Thank you Engineer Tadesse for your well articulated presentation and analysis on existing situation & the future of Tigray. I hope the government of Tigray and hence the entire population will appreciate such innovative ideas and thereby tirelessly work to attain the desired results. One thing worth noting is that we should build on communities by striving to bring many of them to middle level income .This could be realised merely by focusing on the notion of inclusive development, for any development that puts aside the interest and wellbeing of the majority of its society is deemed to failure. So let's first unlock our mind set in all aspects (politically , culturally, morally, work ethics, etc.). Once again thank you Engineer for your smart & innovative presentation.
This is amazing idea and timely. I think every body has to work towards this to survive and stand together to fight this critical issue and find the way out of this critical problem. lets come together and add what we can add to wards this issue. Thank you very much engineer Taddese
Eng. Tadese, I appreciate your analysis of Tigray's economy and the exploration of potential alternatives such as training the TDF youth and constructing deep water wells. However, I would like to address the concerns regarding the mention of making money using the arc of the covenant, as it raises questions about the appropriateness and feasibility of such an endeavour.
I love the discussion. One thing i didn't like was the idea of supplements to children. Unless its for our attacked children and in short term, we have to think whole foods that are nutritional. The supplemental stuff in the west is not nutritional enough for the long run. Second is in European countries what's attractive is sustainable architecture that has water bodies and green parks as well as. Good design. Since architecture is very sensitive to Tegaru we have to make sure our designs mainly take into consideration our old architectural concepts. we can see our old houses for this. If we are designing a community, it should be a community intouch with our roots including places where our elderly could miftal by the water bodies and our kids could play fit le fit and a night at the community hall where we can have guayla and oral or written performances. We have to think of our dpaces being designed with minor changes for years to save costs and live in a fascility modern, usable yet traditional. What i am saying is our parks could have gebeta and horse riding and our farming traditions specially way of living created with farming and our oral traditions that keep the Tigrayan spirit alive should exist mentally. We should really incorporate Tigrai in our designs of a communal living including berbere mestihi. Thank you
Are we thinking about making the drills or buying them because we have to think about spares and all. We need to think about having power to fix them too so we successfully do the projects
Yes, Tigray needs to address its political leadership problem. But, how come none of the speakers talk about the constitutionally acknowledged occupied Tigray territories and the millions displaced Tegarus? Hope someone addresses this central question.
Agreed. Pretoria gave Tigray back its original lands as per the constitution. It also gave it its constitutional authority back, that includes the right to administer, police and enforce law in Western and Southern Tigray. Why the then interim gov fails to execute its duty is a mystery to me. A gov should not be afraid of legal use of force since it is the only body allowed to do so. The constitution has already granted Getachew's administration the monopoly of violence and jurisdiction to administer Tigray! Failure is a dereliction of duty. It is the equivalent or a policeman refusing the arrest criminals in his jurisdiction.
@@sieruefrem That is the perspective of an expansionist, an invader and the occupier. You reminded me the many claims done by other Ethiopians. There are many evidences to prove that the invading Amharas raped, immolated, slaughtered, skinned and beheaded countless Tegarus in Tigray. Other Ethiopian ethnics may come with videos showing people parading branding beheaded people. It is the matter of time. Long before the Tigray war, Amharas lynched innocent Tegarus because of their ethnicity, expelled 129,000 Tegarus from Amhara state and blocked roads that lead to Tigray with the intention to put Tigray under siege. While Tigray was busy accepting dead bodies, NO Amhara was put in harms way in Tigray. Now, I sense the same barbarous behavior is being repeated here.
@@sieruefrem Of course I agree with you. Please note the war has brought lasting harm including trauma to so many Tigrians as many of us have lost immediate loved ones. I ‘m tired of dealing with war mongers and expansionists who openly say “we will make you acculturated Amharas just like Qimant and Agews”. Aside from silencing the guns, the Pretoria agreement has not brought Tigrays constitutionally known territory. By that, 40% of Tigray’s total area is still occupied by Amharas, and the 2 million inhabitants that were removed from western Tigray have not been able to return to their homes and farms. The underlying reason for that is the unwillingness of the Federal government to execute the very agreement it signed for. Though there is NO justifiable reason as to why Abiy Ahmed is unwilling to honor the peace pact, his unstated reason could be to pressure the people of Tigray and its leadership to do certain things. Evicting the occupiers (Amhara and Eritrea) was the constitutional task of the Federal gov. The war has caused untold sufferings and brought unimaginably high casualties and I have the feeling the Tigray leadership does not want to use violence to evict the occupiers knowing such action leads to further bloodshade and endless acrimony between the 2 people. I believe that is the unstated reason for the Getachew Reda government to stay idle. There must be NO ambiguity about the ownership of the western and southern Tigray as there are multiple primary sources to validate the two regions were indeed annexed in 1948 and 1949 by Hselassie’s order to Wello and Gonder respectly. There are dated government letters, tax collection receipts, books, maps and human accounts to affirm the territories were under Tigray jurisdiction. As Tigraway, I am unhappy by the observable failure of Getachew Reda and his colleagues to materialize the Pretoria agreement. This is because I firmly believe regaining Tigray’s territory and allowing the displaced Tegarus to return to their houses and farms is the primary task of the administration. At this condition, I don't believe Tigray exists. Once Tigray is fully in control of its territory, the issue of democracy, human rights, corruption and others will follow. In fact, I would be supportive of using anything to force out the occupiers, and allow the displaced inhabitants to return. As he has failed badly on the most essential task, it is inevitable Getachew Reda to start feeling the wrath of the people.
@amanuelreda859 I see your point now. Your earlier response sounded like you were calling me expansionist, lol. Anyway, I don't think a gov has the option to stay silent in the face of criminal invasion for fear of violence. A gov is not a civilian. That is why we gave it our sons and daughters to enforce the law. So I agree with you that it is way overdue for a getachew to use TDF to get back our lands. And that is what the constitution and the pretoria agreement demands!
Ane Eritreawi eye ni Engineer ni 2 gize ysemEo aleku: he is very smart man but ms gorebabti hagerat ( Eritrea) zelo zmdna entay kkewn ke: Zelewo : mebrhi khb khtet alewo: ezi kulu internal Ebyet Tigray xbuq tezaribu gin "" guday Selam """ gin ksab hiji Tegaru mergexikum aflTu4:!!!@!@@
@@luckydad7339 Gehaf, what did you say? Shabias are never right, and neither are you, Barya. People were starving because your animals, soldiers, people were harming. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss how the problems can be solved. Of course, you Shabias don't know any discussion, it's not your culture, you also don't know how to implement democracy among people. Actually, people like you who have no idea about politics should just keep their mouths shut. So shut up!
Thank you Engineer Tadesse for your well articulated presentation and analysis on existing situation & the future of Tigray. I hope the government of Tigray and hence the entire population will appreciate such innovative ideas and thereby tirelessly work to attain the desired results. One thing worth noting is that we should build on communities by striving to bring many of them to middle level income .This could be realised merely by focusing on the notion of inclusive development, for any development that puts aside the interest and wellbeing of the majority of its society is deemed to failure. So let's first unlock our mind set in all aspects (politically , culturally, morally, work ethics, etc.). Once again thank you Engineer for your smart & innovative presentation.
This is amazing idea and timely. I think every body has to work towards this to survive and stand together to fight this critical issue and find the way out of this critical problem. lets come together and add what we can add to wards this issue. Thank you very much engineer Taddese
ብጣዕሚ ዝገርም ሓሳብ'ዩ። በይዛኹም ናብ ናይ ትግራይ ፖሊሲ ለውጥዎ!!
ጽርፍ ውዓሉና ኣምሓርኛ ጥራይ ተዛረቡ ተዋህዶን ዘምሓርሓሩን መፈተኒ ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ሊኢኾምልኩም ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ናይ ኣምሓራይ ባንዴራ ተኸቢቡ
Eng. Tadese, I appreciate your analysis of Tigray's economy and the exploration of potential alternatives such as training the TDF youth and constructing deep water wells. However, I would like to address the concerns regarding the mention of making money using the arc of the covenant, as it raises questions about the appropriateness and feasibility of such an endeavour.
God bless Tigray 🙏. Glad to have a bright minded intellectual like Tadesse Yemane. May God bless him and protect him from any harm 🙏.
ንኢንጅነር ኢንተርቪው ተትገብርዮ ጽቡቕ ነይሩ
ሰማዒ እና ተግባሪ እንተረኺቡ ይበል ዝብሃል ጥዑም ሓሳብ እዩ ዕድመ ጥዕና ይሃብካ ኢንጂነር
ቂቂቂ እንግሊሽ ጽቡቅ ትኽእሉ ደቒ ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ካበይ መጺኡ መሃዝቱ ጠፊእኩም !
ቕድሚ 400 ዓመት ኣብ ጎንደር ኣምሓራይ ቋንቋ ድዩ መንነት ዝብሃል ኣይነበረን !!! ተዋህዶ ትግራይ ክንዲ ትናስሑ ያዕውይ ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ኣምጺኹም
ተጋሩ ሊቃውንቲ መሳፍንቲ ምሁራት ቒቒቒ
ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ከ
ክንደይ ኦሮሞ ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ምሂርኩም ኣምሓራይ ስነልቦና ሒዞም ክሳቀዩ ጌርኩሞም ጉራጌ ዎላይታ ትግርኛ ያዕውይ ኽፍኣትኩም ብቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ተቀይሩ ዘሳቅዮም ርኢናኩም
ተዋህዶን ዘምሓርሓሩን ከሳቅይኹምዮም እዮም
ኣሰልቻዊ ቛንቛ ኣዲኡ መንነቱ ኽሒዱ ክንዲ ዘረድኦም ! ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ዘይምሕዋስካ ነመስግን !
ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ምሃዝቱ ሓሰውትን ሰረቅትን ጠንቖልትን ሰብደምን ተጋሩ ሽዋ ኼዶም ዝመሃዝዎ ምስጢራዊ ቋንቋ እዩ እዙይ ሓቂ ክትቀብርዎ
ህዝቢ ትግራይ እንዳሰምዐ ኢዩ ዝሽገር ዘሎ፡ ነዚ ኢንጅነር ታደሰ የማነ መንግስቲ ኪገብሮ ኣለዎ። እታ መፍትሒ ድማ ቡሙሉኡ ኣባል ሕወሓት ካብ ኣባልነት ኢድካ ምስሓብ ንሓዱሽ መንግስቲ ድሉው ምዃን ኢያ።❤
ማእከል ኣዋሳ ሃብታማት ኣምሓራይ ዝተቀየሩ ተጋሩ ድዮም ኦሮም እንድዒ ሰብ ሆቴላት ኣብ ማእከል ጉራጌ ዎላይታ ስልጤ ኣምሓሩ ዘምሓርሓሩን ብርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ኣብ ገዛእ መሬቶም ዝሳቀዩ ህዝብታት ! ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ሉኡኽ ሓሳኽ ጨናዊ ጳጳስ ማትያስን ዘምሓርሓሩን ህግደፍን ምዃኑ ፈሊጥና ቒቒቒ
ዘርኡ እስኪ ኣምፅእልና
Engineer Tadese seems to be knowledgeable in all disciplines with an amazing experience.You need to be a close advisor to - lucky Tigray to have you.
ርኹስ ቋንቋ ኣምሓርኛ ብሓሰውትን ሰረቅትን ጠንቖልትን ሰብደምን ተጋሩ ሽዋ ኼዶም ዝመሃዝዎ ምስጢራዊ ናይ ክፋእ ብተዋህዶን ሊቃውንቲ መሳፍንትን ዝጸደቀ ርኹስ ቛንቛ ኣምሓርኛ ኽንደይ ህዝብታት መንነቶም ኽሒዶም ኣምሓራይ ዝተቀየሩ ክሳቀዩ ፈሪድኩሞም እዙይ ክትሓቡኡ መቀጸልታ ኽፍኣትኩም ስቃይ ተጋሩኣገው ደም ደም ደምብያ ደምበዛን ደምና ከሳቅይኹም እዩ ኽፍኣትኩም ኣምሓሩ ኢዮም ኢልኩም ክተውርዩ ህዝቢታት ዓለምን ኣምላኽን ይዕዘበኩም ይፍንፍነኩም ኣሎ ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ኣብ ሓራ ትግራይ ዝዛረቡ መልሓሶም ክሳዶም ክሳብ ትቆርጽዎም ክትቑረጹ ኢኹም ብባዕልኹም ኣምሓራይ ባዕልኹም ትግራዋይ ቒቒቒ 4።
ደምና ደም ደምብያ ደምበዛን ከሳቅየኩምዩ ንዘመናት ህዝቢታት ኣገው ኦሮሞ ጉራጌ ዎላይታ ትግርኛ ስልጤ ሽናሻ ቅማንት ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ምሂርኩም ክተሳቅይዎም ያዕውይ
ንልዕሊ 40 ዓመታት ምሉእ እተነድቀ ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ዘየርብሕ መሰረት ፡ ዝወለዶም ኣዕነውቲ ሳዕቤናት እነሆ ኣብ ባይታ ይረአ ። ነቲ መሰረት እቲ ኣፈራሪስካ ፡ ከም ብሓዲሽ ውሕስነት ዘለዎ መሰረት ንምቕማጥ ድማ እቲ ጌና ዋጋታት ከኽፍል ምዃኑ ይብእስ ።
ንምንታይ እዩ ትግራዋይ ቛንቛ ኣዲኡ ክብረት ዘይህብ
I love the discussion. One thing i didn't like was the idea of supplements to children. Unless its for our attacked children and in short term, we have to think whole foods that are nutritional. The supplemental stuff in the west is not nutritional enough for the long run. Second is in European countries what's attractive is sustainable architecture that has water bodies and green parks as well as. Good design. Since architecture is very sensitive to Tegaru we have to make sure our designs mainly take into consideration our old architectural concepts. we can see our old houses for this. If we are designing a community, it should be a community intouch with our roots including places where our elderly could miftal by the water bodies and our kids could play fit le fit and a night at the community hall where we can have guayla and oral or written performances. We have to think of our dpaces being designed with minor changes for years to save costs and live in a fascility modern, usable yet traditional. What i am saying is our parks could have gebeta and horse riding and our farming traditions specially way of living created with farming and our oral traditions that keep the Tigrayan spirit alive should exist mentally. We should really incorporate Tigrai in our designs of a communal living including berbere mestihi. Thank you
ያዕውይ ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ዓዲጉዶም እዙይ እንግሊሽ ዳሓወስካ ትዛረቦ ዘለኻ እንታይ ክብልዎ ኦዮም ቒቒቒ
Good job, lets go!!!
ብኣምሓራይ ስነልቦና ክትሳቀዩ ግድንዩ
ኽንደይ ህዝብታት መንነቶም ኽሒዶም ኣምሓራይ ቀይርኩሞም
Are we thinking about making the drills or buying them because we have to think about spares and all. We need to think about having power to fix them too so we successfully do the projects
ጥረስጋ ክትበልዑ ሚልዮናት ህዝብታት ኦሮሞ ጉራጌ ኣገው ትግርኛ ስልጤ ሽናሻ ሲዳማ ቅማንት ....ኣሳቂኹሞም ብርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ
I don't want to say anything, only hope for a better tigraye. We need deeds not words.
ሕራይ ኢንግሊሽ ብትግርኛ ከምዙይ ማለተየ ዘይትብል ወይስ ኣምሓራይ ስነልቦና የሳቅካ እዩ
ጀግና 🥰🥰🥰
ኣብ ዋዕላታት ብዙሕ እዋን ፅቡቓት ሓሳባት ይቐርቡ እዮም፡፡ ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን ግና ከመይ ናብ ተግባር ንቐይሮም ዝብልን ኣብ ባይታ ምውዓል ዝተገበሩ መርኤያታት ብዙሕ ኣይተራእየን ፡፡
ናይ ኢንጅነር ታደሰ ሓሳባት ብዙሕ ግዜ ኣዳሚፀ እየ።ብጣዕሚ ፅቡቕ እዩ።ክብሪ ድማ ይህቦ።ኾይኑ ግና ካብ ቅድሚ 5ን ልዕልኡን ዓመታት ጀሚሩ ተመሳሳሊ ሓሳብ እዩ ዝዛረብ ዘሎ።ናብ ተግባራዊ ምንቅስቓስ ብኸመይ ክወርድ ይኽእል ዝብል እውን ኣንፈት ሃበና።ተዘይሎ ግን ናይ ሕልሚ እንጀራ እዩ ዝኸውን ዘሎ።እሺ ፅቡቕ ሓሳብ እዩ እሞ ዳይ ናብ ተግባር።
ፅቡቅ ሓሳብ እዩ ኮይኑ ግና ንዚ ዝሰርሕ መራሒ የድሊ ቅኑዕ ሙሑርን ውፉይ እውን እንተ ኮይኑ ቡዙሕ ስራሕቲ ክስራሕ ይክእል እዩ ካብ ወረቀት ናብ መሬት ዘውርድ አካል እዩ ተሳኢኑ ዘሎ ቅድምኩሉ አብ ማይ ክስራሕ አለዎ ዝበሎ 100/100 ሓቂ እዩ
Great job Bro!
ንምንታይ መንነቶም ኽሒዶም ኤርትራዊ ክብሉ ሓቆምዮም ! ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ምስ ረኣየት ኣደይ ተዋህዶ ፈንፊናቶ ጌና ብጥረስጋ ዘምሓርሓሩን እዮም ዝምርሑ ኢላትኩም
I hope 🙏
ኢንጅነር ታደሰ ዝሃቦ ሓፈሻዊ ሙያዊ መርምር መሰረት ዝገበረ ምኽረ-ሓሳብ ጠቃሚ ይመስለኒ። እቲ ኣቀራርባ ወን ክድነቕ ዘለዎ ጽዕንቶ ፈጣሪ እዩ። ግና እዚ ምኽረ-ሓሳብ ብሰብ-ሙያ ተራእዩ ርኢቶ ዝተዋሃበሉ ድዩ? እንድሕር ዘይተዋሃበሉ - ወድዓውነቱን ምትእስሳር ምስ ሰላምን ወድዓዊ ዓቕሚ ምስ ህዝብና ዘይመጣጠን ሕልሚ ጥራይ ከይኾን የሕስበኒ። ሕልሚ ኳ ዘይጽላእ እንተኾነ። ናይ 1 ዓመት ትልሚ: ናይ 5 ዓመት ትልሚ: ናይ 10 ዓመት ትልሚ ምስ ሰብ ሙያ ተመያይጥካ ዶ ስትራተጂስት ምኻን ኣይሕሽን?
ቕድሚ ናብ ሚድያ ምቕራብ ብሰብ ሙያ /ቴክኖክራት ክንደየናይ ኣዋጻኣይን ተግባራዊ ክኸውን ከምዝኽእል ብብስለት ርኢቶ ክዋሃቦ እንተዝግበር ተመራጻይ ምኾነ ዶ ከብል። ካሊእ ስምኢት ዝተሓዎሶ ዝመስል ዘይሙያዊ ዘረባ /ክደግሞ ዘየድልይ/ ናብ ሓደጋ ህዝብና ዘእቱ ካብ ምዝራብ እንተንቑጠብ ይብል ምስ ይቕሬታ: ከም ርእይቶይ።
ቂቂቂ ኣወር ፊቸር ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ይርድኦ ዶ ይኸዉን ሓሳኽ ጨናዊ ጳጳስ ማትያስ ኢንግሊሽ ዓረብ ፍረንች ኢብሪው ጣልያን ይኽእል ቛንቛ ኣዲኡ ትግርኛ ይፍንፍን ቒቒቒ ተዋህዶን ዘምሓርሓሩን ከሳቅይኹም ኢዮም .።
ኢንጅነር ታደሠ የማነ ዝመርሓ ትግራይ ምርአይ ይምነይ ኩሎም ተጋሩ ሙሁራት እሰትራቴጂ ፀገም ኡይኡይ እናበሉ ንኢንጅነር ታደሠ የማነ መልሲ ከምዘለዎ ዘይምሕሳቦም ይገርመኒ እዞም ተጋሩ ተዛረብቲ አዮም ናይ እማን confidence ዘለዎ ኢንጅነር ሐገረ ትግራይ ንክመርሓ ቆላህታ ክገበሩ ይግባእ
ፕሬዘዳንት ታደሠ የማነ
ምክትል ዶ/ር ቴድሮሰ አድሓኖም
ኮልኦትውን ሕወሰዎም።
አያና እንጅነር የማነ ቢጣዕም ገልጽካዮ
ኣብ ኦሮሞ ኼድኩም ማእከል ዓዶም ሲዳማ ሻሸመኔ.... ቋንቋ መንነቶም ንዒቅኩም ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ክትዛረብዎም እንታይ ይስምዖም ሃብታማት ሰብ ሆቴላት ሓያላት መምህራን ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ተጋሩን መንነቶም ኺሒዶም ኣምሓራይ ዝተቀየሩን
አበ ዘሓመመተ ተገረይ ገደፈከ በረኸ መሬተከ አሂገረከሰ በረኽ አለኸ አይዘበል አተበሉ
ርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ምዝራብ ተተቋርጽዎ ህዝቢታት ኢስጦጵያን ኣፍሪቃን ምኣመነኩም
ሕዚ ዩ ተረዲኡና
ተጋሩ ኤርትራ መንነቶም ክኽሕዱ
ኦሮሞ ብርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ክሳቀዩ !
ተዋህዶ ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ዝብኢ ዝቅየር ክልእኹ
ሓሳኽ ጨናዊ ጳጳስ ማትያስ ብትግርኛ ይሕተት ብርኹስ ኣምሓርኛ ይምልስ
በዲኡ ይሓ በቡኡ ተምቤንን ኣገውን ኸዳዕ ተንኮለኛ ኢሳያስ ብኣምሓራይ ዝተሳቀዩ ዘብሄረ ኣገው ሕነ ዶ ይፈድየሎም ይህሉ
Kalie kea ground water after coming to use should be recycled back to the ground.
አሕሕሕ ንሐንቲ መዓልቲ ዶ ስልጣን ተዝወሀብ ! ብአጻብዕቲ ዝቁጸሩ ሐሳድ ጉጅለ ምስ ኮተት መተቱ ምውጋድን ምሁራት ክሰርሑ ምፍቃድ ዓቀብ ዘይብሉ ! ብስንኪ ዓሌት ትግራይ ጸኒታ ሐዚውን ትጽነት ?????
Welqayit tsegede is amhara period
ቂቂቂ ኒርልይ ማይንድሴት ኖሞር ባይዘወይ ኣትሊስት ዶልላርስ ዩስ ትሬንስ ኡኡኡኡኡኡ
Yes, Tigray needs to address its political leadership problem. But, how come none of the speakers talk about the constitutionally acknowledged occupied Tigray territories and the millions displaced Tegarus? Hope someone addresses this central question.
Agreed. Pretoria gave Tigray back its original lands as per the constitution. It also gave it its constitutional authority back, that includes the right to administer, police and enforce law in Western and Southern Tigray. Why the then interim gov fails to execute its duty is a mystery to me. A gov should not be afraid of legal use of force since it is the only body allowed to do so. The constitution has already granted Getachew's administration the monopoly of violence and jurisdiction to administer Tigray! Failure is a dereliction of duty. It is the equivalent or a policeman refusing the arrest criminals in his jurisdiction.
@@sieruefrem That is the perspective of an expansionist, an invader and the occupier. You reminded me the many claims done by other Ethiopians. There are many evidences to prove that the invading Amharas raped, immolated, slaughtered, skinned and beheaded countless Tegarus in Tigray. Other Ethiopian ethnics may come with videos showing people parading branding beheaded people. It is the matter of time. Long before the Tigray war, Amharas lynched innocent Tegarus because of their ethnicity, expelled 129,000 Tegarus from Amhara state and blocked roads that lead to Tigray with the intention to put Tigray under siege. While Tigray was busy accepting dead bodies, NO Amhara was put in harms way in Tigray. Now, I sense the same barbarous behavior is being repeated here.
@amanuelreda859 Are you disagreeing with me for agreeing with you? I don't think you read my message properly or understood it. Please read it again.
@@sieruefrem Of course I agree with you. Please note the war has brought lasting harm including trauma to so many Tigrians as many of us have lost immediate loved ones. I ‘m tired of dealing with war mongers and expansionists who openly say “we will make you acculturated Amharas just like Qimant and Agews”. Aside from silencing the guns, the Pretoria agreement has not brought Tigrays constitutionally known territory. By that, 40% of Tigray’s total area is still occupied by Amharas, and the 2 million inhabitants that were removed from western Tigray have not been able to return to their homes and farms. The underlying reason for that is the unwillingness of the Federal government to execute the very agreement it signed for. Though there is NO justifiable reason as to why Abiy Ahmed is unwilling to honor the peace pact, his unstated reason could be to pressure the people of Tigray and its leadership to do certain things. Evicting the occupiers (Amhara and Eritrea) was the constitutional task of the Federal gov. The war has caused untold sufferings and brought unimaginably high casualties and I have the feeling the Tigray leadership does not want to use violence to evict the occupiers knowing such action leads to further bloodshade and endless acrimony between the 2 people. I believe that is the unstated reason for the Getachew Reda government to stay idle. There must be NO ambiguity about the ownership of the western and southern Tigray as there are multiple primary sources to validate the two regions were indeed annexed in 1948 and 1949 by Hselassie’s order to Wello and Gonder respectly. There are dated government letters, tax collection receipts, books, maps and human accounts to affirm the territories were under Tigray jurisdiction. As Tigraway, I am unhappy by the observable failure of Getachew Reda and his colleagues to materialize the Pretoria agreement. This is because I firmly believe regaining Tigray’s territory and allowing the displaced Tegarus to return to their houses and farms is the primary task of the administration. At this condition, I don't believe Tigray exists. Once Tigray is fully in control of its territory, the issue of democracy, human rights, corruption and others will follow. In fact, I would be supportive of using anything to force out the occupiers, and allow the displaced inhabitants to return. As he has failed badly on the most essential task, it is inevitable Getachew Reda to start feeling the wrath of the people.
@amanuelreda859 I see your point now. Your earlier response sounded like you were calling me expansionist, lol. Anyway, I don't think a gov has the option to stay silent in the face of criminal invasion for fear of violence. A gov is not a civilian. That is why we gave it our sons and daughters to enforce the law. So I agree with you that it is way overdue for a getachew to use TDF to get back our lands. And that is what the constitution and the pretoria agreement demands!
ኩሉ ንምሥራሕ ንቀዳድም መሪሕነት ምዕራይ!!!!!
ሓሳብ ዝሽግሮ ሕ/ሰብ የለን መቐለውን ከምኡ:: ቅድሚ ግጭት ምትንኳስውን ትግራዋይ ተኣከብ እናተብሃለ ፈላጣት ምሁራት እናተብሃለ ዲፋክቶ ትግራይ ብምምስራት ኣቢልና ናብ ነፃነትና ጭልጥ ንበል ተጋሩ ዘይንኽእሎ እኮ የለን እናተብሃለ ትግራዋይ ብተጋሩ ተሰቢኹ ካብኡ ኣብ ቢሮ ህወሓት ኣብ ፀልማት ኮይንካ ብዝተዳለወ ናይ ጥፍኣት ፕላን
ህዝቢ ከየስተንተኖ ከይሓሰበሉ ሒዞምዎ ናብ መጥፊኢኡ ዝኾነ ኩናት ጭልጥ እዩምበይ:: ሀዚውን ትውጠን ከምዘላ ይንገሮ ኣሎ ሰብ ዘበል ብኸመይን ናይ መንን እባ እዩ ዝሓስብ እዚ ሀዚ ዘኒሀ ወለዶ::
ብዝኮነ ኮይኑ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ለባም ኣተሐሳስባኡን ድጋፍ ዘድልዮ እዩ ብወገን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብዝኮ ይኩን ገብሪሂወት ገብረትንሳኤ
ኣብ ናቶም ትራፕ ተኸቲልና ንኸይድ * እንታይ ማለት እዩ ምዕቡላት ሊቃውንቲ ለመንቲ ሓሳኻት ጠላማት ጨነውቲ ኣምሓራይ ስነልቦና ቐሺ ኺዳኑ ምዃንኩምዩ ዓለምን ኣምላኽን ክፍንፍነኩም ሓቁዩ
ተዋህዶ ኤርትራ ናይ ኣምሓርኛ መዝሙር ሼር ላይክ ግበሩ ተባሂሎም ኣለው !!!
Briliant assumption
SemiEkhayo Deytsigeb zereba.
ንምንታይ ምስ ሰኸርኩም ኣብ ማእከል ኦሮሞ ጉራጌ ዎላይታ ጋላ ባርያ ኢልኩም ክትጻረፉ ዘይትሓፍሩ !!!
How this ppl dnt tell him he speaking mix tigrgna kkkkkkk
Amharizm behaviour
እንታይ ዩ በዲልኩም ህዝቢ ትግራይ እንታይ ሕዉስዉስ ኣቢልካ ትዛረብ ምሁር ክትብሃል
ቀንዲ ኣሳሪ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ስርዓት ህወሓት ጥራይ 'ዩ. ህዝቢ ትግራይ ካብ መራሕቲ ህወሓት ንላዕሊ ፖለቲካውን ጸጥታውን ቁጠባውን ማሕበራውን ኣተሓስባ ዘለዎም ውልቀሰባት ከምዘለውዎ ኣሚኑ ነቲ ተፈቲኑ ዝወደቐ ስርዓትን ውድብን ገዲፉ ነቶም ገና ዘይተፈተኑ ፖለቲካዊ ውድባት ብምድጋፍ ምስ ግዜን ኩነታትን ዝጠልቦ ፖለቲካዊ ኣሰራርሓ ክኽተል ኣለዎ.
tigraway inspire gay thanks engineer
ታደሰ የማነ እንካብ ዘረባ ዝሓለፈ ስራሕ ስራሕ ኩሉ ጊዜ ሓንቲ ዘረባ
Eritreans built over 700 small dams the past 30 years
ኣብ ዓለም ትግራዋይ ዚባሃል ኽጠፊኢ ጥራይ ኣለዎ ኽንጥፎኦም ካኣ ኢና ኢዚ ብዛዓባ ኤርትራ ሃለዊለዉ ዚብልዎ ዚለዉ ኣብ ገዛ ተዓጾም ዲላዬም ኩቡሉ ይኩኡሉ ኢዬም ኢንተ ብግብሪ ግን ጥራይ ኣሶብኡት ይኩኑ ነምዕራብ ትግራይ ዚብሊዎ ሞ ኽሕሰብ የቡሉን ዕዲመ ንሻዓቢያ 15 /ክ/ት ዱሉዋት ኣለው ጥራይ ተንከስ ይቦሉ ሓንሳኢን መዋዳኢቲን ክንጥፎኦም ኢና ዚተረገመት ክሊል ማነም ናይ ዓለም ሓያል ትዲሕኖም የላን ሕጂ ሞ ምኪላፍ ዚባሃል የለን🇪🇷
Kmalam tigre leba
Engineer Tay teal meaning ????????!????
ልመና ክንጽየፍ አለና😂😂😂😂ስርቂ ከአ ተጸየፋ
Who is most amharizm behaviour
This guy or keShi KIDANU who turning in HAYNA KKKKK
ዋት ዊል ሃፐን ዓባየይ ስሒቃትካ ናይ መሃል ኣገር ኣዲስ ኣኣበባ ሰብ ድዩ ኢላትካ
=እዙይ ኩሉ ሙሁር እናተአከበ እናተዘራረበ,
=እዙይ ኩሉ ናይሃይማኖተ መራሕቲ እናፀለዩ,እናቀደሱ,
ኩሎም ናይ ትግራይ ፀገማት ተፈሊጦም አብቲ አኼባ ንምንታይን ብኸመይን ተፈጢሮም ዝርርብ ተገይሮሙሎም,ግና ንምንታይ እዮም ዘይተቓለሉ ? ኩሎም ፀገማት ትግራይ ተፈሊጦም እናሃለው ንምንታይ እዮም ምስ ትግራይ ተጠቂዖም ( ተለጢፎም )ንዘመናት ዝነብሩ ?
ክንዲ ትእምት ዝአመሰሉ ሃፋትም ሒዛ,
ካለኦት ብቑፅሪ ዘይነዓቑ ሃፋትም ተጋሩ ሒዛ,
ታይኮይና እያ ትግራይ አብ ከምዚ ዓይነት ከቢድ ፀገም ወዲቀቓ ?
ናይ ህ.ወ.ሓ.ት ( መንግስቲ ትግራይ ) 17 ዓመታት ውግእ
ን30 ዓመታት ድማ ትግራይ ዘግለለ አብ ኢትዮጵያ ጥራሕ ዘተኮረ አግላሊ ናይ ኢኮኖሚ ፖሊሲ እዩ ንትግራይ ክትወድቕ ገይሩዋ,
$$ እዞም ሙሁራት አያታትና,አሕዋትና,አሓትና ንምንታይ እዮም ቅድሚ እቱወራር ትግራይ ዝመርሑዋ ዝነበሩ መራሕቲ ንዘጋጠመ ሞትን ዕንወትን ተጠያቒ ዘይገብሩሎም ?
Ane Eritreawi eye ni Engineer ni 2 gize ysemEo aleku: he is very smart man but ms gorebabti hagerat ( Eritrea) zelo zmdna entay kkewn ke: Zelewo : mebrhi khb khtet alewo: ezi kulu internal Ebyet Tigray xbuq tezaribu gin "" guday Selam """ gin ksab hiji Tegaru mergexikum aflTu4:!!!@!@@
😂😂😂😂ናይወዲ አፌ መገዲ ተከተሉ ዘረባ ጥራይ ስርናይ ምልማን እርዳእታ ምስራቅ😂😂😂 ጸበብቲ ዘረባ ጥራይ ህጂ ሕርሻ አጽዋር ክትገዝኡ ህዝቢ ለማኒ ቀይርኩሞም ድሕሪ ማይ ናብ በዐቲ
ዘተ ኮለል
Kmalam tigre lit leba
አነ ዝገርመኒ ምስ ደቂ መን ሃገር እዩ ድዛረብ ደሎ ካብ ትግርኛ እንግሊሽ ድዛረብዎ ይበዝሕ ብቋንቋኹም ደይትኾርዑ እንደገና ህዝቢ ድበልዕዎ ጠፍእዎም ብጥሜት እንዳመቱስ ባዓል ቻይና ጃፓን ኮርያ እስኤል እሉስ ትግራይ ከአ ከምኤን ክትከውን አለዋ ወይጉድ በጃኹም ነቲ አኼባ ኢልኩም ባጀት ትስልዕዎ ደለኹም ነቶም ጾሞም ድሓድሩ ደለዉ ዓንግልዎም
Leba tigre
Ay tegaru bado atew qetew tiblu alekum amharu dro neber Enji metno medeqos ahun min yadergal wechit tedo malqes yblu dhr hji tegaru qedem kab Ethiopya zserewkuwe genzeb hizkunm nawa endaqortemkum suq ilkum menbar yhysh adi Amhara fano hizowe alo nqdmit kemam nmela Ethio kqoxaxer eyu beqa tgrawy dhir hji suq ilkum beskun qolona qchahum blou ktfon Choma sga by elokum
ኣታሞ ከም ሲሪላንካ ሓራ እነውፀአያ
ታደሰ የማነ ብሙሱና ትሕመለኻ ሕዚውን ከመይልና ካብ ሓደጋ ንወፅእ መሪሕነት ፀገም ኣሎ እናተባህለስ ገንዘብ ትብለና ?መራሕነት ዘየለ ገንዘብ ንመን?
You sound like you live in fantasy lala land dude.
Singapore nightmare taken from the rotten Isaias Afeworki
Kkkkk mix tigrgna wz English
ኣረሚናዊ ጉጂለ ኢሰያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዝነበር ትሕተቅርጺን ፋብሪካታት መዛገጃ መሕደራ ሕብረተሰብ ሐድጊ መግዛእቲ ጥልያን ኣፍሪሱ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ዝሐለፈ 4 ዓመት ክባን ዕጽዋን ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ኣምበርኪክካ ንግስነታዊ መንግስቲ ኣስመራን ኣዲስ ኣበባን ንምፍጣር ብዋጋ ሞትን መስዋእትን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እዩ ኔሩ ሩጉም ፍጥረት😮 ኢሰያስ ኣፈወርቂ ሕሳቡ
pls work to be practical.
You speek 75 %english
Because of the ignorance and rebelliousness of you guys couldn’t even see who you are.
Tegaru talk too much. Please Feed your starving people first. Stop waiting for food aid from western nations. 😂
ኪድ ሕማቕ ጉሒላ 🇪🇷🪣🪣🥄🥄🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🪣🪣
@@lanteTV1 komal Agame. My comment is right. Lementi alet, lazy,work instead of waiting for the food aid. Koshashawoch. 🤣
@@luckydad7339 Gehaf, what did you say?
Shabias are never right, and neither are you, Barya.
People were starving because your animals, soldiers, people were harming.
Therefore, it is necessary to discuss how the problems can be solved.
Of course, you Shabias don't know any discussion, it's not your culture, you also don't know how to implement democracy among people.
Actually, people like you who have no idea about politics should just keep their mouths shut. So shut up!
@@luckydad7339 ሕማቕ ሕሱር ዓሻ ኤርትራዊ ኢካ። ስደተኛ ማሃይም፡ ከማካ ኤርትራዊ እንተዝኸውን መሕብኢ ጉድጓድ ረኺበ ነብሰይ ምተሓባእኩ። ኣብዚ እንታይ ትገብር ኣለኻ ? ቁሩብ ኣይትሓፍርን? ንምንታይ ኣብ ዘይተዓደምካሉ እንዳ ሰብ ውራይ ተሳቲፍካ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ነብስኻ ትዋርድ? ኪዲ ተረፍ ሻሓነኻ ኣልምጽ 🇪🇷🥣
@@luckydad7339 እስኻትኩም አምበር ሰነፋት መስተማሰልቲን ተሓረስቲ ኣቡዑር ናይ ኢሰያስ። ፈራሓት ተበለጽቲ ቡዳታት ደቒ መኣምን ። ናብ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኬድካ ገለ ፍልጠት ኣጥሪ። እቲ ካብ ወለድኻን ሕብረተሰብካን ዝቐድሕካዮ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ነብስኻ ናይ ምውራድ ባህሊ ንዓኻ ጽቡቕ ኣይኮነን። ASCARI ITALIANI 🇪🇷🇮🇪 👎 ባርያ ወዲ ባርያ 🇪🇷👈
Kmalam tigre lit leba