How to start reading Batman for newcomers

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheBatman39
    @TheBatman39 День тому

    The early Batman comics during the 70s, written by Dennis O'Neil and illustrated by Neal Adams are jewels that deserve more appreciation imo, they are great examples on why Batman fits so well with the horror genre, and how to make good Batman stories that dwell on supernatural themes and gothic horror with a Batman that once again is the dark pulp hero; instead of the campy and goofy character that he was reduced to in the Silver Age and the Adam West show.
    If not for O'Neil, we wouldn't have the modern, gritty, dark, and serious Batman we all know and love nowadays even before The Dark Knight Returns and Year One came out.

  • @zheero
    @zheero 6 днів тому +3

    amazing video man, can't wait to see more of your content on this app as well.
    I think your voice is perfect for batman video essays and story-telling, It might be even better than your content on tiktok (they are still peak dw)

  • @gatsu3184
    @gatsu3184 7 днів тому +9

    I don't think it's a necessity To read batman year one if you a Basic understanding of batman's charecter But it's still a phenomenal read. And the animated movie in my opinion is as good as the comic

    • @GothamSavior-pm6oc
      @GothamSavior-pm6oc  6 днів тому +5

      Maybe not necessarily but definitely a great read especially for newcomers

  • @kons_frag
    @kons_frag 6 днів тому +2

    Great video!
    Also a good addition before Batman knightfall trilogy is Batman sword of a

    • @Yoda_832
      @Yoda_832 6 днів тому +2

      And prelude to Knightfall

    • @TheBatman39
      @TheBatman39 День тому

      Vengeance of Bane is a must-read as well.

  • @arty_g5300
    @arty_g5300 2 дні тому

    I may have skipped some comics but that was before i saw this vid. Also thank you i remeber you made on on tik tok but it was a while ago

  • @yourboyzay7590
    @yourboyzay7590 6 днів тому +1

    great vid its fye watching your content evolve from js making tiktoks

  • @johnnyclifford3999
    @johnnyclifford3999 6 днів тому

    I love scott snyders new 52 batman run

  • @kxrraidon
    @kxrraidon 6 днів тому

    4:00 now we’re talking Robin YearOne is a masterpiece Jason could never hope to live up to🙏🏻

  • @Jonap2001
    @Jonap2001 6 днів тому

    i already read all of these but gotta support from tiktok

  • @abdulmohsen9415
    @abdulmohsen9415 6 днів тому

    What's your opinion on the Riddler Year One comic? ?

  • @marveln8030
    @marveln8030 7 днів тому +1

    Batman earth one is so peak

  • @WilliamMcKenzie-qp6fd
    @WilliamMcKenzie-qp6fd 6 днів тому +1

    Would you ever do a daredevil one

  • @llluvbree7787
    @llluvbree7787 4 дні тому

    Where would you fit Batgirl year one into this?

  • @mr.turburculosis8643
    @mr.turburculosis8643 19 годин тому

    What about Batman and the mad monk after the monster men?

  • @Yoda_832
    @Yoda_832 6 днів тому

    What do you think about the last Halloween so far? Would you place it directly after dark victory? (Also you should add Catwoman when in rome as a spin off to dark victory)

  • @UnderwaterFreaky
    @UnderwaterFreaky 7 днів тому +1

    Not a bad rating

  • @Tired213
    @Tired213 6 днів тому

    Thx gng

  • @Zoomergeek
    @Zoomergeek 2 дні тому

    Wait so what about Batman reborn and rebirth

  • @oni179
    @oni179 6 днів тому

    You could also read batman and son for Damian wayne

    • @GothamSavior-pm6oc
      @GothamSavior-pm6oc  6 днів тому

      @@oni179 Batman and son is apart of the Grant Morrison saga which comes in 3 omnibus volumes

  • @theweebkid6070
    @theweebkid6070 6 днів тому

    where do I start superman from I have read kingdom come

  • @npjasper3655
    @npjasper3655 7 днів тому

    Fire video but what is the easiest way to read these comics

    • @GothamSavior-pm6oc
      @GothamSavior-pm6oc  7 днів тому +1

      The easiest way for me is using the DC infinite app on my tablet, laptop or computer

  • @zTlattegang
    @zTlattegang 6 днів тому

    I did Not watch all Movies, Series and Not played ALL Games. Should I do that before Reading ?

  • @heatwave3006
    @heatwave3006 6 днів тому

    So are they all in the same universe?

    • @GothamSavior-pm6oc
      @GothamSavior-pm6oc  6 днів тому +1

      Not all of them, but it’s a self made timeline that makes the most sense imo

  • @jhngrg8132
    @jhngrg8132 День тому

    Eye of the beholder (annual 14) not mentioned opinion rejected

  • @TheBatman39
    @TheBatman39 День тому

    The early Batman comics during the 70s, written by Dennis O'Neil and illustrated by Neal Adams are jewels that deserve more appreciation imo, they are great examples on why Batman fits so well with the horror genre, and how to make good Batman stories that dwell on supernatural themes and gothic horror with a Batman that once again is the dark pulp hero; instead of the campy and goofy character that he was reduced to in the Silver Age and the Adam West show.
    If not for O'Neil, we wouldn't have the modern, gritty, dark, and serious Batman we all know and love nowadays even before The Dark Knight Returns and Year One came out.