I remember seeing HDCD logo on Tools Lateralus. Don't think I ever listened to it on an hdcd unit.
Michael "Pflash" Pflaumer was the co-founder of Pacific Microsonics.
Not too seem dumb, among all my SACDs, but I think HDCD is my absolute favourite "format".
Some of the best sounding CDs I have are also undecoded HDCDs.
Those of you who like Classical and haven't checked out Reference Recordings you need to as they have superb sound!
And there is also XRCD, made by JVC if I am correct. I think XRCD sound better than HDCD.
So what's your opinion about DVD audio maybe you can talk about that Paul
The Grateful Dead still use HDCD for all of their archival releases.
Yes! And it sounds amazing
Put your hdcd in a computer and fiddle around with windows media player. It will show hdcd in bottom corner when its being decoded. Get an hdmi cable and send audio to your receiver
Jumbo Slice there’s also to a limited extent support via foobar plugins and also if you rip your CDs with dBPowerAmp. But I think there’s one of the filters employed by hardware supporting HDCD that the software solutions cannot work with.
Grateful Dead!
Almost all their remastered stuff and live show series are in HDCD. And it sounds great 😭
Plenty of media players can decode it with a plugin or setting change. Jriver now allows you to scan your library for hdcd content. I had a lot more than I thought. I'd definitely check my library and cds when ripping for hdcd encoding.
The problem with playing HDCD undecoded is that the sound seems compressed. I don't know why no one ever points that out.
What I found 25 years ago was that DACs with the HDCD chip when playing regular red book CDs sounded compressed and flat compared to the same DACs without the chip. Just recently a manufacturer has determined the same thing allowing the owner to bypass the HDCD filter. Of course undecoded HDCD discs will sound compressed compared to decoded but only because the HDCD disc was designed to sound more dynamic .
The only theoretical difference is the noise floor. There is no compression going on, sorry.
I love my Sony CE 595 SCD player. Only have a handful of SACD's but the player has worked flawlessly for almost 20 years. Good enough for me. .
Thomas & Stereo channel, has reviewed your BHK monoblocks....saying they are average compared to Jeff Rowland Amps, Paul, you have right to reply
HDCD encoding had various settings and it was, I think, possible to create an HDCD disc which had almost none of the HDCD features present. I suspect that artists who took a keen interest in the quality of their recordings insisted on getting the best from the system. So King Crimsonand Neil Young HDCDs sound much better. Both artists are fairly pernickity about sound quality. It's a shame the format died out.
Yes Man, then "BillGates the killer" buyed the Company and HDCD dead immediately
JRiver will read the flag and software decode the additional HDCD bits from ripped cd’s, then send it to your DAC.
You can still get a SACD and HDCD player if you buy a good Blu Ray player. Most of the better ones still support those formats. I'm looking at them right now.
For a variety of reasons, I only listen to CDs. On my top tier SACD/CD player (Esoteric X-01XS), HDCD, UHQCD, MQACD as well as SACD, usually sound much better than Redbook CD. There is no noticeable distortion, but they are incredible. The only CD player I own on which SACDs sound slightly better on is a T+A 3000 player, but other CD formats do not sound as good on this digital source.
My CD player on certain CDs pops up an HD on the display. They sound really good. I have one SACD that when played on my non SACD player plays in HD. Its only like 4 or 5 of my CDs that do this. One is a country CD from the 2000s. A Trick Pony CD.
My Music Hall cd 25 could decode these. Too bad it recently expired. I only had 3 discs but they did sound very nice. Now, what about XRCD? Those can sound fantastic too, but limited and expensive.
The problem of HDCD is the same as the problem with MQACD. Even if the fully decoded format does sound better than a standard CD, it will by definition sound worse on a standard CD player. The only reasons Dolby wasn't an issue on Audio Cassette was because it became almost ubiquitous and because the tape had so much noise without it, such that the compressed sound without decoding might still sound better than all the noise you would have without it.
Paul you should have said whether or not any PS Audio products decode HDCD...?
Paul, 20 bit encoding yields and additional 24dB of dynamic range to 16-bit encoding not 6dB. So HDCD has 120dB of dynamic range.
The Swedish label BIS also use the full possible dynamics of CD, or at least they used to; don't know anymore..
That's the trouble .. no recording engineers are allowed to utilise the full dynamic range any more .. why ? It's because people use a multitude of various playback systems and the cheap lower end of the market equipment just can't handle a wide dynamic range .. everyone is normalised now on MP3 ... that solves everything but completely misses the object of good sound reproduction
Normalization doesn't affect the dynamic range, it just assures that the loudest peaks are at or near 0dB for the highest resolution with the given bit rate. The difference between the loudest and softest passages stay the same.
@@avsystem3142 but dynamic range IS dynamic range .. normalisation is fixed in the recording stage ... you're on your own when you play it back ...
@@janinapalmer8368 Normalization is not "fixed" at the recording stage. It can be applied at an time to a digital recording. When I create electronic music, which may have a large dynamic range, I cannot assure that when a mix is rendered to stereo from multiple tracks that the loudest peaks will be near 0 dB. The very last step is to normalize (I use -0.5 dB) the file. That has no effect on the dynamic range. It just moves the dynamic range of the entire file up to maximize digital resolution. The difference between the loudest and softest parts of the track stay the same. You appear to be confusing normalization with compression. the latter of which certainly reduces dynamic range.
Paul, I have an HDCD. On my regular CD player, I did not hear the distortion issue that you mentioned.
Thank you for explaining this because I actually own two hdcd one usher hdcd and one da brat hdcd
My copy of Snow by Spock's Beard is an HDCD. I didn't even realize that until today. Has anyone found a way to rip HDCD audio?
A few months ago you were touting the HDCD format because of the extra 4 bit's of sampling rate and the expanded dynamic range. Now you are belittling it. Make up your mind, Paul. My ears have already decided for me and HDCD definitely sounds better than standard 16 bit CD's by a long way. 💯
Love SA-CD, but agree that HDCD is nice and all discs I have heard with it just sound better, even if you cannot decode it. Highlight titles include the soundtracks for MEET JOE BLACK and THE LIMEY, plus SPEAK OF THE DEVIL and BAHA SESSIONS by Chis Isaak. Recently, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra issued an SA-CD with the CD/PCM layer being HDCD, so the format is not dead yet.
For those that had old school dacs that can decode the hdcd i assume when streaming tidal lossless all the hdcd info is retained and will light up the hdcd decode light on the dac? Silly question and I know tidal doesn't advertise this in music library. Guessing perhaps using tidal in roon it would say so? Thanks paul!
I was able to extract the HDCD files from some of my Van Halen HDCDs.
You could read the disc with EAC and run the resulting WAV files through hdcd.exe...
Paul....When I was twenty years old? If I forgot some things I used to know when I was in first grade? Would that mean I was getting old? Or, it was just too many years back to retain what I was trying to recall? Of course, when we get older we will not remember certain things. It does not mean we are getting old. But that we lived long enough to not need to recall what we once knew, and there was no practical reason to retain such info in our RAM memory any longer! ;)
Heck I can remember a time in my late teens when I went away to friends of family for the summer and while I remember the trip there by buss I have absolutely zero recollection of how I got home and there were no drugs or alcohol involved.
Yes, memory flushhhh!
Yeah gotta keep the weight down
Is that the new transport you are working on in the background? Please put HDCD decoding in it!
I had a cd player that played HDCD, and i bought couple of reference recordings, to be honest I didn't like the sound that much, the sound stage was good, but the sound was a bit dull to my ears, the sound didn't have that bite, it was a little soft, but some people might like that.
Paul, I've got three copies of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. They're mastered three different ways. One is AAD, another is ADD and I forget what the third one is, but basically they are mastered in digital or analog, recorded in Analog or Digital or remastered in digital, recoded in digital and well, again, I forget what the third one is done. I would assume it's DDD. Unfortunately everything is in storage at the moment. How do these fall within the variations of CD recordings?
The first letter for the recording
The second is for mixing
The third is for mastering
The last one is always a D since CD is a digital format so obviously mastering is always digital.
The first can never be changed once the recording has been made (DSOTM was recorded on tape so A)
But the second letter can be changed by remixing an album from the original master tapes using digital equipment.
Analog mixing adds noise so when remixing old recordings that were previously mixed with analog mixing equipment you can improve the sound quality.
i tested the difference between some 16-bit imported and 24-bit imported HDCDs and they nulled perfectly. Literally identical audio.
There are various settings on HDCD encoders. Some engineers didn't turn them on. So you get HDCDs with no HDCD features. Details here: wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=List_of_HDCD-encoded_Compact_Discs
Back in the early 1990s - before CD players and DACs that can decode HDCD became afforfable - HDCD encoded CDs sound much smoother and went loud to soft and vice versa faster than plain vanilla CD even on ordinary CD players and they seem to have a much extended highs than ordinary CDs. Then heavy metal bands and indie punk bands like Megadeth and Lunachicks started releasing their CDs with HDCD encoding - thus I started upgrading my digital front end around 1996. Although if it says HDCD or your player's indicator lights up doesn't always mean that hdcd is better than plain cd. I've dated the head of our local Avril Lavigne fan club back in 2004 and thus been able to borrow a plain vanilla CD but an American pressing and a Ukrainian HDCD pressing of Avril Lavine's Under My Skin album and the ordimary American CD pressing sounded more dynamic and has better high frequency extension than the Ukrainian HDCD version. Some pressings are indeed better than others. 🤔
I have about 150 hdcds. And an hdcd player. I find them in general to sound better, more definitive, greater clarity, than the redbook. And they are some of my favorite artists: The Beach Boys, Neil YOung, Chris Isaak, Roxy Music, The Cars, Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia, Mark Knopfler, Joni MItchell, the Doors, Keb Mo, etc. all have some amazing sounding hdcds. There are also hidden hdcds where it is not on the disc or packaging like Dave Brubeck Time Out, but activates if you have an hdcd player. A mostly full hdcd list can be had by searching hdcd in discogs or ebay. It's too bad everything didn't go in this direction b/c basically they were giving you a better sounding cd for the same price as a cd. Not sure you have ever heard Car Wheels on a Gravel Road until you hear it in hdcd, another hidden hdcd.
I don't have any Doors CD's that light up the HDCD indicator.
@ Doors Legacy collection @ $7 hdcd. check discogs.
There also is XRCD
I also have some Reference Recordings HDCDs.
if you compare regular CD with HD CD then you must use the same player and the same DAC!
if you use example 2 players or 2 DAC then it will not be correct.
You can compare the same album in CD and HD CD on your computer!
Very offte then new release of an old album is remastered and does NOT sound like the original from the 80's 90's
and this is where the problem lies when we compare!
Some of Garth Brooks cds are HDCD and I think Trisha Yearwood may have one or two in HDCD.
At some point around 5:35 you said somethging like Keith Johnson... am i right? what shoud I be looking for to hear that crap?
I guess I lucked out. My Sony cd recorder, DVD player and Samsung laptop all player HDCD disc that I have (all Carly Simon, Spy, No Secrets, Boys In The Trees). The sound is much better than the regular cd version. Sounds just like vinyl.
0:40 When you’re shitting pieces of glass
Hello! Sorry, not True! My old Rotel rcd 951 has hdcd decoder by Pacific Microsonics...huge improvement on sound! More air, better details also. Too bad I only have two hdcd cds.
However, XR cds are superior!
' Most recording engineers don't take advantage of 96 dB of dynamics' NUFF SAID. Lifeless crap out there.
Compressing the crap out synthesizers that have steady-state signals already......smh. Too lame to do some normal volume riding, or such crappy hearing they don't even hear it anymore.
I see one Dayton bookshelf speaker
The format wars witnessed many field losses because different competitors stuck to their proprietary vehicle, instead of working toward cooperative standardization.
Audio Fidelity released HDCD on gold CDs.
I like the sound of digital master CDs.
I have an Audio Alchemy DDE 3 which decodes HDCD.
How do people send you questions?
@Fat Rat Thanks!
JVC XRCDs sound great and plays on CD player. Extended range CD. Very limited choices thou.
This is not an indicator of sound quality, because there must be a special K2 decoding circuit from JVC!
@@BogdanKhmelnitsky-r3m all I know is the xrcd I have sounds incredible played on my 10 year old Onkyo CD player
@@Drivehead103 But this is not the best option! Find a CD-player from JVC with the scheme "K2" - it's a bomb!!
@@BogdanKhmelnitsky-r3m thanks for the info, I will be checking it out!
@@Drivehead103 There is another option for you! JVC`s amplifiers with DAC and "K2" circuit!
Sorry but HDCD's do sound better than the original CD and it's not just a little bit.
Tommy Kessler It’s the secret sauce in the pacific microsonics ADC
I agree, some times especially on particular gear the normal CD version sounds very flat compared to HDcd. I remember trying this on my old Rotel cd player, HDcd was so much more tuned in and with a better black level. Well observed!
@@WitzyZed If you compare regular CD with HD CD then you must use the same player and the same DAC!
if you use example 2 players or 2 DAC then it will not be correct.
You can compare the same album in CD and HD CD on your computer!
Very offte then new release of an old album is remastered and does NOT sound like the original from the 80's 90's
and this is where the problem lies when we compare!
I do mostly agree with you, but then there is also the extra cables differences to take into consideration that negotiate a different sound depending on the different unit you test it with. HDcd also sounds very different from different qualities of HDcd players. Plus there is also a much more big difference between the normal to high end CD players that do not play HDcd.
That is also what makes HIFI so much fun to test :-)
Not all HDcd's are really good quality. But some do really on some few players make a huge difference.
But yeah if money was not a problem and I wanted the absolute best CD player then I would play normal cd's on an Audio Note 5 cd player, and that would be the best. But then again, I love my house a bit more :-)
skrotkalle skrotkalle You are mistaken I said NOTHING about any DAC. I specifically mentioned the Pacific Microsonics.. Look up the Pacific Microsonics Model Two. It’s literally what’s required to make HDCDs.
20 bit digital audio. Windows Media plays HDCD
The audio industry has a graveyard of failed & dead formats over the decades. Consumers probably got sick of being ripped off & ending up with an expensive doorstop. So I'm not surprised that formats like HDCD & SACD failed (yes I know SACD is still around but never reached wide spread adoption). Wait till the optical pickups fail in these players & they'll also be in that graveyard. Parts for those players would no longer be available (like those very expensive Sony SACD players)
To listen HDCD on regular CD player is totally wrong, it has to be decoded and the difference is huge on a right system.
Just an Extra Tech Logo to make you feel that you are buying a SUPERIOR Product. They should have done this to all CDs.... better still developers of the format could have moved / switched to DVD to deal with the extra info - encoding - CD TEXT etc etc. ... The Music industry would have survived by now, knowing that there is a format that Delivers Master Quality Audio on Disc instead of streaming and MP3 / FLAC playback. Frankly, I have done this test before and hardly 2 out of a handful of 20 people can tell the difference between sampling at 44/16 and 48/24 and or 96/32 or even a 128k Mp3 encode...
@Jingle Nuts Well If you want me to suggest a really good DAWs for your mastering processes, use Cubase / Reaper or Vegas (the latter has a warmer sounding engine). For your plug-in suite use Fab Filter.. to correct EQs, Compression and add transparency and air to the track. WaveLab and Adobe Audition (Formerly Cool Edit Pro) are ok products to use but for your listening pleasure I would recommend sending your signal directly to a Focusrite Scarlette Series 2i2 (2nd Gen). It's not at all expensive, but you get Studio Quality Sound for your 16bit CDs
Rip ot trough eac or dbpoweramp. Or any other ripping software. Any decent one will support HDCD and rip them to 24vit flac container.
That sounds like the HD DVD 📀 .
Foobar 2000 can decode and rip HDCD to 24 bit format.
The question in 2020 is: What is CD?
HDCD: might as well go for SACD
@Fat Rat
Exactly! My Emotiva CD transports/players decode HD.
Although my 4k player plays SACDs. Its a whole thing to have a decent 2 channel that will play SACDs. The players cost a ton then the pre amp cost a ton. You can end up investing a lot of money. I just listen to SACDs in my home theater.
@Fat Rat I have some old cheap Yamaha DVD player that can also do SACD, was 8 years old when I bought it and it'd cost me about 40 bucks.
Only replaced the laser mechanism (another 25 bucks) to be sure the SACD transport would work like new again.
Since it's a cheap POS I only use it as a transport, connected to my external DAC.
High Definition Compatible Digital...I don’t miss that, cause I run everything from NAS or online 😊
High definition compatible digital. I’ve got a Linn Ikemi and it sounds great.
I still have all King Crimson's series and Jimy Hendrix on HDCD. I loved this codec very much. Also embedded in the old Windows OS software. Then...Mr. Bill Gates buyed the Company and...HDCD disappeared immediately first from Windows Srs audio codecs and from the whole CD market! Gates you are a f...And now HISTORY REPEATING with codecs and hardware from MQA
So Microsoft ate the HDCD and Sony gobbled up the SACD. Great.
i always say its about the quality of the actual original recording,i have both vinyl and cds that are very poor,take BOSTON THIRD STAGE its an awful recording,its about the sound engineer,producer and the recording facilities they had at that time,take THE BEATLES for instance best studio,one of the best sound enigineers and producers there recordings are top quality even for today
Hmm . Binary numbers less than one but greater zero. Essentially binary fractions. Brilliant!
HDCD is GREAT! Pity that Microbrain......aah, it was soft, Microsoft, bought it and killed it.
If you were to buy a good hdcd compatible CD player it would be worth it - if you have some hdcd encoded music you really like - because not only would these sound great but all your other cds would get a modest upgrade - as if they had been deep cleaned - strange but true
Did you notice that actually no one can explain Digital conversion properly? No one can explain the Nyquist frequency and digital oversampling. It's a laugh. Don't worry 'audiophiles' I will invent the Analogue algorithm for you soon.
? Look on Wikipedia for a complete explanation of the Nyquist-Shannon information theorem. That doesn't mean that you can understand it.
I’ll get some HDCDs as soon as I get my new HD ears
How you get from "96 dB DR" to "20 bits DR" by adding only one bit is beyond me. 😆
What is CD..😀😀😀😀
OH YEAH. Now I recall what those are/ were..😀😀😀😀