Dennis Paulsen collected benefits for years after being diagnosed with MS, but investigators thought photos of him playing sports told a different story.
I think the craziest part of this story is at one point during the interview they had to ask him to lie on the bed and lay there while they just film him staring at his ceiling for dramatic effect
@Cheryl ... Anyone who goes on Jerry Springer is either unbalanced naturally or looking for validation for being "stupid". The whole show is based on "Circus Freaks", easily exploited "Mouth-breathers", drug addicts... - generally losers who have given up. No one with an ounce of self-respect ever appears (on stage) - they may be in the audience, but never on stage.
@Cheryl .... You point a finger at this guy, as if he is leading the "Poverty Parade" for pensions, disabilities, accidents - slip 'n falls - etc. You seem to think this is something - Only- just now starting? Getting shot in the foot, arm, leg... is the current Loser Lottery for Cops too. There are records of Cops who have shot; killed their wives, Girl Friend, mistresses, even their own - children. Then blamed it on some "Magical Black Guy"! Cops love to say "feared for my life", "He reached for my Gun, "I was surrounded (by elementary school kids - had to shot them escape)...I thought they had guns"! seems strange that this Veteran, could fool all the reviews, case studies and medical professionals over the many many times his case has come up. Without shooting any one? ... things that make you wanna' say - huummm, ain't that strange? Mr. MAGA had Bone spurs, 5 times for draft deferment... and still got elected POTUS? now sending soldiers all over the world - to protect hotels, golf club and Oil fields,belonging to dictators? Can you spare some outrage, for the real World?
So you are not able to do anything because your disabled? I will call you and any person out on this!!! I'm 100% disabled and to say a person can't get out and do things is hogwash. The MDs tell us to get out and do stuff because they don't want us lying in bed, because it makes pain worse if you live in pain because your brain thinks about it all the time. Ppl who lives in pain has good days and bad days, they may have 2 days of good and 5 days of bad. They may have 4 days of good and 2 weeks of bad, that is how it is. But because he "looks" healthy you are saying he's fine. Why didn't ABC News ask him to show them his medical records? See how these fake news stays with a certain narrative ? They have been doing it far too long and many of you folks are BRAIN WASHED by them. Think for yourselves for once!!!
@@whatsupdocchemdog5994 I can do things however rock climbing, jumping out of airplanes,hiking Mt.Everest,lifting 25 lbs.i cannot do. I have rheumatoid arthritis. Crippling disease,no cure. Some days I cannot walk. Some days I cannot do dishes,fold laundry. Small stuff ,opening soda cans,turning on faucets in home.Riding bike,skating,skiing,swimming. I hate it. But I will force myself to do things also but the pain is unbearable I want to die. I'm not so weak to kill myself. I stay and fight this disease. Dont ridicule me for being disabled because you faked it.
RA huh? Nothing compared to what others go through like full spine spondylosis with upper and lower radiculopathy. I'm not ridiculing you, you are judging this guy based on a news report from ABC NEWS a fake news outlet, proven over and over. See ow they only reported one side of the story, but not the other side, it's to brainwash you all. Think for yourselves. I was giving you a taste of what you did to him, you pointed your finger at him while three of your own are pointed right back at you.
My former boss applied on my behalf while I was in the hospital after a stroke, with right side paralysis still after 11 years. Very thankful to him and my family in getting my approval after six months.
Me too! Two of them in fact with 21 oglioclonal bands and pleocytosis(sp?). Then I got one lesion and they still would not diagnose me until I got several more. How he can just tell a doctor random symptoms and get the diagnosis is BS.
Yeah, my MS sucks but I still work. Some days are easier and some are more difficult but I don’t whine about it. I’d like to know how he was diagnosed. Looked up some symptoms and told a shyster doctor? I was against the spinal tap until the neurologist had exhausted all other tests. It fucking hurt! This asshole should try it.
@@JeevesReturns Hope you have more easier days then harder. Best of luck to you. It angers me when someone fakes having such a serious illness just to get benefits. Destroys our faith in the govenment system
What a bold faced liar!!!! My nephew has M S, and once he was wheelchair bound… that was it!!!! He is now totally bed ridden, he’s 32 years old. This man is a disgrace!!!!!!
Seriously? Of a vet (based on this judgement) is on the streets with PTSD how can he even be walking or pan handling? Surely if they can pick up a cup they can pick up a trash bag right? I mean according to this news clip. I totally agree, that vets can do a lot but still be 100% disabled! If you do not have a disability you have absolutely zero knowledge wherewithal to base your judgement on.
rey1jj vaccines they got in the military caused MS and CJD. Hes telling the truth. Go look up Whale Vaccine Racket...then look up CJD/MS/BSE on that Whale page.. you'll see what I'm talking about. In other words, Gulf War Syndrome was caused by vaccines, it wasnt caused by being over seas.
People that bend the system like that makes me sick. Had paper to show I had a bad back while in the marine corps infantry and had to have surgery and I still get denied benefits for it and this makes it all up and gets full. I have to rods and 6 screws for the rest of my life and to top it off PTSD and tbi. Love the system.
all the system has to do is continue to get doctors reports on the condition of a person a family member of mine has a disability but have to give information to the system once a year and proof from the doctor what city is that
I’m disabled and he makes it so hard for the rest of us. I was approved in about 8 months and I found out I won while I was in the hospital with sepsis and renal failure. I would love to work again as I really enjoyed my job. He is an embarrassment to all who serve and to those who really are disabled. This is why it can be so hard to get approved for disability
@@Nicoledolly0620 I won in January 2017 and like I mentioned I was in the hospital for sepsis and renal failure and it was during Christmas and New Years too. My 8th admission that year and that one alone was a month in the hospital. I got lucky in that I never had to see a judge and I was just approved without any issues. I got lucky. Trying to win now while people are also filing for disability due to COVID-19 must be a nightmare. I just did another stint in the hospital during Christmas yet again. Spent a week in the ICU. AGAIN. And then you have people taking advantage of the system. There are people in prison apparently getting payments for COVID a and they are in prison. I don’t even know if they even had COVID. Probably not. Infuriating
It's impossible for Dennis Paulsen to have MS for 25 years and still be out doing all the activities he was caught doing. He could have worked all of these years!
My Daddy. My Hero was a Marine in Vietnam! He was a "ground pounder", so he calls it. After being shot and the only survivor of his Platoon he laid against a berm bleeding and dying for 3 days before being medi vaced out. He has lived with severe PTSD and even survived Malaria while serving which has caused some neurological damage. I'm 45 and my dad is 72. When he retired from General Motors after 43 years, I urged him to seek out help from the VA. He had said for those 40 plus years that "others needed it more than him"...he is such an amazing and humble man. I said dad YOU DESERVE IT!!! Today he is at 70% rating and although his health isn't great, he still keeps his humble attitude. This guy is just a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe!
Nadine Miller you’re father deserves 100%. I really believe all combat Vietnam Vets do, they went through hell on earth only to return to a country where most Vietnam Vets were treated like dirt. Like your father, my Dad is a Vietnam Vet who went on to work for the same company 30 plus years. I can’t imagine holding it down while being tormented by the symptoms of PTSD.
Michael Chapman what are you even talking about? I NEVER name call or get aggressive with strangers on UA-cam, but are you fr? She’s talking about her father who served in Vietnam. Ground troops in Vietnam lived through experiences we can’t even imagine. They were in combat, real combat constantly. They engaged in hand to hand combat. In a strange land, constant threat of being captured, google “tiger cage Vietnam” point in even trying to explain bc you’re obviously ignorant. This scammer did NOT deploy to combat or even border patrol. He completed Navy training, that’s IT. He didn’t even “serve” this country by covering down on a rear detachment stateside so other troops could go forward to combat. Even if he’d been deployed and diagnosed with MS, hypothetical, the military isn’t responsible for someone being diagnosed with MS. Service connected means you sustained an injury while preforming military duty. Please educate yourself before making such ridiculous statements. This scammer is an insult to every service member who has served to the best of their ability.
special ned why the hell do you have to be mean? If YOU don’t care, cool, but obviously you DO bc you stopped to comment. So you tried to go into the military and they wouldn’t accept you? Ok, got it. However this woman who posted is very proud of her fathers service as she should be. You have no idea what Vietnam Vets went through. Nobody cares? The Traveling Vietnam Wall was in my county last week and THOUSANDS of people who DO care turned out to pay their respects. It doesn’t matter if YOU care, 99.9% of Americans do. I say again, thank you to every man and woman who volunteered to go or honored the draft. Did your father or grandfather dodge the draft? Probably so. Obviously you have a problem, it stems from’re either a guy who couldn’t cut it in the military or family member of a draft dodger. I see you.
Ms. Nadine, Please thank your father for his service and being the best self he can be in spite of his medical issues. He sounds like a wonderful man who I would love to sit and drink some lemonade with. He also must have raised one hell of a daughter for you to he so proud of him. Thank you for sharing your daddy with the rest of the world and I pray for his healing and the best health he can have.
@@lolaboden2641 I was born without feet. Right leg is amputated below the knee. I wear prosthesis on both legs. I’ve worked my whole life. This guy is a complete tool! So insulting to people who truly suffer. I’m 60 now and I can’t do any of the things they caught him doing.
This is insane i know so many people who did the bare minimum in the navy and they’re claiming 70-100% in disability. And they always ask me “are you going to claim for disability?” Makes me so mad.
Yep that's one of the first rules of body language interpretation. Every time someone lies to you they may be telling you yes but their head will be shaking no. You really got to pay attention to see it though.
My niece has had MS most of her life. Sometimes she can walk with crutches, a lot of times she uses her scooter. She is very debilitated. On the other hand, I have had mild MS for years. I have many symptoms often, and more severe symptoms occasionally. I never told my employers. I retired from the USAF, and deployed three times to the desert during that time. I go to the VA but never applied for disability. Since retiring I have had a civilian job. I have multiple brain lesions as shown on MRI's. When people have MS, they can become more and more disabled. Or the symptoms can come and go. This man may have mild MS but he is certainly not totally disabled.
I can relate! I push hard to continue working with MS type symptoms. It's a tough life, tough call. Maybe he didn't have the option or accommodations from his job for modified or part-time hours. I can't judge him. It's partly the systems fault too. 20+ years to figure it out?
@@thedevilsadvocate5210 no. I recently started wearing compression leggings, compression socks, and now even a long sleeve compression top for work. I've also increased my water intake (adding liquid iv from Costco), increased my dietary sodium and sit more often/take my breaks. I am more aware of my breathing and take control to deep breathe. I've also started prenatal vitamins, vitamin C, and eating less sugar. I've noticed some improvement but still have bad days. I refuse to stop working.
EXACTLY!! Another important point, stress flares MS, so the psychological stress of him having to "work" and the fear (unreal fear) of not being able to or failing at it, if he effs up while playing with his kids, well that's ok. But is he disabled totally? No.
True, I am morbidly obese and can walk with regular breaks every few streets, but I find standing very hard because my lower back buckles and he's defrauding the system when others need the help it makes it harder for them to get help.
”You were dealt a bad card, and you played it for all it was worth”, that was an amazingly accurate statement right there, the reporter really nailed it :)
And those who does get them often times don’t get enough. Also the few who is able to work a bit while receiving these benefits will often get penalized for making too much. Like if you earn even like $100 over what you’re suppose to, they’ll penalize you by taking away some of your benefit because they thought you don’t need as much. 🤦🏻♂️
you are correct. it is a terrible place to be and on top of it you have to go and do all this stuff you never even dreamed about doing before you get hurt. i just never thought it would be me either. to me this is a idiotic way to get fake cotton paper. no one will hire you after this happens as they feel you now know the system and it scares them. it sucks and it just sucks
well it just so happens that most people drawing disability aren't "really disabled", a fraction of disability users actually can't work, most can but just don't want too. They need to completely stop disability 100% and make everyone re-apply immediately and put in MUCH better standards of who gets it and who doesn't. just because you don't want to work and are willing to lie out of your ass doesn't mean you get a free life paid for by everyone who actually works and isn't a complete parasite.
What if i told you there are people who dont get disability living on the fkn streets who legitimately need it but dont get it because of jerk offs like this?
True disability fraud isn't common. Originally I was on SSI with an expectation to transition to work, but my condition worsened and is now very visible. I can only imagine the shit people with invisible disabilities are going to get after this story.
I am terrified to complete my SS application thanks to these videos because I got acid refulx and IBS that haunts me mentally/physically throughout the day and have never able to have had a full time job and im 34 soon. what if im able to work or leave the house for nearly 2 hours (like total) in a day for exercise or fun (i rarely leave the house though and it's risky etc.) does that mean any money i might get will get taken back and i got to jail? some1 help.
MY friend Stephanie was diagnosed with MS in the early '80's. She slowly "slide away" to the point of being paralyzed from the neck down and lives in a "chair." She needs around the clock assistance-for EVERYTHING. THAT IS REAL MS. She hasn't walked in years, let alone swam, roller skated or run road races. This guy is full of s*it. LOCK HIM UP!
Me and my dad are fighting hard for me to be on disability support pension, people like him are making it so hard for me to be trusted. Why can’t society just be honest
so you're telling me that he was receiving 80k a year for disability? WTF?! What a shame, while actual disabled vets literally die at the VA waiting for help...
ruff5050 I was just scrolling through the comments to see if anybody caught that. I thought it seemed unreasonably high myself especially considering they said he was only supposed to be getting 30% of his working pay, and I'm pretty sure homeboy wasn't clearing $250k a year. So yea, love to know how that worked. Probably doctored up that fucking paperwork too. This guy is absolutely fucking disguuuustingggggg
that is a shame about the vets. i wonder where he goes to the dr as vets can only use the va. don't understand the amount either as i truly am disabled (quadriplegia) and i get less than 12 grand a year
100% is like 37k a year. They're most likely charging him for medical expenses and any other benefits he recieved; educational, housing, home living, and so on.
Yeah, but if you get SSDI you’re lucky to get $10 grand a year. Most can’t afford to live. No vet wounded should go without care or he in the street. Men like this make it hard on all who really have issues.
Clark Kent this is strange because most here are lucky to get $10,000 US dollars and that doesn’t even cover rent if you’re single and it’s why so many disabled end up homeless. Don’t know how he got what he did when no one else can.
@@careasl Carla keep trying. My brother-in-law had to get an attorney to get his benefits from S.S. The attorney said they routinely deny everyone except the most obvious and worst case disabled the first time they apply. Most people never try again, saving them (S.S.) money.
Carlos Hathcock had MS and suffered the same symptoms. He won the Wimbledon Cup on the 1000 yard shooting range and was one of the top snipers in Vietnam and also a top instructor at the USMC Scout Sniper school. All that while suffering the same symptoms as this dude.
Disabled people can be active. They should be as active as possible. But the ones that lie to get it just hurt the ones that need it. Don't know how this guy got it with a diagnosis of might have ms.
jerry sounds like he DOES have MS, just didn’t progress as quickly as he claimed. Like maybe he’s 25 or 50% disabled, not 100% as he claimed. Like they said at the end, what’s unfortunate is that as he ages he likely WILL degenerate to total disability, but may be ineligible for any further assistance thanks to lying this early in the game.
Doc: sir, you might have stage 5 cancer but we’ll have to confirm it over the next month, we won’t start treatment till then. *patient dies* Great way to illustrate having a probable diagnosis is a problem, and of course being a fraud with it is a even bigger issue.
Lindsay Sheffield I may believe that if they ever caught him being disabled when the doc wasn’t looking. He’s full of it. If he’s had it for 20 years it would have progressed and there would be obvious signs. It doesn’t get better with time.
would love to go back to work but due to my PTSD shes afraid i might go off if someone says or does the wrong thing hell i almost ended up in jail because of it my wife was there when it happened. plus hearing loss back problems bad knee and cornea transplants due to flash scaring.
because the action of gripping and ripping use a COMPLETELY different subsets of muscles between the two... WOW....IVE BEEN EDUCATING ALL Y'ALL TONIGHT.... THANKS FOR THE EXERCISE....
The thing about MS is yes there are times between attacks that you maybe be symptom free but as you age neurological damage from those attacks remain and impair your abilities especially as you get older. Not only is he seemingly symptom free all the time but he shows no signs of impairment after 20 years and that is just impossible and that's exactly why people don't beleive him. Have a friend with the disease and while she has times where she is better her hands still shake between attacks because of the damage and she hasn't had it nearly as long as him. It is angering and he really should be in jail, but I guess paying it back will have to be good enough.
Are you sure ? Some people are so lazy they starve to death. africans cant be asked to farm the most fertile land known to man, so they starve. Lazyness is a serious disability ! and just like aids, it is funny until it gets you!
@@megsinzoa7424 I don't understand what argument you're trying to make. Laziness is not a serious disability. It may be a symptom of mental disorders such as depressions or body dysmorphic but to call it a disability, that's neither a fact nor a reason to collect money from the government that should be going towards people that actually need it.
@@brookierex4223 you ableist son of a bitch ! Ive personally seen lazyness destroy countless lifes! Far more than heroine abuse or missing limbs. Screw your assumptions, i hope you get too see a loved one starve infront of the bread box beacuse they wanted mac donalds instead but are to lazy to go out and get some.. Or are otherwise unable to acquire said macdonalds.
@@brookierex4223 i once saw this guy get rammed by a truck on a crossing beacuse he was to lazy to check the road before walking out onto the crossing. Still think lazyness is not an issue? Think again.
Fred Garvin According to Social Security guidelines, you are correct. Per the VA guidelines, you can have multiple maladies that add up to 100%. For instance, I lost a bunch of my gut and organs as a result of my service 46 years ago. Because of that, I developed kidney stones and kidney/renal problems. From all my surgeries, I got hernias and also had intestinal blockages. Don't even get me started about my back. People look at me and they can't see all my scars or obvious signs of disability. But believe me, I wish it I had never got hurt in the first place. All these physical issues could really mess a guy up mentally as well. Fortunately, I feel that I am blessed because I have a good life. Wish I could have had a family though. I really love kids.
not true I am on ssi disability due to all my medical issues, I have problems that make it hard for me to work, one issues is my kidneys I go to the restroom anywhere between 10 to 14 times an hour as far as i can see that would make it hard for any one to work and that's only one issue, you don't have to be in an wheelchair to get disability
That is not how the VA and army define 100% all 100% means is that you cannot stay gainfully employed 100% of the time. What's fucked up is that this poor bastard simply did what the doctors and VA told him what he was entitled to, then turned around and fucked him...
I know every MS patient is different. My sister in law has MS, diagnosed. She works 12hr shifts as a CNA 3 days a week. She works her butt off. This man is disgracing not only the US military he is disgracing those with MS.
He was given an inch and took a mile. Being in the military, he recognised he could be made for life by an MS diagnosis, however mild his symptoms. He got greedy and applied for 100 per cent disability, which he definitely was not entitled to.
This stuff happens all the time. I know plenty of veterans who have 100% or close to it who weren't even in combat. I was in the Marines and in combat and don't even have that. But others I have seen who collect all this disability are very active and show no signs of disability
Scott Steiner worked as a professional wrestler for years with drop foot...look buddy, if you're capable of completing a 10K 'Tough Mudder' race, you can perform at least a light duty job.
@@shockawha9, thats bullshit about not being able to be hired if he has opiates in his system. If he has a valid, legal prescription for any opiates in his system then he won't " fail " a drug test. If you have a prescription for any type of medication then you are allowed to have it in your system. The American with Disabilities Act clearly states that you can not be discriminated against for any job due to any medications that you are prescribed. Nice try though. I myself am a Marine Corps Veteran that is 39 years old and is disabled. Yet, I work every day, pay taxes, and never claim that I can't pass a drug test because of any medications that I am prescribed by The V.A. This guy is full of shit. 2 years in The Navy and he didn't see a minute of combat and he wants sympathy. He's a fraud.
I think people make posts without any knowledge or research. Its based on incorrect perceptions of disease: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
That was strange. They must've left part of the story out unless they're also counting hospital stays, medicine, doctor visits, etc. Although, I read that he was getting Social Security disability as well. Also it's quite possible his two sons were getting a check off of him so that may count into it.
Are you kidding me? So I guess my son has been plotting to screw the government since he was 14? He was in yhe JrROTC for 4 years because he wants to help his country. Now he is a Marine as an aviation mechanic. . He doesnt have a dishonest bone in his body! So what about the millions who die? They must have been so bummed they weren't able to collect huh? That is so wrong of you to say. Many people that read the comments have REAL disabiliities and struggle their whole lives. Or they lost someone serving. It is really sad.
MS is different for everyone. Some have mobility problems, some fine motor, some sensory, vestibular, visual, cognitive, etc. I've been to a support groups for people with MS and every one of us had different issues. Some disabled, some not. For some it varies by day. One of my least favorite things is being compared to others' relatives or friends with MS. What worked for them is great...but it might not be what works for me.
Amen! I too am an MS fighter and I know that my body does not give me days where I can run a marathon and the next day I'm bedridden! Wtf? Lol!! This fraud is the reason that alot with a true diagnosed lifetime sentence of MS and other diseases are not treated as well as we should because of ASSHOLES like him. God Bless you and I hope you have some relief throught the day to enjoy life? I no longer can do too much for very long but getting a chance to work through the pain, stiffness, numbness, etc... and get up out of bed is worth it to me. Happy Easter to you and yours 🐣
I have family who have MS. At various times, they've been completely unable to walk, or stand, etc. They could always hold down a job. And, buddy... it's not a muscle disease, but you're muscles DO waste away when you are going through a bout of it. Consider actually not being able to walk/use your hands/feet. What do you think would happen to your muscles for those times??? And if the times are scarce enough to allow you to actually build muscle like you have, you certainly can work.
I spent 23 years of my adult life in a violent system called the US Army and a tour in Iraq being shot at in Ramallah. This man owes me and all veterans an apology.
My Poppa did 22 years in the Air Force, barely passed to enlist with high arches, then years later was let off of standing long time parades from his varicose veins. When he retired, his disability was only listed as 30%, no matter that he had serious pain walking or standing from early on. This is a lying clown, very like the Mississippi couple who filed 9 times different ways until they were both given disability benefits, then they kept coaching their many children to "ACT OUT" in school so they would ALL eventually be judged as possibly having ADHD. Every liar hopes for a check paid to them to NOT WORK.
He doesn't owe you anything. You CHOSE to be in that violent system called the US Army. Perhaps it was because you wanted to kill people who were different races to you. Remember when it comes to your judgement day, thou shall not kill... So I hope you enjoy hell for eternity.
I was in the navy for over 20 yrs and I saw this fake shit well before 2000 (before the war). They would fake the broken leg/arm scam go to work with a strap on cast,then after work the strap comes off and partying and dancing their ass off. Then they get discharged with disability. Not picking on the gals but some of the women would join the military just to get the free babies then get out. Im glad I had some hardcore gals that worked for me would put the big kabash on that BS, they witch hunted them gals and got them booted out with nothing
I'm surprised that they didn't bring up the medical records or show them on the clips to prove this being the case. You would think he would fight it and show those medical records to prove that he does have that as a disease I'll bring up all go get tested right now I will prove to you that this is what I have
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease. He wouldn't have remained unchanged for over 20 years, his physical abilities would have continued to decline.
Some people have one or two lesions upon diagnosis and never develop growth or a new one ever again especially with the drugs that are out today for MS
Some people have degenerative MS - progressive. Others have relapsing MS - some symptoms always, usually mild, then more severe episodes periodically but not necessarily very progressive.
There are so many people doing this type of stuff these days. I'm retired and spent 24 years in the Marines. I know a bunch of "disabled" vets collecting a ton of money every year in benefits. These are not guys who were injured in combat. Many of them never even saw combat. But, all of them are perfectly capable to work a job. They just choose to game the system and collect VA money instead.
@@GregMets2345 I worked 30 years with a herniated disc in my back, carpal tunnel, arthritis among other ailments. I worked with lots of people with physical ailments. This is the God's truth, I worked at a tire store with a guy that had an arm and a leg missing. This dude worked just like the rest of us, outworked some. He ran the tire machine, did all the wheel balancing, all this on a prosthetic leg and one arm. When I see these ded beats with their bs ''disabilities'', it fries me to the core.
This guy is a clown and a crook. He shouldn't be put in jail. He should be forced to work in a VA hospital or rehab center so that he can face veterans every day and pay back the $1.6M. Sending him to jail for 41 months eliminates him from the work force and puts the burden on taxpayers for his food, shelter, medical, etc. Instead, Make him work and declare him ineligible for unemployment benefits.
I have worked in the intensive care unit (ICU) for 13 years. I have never seen case of drop foot in a patient that can stand, run, walk or by any way be capable of living any kind of a normal dependent lifestyle. THIS EMBEZZLING IMPOSTER IS A FRAUD!
I worked as a restorative therapist and know it comes from not using your feet. The less you use them the worse it gets however this clown is a big liar and fraud
He had two independent doctors tell him that he had Ms and that is not fraud. Just because you can do things some days doesn't mean you are absolutely healthy. I have a broken back but if you look at me I look just fine I look like I can do anything but I can't lift anything over 15 lbs. This is a disgrace what they did to him.
@@prettylittleidiot M.S. makes you immune system attack the protective sheaths that cover your nerves until it damages your nerves has nothing to do with the muscles.
Are you kidding with this guy? He's such a horrible liar too. This is such an insult to all the vets (and non-vets) that struggle with real disabilites AND STILL HAVE JOBS BECAUSE THEY HAVE DIGNITY AND AREN'T CON MEN. House arrest? Please, this guy should be in big boy jail.
Mr. Anthony G's Daughter right? And even if he couldn’t do that. The company could provide him scissors or some other “reasonable” accommodation to help him. Not to mention there are so many other jobs that don’t need him to use his hands like that. That was the saddest example he used ever!
Mr. Anthony G's Daughter a bag of fertilizer is about 50 pounds a bat is let then a few pounds. Probably even lighter then his cane. And it probably was not even a heavy competition or anything. Just a incouragement booster for him.
People who receive SSDI or veteran's disability believe they have the right to live a good quality of life, that no one has the right to expect them to be totally bed ridden for the rest of their life that is what I've heard from many of them
For sure, he owes the working, tax paying American that keeps this nation functional a lot of money. He and his wife need to start paying up and need to start compensating working tax payers.
EXACTLY. I'm young in my late 20's but can only do an office job now. I was so scared about money I seriously talked about driving to work and using a walker to get around after a major relapse. That was less realistic than I thought but yeah if this guy can do marathons and do bungee jumping he should be able to do a desk job.
Your friend has MS not has had. MS you have for the rest of your life. I have MS aswell and I believe he has MS. And I work with people with MS aswell they have good days and really bad. He is not 100% disabled.
I'm disabled, and I would love to be working! I'm missing the routine, schedule, purpose, fulfillment of doing a job well done and Of course the money. My monthly income was cut in half when I went on disability. I'm on the verge of losing my house. I have worked and paid my own way for 46 years and miss it. I would do anything to work again and pay the bills I owe. I'm not on Medicare, Medicaid, or any other services. I still pay for my own health insurance, taxes, groceries, and the barrage of medication I have to take just to get up each day.each. And this a- -hole can do all of those activities and is claiming he's 100% disabled?? I'm so glad for his conviction! No one has morals anymore. ''It's all about me'' kind of attitude, that the government somehow owes you. It very frustrating for those of us who are disabled and you hear about cutbacks in monthly checks and it's because of people like him.
I am disabled myself..didnt work for 7 months..i know the feeling of not feeling like u have a routine, a reason to get up...i do work part time know and it helps my0 over all mental health..have a great 2020
@@Facebook-StevenSchmidlap There's no talk to your type of judgmental Assholes. I'm not getting a free paycheck. I worked for 30 years in the business I retired from and working since I was old enough at 10. So, I put my time in have you? I'm not expecting a thing from my comments but it is clear you do.
john doe I guess me having cancer and autoimmune disorder doesn’t give me the right to be on disability? I was a ER Nurse had to resign. Please educate and listen before you comment stuff like that.
@@trillionaire4803 Drop foot is actually a real condotion. It's caused by nerve damage. I have a spinal cord injury and trauma induced Syringomyelia and many people in my support group have it. Not defending this guy at all, just passing on the info that drop foot is an actual medical term.
My husband died of Agent Orange poisoning from Vietnam. He had PTSD, COPD, congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure from age 29, neuropathy in both legs. He became totally disabled because of his military service. This clown is a disgrace and is spitting on the graves of real heros.
I think the craziest part of this story is at one point during the interview they had to ask him to lie on the bed and lay there while they just film him staring at his ceiling for dramatic effect
Omfg ahahahaha
With an ankle bracelet and those weird looking running foot shoes adding more insult to injury to the DA.
I have Arthritis in my hips. I'd do anything to walk without a walker.
Jackass bold faced liar. Funny he can do all those things being Disabled.
This guy was terrible at pretending to be disabled
@Cheryl what?!!
@Cheryl ... Anyone who goes on Jerry Springer is either unbalanced naturally or looking for validation for being "stupid".
The whole show is based on "Circus Freaks", easily exploited "Mouth-breathers", drug addicts... - generally losers who have given up.
No one with an ounce of self-respect ever appears (on stage) - they may be in the audience, but never on stage.
And it’s people like him that people with actually disabilities get screwed!
@Cheryl .... You point a finger at this guy, as if he is leading the "Poverty Parade" for pensions, disabilities, accidents - slip 'n falls - etc.
You seem to think this is something - Only- just now starting?
Getting shot in the foot, arm, leg... is the current Loser Lottery for Cops too. There are records of Cops who have shot; killed their wives, Girl Friend, mistresses, even their own - children.
Then blamed it on some "Magical Black Guy"! Cops love to say "feared for my life", "He reached for my Gun, "I was surrounded (by elementary school kids - had to shot them escape)...I thought they had guns"!
seems strange that this Veteran, could fool all the reviews, case studies and medical professionals over the many many times his case has come up. Without shooting any one? ... things that make you wanna' say - huummm, ain't that strange?
Mr. MAGA had Bone spurs, 5 times for draft deferment... and still got elected POTUS? now sending soldiers all over the world - to protect hotels, golf club and Oil fields,belonging to dictators?
Can you spare some outrage, for the real World?
yeah he was almost as bad as the guy that was 100% blind that was caught driving
I'm disabled, it really angers me to see a perfectly well man doing the things I wish I could. And frauding the government.
So you are not able to do anything because your disabled? I will call you and any person out on this!!! I'm 100% disabled and to say a person can't get out and do things is hogwash. The MDs tell us to get out and do stuff because they don't want us lying in bed, because it makes pain worse if you live in pain because your brain thinks about it all the time. Ppl who lives in pain has good days and bad days, they may have 2 days of good and 5 days of bad. They may have 4 days of good and 2 weeks of bad, that is how it is. But because he "looks" healthy you are saying he's fine. Why didn't ABC News ask him to show them his medical records? See how these fake news stays with a certain narrative ? They have been doing it far too long and many of you folks are BRAIN WASHED by them. Think for yourselves for once!!!
@@whatsupdocchemdog5994 I can do things however rock climbing, jumping out of airplanes,hiking Mt.Everest,lifting 25 lbs.i cannot do. I have rheumatoid arthritis. Crippling disease,no cure. Some days I cannot walk. Some days I cannot do dishes,fold laundry. Small stuff ,opening soda cans,turning on faucets in home.Riding bike,skating,skiing,swimming. I hate it. But I will force myself to do things also but the pain is unbearable I want to die. I'm not so weak to kill myself. I stay and fight this disease. Dont ridicule me for being disabled because you faked it.
RA huh? Nothing compared to what others go through like full spine spondylosis with upper and lower radiculopathy. I'm not ridiculing you, you are judging this guy based on a news report from ABC NEWS a fake news outlet, proven over and over. See ow they only reported one side of the story, but not the other side, it's to brainwash you all. Think for yourselves. I was giving you a taste of what you did to him, you pointed your finger at him while three of your own are pointed right back at you.
Fuck the government but he a pos ima vet 100% wish i could be as socialable
Bet your not disabled.
My former boss applied on my behalf while I was in the hospital after a stroke, with right side paralysis still after 11 years. Very thankful to him and my family in getting my approval after six months.
I have MS and a spinal tap had to performed to actually diagnosis my MS. This guy is a liar. Glad he got time and has to pay back the money.
Me too! Two of them in fact with 21 oglioclonal bands and pleocytosis(sp?). Then I got one lesion and they still would not diagnose me until I got several more. How he can just tell a doctor random symptoms and get the diagnosis is BS.
爱茶Candace ha i had 20! Lol
Yeah, my MS sucks but I still work. Some days are easier and some are more difficult but I don’t whine about it. I’d like to know how he was diagnosed. Looked up some symptoms and told a shyster doctor? I was against the spinal tap until the neurologist had exhausted all other tests. It fucking hurt! This asshole should try it.
@@JeevesReturns Hope you have more easier days then harder. Best of luck to you. It angers me when someone fakes having such a serious illness just to get benefits. Destroys our faith in the govenment system
Know exactly what ya mean! It’s like “well this sucks, but now at least they know”.
This guy straight up putting him on blast 😂 "You were never in didn't even finish one tour of duty" bruh 💀
Tour of duty you say? More like call of duty if you ask me.
@@TheMusicHeals.kjhjhhg Well Technically He Is Living A Death Sentence. As Are You And I. We Know We're Gonna Go,We Just Don't Know When
What's wrong with NON-combat vets? They served just like ALL other veterans. (not excusing the POS in this video)
@@glutenfreegam3r177 Except they non-comat vets DO NOT serve like combat vets. what are you on??
"You ran a 10k marathon!"
"Yeah, but it was painful."
Running is painful on a good day without any handicap. He's just about getting out of jail now, hide the money!
~snort~ 😂😂😂
What a bold faced liar!!!!
My nephew has M S, and once he was wheelchair bound… that was it!!!! He is now totally bed ridden, he’s 32 years old.
This man is a disgrace!!!!!!
My grandfather died of MS at 62 years old.
Are You sure it's not just really really lazy ?
my father is 54 and still isn’t wheelchair bound from MS , he’s had it for 20 years. However his balance and walking has progressively gotten worse.
what a piece of crap.
meanwhile homeless vets suffering from ptsd and depression are living on the streets
Well if that gets you pissed theres way more vets that fake it. I could talk all day about how much bs I see in the VA.
Why does this happen though? I am honestly curious. Thank you
Seriously? Of a vet (based on this judgement) is on the streets with PTSD how can he even be walking or pan handling?
Surely if they can pick up a cup they can pick up a trash bag right? I mean according to this news clip.
I totally agree, that vets can do a lot but still be 100% disabled!
If you do not have a disability you have absolutely zero knowledge wherewithal to base your judgement on.
People are ignorant to emotional health problems
@@Gales_of_Gaelichis claim is physical not mental. Total disability in hands and feet.
When you act sick to stay home from school
rey1jj truth
rey1jj and your home schooled
you know nothing about ms.
rey1jj vaccines they got in the military caused MS and CJD. Hes telling the truth. Go look up Whale Vaccine Racket...then look up CJD/MS/BSE on that Whale page.. you'll see what I'm talking about. In other words, Gulf War Syndrome was caused by vaccines, it wasnt caused by being over seas.
Shane Andmorestuff are you defending this bum?
As a disabled veteran im sickened by this guy. He should be thrown in jail!
Same here,and that's because I receive 100% VA. 82nd all the way
He is. 41 months behind bars
How's you could get disabled?
Axx Kxx 😂😂
People that bend the system like that makes me sick. Had paper to show I had a bad back while in the marine corps infantry and had to have surgery and I still get denied benefits for it and this makes it all up and gets full. I have to rods and 6 screws for the rest of my life and to top it off PTSD and tbi. Love the system.
My husband is a disabled veteran who can barley tie his shoes and was denied many services.
This is SO ridiculous .
Beyond ridiculous.
Fraudsters like him make it take years for the rest of us truly disabled get SSD.
Oh god, this guy is an embarrassment to the navy.
& the white folk
Shelia Sanders What?
Shelia Sanders and the blacks that abuse the welfare system BITCH
@@plague_seeker9354 is it just me or is saying "the white folk" not much better than saying "you people" in reference to a different ethnicity?
He is an embarrassment to everyone who ever served honorably, regardless of which branch, mos, or even when we served.
He was sucking money away from other soldier's and family who really needed it! He is crazy.
He isn’t crazy he is a fraud
and US everyone pays!
Social security surplus is around 2 trillion. He hasnt knocked a dent in it.
all the system has to do is continue to get doctors reports on the condition of a person a family member of mine has a disability but have to give information to the system once a year and proof from the doctor what city is that
He only took .0001% of what the government spends on the pentagon snack bar on a daily basis
I’m disabled and he makes it so hard for the rest of us. I was approved in about 8 months and I found out I won while I was in the hospital with sepsis and renal failure. I would love to work again as I really enjoyed my job. He is an embarrassment to all who serve and to those who really are disabled. This is why it can be so hard to get approved for disability
Thank you so much for your service💗💗💗
Me too, dreaming to go back to my job.
Yet they still throw money at these liars like Strippers on a pole & people like yourself, have to suffer. So unfair!
SAME. A year and a half for me. Just got approved while In hospital with sepsis as well, in the icu. Congrats on finally getting it!
@@Nicoledolly0620 I won in January 2017 and like I mentioned I was in the hospital for sepsis and renal failure and it was during Christmas and New Years too. My 8th admission that year and that one alone was a month in the hospital. I got lucky in that I never had to see a judge and I was just approved without any issues. I got lucky. Trying to win now while people are also filing for disability due to COVID-19 must be a nightmare. I just did another stint in the hospital during Christmas yet again. Spent a week in the ICU. AGAIN. And then you have people taking advantage of the system. There are people in prison apparently getting payments for COVID a and they are in prison. I don’t even know if they even had COVID. Probably not. Infuriating
This man makes me sick to my stomach. This guy actually believes his own, devious lies.
If i tried getting away with claiming disability they would never catch me out coz I'm too lazy to do anything active
Exacly they never catch me either
sunflower 77 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂
😄😄😄😄😄 hey least you been honest salute to you
@@kaisyvillatoro1149 i catch you and just take you on a candlelight dinner date😄
They watch me go to the car and grab KFC and head back home. Not even driving or holding anything because my bf does it for me lol
"I'm disabled!"
"Sir, please put down the dumbbells, and remove that parachute. You're not jumping today."
Nothing To See Here lmao 🤣
He was bs but there are non movement related disabilities.
He should be doing this interview on a jail phone.
When he gets out of jail he could get elected Democrat senator.
It's impossible for Dennis Paulsen to have MS for 25 years and still be out doing all the activities he was caught doing. He could have worked all of these years!
My Daddy. My Hero was a Marine in Vietnam! He was a "ground pounder", so he calls it. After being shot and the only survivor of his Platoon he laid against a berm bleeding and dying for 3 days before being medi vaced out. He has lived with severe PTSD and even survived Malaria while serving which has caused some neurological damage. I'm 45 and my dad is 72. When he retired from General Motors after 43 years, I urged him to seek out help from the VA. He had said for those 40 plus years that "others needed it more than him"...he is such an amazing and humble man. I said dad YOU DESERVE IT!!!
Today he is at 70% rating and although his health isn't great, he still keeps his humble attitude.
This guy is just a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe!
Nadine Miller you’re father deserves 100%. I really believe all combat Vietnam Vets do, they went through hell on earth only to return to a country where most Vietnam Vets were treated like dirt. Like your father, my Dad is a Vietnam Vet who went on to work for the same company 30 plus years. I can’t imagine holding it down while being tormented by the symptoms of PTSD.
Nadine Miller this guy in the video is “service connected” he deserves it more
Michael Chapman what are you even talking about? I NEVER name call or get aggressive with strangers on UA-cam, but are you fr? She’s talking about her father who served in Vietnam. Ground troops in Vietnam lived through experiences we can’t even imagine. They were in combat, real combat constantly. They engaged in hand to hand combat. In a strange land, constant threat of being captured, google “tiger cage Vietnam” point in even trying to explain bc you’re obviously ignorant. This scammer did NOT deploy to combat or even border patrol. He completed Navy training, that’s IT. He didn’t even “serve” this country by covering down on a rear detachment stateside so other troops could go forward to combat. Even if he’d been deployed and diagnosed with MS, hypothetical, the military isn’t responsible for someone being diagnosed with MS. Service connected means you sustained an injury while preforming military duty. Please educate yourself before making such ridiculous statements. This scammer is an insult to every service member who has served to the best of their ability.
special ned why the hell do you have to be mean? If YOU don’t care, cool, but obviously you DO bc you stopped to comment. So you tried to go into the military and they wouldn’t accept you? Ok, got it. However this woman who posted is very proud of her fathers service as she should be. You have no idea what Vietnam Vets went through. Nobody cares? The Traveling Vietnam Wall was in my county last week and THOUSANDS of people who DO care turned out to pay their respects. It doesn’t matter if YOU care, 99.9% of Americans do. I say again, thank you to every man and woman who volunteered to go or honored the draft. Did your father or grandfather dodge the draft? Probably so. Obviously you have a problem, it stems from’re either a guy who couldn’t cut it in the military or family member of a draft dodger. I see you.
Ms. Nadine,
Please thank your father for his service and being the best self he can be in spite of his medical issues. He sounds like a wonderful man who I would love to sit and drink some lemonade with.
He also must have raised one hell of a daughter for you to he so proud of him. Thank you for sharing your daddy with the rest of the world and I pray for his healing and the best health he can have.
The ones that lost their legs deserve everything they can get
He had the gall to make the comparison is outrageous. So glad he got busted.
@@lolaboden2641 I was born without feet. Right leg is amputated below the knee. I wear prosthesis on both legs. I’ve worked my whole life. This guy is a complete tool! So insulting to people who truly suffer. I’m 60 now and I can’t do any of the things they caught him doing.
Definitely 100% all the way all the time
A leg up!
everyone injured in war deserves what they get in payouts
He's been lying for so long(20 years) he actually believes it...
Eric Bell exactly what I thought, he has justified it in his own mind. Delusional
This is insane i know so many people who did the bare minimum in the navy and they’re claiming 70-100% in disability. And they always ask me “are you going to claim for disability?” Makes me so mad.
lmao why are u so butthurt about it? 😂
Bcuz it's stealing@@ern4nxd-153
He keeps shaking his head "no", every time he lies!
Yep that's one of the first rules of body language interpretation. Every time someone lies to you they may be telling you yes but their head will be shaking no. You really got to pay attention to see it though.
Shout out to Doctors Phil
Whoa!!! I see that your comment is so real!!
My niece has had MS most of her life. Sometimes she can walk with crutches, a lot of times she uses her scooter. She is very debilitated. On the other hand, I have had mild MS for years. I have many symptoms often, and more severe symptoms occasionally. I never told my employers. I retired from the USAF, and deployed three times to the desert during that time. I go to the VA but never applied for disability. Since retiring I have had a civilian job. I have multiple brain lesions as shown on MRI's. When people have MS, they can become more and more disabled. Or the symptoms can come and go. This man may have mild MS but he is certainly not totally disabled.
I can relate! I push hard to continue working with MS type symptoms. It's a tough life, tough call. Maybe he didn't have the option or accommodations from his job for modified or part-time hours. I can't judge him. It's partly the systems fault too. 20+ years to figure it out?
Do you take mega doses of vitamin D?
@@thedevilsadvocate5210 no. I recently started wearing compression leggings, compression socks, and now even a long sleeve compression top for work. I've also increased my water intake (adding liquid iv from Costco), increased my dietary sodium and sit more often/take my breaks. I am more aware of my breathing and take control to deep breathe. I've also started prenatal vitamins, vitamin C, and eating less sugar. I've noticed some improvement but still have bad days. I refuse to stop working.
@@thedevilsadvocate5210 50,000 units once a week
EXACTLY!! Another important point, stress flares MS, so the psychological stress of him having to "work" and the fear (unreal fear) of not being able to or failing at it, if he effs up while playing with his kids, well that's ok. But is he disabled totally? No.
You can't run a 10k and say you can't walk!
He can run. But walking? Now that’s a totally different issue. 😂
Maybe not right after the race
True, I am morbidly obese and can walk with regular breaks every few streets, but I find standing very hard because my lower back buckles and he's defrauding the system when others need the help it makes it harder for them to get help.
I knew from the time he opened his mouth he was a complete liar... this guy should have to pay it all back and be thrown n the jail for 10 yrs...
I agree
I'd say 1 year but pay it all back yeah
Yes. !..
”You were dealt a bad card, and you played it for all it was worth”, that was an amazingly accurate statement right there, the reporter really nailed it :)
You do know that that is a cliche don't you??? Millions and millions of people have said those exact words. This guy didn't make that up.
he has the nerve to challenge the reporter what a piece of work
you also know nothing about ms
@@gmjeer really asswipe
@@johns2922 haha name calling... what are we 12?
@@gmjeer people like you who challenge the views of others deserve a good tongue lashing
You people have no clue. You are like talking to children. Why do I waste my time. :(
He’s a lazy bum. He’s living better than me and I work for a living.
L Madison just what i was thinking! dude can run a 10K but he can't work???!!!! pffff
2 years in the military no combat doesn't entitle you for life
Ashley Jo My fat ass couldn't even run a 3K marathon. But I'm able to work well in a warehouse with no problem. Now how does one figure that one??
That is true L he more likey getting more money then me and one of my friend that only has one arm
80k a year for over 20yrs. fk'd up.
This is so sad. The people who REALLY need the benefits can not receive them
And those who does get them often times don’t get enough. Also the few who is able to work a bit while receiving these benefits will often get penalized for making too much.
Like if you earn even like $100 over what you’re suppose to, they’ll penalize you by taking away some of your benefit because they thought you don’t need as much. 🤦🏻♂️
hes literally laying in bed with hiking shoes on LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
You know where he's going to go once the interview is over
Maria Perez no where. His ass is on house arrest. Lol
They're not hiking shoes.
Even if you take him at face value, there is no way he is 100% disabled.
you comment clearly shows you have alot to learn about the system in place. hope you never need it
Curt Ray sounds like something said by a recipient of more benefits than he needs...
you are correct. it is a terrible place to be and on top of it you have to go and do all this stuff you never even dreamed about doing before you get hurt. i just never thought it would be me either. to me this is a idiotic way to get fake cotton paper. no one will hire you after this happens as they feel you now know the system and it scares them. it sucks and it just sucks
I really hope the real disabled people will not lose any supports because of the frauds
well it just so happens that most people drawing disability aren't "really disabled", a fraction of disability users actually can't work, most can but just don't want too. They need to completely stop disability 100% and make everyone re-apply immediately and put in MUCH better standards of who gets it and who doesn't. just because you don't want to work and are willing to lie out of your ass doesn't mean you get a free life paid for by everyone who actually works and isn't a complete parasite.
What if i told you there are people who dont get disability living on the fkn streets who legitimately need it but dont get it because of jerk offs like this?
True disability fraud isn't common. Originally I was on SSI with an expectation to transition to work, but my condition worsened and is now very visible. I can only imagine the shit people with invisible disabilities are going to get after this story.
I am terrified to complete my SS application thanks to these videos because I got acid refulx and IBS that haunts me mentally/physically throughout the day and have never able to have had a full time job and im 34 soon.
what if im able to work or leave the house for nearly 2 hours (like total) in a day for exercise or fun (i rarely leave the house though and it's risky etc.) does that mean any money i might get will get taken back and i got to jail? some1 help.
MY friend Stephanie was diagnosed with MS in the early '80's. She slowly "slide away" to the point of being paralyzed from the neck down and lives in a "chair." She needs around the clock assistance-for EVERYTHING. THAT IS REAL MS. She hasn't walked in years, let alone swam, roller skated or run road races. This guy is full of s*it. LOCK HIM UP!
They need to take his home and get their money back from this fraud, and the rest of these frauds should pay the money back, and go to prison.
He got served 3 years and half and had to pay back 1.6 m
The government should take all of his assets as a starter.
The "and yet, you can bungee jump" look on his face is priceless.
Man i fell out when that part came...i always read comments first...u so damn crazy.....🤣🤣🤣
And play baseball with a batting average 300.
Lol I read this as soon as I heard it omg lol the look on his face there hahaha
He’s been lying and living it up so long that he believes his own lies
Nah he doesn't believe his own lies, he knows 100% he is lying to everyone to get benefits. He isn't delusional.
What do you mean , he's telling the truth ???
He is a liar, but liars believe their own lies……
Yeah 20+ years of practice makes perfect.
Me and my dad are fighting hard for me to be on disability support pension, people like him are making it so hard for me to be trusted. Why can’t society just be honest
Because so many people have no shame.
so you're telling me that he was receiving 80k a year for disability? WTF?! What a shame, while actual disabled vets literally die at the VA waiting for help...
ruff5050 I was just scrolling through the comments to see if anybody caught that. I thought it seemed unreasonably high myself especially considering they said he was only supposed to be getting 30% of his working pay, and I'm pretty sure homeboy wasn't clearing $250k a year. So yea, love to know how that worked. Probably doctored up that fucking paperwork too. This guy is absolutely fucking disguuuustingggggg
that is a shame about the vets. i wonder where he goes to the dr as vets can only use the va. don't understand the amount either as i truly am disabled (quadriplegia) and i get less than 12 grand a year
100% is like 37k a year. They're most likely charging him for medical expenses and any other benefits he recieved; educational, housing, home living, and so on.
Yeah, but if you get SSDI you’re lucky to get $10 grand a year. Most can’t afford to live. No vet wounded should go without care or he in the street. Men like this make it hard on all who really have issues.
Clark Kent this is strange because most here are lucky to get $10,000 US dollars and that doesn’t even cover rent if you’re single and it’s why so many disabled end up homeless. Don’t know how he got what he did when no one else can.
"It's not a lie, if you believe it". - George Costanza
James R this lol
Any reference to George gets a like from me.
That is one of the best quotes from that show :)
Liar 🤥🤬
Sorry people like him make it so hard for the ones who actually deserve the benefits. 😡
Tavarus McKinney I agree! My son has autism and social security was giving me the run around for approval. I just stopped trying. It’s stressful
It makes it so much harder to get for the ones who really need it. I hope this ass hat chokes on air. 😡
@@careasl keep trying! Eventually they have to listen.
@@careasl Carla keep trying. My brother-in-law had to get an attorney to get his benefits from S.S. The attorney said they routinely deny everyone except the most obvious and worst case disabled the first time they apply. Most people never try again, saving them (S.S.) money.
Unfortunately that's true....
Carlos Hathcock had MS and suffered the same symptoms. He won the Wimbledon Cup on the 1000 yard shooting range and was one of the top snipers in Vietnam and also a top instructor at the USMC Scout Sniper school. All that while suffering the same symptoms as this dude.
Was he payed for having 100% disabled in his hands and feet?
He’s got MS - massive scammer
An mri shows whether or not you have MS. And you wld have several in advanced cases. Are VA Dr's getting kickbacks$$.
Love it! 😂😂
Travis Williams 🤣
Crystal m
Disabled people can be active. They should be as active as possible. But the ones that lie to get it just hurt the ones that need it. Don't know how this guy got it with a diagnosis of might have ms.
jerry sounds like he DOES have MS, just didn’t progress as quickly as he claimed. Like maybe he’s 25 or 50% disabled, not 100% as he claimed. Like they said at the end, what’s unfortunate is that as he ages he likely WILL degenerate to total disability, but may be ineligible for any further assistance thanks to lying this early in the game.
MS sometimes goes in remissions than it starts up again like a flare..and you cant do nothing...he might be good off and on
Doc: sir, you might have stage 5 cancer but we’ll have to confirm it over the next month, we won’t start treatment till then.
*patient dies*
Great way to illustrate having a probable diagnosis is a problem, and of course being a fraud with it is a even bigger issue.
Lindsay Sheffield I may believe that if they ever caught him being disabled when the doc wasn’t looking. He’s full of it. If he’s had it for 20 years it would have progressed and there would be obvious signs. It doesn’t get better with time.
would love to go back to work but due to my PTSD shes afraid i might go off if someone says or does the wrong thing hell i almost ended up in jail because of it my wife was there when it happened. plus hearing loss back problems bad knee and cornea transplants due to flash scaring.
He believes his own lies, pathetic. He upset cause he got caught.The jury did their job. Thank goodness.
if you were stuck having to pay back 1.6 million dollars and do 41 mounth in jail wouldn't you believe your own lies to ?
i do not think he believes his own lies. look how often he shakes his head no and when
Service connected or a pathological liar
2 years of service and he gets 100 % P&t? That's crazy talking
Didn't look like that baseball bat slipped out of his hands. Like those bags of fertilizer. Lol
BUT..But. He has *drop foot!😢* , you guys!!😂😂😂😂😂✌💗
because the action of gripping and ripping use a COMPLETELY different subsets of muscles between the two... WOW....IVE BEEN EDUCATING ALL Y'ALL TONIGHT.... THANKS FOR THE EXERCISE....
@@passthebuckcanuck8574 It's a neurological disease, not a muscle disease. Learn from me boi!
I love how he's laying in bed at :22 as if he's unable to function, LOL. What a fraud.
This guy is such a liar. Says that he can't use his hands, but here in the interview he's using his hands!! He should be imprisoned.
His hands seem to work well enough to cash the checks and fill the forms in to claim them.
The thing about MS is yes there are times between attacks that you maybe be symptom free but as you age neurological damage from those attacks remain and impair your abilities especially as you get older. Not only is he seemingly symptom free all the time but he shows no signs of impairment after 20 years and that is just impossible and that's exactly why people don't beleive him. Have a friend with the disease and while she has times where she is better her hands still shake between attacks because of the damage and she hasn't had it nearly as long as him. It is angering and he really should be in jail, but I guess paying it back will have to be good enough.
He can sure use his mouth!!!!!
According to the story he got 41 months.
The interviewer was awesome, basically called him a liar and a cheat
Dude, you're making Pinocchio look like an angel.
He make Pinocchio have the Spinx's nose.
CA2SD that's a good 1 🤣🤣🤣
Laziness is not a disability 🤦🏾♂️
Are you sure ?
Some people are so lazy they starve to death.
africans cant be asked to farm the most fertile land known to man, so they starve.
Lazyness is a serious disability ! and just like aids, it is funny until it gets you!
@@megsinzoa7424 I don't understand what argument you're trying to make. Laziness is not a serious disability. It may be a symptom of mental disorders such as depressions or body dysmorphic but to call it a disability, that's neither a fact nor a reason to collect money from the government that should be going towards people that actually need it.
@@brookierex4223 you ableist son of a bitch !
Ive personally seen lazyness destroy countless lifes! Far more than heroine abuse or missing limbs.
Screw your assumptions, i hope you get too see a loved one starve infront of the bread box beacuse they wanted mac donalds instead but are to lazy to go out and get some.. Or are otherwise unable to acquire said macdonalds.
@@megsinzoa7424 You're weird.
@@brookierex4223 i once saw this guy get rammed by a truck on a crossing beacuse he was to lazy to check the road before walking out onto the crossing.
Still think lazyness is not an issue?
Think again.
100% disabled means you can't do anything 100% of the time. This guys milking the system.
Fred Garvin According to Social Security guidelines, you are correct. Per the VA guidelines, you can have multiple maladies that add up to 100%. For instance, I lost a bunch of my gut and organs as a result of my service 46 years ago. Because of that, I developed kidney stones and kidney/renal problems. From all my surgeries, I got hernias and also had intestinal blockages. Don't even get me started about my back. People look at me and they can't see all my scars or obvious signs of disability. But believe me, I wish it I had never got hurt in the first place. All these physical issues could really mess a guy up mentally as well. Fortunately, I feel that I am blessed because I have a good life. Wish I could have had a family though. I really love kids.
Not really true. I know other vets who are 100% and can still work full time so long as it doesn’t aggravate your injury.
not true I am on ssi disability due to all my medical issues, I have problems that make it hard for me to work, one issues is my kidneys I go to the restroom anywhere between 10 to 14 times an hour as far as i can see that would make it hard for any one to work and that's only one issue, you don't have to be in an wheelchair to get disability
Joseph Guy you are correct I have 2 mental disabilities and I am on SSI and social security
That is not how the VA and army define 100% all 100% means is that you cannot stay gainfully employed 100% of the time. What's fucked up is that this poor bastard simply did what the doctors and VA told him what he was entitled to, then turned around and fucked him...
There’s a difference between us combat veterans and regular veterans. We saw and felt the traumas of war.
Thank you for your service. This guy got way more benefits than my dad who was a WWII veteran. That is not right.
Funny how that baseball bat never slipped from his hands...
Him laying in bed for part of the interview...with what? rock climbing shoes on? Right.
@Doug Yeah, first thing I noticed. I couldnt even afford them when they first released!
He’s a fake and a liar !!!! He should be ashamed !! He needs to pay all the $$$$ back !! No one with MS could do all that he does !!!
He needs to be in prison and he needs to pay the $$$ back !! He’s a con !!!
This interview quite honestly comes off as SNL‘s best sketch in years
Reminds me of the R Kelly interview skit
I'm amazed at how the interviewer didn't just start laughing at this guy.
He’s right about one thing, they should’ve had someone on the jury who had had MS. They would’ve seen right through his bullshit.
so he could taint the jury
I know every MS patient is different. My sister in law has MS, diagnosed. She works 12hr shifts as a CNA 3 days a week. She works her butt off. This man is disgracing not only the US military he is disgracing those with MS.
That is true. My teacher has MS. She has drop foot but otherwise seems very healthy.
Good bless her 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️
He was given an inch and took a mile. Being in the military, he recognised he could be made for life by an MS diagnosis, however mild his symptoms. He got greedy and applied for 100 per cent disability, which he definitely was not entitled to.
Took a mile? More like an acre!
@Geminisixtyfour an acre isn’t quite as big as people think it is. It takes 640 acres to equal a square mile
I am on SSI where you have to have 100 percent disability to be approved.
This stuff happens all the time. I know plenty of veterans who have 100% or close to it who weren't even in combat. I was in the Marines and in combat and don't even have that. But others I have seen who collect all this disability are very active and show no signs of disability
@@knowbodiesfull5768 which isn’t big
I’m considered “mildly” disabled, and he can do way more than I can. 100% disabled!?! This pisses me off.
Scott Steiner worked as a professional wrestler for years with drop foot...look buddy, if you're capable of completing a 10K 'Tough Mudder' race, you can perform at least a light duty job.
Bunky Armstrong he could preform any job. He's just lazy and wants to live off everybody else.
Bunky Armstrong and when nobody will hire him because he has opiates in his urine? Yes opiates are what allow us to lead normal lives...duh!
@@shockawha9, thats bullshit about not being able to be hired if he has opiates in his system. If he has a valid, legal prescription for any opiates in his system then he won't " fail " a drug test. If you have a prescription for any type of medication then you are allowed to have it in your system. The American with Disabilities Act clearly states that you can not be discriminated against for any job due to any medications that you are prescribed. Nice try though. I myself am a Marine Corps Veteran that is 39 years old and is disabled. Yet, I work every day, pay taxes, and never claim that I can't pass a drug test because of any medications that I am prescribed by The V.A. This guy is full of shit. 2 years in The Navy and he didn't see a minute of combat and he wants sympathy. He's a fraud.
If you have had MS for 20 years, he would have some muscle loss.
Maureen Senko not some. But all muscle loss. I didn’t use my led for 3 months due to injury and it was 2 times smaller then the other led I used
I am so glad that he got caught.
Heather Bergstad me too
maybe he does compared to before his diagnosis.
I think people make posts without any knowledge or research. Its based on incorrect perceptions of disease: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
served less then 2 years in the NAVY, gets millions in disability...
That was strange. They must've left part of the story out unless they're also counting hospital stays, medicine, doctor visits, etc. Although, I read that he was getting Social Security disability as well. Also it's quite possible his two sons were getting a check off of him so that may count into it.
thats the only reasons why americans serve...........
lol, you're hoping bad things happen to me? so you're not a piece of shit?? typical simple hypocrite bitch you
Are you kidding me? So I guess my son has been plotting to screw the government since he was 14? He was in yhe JrROTC for 4 years because he wants to help his country. Now he is a Marine as an aviation mechanic. . He doesnt have a dishonest bone in his body! So what about the millions who die? They must have been so bummed they weren't able to collect huh? That is so wrong of you to say. Many people that read the comments have REAL disabiliities and struggle their whole lives. Or they lost someone serving. It is really sad.
akui88. Fraud.
You can tell he’s 100% lying
Omg, did you not see him running with flat foot.
I know a man with MS and he shuffles around just trying to walk. He’s buff, but there’s no way he can run.
It's one of the worst feelings shuffling and not being able to lift your feet. I hope medicine and treatment improve his condition.
MS is different for everyone. Some have mobility problems, some fine motor, some sensory, vestibular, visual, cognitive, etc. I've been to a support groups for people with MS and every one of us had different issues. Some disabled, some not. For some it varies by day.
One of my least favorite things is being compared to others' relatives or friends with MS. What worked for them is great...but it might not be what works for me.
As someone who suffers from MS he makes it harder for us
Amen! I too am an MS fighter and I know that my body does not give me days where I can run a marathon and the next day I'm bedridden! Wtf? Lol!! This fraud is the reason that alot with a true diagnosed lifetime sentence of MS and other diseases are not treated as well as we should because of ASSHOLES like him.
God Bless you and I hope you have some relief throught the day to enjoy life? I no longer can do too much for very long but getting a chance to work through the pain, stiffness, numbness, etc... and get up out of bed is worth it to me.
Happy Easter to you and yours 🐣
I have seen MS first case here
Amen. Where's his MRI?? Problem solved
Oh bitch please ! Let me guess as a pussy woman you have trouble doing everything and anything.
Tracy your face looks like it had a stroke
I have family who have MS. At various times, they've been completely unable to walk, or stand, etc. They could always hold down a job. And, buddy... it's not a muscle disease, but you're muscles DO waste away when you are going through a bout of it. Consider actually not being able to walk/use your hands/feet. What do you think would happen to your muscles for those times??? And if the times are scarce enough to allow you to actually build muscle like you have, you certainly can work.
He's a chronic liar, even with all the evidence against him he still can't stop lying.
Lee Dile sounds like Trump.
White people lol
I spent 23 years of my adult life in a violent system called the US Army and a tour in Iraq being shot at in Ramallah. This man owes me and all veterans an apology.
An apology and all that money he didn’t deserve.
My Poppa did 22 years in the Air Force, barely passed to enlist with high arches, then years later was let off of standing long time parades from his varicose veins. When he retired, his disability was only listed as 30%, no matter that he had serious pain walking or standing from early on. This is a lying clown, very like the Mississippi couple who filed 9 times different ways until they were both given disability benefits, then they kept coaching their many children to "ACT OUT" in school so they would ALL eventually be judged as possibly having ADHD. Every liar hopes for a check paid to them to NOT WORK.
Ramallah is in palestine.....
He owes all Americans an apology...
He doesn't owe you anything. You CHOSE to be in that violent system called the US Army. Perhaps it was because you wanted to kill people who were different races to you. Remember when it comes to your judgement day, thou shall not kill... So I hope you enjoy hell for eternity.
Reporter really grilled him when he said "Why does the military owe you a life time of benefits?"
Yuri Solorzano I know right?2 years in the navy!what a joke!
I know a guy just like this. I asked him if he should be ashamed of his behavior and he says why not everyone else is doing it. 😒
diagnosed with ms? more like bs
I was in the navy for over 20 yrs and I saw this fake shit well before 2000 (before the war). They would fake the broken leg/arm scam go to work with a strap on cast,then after work the strap comes off and partying and dancing their ass off. Then they get discharged with disability. Not picking on the gals but some of the women would join the military just to get the free babies then get out. Im glad I had some hardcore gals that worked for me would put the big kabash on that BS, they witch hunted them gals and got them booted out with nothing
I'm surprised that they didn't bring up the medical records or show them on the clips to prove this being the case. You would think he would fight it and show those medical records to prove that he does have that as a disease I'll bring up all go get tested right now I will prove to you that this is what I have
He heard wrong, it wasn't MS he was diagnosed with. The doctor said it was PMS. It's all about paying attention to the details.
Jason Pegram
LMAO😄 good one!
Jared Larsen lol
Even when caught red handed he still denies and plays the victim
They always do! Sad
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease. He wouldn't have remained unchanged for over 20 years, his physical abilities would have continued to decline.
With the invention of new medications. The progression of MS, has been significantly reduced over the past 15-20 years.
Yeah my ex's mother has had it at least 15 years and works full time.
Some people have one or two lesions upon diagnosis and never develop growth or a new one ever again especially with the drugs that are out today for MS
Some people have degenerative MS - progressive. Others have relapsing MS - some symptoms always, usually mild, then more severe episodes periodically but not necessarily very progressive.
There are so many people doing this type of stuff these days. I'm retired and spent 24 years in the Marines. I know a bunch of "disabled" vets collecting a ton of money every year in benefits. These are not guys who were injured in combat. Many of them never even saw combat. But, all of them are perfectly capable to work a job. They just choose to game the system and collect VA money instead.
If his MS is legit, he can still work, he can still find a job that suits his condition. He seems very fit.
Mr muscles lol
Not always. I can’t work, my MS symptoms impede me from maintaining a job.
Social media commenters can do clerical work.
@@KingfishStevens-di9jiPERFECTLY said.
@@GregMets2345 I worked 30 years with a herniated disc in my back, carpal tunnel, arthritis among other ailments. I worked with lots of people with physical ailments. This is the God's truth, I worked at a tire store with a guy that had an arm and a leg missing. This dude worked just like the rest of us, outworked some. He ran the tire machine, did all the wheel balancing, all this on a prosthetic leg and one arm. When I see these ded beats with their bs ''disabilities'', it fries me to the core.
My job destroyed my knees after serving. Struggle every day at work but get off my ass and work. The guy is a con-man.
He got an average of $80,000 a year, for his fake disability claim. Keep in mind that’s all tax-free.
Only because armed forces gave him 30% of his paycheck. Then what disability paid him.
What military man who is 19 years old who dropped out make $270 Grand a year
This guy is a clown and a crook. He shouldn't be put in jail. He should be forced to work in a VA hospital or rehab center so that he can face veterans every day and pay back the $1.6M. Sending him to jail for 41 months eliminates him from the work force and puts the burden on taxpayers for his food, shelter, medical, etc. Instead, Make him work and declare him ineligible for unemployment benefits.
I’m agree with you , these people should be working to pay back what they have stolen and face everyday to whom they have been doing it
I have worked in the intensive care unit (ICU) for 13 years. I have never seen case of drop foot in a patient that can stand, run, walk or by any way be capable of living any kind of a normal dependent lifestyle.
No shit. I have CP so my foot constantly "drops" when I'm not bearing weight on it. There's no way I could run like him. He's a jackass.
I worked as a restorative therapist and know it comes from not using your feet. The less you use them the worse it gets however this clown is a big liar and fraud
Totally right! Freakin lair
He had the nerves to do an interview.
He had two independent doctors tell him that he had Ms and that is not fraud. Just because you can do things some days doesn't mean you are absolutely healthy. I have a broken back but if you look at me I look just fine I look like I can do anything but I can't lift anything over 15 lbs. This is a disgrace what they did to him.
Lmaoooo, “it’s not a muscle disease, it’s a neurological disease” oh really? And how do you think muscles move, my friend?
💀💀 plus MS primarily affects nerves and the signals the brain sends so like ...💀
@@prettylittleidiot I was implanted with a rod, maybe that's why i have seizures.
The fact that almost 200 people like this shows the ignorance of people.
@@prettylittleidiot M.S. makes you immune system attack the protective sheaths that cover your nerves until it damages your nerves has nothing to do with the muscles.
Are you kidding with this guy? He's such a horrible liar too. This is such an insult to all the vets (and non-vets) that struggle with real disabilites AND STILL HAVE JOBS BECAUSE THEY HAVE DIGNITY AND AREN'T CON MEN. House arrest? Please, this guy should be in big boy jail.
He believes his own lies pathetic
His face when the bungee jumping picture came up 😧 🤣
That made me chuckle too.😆
That boy was like 😦😦
Oh' God😂😂😂😂😭😭
“Here you are on the beach, Mr. Muscles.”
Savage af
Oh, he has trouble opening up a bag of fertilizer (his hands slip) but he can grip a bat and swing it. Wow. Can you say FRAUD????
Mr. Anthony G's Daughter right? And even if he couldn’t do that. The company could provide him scissors or some other “reasonable” accommodation to help him. Not to mention there are so many other jobs that don’t need him to use his hands like that. That was the saddest example he used ever!
Mr. Anthony G's Daughter a bag of fertilizer is about 50 pounds a bat is let then a few pounds. Probably even lighter then his cane. And it probably was not even a heavy competition or anything. Just a incouragement booster for him.
Mr.Anthony G makes stupid babies.... Calisthenics ....LOOK INTO IT...
@@lisamiddleton3475 He gets payed more for not working why would he ever do that
William Vallespir lol morals? Sadly those are not common these days
People who receive SSDI or veteran's disability believe they have the right to live a good quality of life, that no one has the right to expect them to be totally bed ridden for the rest of their life that is what I've heard from many of them
That's totally reasonable
Thank-you for your service. Oh, and can I have my money back?
For sure, he owes the working, tax paying American that keeps this nation functional a lot of money. He and his wife need to start paying up and need to start compensating working tax payers.
Aaron Hart hahaha, what service??? he didn't even finish his tour of duty...
Aaron Hart Hey does this mean that free burial also be given back??
Aaron Hart lol !!! That's right !!
Kudos to the judge for ordering this fraudster to pay that money back!
My friend has had MS & wishes she could move this well. So, he can't get a desk job?
EXACTLY. I'm young in my late 20's but can only do an office job now. I was so scared about money I seriously talked about driving to work and using a walker to get around after a major relapse. That was less realistic than I thought but yeah if this guy can do marathons and do bungee jumping he should be able to do a desk job.
Your friend has MS not has had. MS you have for the rest of your life. I have MS aswell and I believe he has MS. And I work with people with MS aswell they have good days and really bad.
He is not 100% disabled.
I honestly believe that one of his "friends" turned him in
Oh...I bet you are correct.
or it was his EX WIFE just like the video showed
Actually, I read someplace that a relative of his former wife's turned him in.
2pac's Spirit you mean his wife did lol
Lazy Crady Probably was jealous as fack
This guy is an inspiration. The moral is to lie, cheat, and steal your way through life. Just don't get caught.
They all get caught
Ridiculous scammer.
Yeah you've got "MS" - Making Shit up
Ryan Taylor 😂 love your comment
Ryan Taylor Good one Ryan !
Ryan Taylor I like that one bud.
I'm disabled, and I would love to be working! I'm missing the routine, schedule, purpose, fulfillment of doing a job well done and Of course the money. My monthly income was cut in half when I went on disability. I'm on the verge of losing my house. I have worked and paid my own way for 46 years and miss it. I would do anything to work again and pay the bills I owe. I'm not on Medicare, Medicaid, or any other services. I still pay for my own health insurance, taxes, groceries, and the barrage of medication I have to take just to get up each day.each. And this a- -hole can do all of those activities and is claiming he's 100% disabled?? I'm so glad for his conviction! No one has morals anymore. ''It's all about me'' kind of attitude, that the government somehow owes you. It very frustrating for those of us who are disabled and you hear about cutbacks in monthly checks and it's because of people like him.
I am disabled myself..didnt work for 7 months..i know the feeling of not feeling like u have a routine, a reason to get up...i do work part time know and it helps my0 over all mental health..have a great 2020
Doe, no offense but you kinda strike me as , you know, estoopid
@@Facebook-StevenSchmidlap And you sound like a lovely person!
@@Facebook-StevenSchmidlap There's no talk to your type of judgmental Assholes. I'm not getting a free paycheck. I worked for 30 years in the business I retired from and working since I was old enough at 10. So, I put my time in have you? I'm not expecting a thing from my comments but it is clear you do.
john doe I guess me having cancer and autoimmune disorder doesn’t give me the right to be on disability? I was a ER Nurse had to resign. Please educate and listen before you comment stuff like that.
"You see how I"m running?! I hAvE DrOpFoOt!!!!!!!'
I know right?what the hell?😒😒😒😄
He's a clown.
MissNebulosity LMAO WHAT THE HECK... DROP FOOT 🤣😂 🏃🏾
@@trillionaire4803 That's what the guy said he had! LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣
@@trillionaire4803 Drop foot is actually a real condotion. It's caused by nerve damage. I have a spinal cord injury and trauma induced Syringomyelia and many people in my support group have it. Not defending this guy at all, just passing on the info that drop foot is an actual medical term.
My husband died of Agent Orange poisoning from Vietnam. He had PTSD, COPD, congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure from age 29, neuropathy in both legs. He became totally disabled because of his military service. This clown is a disgrace and is spitting on the graves of real heros.