Ive been to something like 5 or 6 local anime conventions in the past few years. The one that I went to this year, I went alone on Friday and had friends with me on Saturday, and I had the more fun by myself than any other time ive been to a con because I got to set whatever schedule I wanted, got to go to all of the panels that I wanted to go to, eat wherever I wanted to eat, and show up and leave when I was ready to. No compromising with people over what panels to go to, restaurants to stop at, and if we should walk sround the shops and game room for the 8th time. 10/10 will totally do again.
Ive been to something like 5 or 6 local anime conventions in the past few years. The one that I went to this year, I went alone on Friday and had friends with me on Saturday, and I had the more fun by myself than any other time ive been to a con because I got to set whatever schedule I wanted, got to go to all of the panels that I wanted to go to, eat wherever I wanted to eat, and show up and leave when I was ready to. No compromising with people over what panels to go to, restaurants to stop at, and if we should walk sround the shops and game room for the 8th time. 10/10 will totally do again.
Omg such an accomplishment! Congratulations 🍾🥂😊
I’m laughing about the minor. I’m in my mid 20s and I always saw the minor anime characters as my kids. 🤣
I usually go to cons alone myself. I do feel weird sometimes but I got used to it.
Which year did you go to Dreamcon? I went last year.
I did the same thing at youmacon 😅
Tokyo Ghoul OP was a bop, but come on..none of the others? MHA had a couple that are 🔥🔥🔥
nah cause I skip the intros too if im binge watching a show no matter how good the song is