@@redcardinalist I know but he is a huge part of why I love Third's era. I can't wait for her to meet the original. You know the OG man of the role. I can't say which one here but oh my god!!! HIM!!! You know. He is my favourite Who character after the Doctor. AAAAAA
@@andrewroberts299 I know Holmes had previously written stories, but I referred specifically to his contributions to Doctor Who lore. In this story's case, he introduced the idea that Time Lords have two hearts, and he'd later go on to "invent" Gallifrey, Rassilon, the Matrix, the 12-regeneration limit etc.
@@ftumschkunderstood. Sorry I didn’t get your meaning. I think it’s unfortunate that Holmes’ first two stories aren’t the best, story wise, and therefore aren’t as beloved by most fans. It’s only here, with Spearhead from Space that Holmes’ writing shines because he has a strong plot line to follow.
I have a special place in my heart for this story. My mother was very concerned about my obsession with this show when I was a kid. She decided to sit down and watch it with me to see if she needed to intervene. This was the story she watched with me. She thought the doctor was hilarious. Needless to say, she decided it was not too dangerous for me to watch. She even let me stay up all night (in the summer) when our local station played Doctor Who marathons!
My mother banned me from watching The Doctor when we I asked if the mannequin had a gun in his hand like on Dr Who. We were passing an army recruitment store in the city centre at the time. She freaked out and said I was never watching that silly program again. I was about 10 years old then.
Really?! I'm discovering classic Who along with Jess. I find the episodes, then watch her reactions to it. So, I haven't reached the 4th yet, but I know the majority consensus is that he's the best. Why is the 3rd YOUR Doctor instead? In these first two ep.s, I already like him a lot.
Also, the reason that this episode might look a bit different is because it is the only classic Doctor Who story to be shot entirely on film instead of videotape .
... and all due to a strike by the studio camera operators (who wanted a pay increase to operate the new colour cameras) which lead the producers to shoot entirely on location using film cameras (whose operators weren't on strike).
Someone else pointed this out in another comment on a different video, but every introduction story for a new Doctor in the revival has taken some little bit of inspiration from this story. Rose: The Ninth Doctor fights the Autons The Christmas Invasion: The Tenth Doctor spends a good portion of the episode in bed while the companions and UNIT try to deal with the alien crisis The Eleventh Hour: The Eleventh Doctor steals his clothes from a hospital Deep Breath: The Twelfth Doctor spends a good portion of the episode in bed, and also jumps into an early action scene while wearing only pyjamas The Woman Who Fell to Earth: The Thirteenth Doctor investigates a mysterious spherical object that has fallen from space These are either coincidences, or a testament to how iconic Spearhead from Space is as a post-regeneration story (for good reason I might add)
This is the most influential 'Doctor first story' story. The TV Movie (yes 8 stole his clobber from a hospital); Rose pinched the Autons and as discussed, The Eleventh Hour.
Jon Pertwee is by far and away my favourite Doctor, his era is the one I have the most treasured memories of watching when I was younger. Spearhead From Space really did get everything right. It nailed the introduction of a new Doctor, a new companion, brought in the Brigadier and Unit as a recurring fixture of the show, the new exiled to Earth format and colour! all while providing a crisp, entertaining invasion story with an iconic monster and the first of Robert Holmes’ many lore additions with the Doctor’s two hearts. I’ve seen this one uncountable times and I still awe at how successfully it paved the way for a new chapter in the show’s history while being a quaint, warm, fuzzy story that I can watch and immediately return to those childhood days of watching Jon Pertwee be the Doctor and save the Earth. Doctor Who really does make you time travel.
When my dad found out Doctor Who, his childhood classic show, was coming back in 2005, this was immediately the first one he showed me. His Doctor. 9 will always be my Doctor, but Spearhead as my very first story ever? Fell in love instantly
If you noticed his tattoo during his shower scene, it was Jon`s from his service in the Royal Navy during WW II. He was lucky as he was a young sailor on H.M.S. Hood, but was transferred I believe for officer training, just before her fateful meeting with the Bismarck. Only 3 hands survived Hood`s sinking out of a compliment of 1,325 Officers & men, as the ship sank in 3 mins.
I love Pertwee's Doctor. He's so much fun. 11 grabbing the clothes in the hospital in Eleventh Hour always reminded me of Pertwee grabbing the clothes in this first story.
I LIVE for Miss Shaw not letting a man talk her down, and the fact that she's really sceptic, she doesn't want to look like a fool believing this kind of stuff and wants respect for herself, WE STAN
Pertwee is undoubtedly the Doctor of whom I have the clearest memories. I watched from 1963 but while some stories from the First and Second Doctor do linger, and Troughton is probably my favourite version, it is this UNIT era that stays fresh in my memory all these years later.
Same here. And some very, very well drawn strips to buy from the newsagents every week, exploding from the pages of Countdown, and he starting appearing on cereal boxes with stand-up press-out figures or badges.
You can't go wrong with a story featuring the Autons written by Robert Holmes with the Brig and Unit, the 3rd Doctor and Liz shot all on film. A very creepy unforgettable story.
YAY! Jess has met Liz Shaw! One of my favorite Classic Who companions, and a "modern day" extension of Zoe being close to an intellectual equal to the Doctor. I too enjoy the dynamic between Liz and the Brigadier throughout her whole run. Even from the start it's clear that he has complete respect for her and her expertise which was SUPER progressive for 1970s (literally airing in the four weeks of January 1970).
The 3rd Doctor is just great and he kind of adds another aspect to the character. In my opinion, the combination of the first three are what really defines the role.
Every single story in this season is great, the only flaw being that every story is 7 episodes (not the fault of the people making it, the decision had been made for them).
@@AmyWarriorPrincess I have no exceptions. If an actor isn't successful in the role it's always down to the quality of the writing. The actors themselves take the job very seriously. Jodi has been submerged somewhat by the large cast. Peter Davidson had a similar struggle. Just as Peter D and any one companion alone would have been stronger (and we know this thanks to Big Finish) 13 plus Graham alone would have been electric.
My reaction to the thumbnail "Yes! Spearhead from space, come on!" So exited to see this. I'm glad you like the sass of Liz Shaw (or Tim's sister as I call her) and it was nice of the Brigadier to say "she is more than a pretty face". I always smile when the nurse is trying to get the Doctor back into his bed and he says "Unhand me madam" in that comedic way.
While I was kinda expecting you to start Pertwee this Doctor Who December, I'm still pleasantly surprised to see it (especially before Troughton's era review).
Props to you for figuring out it's the Autons so quickly. This story was unusual in that it's shot entirely on location and on film. Industrial action at the BBC at the time of shooting precluded them from filming in studios. The producer, Derrick Sherwin, has a cameo as the parking garage attendant whom the Doctor refuses to give his name to.
I've been so excited to get to this reaction. This was the first Doctor Who story I ever saw. The BBC showed a bunch of old episodes in 1999, including this one. I was 6 years old and my parents thought I'd enjoy the show... this story scared the hell out of me, but it also made me a fan for life. Go figure.
YEA! My inner child time traveled! You never forget your first Doctor. Pertwee was mine. He was also the FIRST Doctor Americans were exposed to. In Chicago, he was on PBS right after Sesame Street and Electric Company and for an 8 year old sci-fi geek, that was paradise. The Sea Devils was my first story.
My first Doctor. My earliest memories are towards the end of this Doctor’s run - I was 5 years old at the time and this show scared the crap out of me.
Same here, although I remember watching all from the start. My parents told me that I started watching a year earlier, but I have no memories of watching Troughton at the time... made up for it later, though :)
I also started with Three. I was 9,and my mother (who had enjoyed the 2nd Doctor stories) sat me down and said "Watch this TV Show.I think you'll like it. It's a lot of fun!" She is entirely to blame :)
At the time of filming, there was a general strike going on in England. So the entire story was done on film with no studio work. Everything was shot on location. Which makes this story look and feel different to the others.
There was no general strike, it was just a strike by the Association of Broadcast Staff (ABS) union. The BBC’s competitors ITV were unaffected as their technicians union was the Association of Cinematograph and Television Technicians (ACTT). However, they went on strike more often as they were much more militant.
The old Whovian joke is that the Second Doctor regenerated so hard, the universe turned from black and white into colour. Also the show retconned the character of the Doctor intense first episode of Spearhead from Space, as the Doctor now has a second heart, which he didn’t seem to have in his two previous incarnations.
The 70s had flamboyant and wonderfully dressed lead characters like the detective show jason king, the 70s also had the emergence of bruce Lee and martial arts and it also had a rising popularity in occult horror movies like the omen or the exorcist or the Dennis Wheatley novels.... all of this you will see reflected in the third doctors tenure......
By far my favorite classic doctor and my 2nd favorite doctor of all time! You are in for a real treat and I am so excited to see all of your reactions to this incredible era of who. This seriously made my day! 😊
The man who the Doctor shouts at and continually interrupts is played by Derrick Sherrington. He was script editor for many Troughton serials and wrote The Invasion.
And so we begin the era of the Third Doctor, and one of my favorite periods of Classic Who: the UNIT years. Your in for quite a treat Jess. Trust us, you'll love this. :) Also, I remember getting the VHS of this serial from my uncle way back in the day. It was the first Classic Who story I ever got to own. You can imagen, I ended up watching it a lot, so this one is also quite a treat for me too. Can't wait to see what you think of it and what else is to come. ;)
@sesskasays OMG GURL! I’m so excited that you’re starting the Pertwee era- especially the next season when Ms. Josephine Grant is introduced! This was the era that got me obsessed with Classic Who as a kid during the last stretch of Tennant’s era. Fun Fact: The hospital they filmed at is the same one from “The Eleventh Hour”! Plus- I love your face when you figure out it’s the Autons!
This is a lovely surprise. I didn't expect you to start it until January. I just know that you're going to love this era. As much as I love the 2nd Doctor's era, there's stories in this era that I'm so excited for you to see!
Now it's time for my favorite era of the show, the UNIT family era. When I was a kid, around nine or ten, my grandfather got a bunch of Part 1's of Classic Who episodes on DVD with the Sun paper, one of them was Part 1 of Spearhead from Space, and it's remained one of my favorite episodes ever.
I had the absolute pleasure of spending a weekend in the company of both Nicholas Courtney and Caroline John at one of the Travellers in Time weekends in Llangollen in the 1990's, both really nice people. I spent more time with Caroline as we had so much in common, she even bought me an Ice Cream.
Watching things like this always reminds me how great the show is for its sheer longevity and mass of content. You can feel like a hardcore fan (followed the show for years, know all the episodes of your favourite Doctor back to front etc.), and yet go back to the Classics without even knowing what each Doctor will remotely be like.
Well, this is a surprise!! I totally understand you not doing the 2nd Dr Review just yet, that's quite a lot to talk through and not setting a time limit on that is good. One thing I thought watching it through this time, this is basically the Brig's story & UNIT's story from the get go and the Dr just happens to come falling into their world. I think there were vague plans at the time (if the show had stopped) there may have been an entire UNIT series on it's own. You can absolutely see Nicholas Courtney's Brigadier as the lead in that show, he just radiates that easy confidence and charm with no nonsense attitude and bravery to match. I love how he just dealt with those reporters at the hospital. I'm ecstatically pleased you enjoyed our new regular Dr Liz Shaw, don't forget she's giving the Brig sass because she, very much, doesn't want to be here! She's a Very clever scientist and she's basically being brought in to do the Dr's job (my headcanon says the Brig tried to hire Anne Travers on a more permanent basis, but didn't have any luck, so she suggested Liz) until he turns up. So we have a new Doctor. I have a slight feeling these suggestions may have been cause of his choice of outfit, which I'm glad you were suitably impressed by. The young/old face with a shock of grey hair, the ruffled shirt, the velvet smoking jacket and the flowing cape. And now in Colour! Welcome to the 1970's!!
My first Doctor! I was three in 73 but have vivid memories of Jon Pertwee's Dr. Some of the monsters left a big impression on my young mind! Buckle up buttercup, this is gonna be a wild ride!
YES!! So excited to see this! Was worried we wouldn't get it until next year. Pumped to dive into the Pertwee era!! Not sure if he'll be your fav classic doctor. That might be a bit of a stretch, but he is wonderful!
Radio and film comedian John Devon Roland Pertwee was perhaps not the first choice that might have sprung to mind when casting the new Doctor - but it turned out to be inspired. In later years, Pertwee (then a voice man on the hit BBC radio comedy 'The Navy Lark' - he served in the Royal Navy during the war) would talk about how a colleague encouraged him to apply for the role. Thinking it unlikely he would be considered, he nonetheless contacted his agent about it. 'There was a terrible pause...' he recounted. 'Yes, I know, it's a terrible idea'. Undeterred, his agent passed on the recommendation to the Dr Who production office. 'And there was a terrible pause...' - 'Yes, it's a terrible idea, I know,' the agent went on. 'No no, you don't understand,' they replied, at the other end of the phone. 'Jon Pertwee is at number two on our list...'
This is my favourite Doctor by far and probably the best actor to be cast as the Doctor. Some of the performances he puts across are so amazing and heartbreaking, you just want to give him a hug. 🥺
AS a kid I never got to see Jon Pertwee's performance in colour till the video recorder was popularised (late70s into the 80s). Colour TV's were very expensive back then and all we had was a hired B/W TV where we put money in a meter at the back of it. But it was this Doctor that made me love him and not miss a live show for over a decade. I still have that memory of the first episode when I saw it first aired. I was 6 way back then and have since and always will be a great fan of the show.
Caroline John was my first Doctor Who crush, watching repeats on a PBS station quite a while ago. Never mind she was a few decades older lol. I LOVE LIZ
Fun thought, the look of the Mannequin Pe- you've got me doing it now! Anyway, the Autons in this with those boiler suits and blank faces, moving unspeaking; anyone thinking they look a bit like Michael Myers?
I wasn't expecting to see Jon Pertwee until the New Year so this is a very pleasant surprise. It's one of my favourite seasons of Doctor Who as well with some very strong stories and a decent supporting cast (particularly Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney) . It's going to be interesting to see what you think of it as the season develops.
This Doctor is sooo charismatic, at the end of part 4 I was mindblown, completely seduced ^^ except maybe 11 and The Eleventh Hour, it's the only Doctor that convinced me immediately with his first episode ^^
Spearhead From Space stood for many long decades as my favorite newly regenerated Doctor introduction story until The Eleventh Hour came along. Welcome to the Third Doctor. He's in my Top 5 all time favorite Doctors.
Jon Pertwee, Caroline John, Nicolas Courtney, Autons, Robert Holmes. Lets go.
Not to mention the amazing Roger Delgado!!! ❤❤
I am with that! Shot on film too. A first who Who!
@@nerissacrawford8017 Sadly you're confusing "Terror of the Autons" with "Spearhead"
@@nerissacrawford8017 we're not in that season yet
@@redcardinalist I know but he is a huge part of why I love Third's era. I can't wait for her to meet the original. You know the OG man of the role. I can't say which one here but oh my god!!! HIM!!! You know. He is my favourite Who character after the Doctor. AAAAAA
You know you have regenerated really hard when everything turns to color. Welcome to the 3rd Doctor era! :)
This is the first time we hear The Doctor has two hearts
If I'm not mistaken, this was Robert Holmes' first of many contributions to Doctor Who lore.
@@ftumschk what a bloody legend
@@ftumschk no, he had written two stories beforehand, in season 6 - The Krotons (4 episodes) and then The Space Pirates (6 episodes).
@@andrewroberts299 I know Holmes had previously written stories, but I referred specifically to his contributions to Doctor Who lore. In this story's case, he introduced the idea that Time Lords have two hearts, and he'd later go on to "invent" Gallifrey, Rassilon, the Matrix, the 12-regeneration limit etc.
@@ftumschkunderstood. Sorry I didn’t get your meaning. I think it’s unfortunate that Holmes’ first two stories aren’t the best, story wise, and therefore aren’t as beloved by most fans. It’s only here, with Spearhead from Space that Holmes’ writing shines because he has a strong plot line to follow.
I have a special place in my heart for this story. My mother was very concerned about my obsession with this show when I was a kid. She decided to sit down and watch it with me to see if she needed to intervene. This was the story she watched with me. She thought the doctor was hilarious. Needless to say, she decided it was not too dangerous for me to watch. She even let me stay up all night (in the summer) when our local station played Doctor Who marathons!
Awww. That's lovely.
My mother banned me from watching The Doctor when we I asked if the mannequin had a gun in his hand like on Dr Who.
We were passing an army recruitment store in the city centre at the time. She freaked out and said I was never watching that silly program again. I was about 10 years old then.
Now this is MY Doctor! Let's be reversin' some polarities up in here!
Neutron flows need to get their shit in order.
Really?! I'm discovering classic Who along with Jess. I find the episodes, then watch her reactions to it. So, I haven't reached the 4th yet, but I know the majority consensus is that he's the best. Why is the 3rd YOUR Doctor instead? In these first two ep.s, I already like him a lot.
@@ameliacraig8789 it's the first Doctor you see on screen. For me it's the 5th.
@@Danbutch24 My friends and I are the exception to the rule. We started with the 10th but our absolute fave is the 11th.
The red on the underneath of the cape got a nod in Capaldi's era which was very sweet
It had a nod as well in the Master’s outfit on the airport tarmac with Martha’s family.
Also, the reason that this episode might look a bit different is because it is the only classic Doctor Who story to be shot entirely on film instead of videotape .
And thus allows a proper HD release without upscaling which never looks the same.
... and all due to a strike by the studio camera operators (who wanted a pay increase to operate the new colour cameras) which lead the producers to shoot entirely on location using film cameras (whose operators weren't on strike).
@@MrPaulMorris And set builders. The BBC were not the best people to work for if you weren't 'talent'.
The best looking classic who story, if the camera was just a little more dynamic it could pass as being a movie.
@@cookieface80 it would have looked better if they had shot it on 35mm film,instead of the cheaper 16mm film.
She's started 3rd Doctor!! She's started 3rd Doctor!!😊😊😊😁😁😁 (Enthusiasm overload imminent)
12:40 That's the Derrick Sherwin, the outgoing producer and former script editor, as the security guard.
Apparently the guy they hired for the part was pretty unconvincing, so Sherwin - a former actor himself - stepped in.
Up there with *The Eleventh Hour* as a contender for the best post-regeneration story
It is indeed!
The Third Doctor,stealing clothes from hospitals just like 11.
8 did it as well
Someone else pointed this out in another comment on a different video, but every introduction story for a new Doctor in the revival has taken some little bit of inspiration from this story.
Rose: The Ninth Doctor fights the Autons
The Christmas Invasion: The Tenth Doctor spends a good portion of the episode in bed while the companions and UNIT try to deal with the alien crisis
The Eleventh Hour: The Eleventh Doctor steals his clothes from a hospital
Deep Breath: The Twelfth Doctor spends a good portion of the episode in bed, and also jumps into an early action scene while wearing only pyjamas
The Woman Who Fell to Earth: The Thirteenth Doctor investigates a mysterious spherical object that has fallen from space
These are either coincidences, or a testament to how iconic Spearhead from Space is as a post-regeneration story (for good reason I might add)
Yep, also 8😊
So the 13th doctor the only one that bought her clothes
This is the most influential 'Doctor first story' story. The TV Movie (yes 8 stole his clobber from a hospital); Rose pinched the Autons and as discussed, The Eleventh Hour.
The Time Lords dropped him so hard it turned the world to color.
They still didn't get rid of those silly hats
Jon Pertwee is by far and away my favourite Doctor, his era is the one I have the most treasured memories of watching when I was younger. Spearhead From Space really did get everything right. It nailed the introduction of a new Doctor, a new companion, brought in the Brigadier and Unit as a recurring fixture of the show, the new exiled to Earth format and colour! all while providing a crisp, entertaining invasion story with an iconic monster and the first of Robert Holmes’ many lore additions with the Doctor’s two hearts. I’ve seen this one uncountable times and I still awe at how successfully it paved the way for a new chapter in the show’s history while being a quaint, warm, fuzzy story that I can watch and immediately return to those childhood days of watching Jon Pertwee be the Doctor and save the Earth. Doctor Who really does make you time travel.
When my dad found out Doctor Who, his childhood classic show, was coming back in 2005, this was immediately the first one he showed me. His Doctor. 9 will always be my Doctor, but Spearhead as my very first story ever? Fell in love instantly
I think it's safe to say that The Brig has more trouble keeping up with The Doctor than he does fighting the alien menaces they come up against :D
I reverse the polarity of the nutron flow
Jon pertwee- 7th of July 1919 - 20th of May 1996
Wow. Seeing it written down is something else. He was born in the same year as the Treaty of Versailles.
@@ameliacraig8789 wow I didn't know that thanks
This truly is an era of sass
The Autons in this are a lot creeper than the ones from Rose
These are my favourite Autons
Creepy 70s mannequins.
The BBC got into some trouble with how scary they were in this series.
Yeah, although 'Rose' actually shows them breaking through the glass which is a really great visual.
@@cookieface80 Strictly speaking about the Autons themselves though, they are better here.
If you noticed his tattoo during his shower scene, it was Jon`s from his service in the Royal Navy during WW II. He was lucky as he was a young sailor on H.M.S. Hood, but was transferred I believe for officer training, just before her fateful meeting with the Bismarck. Only 3 hands survived Hood`s sinking out of a compliment of 1,325 Officers & men, as the ship sank in 3 mins.
I love Pertwee's Doctor. He's so much fun. 11 grabbing the clothes in the hospital in Eleventh Hour always reminded me of Pertwee grabbing the clothes in this first story.
The 8th Doctor does the same in the film
The Brig and Liz in this were 70s Mulder and Scully 🤣
i've never thought of this before but you're right lmfao
I LIVE for Miss Shaw not letting a man talk her down, and the fact that she's really sceptic, she doesn't want to look like a fool believing this kind of stuff and wants respect for herself, WE STAN
agreed, I loved Liz she was so slay
Pertwee is undoubtedly the Doctor of whom I have the clearest memories. I watched from 1963 but while some stories from the First and Second Doctor do linger, and Troughton is probably my favourite version, it is this UNIT era that stays fresh in my memory all these years later.
Same here. And some very, very well drawn strips to buy from the newsagents every week, exploding from the pages of Countdown, and he starting appearing on cereal boxes with stand-up press-out figures or badges.
You can't go wrong with a story featuring the Autons written by Robert Holmes with the Brig and Unit, the 3rd Doctor and Liz shot all on film. A very creepy unforgettable story.
YAY! Jess has met Liz Shaw! One of my favorite Classic Who companions, and a "modern day" extension of Zoe being close to an intellectual equal to the Doctor. I too enjoy the dynamic between Liz and the Brigadier throughout her whole run. Even from the start it's clear that he has complete respect for her and her expertise which was SUPER progressive for 1970s (literally airing in the four weeks of January 1970).
The Autons are very terrifying in Classic Who
The 3rd Doctor is just great and he kind of adds another aspect to the character. In my opinion, the combination of the first three are what really defines the role.
My childhood! Pertwee was my first Doctor - he'll always hold a special place in my heart😊.
And so the Jon Pertwee Era begins!
Gotta love classic who and people freezing when they see something weird or scary vs running or fighting back.
A really strong opening story to a strong season I think.
This season is *strong* and closes amazingly with Inferno.
@@metalmugen I love inferno, one of my favorite Who stories.
@@metalmugen totally agree!
Every single story in this season is great, the only flaw being that every story is 7 episodes (not the fault of the people making it, the decision had been made for them).
@@cookieface80 not a fan of ambassadors myself, but love the rest of the season.
My first Doctor. Tom is "my" Doctor but I love them all.
@Concreteowl TBH, I love them all except 10 and 13. That's just my personal preference though.
@@AmyWarriorPrincess I have no exceptions. If an actor isn't successful in the role it's always down to the quality of the writing. The actors themselves take the job very seriously. Jodi has been submerged somewhat by the large cast. Peter Davidson had a similar struggle. Just as Peter D and any one companion alone would have been stronger (and we know this thanks to Big Finish) 13 plus Graham alone would have been electric.
This was my introduction to Classic Who the 3rd Doctor is still one of my top 5 Doctors
My favourite classic Doctor, here we go!
Also, Jon Pertwee and a couple of cameramen nicked an old desk from an attic in the hospital location. My favorite Doctor.
My reaction to the thumbnail "Yes! Spearhead from space, come on!" So exited to see this. I'm glad you like the sass of Liz Shaw (or Tim's sister as I call her) and it was nice of the Brigadier to say "she is more than a pretty face". I always smile when the nurse is trying to get the Doctor back into his bed and he says "Unhand me madam" in that comedic way.
Yes best opening story of any Doctor. I’m not as enamoured with the 3rd Doctor as others, but season 7 is near perfect.
While I was kinda expecting you to start Pertwee this Doctor Who December, I'm still pleasantly surprised to see it (especially before Troughton's era review).
AUTONS,AUTONS,AUTONS...Yes,the mannequin people.
Time for my favourite Classic Who Doctor :)
Liz Shaw: More like Sasskasays, am I right?
Props to you for figuring out it's the Autons so quickly. This story was unusual in that it's shot entirely on location and on film. Industrial action at the BBC at the time of shooting precluded them from filming in studios. The producer, Derrick Sherwin, has a cameo as the parking garage attendant whom the Doctor refuses to give his name to.
Omg Jess I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for this! On with the 3rd doctor's era woohoo!
I've been so excited to get to this reaction. This was the first Doctor Who story I ever saw. The BBC showed a bunch of old episodes in 1999, including this one. I was 6 years old and my parents thought I'd enjoy the show... this story scared the hell out of me, but it also made me a fan for life. Go figure.
Welcome Colour! But don't get too used to it being shot on FILM. Anyhow, welcome to Prime Classic Who for the next few years!
YEA! My inner child time traveled! You never forget your first Doctor. Pertwee was mine. He was also the FIRST Doctor Americans were exposed to. In Chicago, he was on PBS right after Sesame Street and Electric Company and for an 8 year old sci-fi geek, that was paradise. The Sea Devils was my first story.
New season, new decade, new format, new Doctor... and Autons. That combo's worked twice now.
Omg my Doctor starts here!
My first Doctor. My earliest memories are towards the end of this Doctor’s run - I was 5 years old at the time and this show scared the crap out of me.
Same here, although I remember watching all from the start. My parents told me that I started watching a year earlier, but I have no memories of watching Troughton at the time... made up for it later, though :)
I also started with Three. I was 9,and my mother (who had enjoyed the 2nd Doctor stories) sat me down and said "Watch this TV Show.I think you'll like it. It's a lot of fun!" She is entirely to blame :)
This era started the trend of having regular objects become nightmare inducing, works especially well on kids.
Yes! I had a feeling this would be sprung on us before next year. :D Love the reaction to both the Autons and the Doctor's cape.
And now on BBC 1, in colour...
And we're still in the days when programmes in the Radio Times were stated as such in italics in the schedules.
He was never my doctor but I quite like him now. He had some good moments here and I loved the "unhand me madam" bit.
At the time of filming, there was a general strike going on in England. So the entire story was done on film with no studio work. Everything was shot on location. Which makes this story look and feel different to the others.
There was no general strike, it was just a strike by the Association of Broadcast Staff (ABS) union. The BBC’s competitors ITV were unaffected as their technicians union was the Association of Cinematograph and Television Technicians (ACTT). However, they went on strike more often as they were much more militant.
The old Whovian joke is that the Second Doctor regenerated so hard, the universe turned from black and white into colour.
Also the show retconned the character of the Doctor intense first episode of Spearhead from Space, as the Doctor now has a second heart, which he didn’t seem to have in his two previous incarnations.
The 70s had flamboyant and wonderfully dressed lead characters like the detective show jason king, the 70s also had the emergence of bruce Lee and martial arts and it also had a rising popularity in occult horror movies like the omen or the exorcist or the Dennis Wheatley novels.... all of this you will see reflected in the third doctors tenure......
The guy who directed this also directed Tenth Planet.
And Evil of the Daleks, which is why I really hope they find that at some point, I'd love to see how he shot the climax for that.
By far my favorite classic doctor and my 2nd favorite doctor of all time! You are in for a real treat and I am so excited to see all of your reactions to this incredible era of who. This seriously made my day! 😊
Yay!!!! I had no idea you were doing this for DWD! What a nice surprise!
I love Third Doctor stories so much!
The introduction of the Autons and the first time the Brigadier learns the Doctor regenerates
Not my favourite Doctor but my first and I met him and sat on his knee when I was a kid.
Liz is indeed very, very sassy. Her dynamic with the Doctor is a lot of fun to watch. :)
Jon Pertwee was a wonderful Doctor and a real champion for the program.
Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker were the best 2 Doctors of the Classic Who series.... I'm so happy you made it to the color years :)
The man who the Doctor shouts at and continually interrupts is played by Derrick Sherrington. He was script editor for many Troughton serials and wrote The Invasion.
And so we begin the era of the Third Doctor, and one of my favorite periods of Classic Who: the UNIT years.
Your in for quite a treat Jess. Trust us, you'll love this. :)
Also, I remember getting the VHS of this serial from my uncle way back in the day. It was the first Classic Who story I ever got to own. You can imagen, I ended up watching it a lot, so this one is also quite a treat for me too.
Can't wait to see what you think of it and what else is to come. ;)
What a nice treat. I wasn't expecting this until well into the new year.😊🎁👍
@sesskasays OMG GURL! I’m so excited that you’re starting the Pertwee era- especially the next season when Ms. Josephine Grant is introduced! This was the era that got me obsessed with Classic Who as a kid during the last stretch of Tennant’s era.
Fun Fact: The hospital they filmed at is the same one from “The Eleventh Hour”!
Plus- I love your face when you figure out it’s the Autons!
This is a lovely surprise. I didn't expect you to start it until January.
I just know that you're going to love this era. As much as I love the 2nd Doctor's era, there's stories in this era that I'm so excited for you to see!
Now it's time for my favorite era of the show, the UNIT family era. When I was a kid, around nine or ten, my grandfather got a bunch of Part 1's of Classic Who episodes on DVD with the Sun paper, one of them was Part 1 of Spearhead from Space, and it's remained one of my favorite episodes ever.
I'm so happy to see this reaction! You're entering one of the strongest eras of the show; the 3rd doctor is absolutely brilliant.
I had the absolute pleasure of spending a weekend in the company of both Nicholas Courtney and Caroline John at one of the Travellers in Time weekends in Llangollen in the 1990's, both really nice people. I spent more time with Caroline as we had so much in common, she even bought me an Ice Cream.
Watching things like this always reminds me how great the show is for its sheer longevity and mass of content. You can feel like a hardcore fan (followed the show for years, know all the episodes of your favourite Doctor back to front etc.), and yet go back to the Classics without even knowing what each Doctor will remotely be like.
Well, this is a surprise!!
I totally understand you not doing the 2nd Dr Review just yet, that's quite a lot to talk through and not setting a time limit on that is good.
One thing I thought watching it through this time, this is basically the Brig's story & UNIT's story from the get go and the Dr just happens to come falling into their world. I think there were vague plans at the time (if the show had stopped) there may have been an entire UNIT series on it's own. You can absolutely see Nicholas Courtney's Brigadier as the lead in that show, he just radiates that easy confidence and charm with no nonsense attitude and bravery to match. I love how he just dealt with those reporters at the hospital.
I'm ecstatically pleased you enjoyed our new regular Dr Liz Shaw, don't forget she's giving the Brig sass because she, very much, doesn't want to be here! She's a Very clever scientist and she's basically being brought in to do the Dr's job (my headcanon says the Brig tried to hire Anne Travers on a more permanent basis, but didn't have any luck, so she suggested Liz) until he turns up.
So we have a new Doctor. I have a slight feeling these suggestions may have been cause of his choice of outfit, which I'm glad you were suitably impressed by. The young/old face with a shock of grey hair, the ruffled shirt, the velvet smoking jacket and the flowing cape.
And now in Colour! Welcome to the 1970's!!
12:39 That's Derrick Sherwin, the producer from this episode. He also is responsible for the idea of exiling the Doctor to Earth
Thank you SO much for reacting to this! You've made my night!
You will love the Brigadier on this (Third Doctor) era
So happy you've started my favourite classic doctor, I feel like you're gonna love this era!
Welcome to a new era! It's Kansas to Oz :) I hear you about the first 11th Doctor episode, one of the best! And so is this one!
Autons? In a Doctor's first episode? It'll never work..... :D
My first Doctor! I was three in 73 but have vivid memories of Jon Pertwee's Dr. Some of the monsters left a big impression on my young mind! Buckle up buttercup, this is gonna be a wild ride!
The Doctor making his escape via wheelchair always cracks me up. 😄
This is the first of 3 times he steals his clothes from a hospital.
This was the story which made a fan of me, and alongside 7 and 11, 3 is my favorite Doctor, so happy days!
YES!! So excited to see this! Was worried we wouldn't get it until next year. Pumped to dive into the Pertwee era!! Not sure if he'll be your fav classic doctor. That might be a bit of a stretch, but he is wonderful!
Love me some Liz Shaw. Brilliant as all hell and the queen of shade.
Radio and film comedian John Devon Roland Pertwee was perhaps not the first choice that might have sprung to mind when casting the new Doctor - but it turned out to be inspired. In later years, Pertwee (then a voice man on the hit BBC radio comedy 'The Navy Lark' - he served in the Royal Navy during the war) would talk about how a colleague encouraged him to apply for the role. Thinking it unlikely he would be considered, he nonetheless contacted his agent about it. 'There was a terrible pause...' he recounted. 'Yes, I know, it's a terrible idea'. Undeterred, his agent passed on the recommendation to the Dr Who production office. 'And there was a terrible pause...' - 'Yes, it's a terrible idea, I know,' the agent went on. 'No no, you don't understand,' they replied, at the other end of the phone. 'Jon Pertwee is at number two on our list...'
This is my favourite Doctor by far and probably the best actor to be cast as the Doctor. Some of the performances he puts across are so amazing and heartbreaking, you just want to give him a hug. 🥺
The 3rd doctor was the first classic doctor I saw back in 2005/6 I hope you love his tenure as much as I do.
I love that look of recognition on your face when you realized who the monsters were.
AS a kid I never got to see Jon Pertwee's performance in colour till the video recorder was popularised (late70s into the 80s). Colour TV's were very expensive back then and all we had was a hired B/W TV where we put money in a meter at the back of it. But it was this Doctor that made me love him and not miss a live show for over a decade. I still have that memory of the first episode when I saw it first aired. I was 6 way back then and have since and always will be a great fan of the show.
Caroline John was my first Doctor Who crush, watching repeats on a PBS station quite a while ago. Never mind she was a few decades older lol. I LOVE LIZ
The music was 'Oh Well part 1' by Fleetwood Mac. Which is pretty cool.
Fun thought, the look of the Mannequin Pe- you've got me doing it now! Anyway, the Autons in this with those boiler suits and blank faces, moving unspeaking; anyone thinking they look a bit like Michael Myers?
I wasn't expecting to see Jon Pertwee until the New Year so this is a very pleasant surprise. It's one of my favourite seasons of Doctor Who as well with some very strong stories and a decent supporting cast (particularly Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney) . It's going to be interesting to see what you think of it as the season develops.
"It's just a thing, guys," C'mon Jess, after all this time you know its not 'just a thing' LOL
The Third Doctor is such a treat! Liz Shaw is one of my favorites!! She reminds me a lot of Miss Quill from Class.
So excited you get watch one of my favorite doctors. Love this era of Doctor Who. Can't wait to see the next reaction to this story!
This Doctor is sooo charismatic, at the end of part 4 I was mindblown, completely seduced ^^ except maybe 11 and The Eleventh Hour, it's the only Doctor that convinced me immediately with his first episode ^^
Yup! By the end of this story he IS The Doctor.
The role fits him like a glove.
You're finally reached the third doctor! I really love this era of the show so much.
Spearhead From Space stood for many long decades as my favorite newly regenerated Doctor introduction story until The Eleventh Hour came along. Welcome to the Third Doctor. He's in my Top 5 all time favorite Doctors.
I remember this was the first Dr Who I saw before its revival. Accidentally saw it at my Granny's house and got hooked.