Well i know a lot about hamsters and i can tell you that this is way too small..also because a syrian needs an 11 inch wheel and a big house and i see that that part is oke but they will take too much space of the cage. They also need a big layer of bedding because hamsters live under the ground and feel needs to burrow. Also the bedding you use is dangerous for hamsters. There is too much dust in it wich will give respitorian infections for your hamster. And it is also not possible to make decent tunnels in it. Your hamster feels the need to looking for food so you must scatter that around otherwise your hamster will be very bored and experience a lot of stress. He needs safe PAPER nestingmaterial And please dont open his house while he is sleeping. A hamster is an animal wich other animals are hunting on. They know that and need a place to hide were they can feel safe. If you open his house it give a lot of syress. He cant feel safe than anymore
I dont mean to hurt you. I only want to help you to give your hamster a better life. I think Europian people did more research about hamsters and you can be a big example for the rest of the people in Japan who think that small cages are good enough for there hamsters. Hamsters have a very large territorium in the wild. They really really need a very large cage..even the dwarfhamsters. In small cages the are going to chew on the cage because they have so much stress..they want to get out. You can help changing that. If you have questions please contact me and i will answer them as good as i can. Together we can make a change. No one will be locked up in a space as big as a toilet so why would we do that with our animals?
I can understand very well that it is difficult to have a large cage in a small house..but maybe you can use your large cage also as a table so it is functional at the same time. I know that most people in Japan have a small home. My son lived also in Japan for a while in Osaka and he also had a very small but lovely house. Don t worry about your English my English isnt also perfect and i can understand you very well. You also dont have to worry about you said bad things to me. You didnt..itvwas just your opinion and i gave you mine also. I am very...very..happy to read that you changed your mind and are willing to buy a larger cage. My advise is..if somebody cant give an animal a proper home please dont take an animal. Again..if i can ever help you or somebody else you know with any questions anout hamsters please please ask. It wil be a pleasure to answering them. Thank you so much. Have a lovely day xxx
You have no idear how happy that makes me. H Really??? How funny is that. Do you also study at the Osaka University? Maybe you knew my son than? He made a lot of videos about your beautiful town while he lived there and put them on utube as Orandajin. That would be funny if you knew him. I have a few more tips for you..1)strips of toiletpaper are perfect nesting material for hamsters and cheap..that is nice. 2) And if you buy an IKEA detalf make sure that you put a piece of wood in the middle UNDER the floor of the cage. The left and right ending parts are a little bit bigger than the glass part so the glas is not resting on the floor and because of the weight of the things in the cage the glass will bend and break. 3) your hamster also need a sandbath. You have to use chinchillasand....birdsand is to sharp and will give wounds. You can also buy children playsand ..that is cheaper but you have to sterilise it in the oven first. Hamsters like to pee in a corner so there back is covered and they feel safe than. What you must do is block 3 corners of the cage and let one corner free. Put a box whitout a lid in the open corner and fill it with sand but be carefull.. it may not be too deep. If the hamster is digging a whole in there.. it can come down and cover your hamster. In the beginning you have to put a little bit bedding with urine on it in the sandbath so the hamster will understand that he must pee in there. He is also going to roll in the sand because that is how hamsters keep there fur clean..they looove to roll in the sand. It will make your hamster very happy if you make a sandbath for him and it will safe you a lot of work and money.. because the rest of the cage will stay clean so you only have to clean it once in 3 months. Keep always a part of the old bedding apart and mix it with the new bedding so the smell will stay familiair. It is very stressfull for your hamster when he comes in a new cage and his smell is gone. You have to change the sand once a week so it stays clean because if you dont it is going to smell bad because sand can not absorp bad smells. 4) look how hamsters are living in the wild and try to give him a cage that looks a lityle bit the same. Give him things to do...looking for food for example. They have a wonderful nose...no matter where you hide it. He will find it. And give him wood to chew on. But be careful if you take wood from outside. There can be parasites in it that makes your hamster ill. It is better to buy safe wood in a pet shop. Make toys for him where you hide food in it..on utube you can find many examples. And make it like he never get bored. 5) If you put heavy things in the cage..put a block of wood under them wich are resting on the bottom of the cage... because you are gonna give him a big layer of safe bedding where he can make tunnels in..and if he is burrowing a tunnel under a heavy thing it will come done and your hamster will stick under it and will die. So make sure that something like that is not going to happen. 6) dont think that your hamster is lonely and needs a buddy...never put two hamsters together in one cage. They will fight until one died. A hamster need an own territorium. These are the most importent things..there is a lot to know about food but you can find that on the internet. Inam sorry that i disturbed you with all these unasked information. Buy buy
What a beautiful hammie! I have one too and hope to bring home two more...one day. I love hammie's 💗
ものを置いたらもう空間が埋まっちゃう 2階部分が作れればもっと居住スペースが
広がって良いんですけね。 幅90センチが良いんだろうけど設置出来る場所も限られてくるし
@女の子やまぐちゆり それを虐待と言われるんです。邪魔になると思うのなら最初からキンクマを飼っちゃ駄目 人間の大人が4畳半の部屋に閉じ込められるのと同じことだからね ペットショップではやたらとファンシーで小型のハムスターケージが売られているけど、それの90パーセント以上はハムスター用となっているけど狭すぎてハムスターの飼育には向いていないんだけどね
👍👍👍 Hamster a very happy😆🤗🌈🌞💗
カイ王 でもめっちゃ高そう😂
初コメント失礼します!ゴールデンハムスターを2匹飼う予定なのですが、ゴールデンハムスターはよく喧嘩するので別ケージに飼う必要があるとみたのですが、みなさんどうされてますか? また、穴を通って二階に行くタイプのものは通れない可能性もあるかと思うのですが、大きめのパイプも売ってるのでしょうか?
ミランダ 有難うございます
aosan ですよね....
Emily hat 嘘つき((ゲフンゲフン
@@にゃにゃ-z9n すみませんタッチパネル変な風に当たり押したからやり直しした覚えがあります。ご面倒かけました。
鶴田美保 口悪くて草 初対面に は? とかないでしょw 小学生はやめなさい
鶴田美保 は?wなんでそんな喧嘩売ってるコメントしてんの?w爆笑
I am so sorry but this cage is way to small for a Syrian hamster
Well i know a lot about hamsters and i can tell you that this is way too small..also because a syrian needs an 11 inch wheel and a big house and i see that that part is oke but they will take too much space of the cage. They also need a big layer of bedding because hamsters live under the ground and feel needs to burrow. Also the bedding you use is dangerous for hamsters. There is too much dust in it wich will give respitorian infections for your hamster. And it is also not possible to make decent tunnels in it. Your hamster feels the need to looking for food so you must scatter that around otherwise your hamster will be very bored and experience a lot of stress. He needs safe PAPER nestingmaterial And please dont open his house while he is sleeping. A hamster is an animal wich other animals are hunting on. They know that and need a place to hide were they can feel safe. If you open his house it give a lot of syress. He cant feel safe than anymore
I dont mean to hurt you. I only want to help you to give your hamster a better life. I think Europian people did more research about hamsters and you can be a big example for the rest of the people in Japan who think that small cages are good enough for there hamsters. Hamsters have a very large territorium in the wild. They really really need a very large cage..even the dwarfhamsters. In small cages the are going to chew on the cage because they have so much stress..they want to get out. You can help changing that. If you have questions please contact me and i will answer them as good as i can. Together we can make a change. No one will be locked up in a space as big as a toilet so why would we do that with our animals?
Yes that will be big enough. But please make a lid on it because hamsters are very good in escaping.
I can understand very well that it is difficult to have a large cage in a small house..but maybe you can use your large cage also as a table so it is functional at the same time. I know that most people in Japan have a small home. My son lived also in Japan for a while in Osaka and he also had a very small but lovely house. Don t worry about your English my English isnt also perfect and i can understand you very well. You also dont have to worry about you said bad things to me. You didnt..itvwas just your opinion and i gave you mine also. I am very...very..happy to read that you changed your mind and are willing to buy a larger cage. My advise is..if somebody cant give an animal a proper home please dont take an animal. Again..if i can ever help you or somebody else you know with any questions anout hamsters please please ask. It wil be a pleasure to answering them. Thank you so much. Have a lovely day xxx
You have no idear how happy that makes me. H
Really??? How funny is that. Do you also study at the Osaka University? Maybe you knew my son than? He made a lot of videos about your beautiful town while he lived there and put them on utube as Orandajin. That would be funny if you knew him.
I have a few more tips for you..1)strips of toiletpaper are perfect nesting material for hamsters and cheap..that is nice.
2) And if you buy an IKEA detalf make sure that you put a piece of wood in the middle UNDER the floor of the cage. The left and right ending parts are a little bit bigger than the glass part so the glas is not resting on the floor and because of the weight of the things in the cage the glass will bend and break.
3) your hamster also need a sandbath. You have to use chinchillasand....birdsand is to sharp and will give wounds. You can also buy children playsand ..that is cheaper but you have to sterilise it in the oven first. Hamsters like to pee in a corner so there back is covered and they feel safe than. What you must do is block 3 corners of the cage and let one corner free. Put a box whitout a lid in the open corner and fill it with sand but be carefull.. it may not be too deep. If the hamster is digging a whole in there.. it can come down and cover your hamster. In the beginning you have to put a little bit bedding with urine on it in the sandbath so the hamster will understand that he must pee in there. He is also going to roll in the sand because that is how hamsters keep there fur clean..they looove to roll in the sand. It will make your hamster very happy if you make a sandbath for him and it will safe you a lot of work and money.. because the rest of the cage will stay clean so you only have to clean it once in 3 months. Keep always a part of the old bedding apart and mix it with the new bedding so the smell will stay familiair. It is very stressfull for your hamster when he comes in a new cage and his smell is gone. You have to change the sand once a week so it stays clean because if you dont it is going to smell bad because sand can not absorp bad smells.
4) look how hamsters are living in the wild and try to give him a cage that looks a lityle bit the same. Give him things to do...looking for food for example. They have a wonderful nose...no matter where you hide it. He will find it. And give him wood to chew on. But be careful if you take wood from outside. There can be parasites in it that makes your hamster ill. It is better to buy safe wood in a pet shop. Make toys for him where you hide food in it..on utube you can find many examples. And make it like he never get bored.
5) If you put heavy things in the cage..put a block of wood under them wich are resting on the bottom of the cage... because you are gonna give him a big layer of safe bedding where he can make tunnels in..and if he is burrowing a tunnel under a heavy thing it will come done and your hamster will stick under it and will die. So make sure that something like that is not going to happen.
6) dont think that your hamster is lonely and needs a buddy...never put two hamsters together in one cage. They will fight until one died. A hamster need an own territorium.
These are the most importent things..there is a lot to know about food but you can find that on the internet. Inam sorry that i disturbed you with all these unasked information. Buy buy