I've got a new zippered usmc woobie a few years ago, when it was just newly issued in the usmc and since than it basically goes wherever I go. I use it for camping, take it out on dayhikes, as a summer sleeping bag, for traveling or simply on the sofa. I love that thing. It was the best 50 dollars I've ever invested in outdoor gear.
The Canadian Military woobie has a zipper and a neck hole with a zipper. Love it! Recently i purchased the Snugpak jungle blanket and had a zipper installed on it. It’s a little thicker than the woobie and I love the colour!
Yes! The Canadian one is awesome. I was also looking at the jungle blanket but I think while spending money I’ll just get the swagman roll. The newest version is supposed to be awesome
Pro tip. If it's a USMC digital woodland pattern you can verify it by looking over the pattern closely , you should see little tiny eagle globe and anchors with USMC underneath them. 🦅🌎⚓
I added a comment to a video from a year ago. You may not get it. Just want to say how much I appreciate your survival videos. Especially in these uncertain times. Thank You for your teachings.
My credit card company would like to thank you personally for helping to give them more of my money due to your awesome gear review videos. I just got a new MARPAT poncho liner, MARPAT tarp, and the Improved Bivy. After watching your reviews, I decided to inspect my original Ranger Roll and discovered that it was time for some newer, lighter gear. Keep up the good work.
I just received 2 of these ----- USMC Issue MARPAT Poncho Liner with Zipper ---- My wife and I are both impressed ---- thanks for all the great tips and vids! These were less than 40 each and like new!
I believe the original reason for the one with no zipper was to get out of it quickly. You originally had only the snaps of the poncho to hold the bag semi-closed. Once you tied the original liner into the poncho and used both as a sleeping bag in a combat zone, you might need to get out of it in a hurry.
@@Zawfee Snaps are the best way to go IMO so it can interface with the poncho. Rather than having to tie down every grommet, you snap everything in place or rip it off if you aren't using the poncho to sleep but as a wet weather layer.
@@DaveSmith-cp5kj I meant actual modern buttons like the OD green ones. If you have it set up right you can rip a blouse off very quickly without tearing any buttons off
Hi Luke and susie .i hope you guy's are staying safe out there .its a crazy .world were liveing.in..crazy as hell stay safe .and thank you so.much for the video
I loved my poncho liner! ( never called it a woobie) I was issued the OD green ones, (Alice pack was OD green as well, but the "steel pot" cover was woodland. LOL) I used that ponco liner more than the old mummy bag. I think I may have used it once with the poncho.😁 Unfortunately I lost it in a house fire, and just never replaced it. Still got my original basic issue field jackets and both liners though. Can't wait to see the knock off comparrison! 👍
Hey Luke ordered myself one without the zipper after the video the other day. The one I ordered is military issued used grade 2 has minor wear. Just waiting for it to come in thanks for video on it👍 Stay safe out there.
I just got my first one, it is amazing. Should have got one years ago. Living in Europe, I ended up with a Spanish surplus one in their M09 pixelated woodland pattern
I feel like my dad had something like this when I was a kid in the early 90’s. He was in the army & I’d sleep/cuddle with it on the couch all the time.. it was a different camo print though. Maybe it was just a sleeping bag.. but I remember all the random ties everywhere
I have a MARPAT Poncho liner and I love it. As far as the Russian surplus gear…..there seems to be a lot of recently used stuff in Ukraine now, grades D-F though.
I recently purchased a zippered whoobie , with zipper,, from Winston- Salem Ind. for the blind. As of the end of 2024, they no longer stitch that label on their woobie’s sold to the public (my best guess). But they send certificate of authenticity. This is an Amazing product and I highly recommend it. Dave Canterbury has a poncho liner,, “Foresters blanket”,,, This item does have a zip in the middle for your head and a double zip on 3 sides.,,All the ties included plus a clip buckle around your waist. Excellent Value and Quality construction,,,
Now these poncho liners are being sold on Ebay, with the same spec as issued with the batting upgraded to Climashield, they're selling under brand name Pinnacle Mercantile. It's the same poncho liner manufactured by the same company, Winston-Salem Industries; Pinnacle Mercantile is just the distributor. Apparently it's the same poncho liner with the batting upgraded to Climashield and the shell color changed to OCP. Bit pricey but seems good stuff.
Ranger Rick used to sell a conversion kit that had a sleeping bag zipper and one for a head hole. The tailor i used also put gutted Paracord in one end so it could be snugged down and hold in more heat. US CAVALRY many years ago sold thinsulate versions of poncho liners and m-65 liners. They claimed they were as warm as two liners worn together.
Back in the late 90’s-00’s, Brigade Quartermasters used to sell a zipper kit for the poncho liner that came with a perimeter zipper and a zipper for your head. My former M.I.L. sewed the zipper in for a late spring to early fall sleeping bag, but never put the head zipper in. It lives in my fair weather B.O.B. The other three that I own are for colder than anticipated nights camping out.
My son swears by his woobie. Uses it constantly and prefers over his sleeping bag. Will see if he still loves it when he gets shipped to a colder climate.
I bought a new one last year from USA $100 shipped to UK England, I had to pay duties so in the end the cost was £100, This is my 5th one which I got on Excersise with American Airborne in the early 80s
Still haven't added a head hole so you can wear it with the poncho...that's a major upgrade that it could use. That's why I like my swagman roll so much more. Shame the swagman is so pricey.
That's new? It looks the same what we were issued USMC. I could be wrong, but I liked it, gave an extra cushion and warmth. And when it rain... kinda sucked but in the cold, it's your best friend.
The difference in insulation could well be how much the two have been used comparatively. Polyester batting isn't known for retaining its loft over time. I prefer my Wiggy's insulated poncho (about the same price as zippered poncho liners) over my surplus poncho liner. Theirs has snaps around the perimeter along with an insulated hood. The Lamilite made from Climashield also holds up better than polyester batting.
Dude the Wiggy”s poncho is amazing! I don’t own one but have a good buddy that does and he brings it fishing almost every time. Cold mornings the p.o.s. is warmer than us and let’s us know about it. Then he usually takes it off once sun breaks and doesn’t have to remove his waders. I want one lol
Mine was the unzipped version and I didn't care if it had a zipper. If I needed to be completely covered, good ol wool blanket worked pretty well. Anything more than a wool blanket and sweater was mummy bag territory (read:Grafenwehr in winter). I do recall one high speed individual who had made friends with a civilian in CIF and was able to procure some wool blankets that were declared unserviceable and made a wool liner for his poncho liner.
I have a grade A one from the 1980s. It bought it at the AAFES Military Clothing sales while in the Army. I regret not buying the poncho, the wet weather jacket and pants.
The item you have is known as the All purpose liner or APL. So called as it is not just a liner for the poncho but also a liner for the USMC 3S Sleeping bag and adds up to an extra 9 Degrees Fahrenheit to the temperature range of the 3S. The zipper is the most obvious improvement but not so obvious is the improved batting,made by Climashield, and the DWR coating on the Camo side to improve water resistance.And yes the US Army is introducing the APL in OCP Camo AFAIK,
I 've 2 zippered version with zippered hole for the neck that allows it to be used as poncho, bought from DragoonIlimited, it's my fifth woobie from them and never had a problem!!! (and it's veteran owned)
Now if only it had a zippered head hole in the centre like our Canadian one, so you can literally line your poncho while wearing it 😉 I’m still looking at getting a swagman roll, while spending money might as well get that 🤷🏼♀️
Mine is a military surplus zippered that's a bit faded around the chest, bright everywhere else. Grade B I guess? Paid 50 bucks, no holes or other issues, just the chest height fading. I can tell you all if you're eyeing one, you will NOT regret the purchase...I love mine. It's multi use AF, I use it at home a lot, sometimes as a light blanket on my bed, or zipping it up and napping in it while in my recliner. Good wrap around layer when you're a bit cold too. It's outdoors uses are known, but you should know it's quite versatile indoors as well.
I'd say Ukrainian should start collecting Russian military gear and start selling them on Ebay. UKRAINIAN can start recoup financial loss from Putin's stupidity.
The Croatian army has similar thing,to us is a sleeping bag, but is the same as the new Woopie, have a zipper it's in only green color and it has a hood at the top to roll the whole bag/whoppie in it for storage and there was two elastic straps to hold it in place.
Luke is correct, This is definitely an awesome little item to have for camping. Also if you use the coyote brown on the outside it has a ykk two way zipper that allows you to open from the bottom if you want air around your feet, when zipped up! There is a seller on eBay at the time of my comment that has a couple left, at a price of 37.95. I purchased one from them, and the condition I would say is close to perfect. The color may be slightly faded if any. Also they have the correct Winston-Salem label
Solders have been putting zippers and neck holes in them since the 70's. Most sewing shops around an Army base have at least 2 shops that put in zippers. My 1984 liner had zippers put in for $18, which was a lot for a my privates and my wife.
I have an awesome knockoff version (Dragoon unlimited) I got off of Amazon which also has a zippered hole for your head so it can be tied into a poncho and used in the rain for warmth wearing it as a complete poncho unit. Love it. Zippers are strong (not ykk) and can be ripped open in an emergency by pulling apart the fabric with no damage to the zipper even though the mfg says it doesn't have that capability. My cost approximately $60 new.
I put a zipper on my poncho liner in early 2001 and let someone borrow it for an upcoming field problem and never saw it again glad the government is now making them that way.
Fascinating stuff. Haven't really been looking to get a poncho liner, but it might be beneficial to have. Thanks for making this video showing the zippered version.
I have the same one, all though it's more faded like your no zipper one. One thing you forgot to say is that when it's zipperd you can pull it open and it will unzip without pulling the string and wont get get stuck. It was made that way incase of an emergency.
Years ago I bought the sea to summit nano sil poncho. It’s good but can be better with zippers. In a storm the buttons can not hold up to the wind. I was in Alaska alutian islands with 50 mph wind. That plastic bag was flying everywhere and I was getting soaked. The buttons just ripped apart. If it was not for the wind, the poncho also added some insulation and protection from normal rain.
I have seen people take the legitimate poncho liner and sew a long zipper onto it to make a zippered one. Been thinking of doing this myself. To get really fancy I have heard of people cutting a hole in the poncho liner to match up with the head hole in the poncho. Sew a zipper into this hole and it can be sealed when used alone. Then to take it a step further se a zipper onto the poncho to go with the zipper on the liner. Granted there would be new holes in the poncho but they would be at the edge and that is why they made seam seal.
We been adding zippers to liners as far back as 89 when I was Bragg. Clothing sales make a killing on these things cause when it come time to turn it back in to CIF we would go buy a new one to turn in cause CIF would not take a modified liner.
I sewed a zipper in mine in 1987. We slept in them down to 30 degrees wearing everything else that we had. If you want to get out of it quickly, don't zip it. We used these because they were light and easy to carry. Probably slept in one a hundred times.
I just ordered a woobie today and I got the woodland camo and they have the multi-camo is the only two kinds they have and they aren't the zip up kind.
Dont forget nato forces also have thes. Like dutch and german and french. And we have them in uk forces too, but they are not the same little bit wider and squarer normLy with mtp cambos.
Apparently your following is great enough to where me viewing this video 7 hours after it being posted, everything's gone, all gone, everything's out of stock
I finally got my legit one after buying the copy cat lol. $50 with shipping for grade b. Not a single thing wrong with it, just a little faded from use 👍🏻 honestly the copy cat one isn’t that bad either.
good review, considering the current russian conflict that is happening, i think it would be best to compare it to other nations equipment, to evaluate how they treat their troops, verses how they treat everyone else etc.....not to be political, but you do keep your channel neutral and fair and truthful , keep up the good work
Havé you tried the 50 degré décathlon sleeping bag they have zipper to and not expensive Might be a good try or comparison video and a nice alternative just an idea .......😉
I've got a new zippered usmc woobie a few years ago, when it was just newly issued in the usmc and since than it basically goes wherever I go. I use it for camping, take it out on dayhikes, as a summer sleeping bag, for traveling or simply on the sofa. I love that thing. It was the best 50 dollars I've ever invested in outdoor gear.
The Canadian Military woobie has a zipper and a neck hole with a zipper. Love it! Recently i purchased the Snugpak jungle blanket and had a zipper installed on it. It’s a little thicker than the woobie and I love the colour!
Yes! The Canadian one is awesome. I was also looking at the jungle blanket but I think while spending money I’ll just get the swagman roll. The newest version is supposed to be awesome
Where can I buy the Canadian army woobie with the zipper?
Pro tip. If it's a USMC digital woodland pattern you can verify it by looking over the pattern closely , you should see little tiny eagle globe and anchors with USMC underneath them. 🦅🌎⚓
Is that the case with the tarps? I thought that was only something they printed on the marpat uniforms and ILBE packs.
@@orion3253 Tarps and poncho liner doesnt have it.
That seems like it would be cool to see in person especially if you weren’t even aware of that being a thing
I added a comment to a video from a year ago. You may not get it. Just want to say how much I appreciate your survival videos. Especially in these uncertain times. Thank You for your teachings.
My credit card company would like to thank you personally for helping to give them more of my money due to your awesome gear review videos. I just got a new MARPAT poncho liner, MARPAT tarp, and the Improved Bivy. After watching your reviews, I decided to inspect my original Ranger Roll and discovered that it was time for some newer, lighter gear. Keep up the good work.
I discovered these last year and they're great! I've combined this and a Swagman Roll for my hammock camping and it's working out well.
I just received 2 of these ----- USMC Issue MARPAT Poncho Liner with Zipper ---- My wife and I are both impressed ---- thanks for all the great tips and vids! These were less than 40 each and like new!
I live in the smokey mountains. I love my zippered woobie. I have a total of 5 woobies but my zippered one is by far my favorite. Best $30 i spent
I believe the original reason for the one with no zipper was to get out of it quickly. You originally had only the snaps of the poncho to hold the bag semi-closed. Once you tied the original liner into the poncho and used both as a sleeping bag in a combat zone, you might need to get out of it in a hurry.
Wouldn't be hard to retro fit the old one with some rivet snaps. Hell even buttons 🤔
No way......everyone knows the war stops at sundown and doesn't start again until everyone has had a hot breakfast the next morning
@@Zawfee Snaps are the best way to go IMO so it can interface with the poncho. Rather than having to tie down every grommet, you snap everything in place or rip it off if you aren't using the poncho to sleep but as a wet weather layer.
@@DaveSmith-cp5kj I meant actual modern buttons like the OD green ones. If you have it set up right you can rip a blouse off very quickly without tearing any buttons off
Hi Luke and susie .i hope you guy's are staying safe out there .its a crazy .world were liveing.in..crazy as hell stay safe .and thank you so.much for the video
I loved my poncho liner! ( never called it a woobie) I was issued the OD green ones, (Alice pack was OD green as well, but the "steel pot" cover was woodland. LOL)
I used that ponco liner more than the old mummy bag.
I think I may have used it once with the poncho.😁
Unfortunately I lost it in a house fire, and just never replaced it.
Still got my original basic issue field jackets and both liners though.
Can't wait to see the knock off comparrison!
Hey Luke ordered myself one without the zipper after the video the other day. The one I ordered is military issued used grade 2 has minor wear. Just waiting for it to come in thanks for video on it👍 Stay safe out there.
Got the last one. Thanks for the heads up as I had not seen the zippered version! It will be nice for the next field exercise!
I just got my first one, it is amazing. Should have got one years ago. Living in Europe, I ended up with a Spanish surplus one in their M09 pixelated woodland pattern
I feel like my dad had something like this when I was a kid in the early 90’s. He was in the army & I’d sleep/cuddle with it on the couch all the time.. it was a different camo print though. Maybe it was just a sleeping bag.. but I remember all the random ties everywhere
Nice! The Dutch Marines here had the zipper version a couple of years now......used one in good condition is around 30 euro..
Never warm enough, but the hero we needed anyway.
I bought one two years ago. Has the usmc logo right in the camo pattern. Love it.
Poncho liner with the field jacket liner and liner pants...I stayed nice and warm.
I have a MARPAT Poncho liner and I love it. As far as the Russian surplus gear…..there seems to be a lot of recently used stuff in Ukraine now, grades D-F though.
Only used once, may have some slight damage from an encounter with a Javelin missile.
Some bullet holes may be present...
Great combo is the poncho liner with a snug sack inner sleeve used that wearing base layer down into the low 30s and still woke up hot
best outdoor channel, IMO
I recently purchased a zippered whoobie , with zipper,, from Winston- Salem Ind. for the blind. As of the end of 2024, they no longer stitch that label on their woobie’s sold to the public (my best guess). But they send certificate of authenticity. This is an Amazing product and I highly recommend it.
Dave Canterbury has a poncho liner,, “Foresters blanket”,,,
This item does have a zip in the middle for your head and a double zip on 3 sides.,,All the ties included plus a clip buckle around your waist. Excellent Value and Quality construction,,,
Now these poncho liners are being sold on Ebay, with the same spec as issued with the batting upgraded to Climashield, they're selling under brand name Pinnacle Mercantile. It's the same poncho liner manufactured by the same company, Winston-Salem Industries; Pinnacle Mercantile is just the distributor.
Apparently it's the same poncho liner with the batting upgraded to Climashield and the shell color changed to OCP. Bit pricey but seems good stuff.
Also Amazon.
Ranger Rick used to sell a conversion kit that had a sleeping bag zipper and one for a head hole. The tailor i used also put gutted Paracord in one end so it could be snugged down and hold in more heat. US CAVALRY many years ago sold thinsulate versions of poncho liners and m-65 liners. They claimed they were as warm as two liners worn together.
Back in the late 90’s-00’s, Brigade Quartermasters used to sell a zipper kit for the poncho liner that came with a perimeter zipper and a zipper for your head. My former M.I.L. sewed the zipper in for a late spring to early fall sleeping bag, but never put the head zipper in. It lives in my fair weather B.O.B. The other three that I own are for colder than anticipated nights camping out.
Love the poncho liner. I think I will stay with my 1987 issued one. But very cool to see the new one.
Thank you, Luke!
Good video. As yours always are. Thank you.
I love and still use my woobie.
My son swears by his woobie. Uses it constantly and prefers over his sleeping bag. Will see if he still loves it when he gets shipped to a colder climate.
I bought a new one last year from USA $100 shipped to UK England, I had to pay duties so in the end the cost was £100,
This is my 5th one which I got on Excersise with American Airborne in the early 80s
Great product, I was issued one in 1970, when you need a poncho go with the military issue. UJ
Zipper is a game changer
Use to see this modified version at Fort Bragg back in the 90’s
Still haven't added a head hole so you can wear it with the poncho...that's a major upgrade that it could use.
That's why I like my swagman roll so much more.
Shame the swagman is so pricey.
Buy once cry once? Quality is always better
@hectic6981 Your local fabric seamstress could alter yours for a fair price, i’d guess.
That's new? It looks the same what we were issued USMC. I could be wrong, but I liked it, gave an extra cushion and warmth. And when it rain... kinda sucked but in the cold, it's your best friend.
The difference in insulation could well be how much the two have been used comparatively. Polyester batting isn't known for retaining its loft over time.
I prefer my Wiggy's insulated poncho (about the same price as zippered poncho liners) over my surplus poncho liner. Theirs has snaps around the perimeter along with an insulated hood. The Lamilite made from Climashield also holds up better than polyester batting.
Dude the Wiggy”s poncho is amazing! I don’t own one but have a good buddy that does and he brings it fishing almost every time. Cold mornings the p.o.s. is warmer than us and let’s us know about it. Then he usually takes it off once sun breaks and doesn’t have to remove his waders.
I want one lol
@@Avicados I bought some of Wiggys waders too. Great for stream crossings without fiddling with the footwear you have on, especially in winter.
@@Avicados “P.o.s.” Lol
Wiggy’s makes a zippered poncho liner. It’s expensive, but has a heavy duty zipper and a stuff sack.
I dunno... I mean, I've had a 50 degree sleeping bag for years, it's almost identical in form and function.
Mine was the unzipped version and I didn't care if it had a zipper. If I needed to be completely covered, good ol wool blanket worked pretty well. Anything more than a wool blanket and sweater was mummy bag territory (read:Grafenwehr in winter). I do recall one high speed individual who had made friends with a civilian in CIF and was able to procure some wool blankets that were declared unserviceable and made a wool liner for his poncho liner.
I was warned on another forum to stay away from the " FIVE STAR PONCHO LINER" that has a zipper, bad quality. Thx for the vid
Laying here in bed, watching the video, covered up with a poncho liner.
Thank you for the gear review.
Nice repairs, man.
A Woobie - the fighting man's blankey
Thanks - very informative !
Mine came in OD green with a zipper. Zero damage.
I have a grade A one from the 1980s. It bought it at the AAFES Military Clothing sales while in the Army. I regret not buying the poncho, the wet weather jacket and pants.
Always used mine as a liner to the sleeping bag
I'll look into it...
The item you have is known as the All purpose liner or APL. So called as it is not just a liner for the poncho but also a liner for the USMC 3S Sleeping bag and adds up to an extra 9 Degrees Fahrenheit to the temperature range of the 3S. The zipper is the most obvious improvement but not so obvious is the improved batting,made by Climashield, and the DWR coating on the Camo side to improve water resistance.And yes the US Army is introducing the APL in OCP Camo AFAIK,
YKK zipper. Gets a thumbs up from me. Most reliable zipper out there. Especially for the $.
Luke, the Usaf and USA both use OCP-2 multi cam now
I 've 2 zippered version with zippered hole for the neck that allows it to be used as poncho, bought from DragoonIlimited, it's my fifth woobie from them and never had a problem!!!
(and it's veteran owned)
Now if only it had a zippered head hole in the centre like our Canadian one, so you can literally line your poncho while wearing it 😉
I’m still looking at getting a swagman roll, while spending money might as well get that 🤷🏼♀️
Mine is a military surplus zippered that's a bit faded around the chest, bright everywhere else. Grade B I guess? Paid 50 bucks, no holes or other issues, just the chest height fading. I can tell you all if you're eyeing one, you will NOT regret the purchase...I love mine. It's multi use AF, I use it at home a lot, sometimes as a light blanket on my bed, or zipping it up and napping in it while in my recliner. Good wrap around layer when you're a bit cold too. It's outdoors uses are known, but you should know it's quite versatile indoors as well.
I'd say Ukrainian should start collecting Russian military gear and start selling them on Ebay. UKRAINIAN can start recoup financial loss from Putin's stupidity.
I agree putin is deranged
Yeah but first war needs to be stopped, if that happens hopefully soon then there will be a ton of gear left over from russians
The Croatian army has similar thing,to us is a sleeping bag, but is the same as the new Woopie, have a zipper it's in only green color and it has a hood at the top to roll the whole bag/whoppie in it for storage and there was two elastic straps to hold it in place.
Luke is correct, This is definitely an awesome little item to have for camping. Also if you use the coyote brown on the outside it has a ykk two way zipper that allows you to open from the bottom if you want air around your feet, when zipped up! There is a seller on eBay at the time of my comment that has a couple left, at a price of 37.95. I purchased one from them, and the condition I would say is close to perfect. The color may be slightly faded if any. Also they have the correct Winston-Salem label
Solders have been putting zippers and neck holes in them since the 70's. Most sewing shops around an Army base have at least 2 shops that put in zippers. My 1984 liner had zippers put in for $18, which was a lot for a my privates and my wife.
Woo ice for the win!
Hey there, could you do an updated video on how you load your packs?
I have an awesome knockoff version (Dragoon unlimited) I got off of Amazon which also has a zippered hole for your head so it can be tied into a poncho and used in the rain for warmth wearing it as a complete poncho unit.
Love it. Zippers are strong (not ykk) and can be ripped open in an emergency by pulling apart the fabric with no damage to the zipper even though the mfg says it doesn't have that capability.
My cost approximately $60 new.
together with poncho you can make an emergency sleeping bag, tie off in all four holes, snap poncho together ,forming a make shift bag.
That's true but the zipper version retains more body heat
Yep its called the ranger roll
Still have the one I used in Iraq and Turkey. Good product in my opinion.
Thank you for the information.
I put a zipper on my poncho liner in early 2001 and let someone borrow it for an upcoming field problem and never saw it again glad the government is now making them that way.
Great. One more thing to go bad. I'll keep my woodland one.
Fascinating stuff. Haven't really been looking to get a poncho liner, but it might be beneficial to have. Thanks for making this video showing the zippered version.
Thanks mate
Good review
Honest character
none for sale now will check out the Canadian one, I have a dutch one with poncho love that.
I just received 2 that I ordered. Haven’t had time yet to try them out. I’ve never heard a bad thing said about a Woobie!
I have the same one, all though it's more faded like your no zipper one. One thing you forgot to say is that when it's zipperd you can pull it open and it will unzip without pulling the string and wont get get stuck. It was made that way incase of an emergency.
Mine is type C
Years ago I bought the sea to summit nano sil poncho. It’s good but can be better with zippers. In a storm the buttons can not hold up to the wind. I was in Alaska alutian islands with 50 mph wind. That plastic bag was flying everywhere and I was getting soaked. The buttons just ripped apart. If it was not for the wind, the poncho also added some insulation and protection from normal rain.
I have seen people take the legitimate poncho liner and sew a long zipper onto it to make a zippered one. Been thinking of doing this myself. To get really fancy I have heard of people cutting a hole in the poncho liner to match up with the head hole in the poncho. Sew a zipper into this hole and it can be sealed when used alone. Then to take it a step further se a zipper onto the poncho to go with the zipper on the liner. Granted there would be new holes in the poncho but they would be at the edge and that is why they made seam seal.
We been adding zippers to liners as far back as 89 when I was Bragg. Clothing sales make a killing on these things cause when it come time to turn it back in to CIF we would go buy a new one to turn in cause CIF would not take a modified liner.
I sewed a zipper in mine in 1987. We slept in them down to 30 degrees wearing everything else that we had. If you want to get out of it quickly, don't zip it. We used these because they were light and easy to carry. Probably slept in one a hundred times.
I often use my xl snugpak jungle blanket or swagman roll. I have yet to try a woobie.
I just ordered a woobie today and I got the woodland camo and they have the multi-camo is the only two kinds they have and they aren't the zip up kind.
Dont forget nato forces also have thes. Like dutch and german and french.
And we have them in uk forces too, but they are not the same little bit wider and squarer normLy with mtp cambos.
Apparently your following is great enough to where me viewing this video 7 hours after it being posted, everything's gone, all gone, everything's out of stock
Nice review
I finally got my legit one after buying the copy cat lol. $50 with shipping for grade b. Not a single thing wrong with it, just a little faded from use 👍🏻 honestly the copy cat one isn’t that bad either.
How does it compare to the snugpak jungle bag/blanket?
Tell me you have the Russian hammock tent, I love mine.
As of right now Grade B's were being sold for $50 USD on Ebay.
Varusteleka has the Dutch PL, I would love to get your take on it.
What's the fleece/wool top you're wearing? Looks great - and warm!
Why dont you get the USMC tarp that the woobie goes with to show the system?
good review, considering the current russian conflict that is happening, i think it would be best to compare it to other nations equipment, to evaluate how they treat their troops, verses how they treat everyone else etc.....not to be political, but you do keep your channel neutral and fair and truthful , keep up the good work
Where can I get a jacket like the one you're wearing 🤔
They do make a multicam version. Using it now. Battlebox and Thunder Head Outfitters. Off topic, what style Smartwool beanie are you wearing?
when we gona see the forclaz
men's symbium rucksack from decathlon ?
please review the camppal 1 person tent & the closet nature 1 person tent please
Still got several from the 80s thru 2007 when I was in the service. No zipper might be good if doesn’t add too much weight
Does it have ties on both sides of the zipper? Or can it only be tied off, only one way?
Havé you tried the 50 degré décathlon sleeping bag they have zipper to and not expensive
Might be a good try or comparison video and a nice alternative just an idea .......😉