Funeral Suits - All those friendly people

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 4,8 тис.

  • @OcAirsoft
    @OcAirsoft 3 роки тому +425

    I was a junior in high school when this song came out and I was talking to college to get recruited for college. For some reason this song and mainly the video depiction really resonated with me. I felt like the world was my oyster and I could go anywhere. Years later I’d always think about this song but not remember how to find it… glad almost 10 years later it’s back in my life giving me the same optimism.

    • @Nyacinth
      @Nyacinth 3 роки тому +11

      Pretty much the same story as you, dude. Finally found it.

    • @cassie2857
      @cassie2857 2 роки тому +1


    • @апавпвапавпавп-ш7г
      @апавпвапавпавп-ш7г 2 роки тому

      you so beautiful

    • @colemanwalsh7477
      @colemanwalsh7477 2 роки тому

      and you probably did CRT as a course came out with no real trade and are now in debt and no way to pay it off😂

    • @ilikebeingsad
      @ilikebeingsad Рік тому +2

      ​@@colemanwalsh7477don't resonate your own failure against someone's gleaning positivity friend.

  • @brunochaves3887
    @brunochaves3887 4 роки тому +1765

    I was trying to remember the name of this song but i only knew the melody and the video, so i searched "indie video guy in a top hat pursuing fleeing girl with 2 pigs" and i really didn't expect to find it 😂😂😂😂

    • @paula9318
      @paula9318 3 роки тому +31

      I typed “men in suits music video black and white”
      Cause for some reason my subconscious thought they were wearing suits in a black and white video lol

    • @Kimmy_95
      @Kimmy_95 3 роки тому +14

      LOL!! I could not remember the name either.
      I typed in music video with people wearing pig face masks.

    • @MrMoonwalkingBear
      @MrMoonwalkingBear 3 роки тому +5

      Google is good at what it does when it comes to *searching pretty amazing

    • @daletydoodles3389
      @daletydoodles3389 3 роки тому +1


    • @noche6758
      @noche6758 3 роки тому +2

      LOL glad it worked hahahaha

  • @akitir
    @akitir 8 років тому +3111

    Thank you random UA-cam recommendations for suggesting this gem.

    • @chickenpermission6941
      @chickenpermission6941 8 років тому +16

      youtube didnt reccomend this for me, i just found it, but true, its a gem

    • @1705Paulyt
      @1705Paulyt 8 років тому +17

      Listen to The Yellow Project "Half Past Yesterday"

    • @kooolllkatscat7830
      @kooolllkatscat7830 8 років тому +5

      I feel it

    • @lge4738
      @lge4738 7 років тому +10

      Ramdom ? Is it ... ?

    • @luukvandepasch7923
      @luukvandepasch7923 7 років тому +17

      Actually, your recommended list is decided by a complicated, self-improving algorithm created by Google Deepmind. In other words, the more you use UA-cam, the better the recommendations will become.

  • @katbamf99
    @katbamf99 5 років тому +184

    Found this song almost 8 years ago and it's been a part of my life since then. I always come back. I need it.

    • @jankohlavaj
      @jankohlavaj 4 роки тому +3

      Same feelings. Life goes on.

  • @willdarlow4546
    @willdarlow4546 10 років тому +384

    Count back, anaesthetise
    Colours burnt into my eyes
    Life for you is shades of grey
    Help me, help me find my way
    Lost, lost, and never found
    Hide your secrets, settle down
    I am young and I am naive
    Tell me something I will believe
    Take me, take me far away
    From this city's soul decay
    Hid away 'til I was eighteen
    Only saw colours on a TV screen
    Skinny jeans and sunglasses
    A fashion statement for the masses
    What you're doing makes me sick
    Over hyped and generic
    Shine, shine, like the sun
    Spread your warmth through everyone
    I asked you why people die
    You said we all had a design
    Slide into the sea
    Landslide comin' down on me
    I said I was into you
    You said you were into me
    You never answer on the phone
    With your nicotine lips and your heart of stone
    I look for you by the underpass
    Looks like this love wasn't meant to last
    You said you reap just what you sow
    So tell me where does your garden grow
    You said in time the pain would pass
    Looks like the end is here at last
    Burn, burn, like a star
    Burn a hole in every heart
    Strung out on a trail of blood
    Who knew the stars were not enough?
    Smile, smile if you can
    If you can't, I'll understand
    See these stitches in my eyes
    Smash computers, kill rock stars
    Purge the past and waste my mind
    Leave no scent or trace behind
    One day when you bury me
    When I wake up, what will I see?
    Down, down, underground
    Dig for fire, dig for sound
    What is on the radio?
    'Cause I would like to say hello
    Crawl, crawl through the dirt
    Jesus, show me what you're worth
    Can't you just send us a sign?
    Tell us all that we're doing fine
    Nights for sitting in the dark
    Days for lying in the park
    Wake me up from my sick dream
    A requiem for this dead scene
    You never answer on the phone
    With your nicotine lips and your heart of stone
    I look for you by the underpass
    Looks like this love wasn't meant to last
    You said you reap just what you sow
    Well tell me where does your garden grow
    You said in time the pain would pass
    Looks like the end is here at last
    Count back, anaesthetise
    Colours burnt into my eyes
    Life for you is shades of grey
    Help me, help me find my way
    Mother, can't you help me now?
    'Cause I've been drowning in the sound
    Lying on the motorway
    Writing songs and wasting away

  • @stargirlwonders3035
    @stargirlwonders3035 9 років тому +216

    Why isn't this band famous ,they are amazing I love every song by them .

  • @roraio
    @roraio 8 років тому +1251

    First year of high-school when I was listening to this song.. Oh, memories...

  • @cicecice590
    @cicecice590 2 роки тому +28

    This song will always be my medicine, for every occasion. When I'm celebrating, when I'm dissociating, when I'm just living, there will always be your music in my life. You were just too good!

  • @Jay-or5ex
    @Jay-or5ex 8 років тому +3306

    The lyrics is talking about a boy who loved a girl, who she claimed that they both had mutual feelings for each other, in reality, she was just being nice. The lyrics to me is a representation of those "nice people" and false personalities. Which can also connect to Society and how two-faced society is.
    "Spread your warmth to everyone" "With your nicotine lips and your heart of stone" "Who knew the stars were not enough"
    The video, can represent how society treats individuals. To me, I think of it as... The man wearing the top-hat could be Society. The Pigs are those who work for society, people who strive to be perfect and ideal, to the point where they are masked and unknown to themselves, listening to what ever society sees as good. The girl could be every other individual who is being assimilated to the rules of society. The man wearing the top-hat driving the car is the physical attractiveness we see in people. We tend to fall for people who are superficial or perhaps seem to be perfect/nice. When in reality, they can be complete sociopaths. "Fitting in" is a plague, it is a man-made infection that we pass to others on a daily basis. In advertisements, models,etc. Lastly, when the Doctor slices the pig's mask it foreshadows that you are useless to society if you can't follow their policies.
    In conclusion, for me, don't be nice. Be genuine. Be aware of those who surround you.

    • @Jay-or5ex
      @Jay-or5ex 8 років тому +35

      Thanks. I guess?

    • @ayylmao1900
      @ayylmao1900 8 років тому +29

      I like this comment 15% less because you have an anime profile picture.
      Feel free to hate that comment 100% because of the fact that i have a profile picture of a crappy drawing a drew myself, and because my humor /spelling is terrible.

    • @chronodivine3878
      @chronodivine3878 8 років тому +4

      As expected from 8man.

    • @cody_swanson
      @cody_swanson 8 років тому +2

      This is great.

    • @rheap.5524
      @rheap.5524 8 років тому +6

      Best comment ever XD

  • @ao2012
    @ao2012 8 років тому +319

    oh wow....... i remember when this had less than 10 thousand views... its nice to watch good bands grow

    • @OhGiffle
      @OhGiffle 8 років тому +28

      im so glad too. I remember stumbling onto this video the week after it was uploaded. These guys deserve it. Their lyrics and melody are beautiful.

    • @ao2012
      @ao2012 8 років тому +8

      Cool Dad yeah, so proud

    • @nafoo33
      @nafoo33 8 років тому +12

      they broke up :''''''''(

    • @nicoh_no6823
      @nicoh_no6823 7 років тому +2

      wtf WHY

    • @blood7078
      @blood7078 7 років тому +2

      Because they weren't getting views, look at the most recent video (3Months Ago) Gettin' less then 20k views

  • @angiecullen97
    @angiecullen97 8 років тому +75

    I discovered this song a while time ago. I was going trough a tough time and it always cheered me up. And now, 2016 and you guys are separating your ways. It's sad but I'm grateful that I discovered you when I needed it. You will always be one of my favorite bands. Thanks for everything!

    • @ashleycampbell1906
      @ashleycampbell1906 6 років тому +6

      Things were tough for me too when I found this song. I would shut my eyes and listen and imagine myself living another life, and when I opened my eyes, even though nothing had changed, I always felt better.

  • @peace5576
    @peace5576 Місяць тому +2

    About 8 years ago I was obsessed with this music video and I've been trying to find it since then, but only remembered the melody and the mv, i truly thought i would never find it again. I'm so glad i did❤

  • @iluvvpoisonn5251
    @iluvvpoisonn5251 5 років тому +134

    I heard this song in a mental hospital in 2015 california when I was 16 after I tried taking my life. This song was one of the only songs they’d let me and the other kids listen. I hope the kids I met there are still alive and are listening to this song. I miss you guys

    • @iluvvpoisonn5251
      @iluvvpoisonn5251 5 років тому +5

      other kids listen to*

    • @kadentiger2482
      @kadentiger2482 Рік тому +2

      Keep the hopeful thought… music is life my friend 🙏🏽🤙🏽💙

    • @alex-n6i3t
      @alex-n6i3t Рік тому +3

      I wasn't at a mental hospital when I first heard this song; although iv'e been to plenty of them in San Diego and Modesto Ca. Too many to count. I first heard it after I moved to Spokane Washington, and I didn't have any friends or anybody to talk to, and then one day I heard this song walking to the store, and I just thought it was one of the saddest songs that I ever heard.

    • @RickyPro888
      @RickyPro888 10 місяців тому

      @@ThomasSawyersmate they replied to themself

  • @KamilleBidanApologist
    @KamilleBidanApologist Рік тому +15

    Back here again on a whim almost a decade after I first heard this song. Still so darn tootin' good. Love indie music, man!

  • @katrinatia-jasmine7704
    @katrinatia-jasmine7704 9 років тому +1291

    This video reminds me how happy I am to be a part of the wonderful miracle of life

    • @armcus0
      @armcus0 9 років тому +2

      The sarcasm you have... nice as your soul. Not seriouslly,

    • @katrinatia-jasmine7704
      @katrinatia-jasmine7704 9 років тому +88

      armando cuspinera​ ummm actually I wasn't being sarcastic. Videos such as these fascinate and intruige me, as they hold a deeper meaning.

    • @darkwinggray4502
      @darkwinggray4502 9 років тому +4

      Katrina Tia-Jasmine Well,life is a metaphor.

    • @katrinatia-jasmine7704
      @katrinatia-jasmine7704 9 років тому +11

      Darkwing Gray​ exactly, which is why I like this video

    • @DustyTMSM666
      @DustyTMSM666 9 років тому +120

      Isn't it amazing what a human can do? We've been to the moon, we've gone far beneath the water to places our evolutionary build does not allow us to go, we've flown, we've developed a way to entertain ourselves without leaving our habitats, we've become civilized. But isn't it terrifying what a human can do? We've developed nuclear bombs capable of wiping a country off the face of the planet, we've developed vehicles that will eventually kill our planet, we've developed weaponry to make it easier to kill, we've killed our own kind not of necessity but over such petty things. We as humans aren't civilized. We will never be civilized. There will always be conflicts within our species. Why? Because we're self aware. Our brain's own capabilities have formed us drawbacks destructive enough to end our own species.

  • @nicolassdelgadoj
    @nicolassdelgadoj 3 роки тому +104

    Escuchaba esta canción en mi último año de colegio y ahora la escucho ya graduado de la universidad y trabajando. Me cayeron 8 años encima.

    • @shanfrann
      @shanfrann 2 роки тому +1

      Jaja la escuche por primera vez en primer año de U, y ahora la escucho en mi último año de U, 7 años encima.

    • @geragutierrez3403
      @geragutierrez3403 Рік тому +1

      Yo la escuchaba en mi primer segundo año de bachillerato, hace ya 6 años🥺

    • @rubenvillanuevacondori4702
      @rubenvillanuevacondori4702 Рік тому +1

      Esta canción me la mostró una persona muy especial para mi, vuelvo a donde fui feliz.

  • @LullyMel_
    @LullyMel_ 8 років тому +265

    Depois de alguns anos, cá estou eu ouvindo essa musica de novo, ainda acho perfeita!

  • @giddypumpernickle9657
    @giddypumpernickle9657 6 років тому +319

    Omg this song gives me such a feeling that I can’t explain makes me wanna just go out in the middle of the night without my parents knowing and like sit on a park bench and stare at the lights on a neighborhood street

    • @detroitfinedining
      @detroitfinedining 5 років тому +9

      This is it.

    • @supersonic4426
      @supersonic4426 4 роки тому +5

      i can't explain the song also make me feeling many thing in the same time lol

    • @chuckread5801
      @chuckread5801 4 роки тому +6

      To bad they broke up!!! Best band ever to not get big.

    • @Dizzula
      @Dizzula 4 роки тому +2

      It makes me feel nostalgia for a place I've never been to.

    • @lensav9985
      @lensav9985 4 роки тому +3

      I feel you

  • @thelozer6311
    @thelozer6311 Рік тому +20

    I found this song after getting out of the mental hospital when i was 14, i had a mental breakdown after experiencing abuse from everyone in my life, accept my siblings im the eldest out of 3 im the big brother, im the leader and the example. I got the help i needed and got better. I get depressed time to time but my little brothers and sister make it all worth it. I'm trying. I have to be strong. I have to stay in the game for them. This song makes me sad.

    • @katenerone9781
      @katenerone9781 Рік тому +1

      All the best to you. I'm sure your younger siblings hear this and think of you, and how proud they are of you, and how happy that you are still here with them 💘

    • @ricardomorato2875
      @ricardomorato2875 Рік тому


  • @skyway8254
    @skyway8254 2 роки тому +9

    I've been looking for this song forever I used to listen to this in highschool I can't believe I finally found it it's so nostalgic and the sound of the music has that crazy small town highschool aesthetic I love it

  • @alicekuroo
    @alicekuroo 5 років тому +8

    How I miss my indie music phase during uni years. Now I just listen whatever playing on the radio when I drive home from work lol. Time sure flies.

  • @avelie9057
    @avelie9057 3 роки тому +22

    he vuelto luego de años, aún amo esta canción. gracias Funeral Suits por ser parte de mi adolescencia

  • @joaogutierre9668
    @joaogutierre9668 11 місяців тому +7

    This song still lives in my heart...

  • @nigeldpablo
    @nigeldpablo 5 років тому +3

    This album is a hug for your emptyness leaves you some what full of a honest breath of air....then the album Islands apart comes out and hits you with the lovely truth of questions and answers exposedin such a ninja way.... Islands apart is amazing....thank you forall the gifts you gave us by not giving up...

  • @quarkiex
    @quarkiex 10 років тому +7

    Saw this when it only had a few thousand views. What a pleasant surprise to come back and see how popular it's gotten!

  • @CarolHabbit
    @CarolHabbit 3 роки тому +24

    eu amo essa música e smp venho parar aqui não dá pra descrever o que sinto e o que fantasio toda vez que escuto mas é definitivamente nostálgico.

    • @eulermota4463
      @eulermota4463 Рік тому +1

      lembro-me da primeira vez que ouvi essa música, lá em 2015, a nostalgia é grande sempre quando a ouço, relembro inúmeros momentos da minha juventude, quanta saudade dos tempos que não voltam mais...

    • @ericcosta2627
      @ericcosta2627 Рік тому +1

      somos 3

  • @oguzhanyazc9136
    @oguzhanyazc9136 9 років тому +24

    Count back, anaesthetise
    Colours burnt into my eyes
    Life for you is shades of grey
    Help me, help me find my way
    Lost, lost, and never found
    Hide your secrets, settle down
    I am young and I am naïve
    Tell me something I will believe
    Take me, take me far away
    From this city's soul decay
    Hid away 'til I was eighteen
    Only saw colours on a TV screen
    Skinny jeans and sunglasses
    A fashion statement for the masses
    What you're doing makes me sick
    Over hyped and generic
    Shine, shine like the sun
    Spread your warmth through everyone
    I asked you why people die
    You said we all had a design
    Slide into the sea
    Landslide comin' down on me
    I said I was into you
    You said you were into me
    You never answer on the phone
    With your nicotine lips and your heart of stone
    I look for you by the underpass
    Looks like this love wasn't meant to last
    You said you reap just what you sow
    So tell me, where does your garden grow?
    You said in time the pain would pass
    Looks like the end is here at last
    Burn, burn like a star
    Burn a hole in every heart
    Strung out on a trail of blood
    Who knew the stars were not enough?
    Smile, smile if you can
    If you can't, I'll understand
    See these stitches in my eyes
    Smash computers, kill rockstars
    Purge the past and waste my mind
    Leave no scent or trace behind
    One day when you bury me
    When I wake up, what will I see?
    Down, down underground
    Dig for fire, dig for sound
    What is on the radio?
    'Cause I would like to say hello
    Crawl, crawl through the dirt
    Jesus, show me what you're worth
    Can't you just send us a sign?
    Tell us all that we're doing fine
    Nights for sitting in the dark
    Days for lying in the park
    Wake me up from my sick dream
    A requiem for this dead scene
    You never answer on the phone
    With your nicotine lips and your heart of stone
    I look for you by the underpass
    Looks like this love wasn't meant to last
    You said you reap just what you sow
    Well tell me, where does your garden grow?
    You said in time the pain would pass
    Looks like the end is here at last
    Count back, anaesthetise
    Colours burnt into my eyes
    Life for you is shades of grey
    Help me, help me find my way
    Mother, can't you help me now?
    'Cause I've been drowning in the sound
    Lying on the motorway
    Writing songs and wasting away

  • @recovery4773
    @recovery4773 4 роки тому +2

    Esta canción debería ser más famosa!!! Hermoso!

    • @haksonff9862
      @haksonff9862 3 роки тому

      No es muy famosa porque es un tesoro si se hace demasiado famosa los de tiktok pues ya sabes lo que harían con el audio

  • @EmilyHummingbird
    @EmilyHummingbird 9 років тому +992

    I'm just gonna say that I'm grateful for feelings... I'm glad that I can feel. I'm glad that I can feel happiness and love and anger and confusion and sadness and pain. I'm glad to be human. I'm glad to be alive. Aren't you?

    • @thrive2survive
      @thrive2survive 9 років тому +11

      You should listen to 'It feels Great' by John O'Callaghan. it's pretty amazing. Your comment totally reminded me of it.

    • @EmilyHummingbird
      @EmilyHummingbird 9 років тому +3

      +David Smith Thank you for saying look that up. I LOVE that! :D

    • @calvindin3179
      @calvindin3179 9 років тому +6

      +FemininEm Solipsism: The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist... :-|

    • @FOX11GUY
      @FOX11GUY 8 років тому +3

      Why do those things make you human. Feeling are wild and in the wild.

    • @EmilyHummingbird
      @EmilyHummingbird 8 років тому +1

      +Santa Six They just do, I can't explain.

  • @artsy__heart7972
    @artsy__heart7972 8 років тому +13

    just the sound of the song at the beginning makes me feel happy :)

  • @RustinChole
    @RustinChole 8 років тому +10

    So cool that "hands down" continues this story.

    • @lilwitch186
      @lilwitch186 8 років тому

      Patrick Chole check out Health too

  • @apacheee
    @apacheee 11 місяців тому +2

    this was one of those songs i would listen to with my first girlfriend about 8 or 9 years ago. haven't heard this in probably half a decade. idk why it was recommended to me because my recommendations are mostly filled with hip hop music nowadays, but im glad it made its way to me

  • @HanielCN
    @HanielCN 3 місяці тому +5

    damn I remember when I was 14, I was so addicted to Funeral Suits... now I'm 21 and checking my old playlists

  • @princecookie300
    @princecookie300 8 років тому +15

    I'm absolutely fascinated by the man in the mask.

  • @35caliber.
    @35caliber. 8 років тому +323

    I honestly love how the man wearing the Plague Mask walks at the beginning.

    • @bannnz
      @bannnz 7 років тому +25

      that isn't a plague mask its a masquerade mask

    • @GingerJohnny
      @GingerJohnny 5 років тому +6

      It's a plague doctor mask, the end of the nose was filled with herbs n spices

    • @redawokenb5806
      @redawokenb5806 5 років тому +2

      He walks like a Nazi Gastapo,, not so funny

    • @nl3064
      @nl3064 5 років тому +15

      It's a Scaramouche mask. The plague doctor mask is the black full-face one that looks like a crow.

    • @sebastiansailem8012
      @sebastiansailem8012 5 років тому


  • @oxxult
    @oxxult 2 роки тому +1

    Please iv been listening to this for 5 years and i still can’t get enough

  • @cristhinegomes392
    @cristhinegomes392 3 роки тому +3

    Depois de anoooos, aqui estou eu 00:48 lembrando da vibe que sentia na minha adolescência escutando funeral suits, amo!

  • @theone362
    @theone362 2 роки тому +6


  • @creaky_swings
    @creaky_swings 7 років тому +2

    remember being 12 and watching this for the first time and loving everything about it. Nice to see it got more recognition since then!!

  • @Amy-pu3lo
    @Amy-pu3lo 3 роки тому +2

    I go through cycles of forgetting this song’s name, tried searching the video description before finally searching “funeral people” and I found it!! This time I won’t forget!!!

  • @captain-snek
    @captain-snek 3 роки тому +6

    This is my top listened track on Spotify in this year 2021. I'm really grateful that Spotify recommended me this amazing song.

  • @Abducted_By_Cats
    @Abducted_By_Cats Рік тому +5

    I lost this song a few years ago after loving it. I’m so happy I found it again 😭❤️

  • @mackenzielynn166
    @mackenzielynn166 8 років тому +10

    I'm so proud of you guys! you're getting a lot of much needed views.

  • @ilco_vucetich
    @ilco_vucetich 9 місяців тому +2

    I remember listening to this song when I was a child about eight years ago, I have spent all that time looking for a reference to find it again. today I finally fucking found it!

  • @theamazingalex99
    @theamazingalex99 4 роки тому +5

    this song gives me a type of nostalgia that nothing else would be able to provide.

  • @Chascoso
    @Chascoso 11 років тому +59

    This video is amazing. I know it's a tad disturbing but the point the video is trying to make is a pretty good one.

    • @iloveamerica007
      @iloveamerica007 10 років тому +3

      whats the point?

    • @Chascoso
      @Chascoso 10 років тому +120

      This song, for me, is about trying to convey a seemingly conventional message to a girl dominated by the material lifestyle. he says "take me away from this city's soul decay." He wants to get away from man-made life, and he finally does and see's how good it is. He still loves this girl though.. and thats the problem. he wants her to stop being so generic and he wants her to feel the beauty of the "colors" of life rather than just seeing them on the television. the lyrics also say that she wasnt answering her phone. so in a hyperbolic sort of way, i feel that "the funeral suits" are reiterating and displaying the fact that it is so hard to dig some girls out of this way of thinking. after trying to call her to no avail, he goes to the extreme, he kidnaps her.. The whole time she thinks he is going to kill her but in reality he is forcefully showing her the beautiful part of life, that which is nature. The pigs in the video, in my opinion, symbolize the hungry and horny men in our generation trying to get a piece of her drooling all the way. the only way to escape these men is to become usurped by nature, so she runs into the ocean, free at last. The guy with the weird nose kills the pig subliminally saying he wants to get rid of the obnoxious and horny men that only care about the girls looks and nothing on a more deep and intellectual level.

    • @iloveamerica007
      @iloveamerica007 10 років тому +26

      well....nice analysis

    • @onlygal06
      @onlygal06 10 років тому +14

      Chuntarita I tried figuring it out(the message from the video) on my own, but your conclusion make me agree 100% with you. I know look at the video differently. thank you.

    • @panoskosta5097
      @panoskosta5097 10 років тому +1

      Jonathan Thomas its the greatest expression of the pain that he feels about her

  • @Joshualacruz
    @Joshualacruz 9 років тому +2077

    This looks like a really weird dream..

    • @Bakedeggplant-y5h
      @Bakedeggplant-y5h 9 років тому +28

      Joshualacruz I've literally had a dream like this. No joke.

    • @rodjenlosbgd
      @rodjenlosbgd 9 років тому +9

      Clarissa S Get outta here

    • @xqueencheese5385
      @xqueencheese5385 9 років тому +1

      Joshualacruz ive had this dream... .___.' coincedence i think not?(im swedish sorry xD)

    • @Joshualacruz
      @Joshualacruz 9 років тому

      Kanel Kaneli That's so crazy! :D
      Two people already!

    • @justanothercommercial
      @justanothercommercial 9 років тому

      This video is halarious...

  • @brandonsmith2299
    @brandonsmith2299 Місяць тому +1

    I swear to god this just came to my mind. Out of nowhere!! Haha made my year:)

  • @PigmentPig
    @PigmentPig 8 років тому +241

    going on a youtube adventure, found this gold.

  • @capri_bee
    @capri_bee 3 роки тому +3

    I use to listen to this is high school. Something in me reminded me about it. The nostalgia of 2014 lives on

  • @Nuclearturtles
    @Nuclearturtles 10 років тому +28

    i love this music video

  • @JuliaKimie84
    @JuliaKimie84 Рік тому +1

    I just found a note I wrote 10 years ago when I was school saying this is one of the best music videos of all time, so here I am.

  • @chepeloco96rok
    @chepeloco96rok 3 роки тому +5

    I found this song when I was living in gray times, my mother had died and I was very afraid about the future, I lived locked in my room with my guitar, listening to this song that maybe saved me while I felt like I was drowning. Thanks Funeral Suits!

  • @Ichigosbrother
    @Ichigosbrother 11 років тому +25

    Well I'm new to these guys but I love indie pop like this so yeah. Unfortunately though not many people are understanding that music is music and it doesn't matter how popular it is or what # viewer it is. Nice music.

    • @yaelkremer501
      @yaelkremer501 10 років тому

      its not indie pop. its indie, not a mainstream replica to indie.

    • @NiQuil1979
      @NiQuil1979 10 років тому +7

      yael kremer
      There is no semantics in music.

    • @whoknows8183
      @whoknows8183 10 років тому

      You are entirely right.

    • @BrentDubeckyj
      @BrentDubeckyj 10 років тому

      ***** indie isn't a genre it's a bad without a label so yes a band without a label could be popular (pop) hence indiepop but I still think that's the worst made up genre I've ever heard of so I agree with you there . The only thing that makes indie a genre is people misusing the name by not knowing it's meaning, which in some cases should be called "lo-fi" (low fidelity)

  • @Shelbert88
    @Shelbert88 9 років тому +10

    new favorite song. love the weird video and the lyrics are so addictive

  • @averagegentleman1524
    @averagegentleman1524 5 років тому +2

    my friend showed me this masterpiece when we were visiting a college and since then it has reminded me of that time i had there and all the great times with my friends, this song is new beginnings, leaving behind the darkness of older times, laughing hysterically at 3AM with your closest friends, looking at the stars for the first time in forever, this is a song that gives me a small cramp and takes my breathe away, this song has gotten me and friends through very dark times, this is modern art and pure beauty.
    thank you, i hope you are having a wonderful day.

  • @TheNamesDitto
    @TheNamesDitto 6 років тому +3

    Ah I've returned to this video again. I was a weird high school junior then and now I'm a graduating college senior.
    Glad to see I still remember good songs.

  • @Hinternet
    @Hinternet 9 років тому +4

    Wow. Amazing. I always saw this song in recommended just never clicked it until I had nothing else to listen to I wish I listened to this a long time ago! :D

  • @psyclopsstop
    @psyclopsstop 2 місяці тому

    I was listening to this song on repeat the day I got pregnant. This song always reminds me of the start of my new life with my son. “You said in time the pain would pass, looks like the end is here at last” he brought a whole new world full of meaning into my life.

  • @NotPeteWentz
    @NotPeteWentz 8 років тому +6

    I am forever grateful that my friend showed me this song

  • @jodyshoneybee
    @jodyshoneybee 8 років тому +4

    My brother showed me this video and I am now obsessed with this band been listening to their songs all day :)

  • @agnes06
    @agnes06 3 роки тому +4

    This will never get old

  • @Wicker-kt7kj
    @Wicker-kt7kj Рік тому +2


  • @Roma-ff3dx
    @Roma-ff3dx 8 років тому +43

    Thank's UA-cam recommendations.

  • @moshidokyo3656
    @moshidokyo3656 Рік тому +3

    I’ve been looking for years for this song, all I remembered was the words “Funeral for a friend” turns out I was wrong the whole time and that was a name for another band haha So glad I found this gem again. Used to listen on this when I was suffering depression during my college days.

  • @joer6428
    @joer6428 11 років тому +15

    Okay, hear me out on this but imo the video actually shows that all those friendly people are kinda lost because they are caught up in this distorted world (as shown in the video) and need to be led by this clearly cruel and rather ruthless person who has no problem getting through the world cos they can see it for what it is. This is because everyone is focused on being kind rather than being truthful which is why they need their eyes to be opened to the truth by someone like this guy... However the truth hurts - so she runs from it but if you run from the truth while you may have escaped any kind of harm to yourself you can hurt others around you

  • @diszkidwaszheresz
    @diszkidwaszheresz 6 років тому +2

    I remember when this video first came out for about a year they only had thousands of views. So glad they have millions now they truly deserve it!

  • @EmilianoEOH1996
    @EmilianoEOH1996 4 роки тому +6

    La vida... hermosa en aquellas épocas, con mi Abi en noches desiertas, oscuras y frías, tiempos de filosofía..........

  • @Islandboytb
    @Islandboytb 10 років тому +65

    I'll take a stab at it. Before we try to come to a conclusion let's look at different elements of the video. All characters have had their face hidden. Especially with the masks it leads me to think a prevalent theme of this piece is dehumanization. However masks are used only on the male characters. The men with pig masks are stripped from their humanity completely and represented as senseless beasts that are slaves to their master. The girl is covered completely at first but eventually is able to escape. The video relies almost completely on symbols alone which allows different interpretations of the overall meaning. Personal I think the video is a representation of power in society. Often there are leaders in control that like to limit and even treat those under them as lesser beings. However their is a positive message with the girl escaping. She is able to find release and perhaps this offers hope that there may be a better way of exerting leadership but also treating others in general.

    • @willdarlow4546
      @willdarlow4546 10 років тому +9

      Not only does my brain hurt from your information, but I can now say to myself that there are intelligent people to understand the meaning or meanings in this case of a unique music video such as this one. Though in my opinion, it is at points incredibly difficult to find people that would read such a long comment, and one as is brilliant as yours, I also must be completely honest with it though your interpretation of the video, or interpretations are incredibly unique and your way of it being compered to such a political overview of it. I don't think I could have thought of it as dehumanization, but you did. Your comment made me think twice about the viewings and sound of it. I hope you keep it like that, as it is also difficult to discover someone with your questionable and answerable abilities.

    • @mariaisabel-if6zf
      @mariaisabel-if6zf 10 років тому +7

      ***** YOU ARE COMMENTING THIS ON EVERY INDIE MUSIC VIDEO. Not gonna listen to that.

    • @Daniel496930
      @Daniel496930 10 років тому +2

      Me agrada su interpretación, le agregaría solo el hecho de que ella, al escapar, se sumerge en el mar y el agua esta relacionada directamente con la purificación o limpieza, entonces muestra como ella al final además de huir se limpia y renueva su vida.

  • @moiseshernandez5209
    @moiseshernandez5209 9 років тому +6

    That intro take me to another place.
    🙌 🎧🎧🎶🎶🎵

  • @SuperSupacoop
    @SuperSupacoop 3 роки тому +1

    everything about this song touches u many moods and emotions.

  • @HansTurin
    @HansTurin 10 років тому +20

    This has to be one of the most random/weird music videos I have ever seen... I love the song though!

  • @xThat1WhiteKidx
    @xThat1WhiteKidx 9 років тому +142

    Between the lyrics and the video my first interpretation of the song was that it was about human trafficking.
    Teen girl is under the impression that she is in love and that her boyfriend will take her away from her current situation, but instead the boyfriend kidnaps her and locks her away
    * The girl is in the trunk of a car and then lead on a leash.
    * "I am young and I am naive, Tell me something I will believe.
    take me take me faraway from this city's soul decay. Hid away til I was 18. Only saw colors on a tv screen."
    * "I said I was into you. You said you were into me."
    Then he sells her off as a prostitute.
    * The two men in masks are a representation of the people he is selling her off to.
    * They are wearing pig masks because they are "pigs" for paying a prostitute for sex.
    * "What your doing makes me sick"
    * "Spread your warmth through everyone."
    * "I look for you by the underpass. Looks like this love wasn't meant to last"
    * "Smile Smile if you can, if you can't i'll understand."
    " "Mother can't you help me now. Cause i've been drowning in the sound. Lying on the motorway."
    Her only way out of the situation is to commit suicide
    * She jumps into the ocean at the end of the video and swims under the water.
    * "I asked you why people die. You said we all have a design."
    * "You said in time the pain would pass. Looks like the end is here at last."
    * "Strung out on a trail of blood."
    * "Wake me up from this sick dream. A requiem for this dead scene."
    I know that the song is probably actually about an abusive relationship but this is what i thought of when i first saw the video.

    • @crashandthebaes3708
      @crashandthebaes3708 9 років тому +3

      xThat1WhiteKidx i never thought of it like that thats a good interpretation

    • @Doshita95
      @Doshita95 9 років тому +2

      She not commit suicide because the video Hands Down is the sequel and there she is going out the sea, but nice interpretation!

    • @abc.6223
      @abc.6223 9 років тому +9

      +Doshita95 Maybe she was committing a metaphorical suicide, cutting all ties to the past, killing her self as she was at the time and coming out a new person.

    • @Doshita95
      @Doshita95 9 років тому

      Arianna B. That sounds really good! 'Couse make sense. In the next video she change her paper and became stronger.

    • @miabambina7176
      @miabambina7176 9 років тому +2

      Nope, all I gotta say is this video was loosely based off lord of the flies, hence the theme of pigs. And there is both a sequel to this and a prequel the prequel being about the masked man as a child, and the other being about the woman reaching an island with more women and an apparent trouble of little kids, the masked man being their leader it looks like.

  • @mstew7055
    @mstew7055 10 років тому +10

    --A music video that disturbs the comfortable, but comforts the disturbed.

  • @melimelz4948
    @melimelz4948 Рік тому +1

    Life lead me back to this song after years.. right on time 🤍

  • @Krockalotopus
    @Krockalotopus 3 роки тому +3

    Regardless of how depressed I am these guys are always uplifting enough.

  • @FahadZahr
    @FahadZahr 8 років тому +166

    and just when i found a gem of a band, they just got broke up, FUCK

    • @darenlee8987
      @darenlee8987 8 років тому

      No ? Raaah x(

    • @Nenzo_
      @Nenzo_ 8 років тому

      Fahad Zahoor nooooooo

    • @FahadZahr
      @FahadZahr 8 років тому +11

      Check their facebook page they officially disbanded.

    • @xanzusx
      @xanzusx 7 років тому +6

      Why good music doesn´t last forever? My heart hurts...

    • @MatchRugz
      @MatchRugz 7 років тому +2

      Fuck ... so true... This was one of my favourite bands...

  • @shmarfe
    @shmarfe 8 років тому +5

    Thank you, Funeral Suits for this song, along with all your other amazing ones. It's been a good run, but all good things must come to an end, i suppose. good luck with your futures.

  • @brandiiyo
    @brandiiyo 7 років тому +1

    Adding this to my newly discovered Indie mix. Omg. Thank you UA-cam. Always giving me fresh new music !

  • @rubdasilva5380
    @rubdasilva5380 2 роки тому +3

    Finally I found this master piece

  • @ImmuneToKnives
    @ImmuneToKnives 4 роки тому +10

    I still have the postcard you guys sent out to your fans back in the day.

    • @segbhfrdgthyb576
      @segbhfrdgthyb576 4 роки тому +1

      Random 7 hour comment with no likes in the middle of 4 year comments with thousands of likes lol

  • @tristarknights
    @tristarknights 4 місяці тому +1

    Takes me back to a summer that's long since passed.

  • @itskillah2826
    @itskillah2826 9 років тому +271

    I am young and I am naive
    Tell me something I will believe

    • @wassupw0lf38
      @wassupw0lf38 9 років тому

      ItsKillah! and has 3 letters triangle has 3 edges YOUR CONFIRMED

    • @itskillah2826
      @itskillah2826 9 років тому +15

      WasSupW0lf is not funny CONFIRMED !

    • @wassupw0lf38
      @wassupw0lf38 9 років тому


    • @vervain8564
      @vervain8564 9 років тому

      +ItsKillah! our world today

    • @megazaider1051
      @megazaider1051 9 років тому

      +WasSupW0lf alt + j

  • @Craigdub45
    @Craigdub45 9 років тому +4

    Hauntingly beautiful...

  • @aurora6988
    @aurora6988 8 років тому +11

    I can't believe this was 4 years ago.
    Feels like yesterday.

    • @private-local-enemy
      @private-local-enemy 4 роки тому +4

      i can't believe this comment was 4 years ago
      does it feel like yesterday?

    • @shishiada5758
      @shishiada5758 2 місяці тому +1

      Now it's 12 years ago.

    • @aurora6988
      @aurora6988 2 місяці тому +1

      @@shishiada5758 And I still listen to it to this day. Tree of Life hits different when you're working a scum job at 23yrs old..

    • @shishiada5758
      @shishiada5758 2 місяці тому

      @@aurora6988 I feel that. I just discovered this song today. I hope this has been keeping you company.
      Yes, f*ck your shitty job!

    @GS42SCHOPAWE 7 років тому +1

    This is one of the greatest songs ever, because it appeals with such strong emotion. Amazing...

  • @tommy3735
    @tommy3735 10 років тому +4

    Here is my take on the video. The man was in a Tux and was wearing a top hat, and the woman in a white dress being dragged by him, I felt like this was a forced wedding, maybe like an arranged wedding or some sort, or it was the fact that if she said no to his proposal she would be ridiculed. So now she is sort of forced against her will to go to the wedding when she is unmasked I felt like she was realizing what she was getting herself into and did not want to be in this relationship, and the men with pig masks were the people that where judging her and she had realized that she needed to escape from them and this town (or beach) because the relationship was not good or it was abusive, but onlookers wouldn't have seen that so she would just have to run.
    I don't know though, point is it is amazing!

  • @marksmith46
    @marksmith46 10 років тому +368

    Deleted scenes from "A Clockwork Orange" maybe?

    • @thetwistedvoodoodoll9291
      @thetwistedvoodoodoll9291 10 років тому

      hahaha funny asf

    • @areebmm
      @areebmm 10 років тому +5

      Definitely some elements from Waiting for Godot in here

    • @zombiehunter498
      @zombiehunter498 9 років тому +3

      Definitely would fit the overall style of the movie. also clockwork orange is my favorite movie of all time.

    • @Akli_R
      @Akli_R 9 років тому

      Hahahaha..... I dont Understand

    • @angelasa1933
      @angelasa1933 9 років тому +1

      akli rizki alfani u dont have to understand

  • @lilwitch186
    @lilwitch186 8 років тому +2

    Its been an amazing journey with you guys, just waiting for the last album now, I bet it's gonna be a masterpiece!
    This song pretty much changed the way I look at life and other people. Amazing track!

  • @jacobsmith5996
    @jacobsmith5996 10 років тому +4

    i remember when this song only had a few thousand views! man almost 8 million now

  • @modestmouse9451
    @modestmouse9451 2 роки тому +4

    one of the most underrated songs ever

  • @2kbabyyyyyy
    @2kbabyyyyyy 3 роки тому +13

    i miss how my life was when i found this song 7 years ago.

  • @chrisstrand2778
    @chrisstrand2778 Рік тому +1

    This always brings me back...

  • @halometry5523
    @halometry5523 5 років тому +5

    This song is just what I need at this point of my life.

  • @caterinascarponi7390
    @caterinascarponi7390 10 років тому +14

    I think this video is actually pretty deep: personally, I see it as a warning to those who think that this world only has "friendly people". Well, most of "all those friendly people" are basically wearing a shiny mask (both physical and mental) that makes them look nice, even though of course they're not.

  • @alansantaella
    @alansantaella Рік тому +4

    someone knows the meaning of the video and lyrics? I loved this song since I was 15 (27 yo now) it always gave me a nostalgic vibe, of something I miss. Is there any background or additional info? I always come back to this song on rainy, gray sad days. I apologize if my English is not the best.

    • @EoCEoCEoC
      @EoCEoCEoC Рік тому

      You are correct. This is a classic.

  • @AnotherPipeDream
    @AnotherPipeDream Рік тому +2

    When I first head this, I knew I wouldn’t ever forget it

  • @TouchToDisplay
    @TouchToDisplay 8 років тому +36

    I will play this song at my funeral

    • @alfredoruzol4792
      @alfredoruzol4792 8 років тому +15

      +TouchToDisplay How can you play it when you're dead?

    • @hiddenleavess
      @hiddenleavess 8 років тому +2

      +Alfredo Ruzol request it before death

    • @hecatesgf9034
      @hecatesgf9034 8 років тому +2

      *thinks of the nbhd* "and you can play this at my funeral"

  • @mariacanovas4170
    @mariacanovas4170 2 роки тому +3

    Tengo esta canción guardada desde mi European Voluntary Service en Italia hace 10 años. Y, sí, es atemporal.

  • @andersonaraujo
    @andersonaraujo 11 років тому +4

    Awesome song from an awesome band