sharpwin | In case you didn't know

  • Опубліковано 31 лип 2021
  • Can't wait for season 4 and 5 for another scene like these.
    Y'all stay safe sharpwin babies!!
    software: Videopad
    song: In case you didn't know by boyce avenue (acoustic cover)
    fandom: new Amsterdam
    character: Ryan Eggold/Dr. Max Goodwin, Freema Agyeman/Dr. Helen Sharpe


  • @wendylaurent78
    @wendylaurent78 2 роки тому +17

    I love these two.. and the actress that play Helen is gorgeous..

  • @sharongoodwinjohnson7673
    @sharongoodwinjohnson7673 2 роки тому +15

    I liked when Max asked Helen why she gave half her practice to someone she dispised. Of course she would have moved heaven and earth for him

  • @Jean-wk7on
    @Jean-wk7on 2 роки тому +17

    "In Case You Didn't Know" Lovely song tribute for Max and Helen! Thank you, fangirlstuff.

    • @fangirlstuff3221
      @fangirlstuff3221  2 роки тому +2

      My pleasure and thank you love! Season 4 this september 21 🥰❤

  • @executivprincess
    @executivprincess 2 роки тому +9

    Perfect song choice!

  • @beverleywright2512
    @beverleywright2512 Рік тому +2

    I miss these two!!!

  • @mamole6683
    @mamole6683 3 роки тому +17

    This is fantastic! Beautiful song and clips used 👌 so looking forward to season 4. Can't wait!

  • @mindychan6656
    @mindychan6656 2 роки тому +5

    beautiful song & story 😍💖
    Looking forward to watch the new season😃😃😃

  • @zenirodriguesvides1469
    @zenirodriguesvides1469 11 місяців тому +1

    Sempreee... sucesso ❤

  • @linda_smilesrfree2744
    @linda_smilesrfree2744 Рік тому +2

    This song fit this beautiful video so perfectly. This was truly beautiful. I loved it!🕊❤️👍🏼

  • @Jean-wk7on
    @Jean-wk7on 2 роки тому +29

    If Max wants Helen and wants her to belong to him and to him alone (and I assume that he does), he is going to have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is completely hers, that she is the only one he wants, and that he belongs to her and to no one else-alive or dead. In other words, Max needs to get very serious about earning Helen, or he is going to lose her. Taking off that wedding ring was a necessary first step, but there is more to be done. How could Max not know that? He should.

    • @renechateaubriand2645
      @renechateaubriand2645 2 роки тому +13

      Janet: I'm not certain as to this video or what you claim.
      First, Max has had his rendezvous with Truth in two fundamental ways: his recovery room confession in which he told Helen, at long last, just who and what she really is to him, and he did so in spite of not really knowing how she might respond. Yes, she saved his life (AGAIN), but Max has always attempted to hide the plain sight Truth so as to (a) ward off his guilt over having fallen so deeply in love with Helen while Georgia was still alive and (b) to privilege himself emotional safety, to ward off the fear of emotional loss should Helen not love him in the same way and depth has he loved her.
      The second test not only involved his removal of The Ring (and all of the illusions as to what his forever troubled marriage to George truly entailed) but also his making the crucial symbolic and actual transition: The Crossing to Helen's door.
      The Crossing is NOT just his running through the streets of lower Manhattan for Helen--which in fact he did for her in exactly the way he NEVER did for Georgia or anybody else--but it also symbolized Max's LEAVING BEHIND his Man-Child self-privileging. In The Crossing, Max leaves forever Childish Things, the safety, self-protection of his absurd Helen-centric Freudian slips, to take on the weight and responsibility of the Man in Love, in which he no longer hides behind the absurd Freudian slip "I LOVE my doctor" but rather in deed and meaning, through The Crossing Max commits himself to the fundamental proposition, "I LOVE YOU, HELEN."
      And then there is the curious thesis of both this video and, it would seem, your statement: it's as if Helen and Max never had their now blazing, erotically impassioned kiss and the following consummation of their love--you know, the moment in which Helen, in full, impassioned, erotic embrace with Max, shuts the door to our over-curious eyes as she takes full possession of HER Max, who has so resolutely, commandingly SURRENDERED in full to HER. This is a monumental change, the point of absolute pivot in the entire series, which itself pivots on the love between Helen and Max. New Amsterdam is not a "medical drama" but rather a parable about Transformation, Redemption, Transcendence, HOPE, and the love story between Helen and Max represents all of these core themes. No Helen-and-Max love story, no New Amsterdam universe. With the consummation of Helen and Max's love, the entire series has pivoted to its next phase: love declared, consummated (Transformation, Redemption), can love become that which is everlasting? (HOPE)
      Watching this video and reading your comment is to buy in to the notion that the monumentality of the now iconic Crossing, Helen and Max's iconic first kiss, Helen and Max's iconic erotic embrace, Helen and Max's iconic first night together (and yes, Helen's now iconic shutting the door to us, in Freema's incredibly witty, blazingly sexy improv) never happened.
      But all of that did.
      The question now is NOT whether Max will "step up" but rather can Helen and Max make a life together with Luna, and what it will take for BOTH Helen and Max to do so.

    • @Jean-wk7on
      @Jean-wk7on 2 роки тому +7

      ​@@renechateaubriand2645 Hi, Rene. Nice communicating with you again. (When I responded last, it was in French, which was good practice for me since it's be quite awhile since I've had the opportunity-and my French has never been fluent.)
      So, I don't disagree with anything you wrote. I am simply saying that (a) Max has to completely free himself from the dead albatross around his neck, and (b) just as the lover in this song does, Max has to let Helen know that he needs her and that he cannot live the life that he wants and needs to live without her.
      When Helen closed the door on us, I thought that was the appropriate thing for her to do and I assumed, rightly or wrongly, that she and Max would spend the night together. I think we all assumed that much-which is probably the only thing that has kept Sharpwin's ship afloat since Season 3 ended. You may not agree with this-but, from my perspective, when Max told Helen how he felt about losing and then finding his wedding ring our ship began taking on water, fast. The reason why Max's saying that to Helen was so serious was because that very same day, just a few hours earlier, Max had left that never-to-be-forgotten message on her phone. (Max's phone message is forever etched in our brains.) I'm pretty sure that if any other man had done that to Helen, she would have ended that relationship on the spot, permanently. As we all know, when Helen opens the door and allows Max to come in, she doesn't know that he has taken the ring off. You don't think that Helen had any reason to ask herself, "Why am I letting him come in?" or in an earlier season "Why am I still here?" Of course, we know the answer to those questions. Helen is and will always be in love with Max. That's her fate, and it is his fate to always be in love with her. Nothing can ever change that because they are soulmates, but Free Will can change the course that their lives take.
      I need your help here, because I've been asking myself these questions all summer. Why would Max leave a message like that for Helen before he was ready to take off his wedding ring? How does a man leave a message like that for a woman to hear and then a few hours later have a panic attack when he thinks he has lost the wedding ring that another woman has given him? How does he then follow that up by looking right at her while telling her that he was frantic about losing the ring and now relieved that he has found it?
      Rene, I am looking at this from Helen's perspective, not from Max's. (Aside from the deep sense of guilt that Max clearly feels (and that Reynolds talked about when explaining why he continued to wear his ring), I have absolutely no idea what could possibly be going on in Max's head.) Remember the scene where she and Max are walking and Helen stops walking and he turns around and looks at her? Did you notice her left hand? She is clearly tense. Helen knows that they are very close to her apartment, but Max doesn't know that. I think that at that moment Helen is not sure what she will do or say if Max wants to come in when they get to her apartment door. I was not surprised that Helen did not invite Max in, but it appears that she was disappointed that he did not ask to come in. Clearly, Helen is deeply in love with Max, but he is confusing her. Helen doesn't know why Max was dating Alice or why he didn't tell anyone. Helen doesn't know why Max expected her to tell him about Dr. Cassian but he didn't think it was necessary for him to tell her about Alice.
      I am not worried about Helen losing Max. Helen will always give Max everything he needs-so that is never going to happen. I am very worried about Max losing Helen. Helen will never stop loving Max, so that will not be the reason.
      Helen is Max's soulmate. That's why Helen is always looking into Max's eyes, which is the window into his soul. If she ever looks into Max's eyes and sees that he doesn't need her, she will leave him. Max should never confuse Helen with Georgia or with Alice. Helen is a very different kind of woman. Think about it. Helen put everything else aside once she knew that Mina needed her. The day Helen said good-bye to Mina and sent her off to Cambridge alone she said, "You don't need me any more." Helen doesn't necessarily give Max what he wants (We have seen Helen show Max the door when he wanted her to do something that she knew was destined to fail.), but she always gives him what he needs. Max says, "How can I help?" Helen says, "What do you need?" When Baby Doe needed a "mother's" warmth and loving heart, Helen put everything else aside and immediately responded to the baby's needs. This is a fundamental part of who Helen is.
      In this way, Helen is very much like Evie. Evie walked away from Floyd, not because she didn't love him-she did. She walked away because Floyd repeatedly showed Evie that she was not the most important person in his life and he didn't really need her. Evie never asked for and didn't need Floyd to devote his time or attention to her. That's not what she needed or wanted. Evie wanted to know that, ultimately, Floyd needed her love in order to be happy and secure and complete. She needed to know that Floyd completely and absolutely loved her. In his own non-judgmental way, Iggy tried to warn Floyd about that in the hospital's common area after Evie got up from the table and walked away.
      Yes. After their decon shower, Max did tell Helen that she is what is most important, but then he quickly shifted all of his attention to other concerns. Helen was quite understanding about that, primarily because she was worried about Max not being willing to fight Georgia's parents for Luna-but Helen was also wondering if Max loves her enough to forgive himself and let go of the past. I don't know if Max has fought that battle yet and won.
      Yes. Max did take off his wedding ring, and he put it in his pocket. But my thinking is, if Max does not give up that ring, he may as well put it back on his finger. That is actually where I stand right now (I am thinking about everything that was said about that ring between Max and Karen in the conference room.), and we don't know if that issue will be resolved in Season 4.
      Yes. Max did run back to Helen's apartment door. Yes. Max did find the courage to go inside. Yes. Max and Helen did kiss just as the door was closing. I do not deny any of that.
      Rene, remember what has to happen in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" in order for the mariner to be free of the inner struggle he suffers with guilt. First, the mariner must understand the gravity of his action by showing remorse. Next, he must perform his penance for a period of time. Lastly, the dead albatross around the mariner's neck must be released and fall away in order for him to be freed from his past heinous action. Similarly, when Georgia died, Max suffered a deep sense of guilt. Then, for two years Max continued to wear his wedding ring as an act of penance. Now, Max has to completely let go of the ring. It is a dead albatross around his neck, and he can never be absolutely free until he completely lets go of it.

    • @renechateaubriand2645
      @renechateaubriand2645 2 роки тому +4

      @@Jean-wk7on ; Salut Janet, ça me fait très grand plaisir à parler avec toi, encore! Je me demande que tu veuille que je parle en Français ou Anglais? Pour cette réponse, je vais parler en Anglais, mais la prochaine fois, si tu voudrais, on peut se parler en cette lang latine, Française!.
      Ah, Helen and Max: what an incredible screen couple in every sense of the word. And with Freema basing her "Helen" on the real-life author Zadie Smith (who like Helen, graduated from Cambridge University, is a world-class figure in her field, is married to her own Max, the noted poet Nick Laird,), the connection that Helen and Max have to us, the real world, is so stunning and complete as is the paradox: Helen and Max ARE at once iconic and so very human.
      And this is perhaps why I find them so compelling. New Amsterdam is NOT, in my view, a "medical drama." It is a parable of Transformation, Redemption, Transcendence, and HOPE. The core of the series is Helen and Max--and their love story, which embodies ALL of the aforementioned central core themes. CONSIDER: Helen and Max HAVE united as a romantic couple, but this came about for all of the aforementioned themes: It was Max who had to transform himself from mere ally, and a very privileged Man-Child at that, to a Man in Love in the truest sense. He did. He had to REDEEM HIMSELF and Helen's wager on him by foregoing his privilege of emotional safety, expecting Helen to carry all of the risk, and have his rendezvous with Truth--confessing to Helen all that she has always been to him. He did. He had to TRANSCEND the illusions of The Ring (i.e., facing the reality that his always troubled marriage to his late wife Georgia was not only over because of the passing of time since her death but that it was also a marriage in which they did NEVER love each other as he and Helen have). And in Max's taking command ofd himself to make The Crossing for Helen, one that literally brought him to her door and into her arms, there is the HOPE that in his taking the full weight and responsibility of his love for Helen that the two might indeed have more than their impassioned first night together but rather a life together, and one led by and according to the very central core themes of their love.
      There have been many screen couples--ranging from the 1950s Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez (the 1950s sitcom stars, real-life married couple, and American television's first interracial couple) on through Olivia and Fitz--iconically played by Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn, but, in my view, highly problematic in its mitigating Olivia's power, expertise, and family's high status by casting her as the "Other woman," and one all too closely parallelling the "exotic" and erotic flavour of the "forbidden." And then of course there is perhaps the hitherto greatest screen couple, the perennially liberal Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, playing, poignantly, White liberals in liberal-minded rom-coms.
      But while Spencer and Katherine are smart and sexy, Helen and Max are intensely intellectual (especially the dazzlingly sophisticated Helen) and outright erotic. But unlike the Strange Fruit ("dark" pun intended) of exoticism hang-up, so to speak, bedeviling Olivia and Fitz, it is not Helen who neither transgresses against Georgia nor pines for Max.
      It is MAX who initiates an emotional affair (denying to himself and everyone else what he really is doing) with a smitten but wary Helen; and it is MAX who doesn't merely lust for Helen but LONGS for her, a fundamentally deeper, more expansive plane of love that entails not mere sexual hunger but erotic AND spiritual desire.
      By the way, as I have long argued that Freema has based her "Helen" on Zadie Smith, the most important living British novelist and biracial Black Briton (her father was English and her mother Jamaican) whose life arc and high English-Diaspora style perfectly mirrors that of Helen, I thought you might get a warm laughter of recognition as to the Freema's inspiration: When I say that Helen and Max are real, here they are in our universe, Zadie Smith and HER Max:

    • @Jean-wk7on
      @Jean-wk7on 2 роки тому +5

      ​@@renechateaubriand2645 Salut, Rene. Merci, merci beaucoup! C'est toujours un plaisir de te parler. J'aime bien te parler en Anglais et en Français. (Malheureusement, je ne parle pas du tout le Latin.) Tu as beaucoup de choses importantes á dire. Si nous parlons seulement en Français, beaucoup de gens ici ne sauront pas ce que nous disons-si on ne parle qu'en Anglais, mon Français ne s'améliorera pas.
      Essayons ça: Tu me parles en Français (chaque fois que vous souhaitez). Je vais traduire ce que vous avez dit en Anglais, puis répondre en Anglais (à moins que ce soit une conversation privée, comme celle-ci) ou en Français avec la traduction Anglaise. Ça me donnera beaucoup de pratique, mais il n'y aura pas de travail supplémentaire pour vous. Qu'en penses-tu? Ça te va?

    • @renechateaubriand2645
      @renechateaubriand2645 2 роки тому +2

      @@Jean-wk7on :
      Janet : veuillez pardonner ma réponse tardive, car le travail et les affaires personnelles m'ont pris par ailleurs depuis quelques semaines. Autrement, Je devrais m'excuser pour vous « tutoyer» avant d'avoir obtenu votre permission ; beaucoup de jeunes gens en France multiraciale (mais toujours, au fond, l'ancienne France cultivée en latin) « tutoyer » eux-mêmes à la fois comme un raccourci pour leur génération et comme un défi contre la nature hautement hiérarchisée de la paradoxale culture latine ancienne de la France hyper- moderne. En m'acclimatant à cette culture émergente, j'oublie trop facilement que je dois faire plus attention par déférence envers ceux d'entre nous qui valorisent les aspects de la déférence qui fait partie de la culture latine pour la véritable intimité par rapport à la première association. En tant que biracial Latinx (Northern English-Latinx), j'aurais dû observer le vous-voyer avec vous, et je vous présente mes excuses pour ma présomption.
      Tout d'abord, je voudrais vous remercier pour vos paroles très aimables et absolument et certainement pour vos observations perspicaces, lapidaires et étonnamment intelligentes sur NA et Helen et Max et leur histoire d'amour lumineuse. Si vous voudriez, on peut se parler en Français, l'un avec l'autre, ou Anglais (la langue de mon père trop Anglais), mais surtout, il me ferai un très grand plaisir de continuer à partager des observations et des connaissances avec vous concernant ce couple lumineux, mystérieux, et profondément émouvant, Helen et Max.

  • @zenirodriguesvides1469
    @zenirodriguesvides1469 2 роки тому +4

    Sempre . Emoções ❤️❤️

  • @karenbishop1943
    @karenbishop1943 2 роки тому +7

    Love the song.Reminds me the band Rascal Flats.

    • @EtherealLifeline
      @EtherealLifeline 2 роки тому +1

      In case you're wondering, It's Boyce Avenue.

  • @user-hk7ee2rw4e
    @user-hk7ee2rw4e 7 місяців тому +2

    Como gostaria de conhecer o Doutor Max e à helen!

  • @karenbishop1943
    @karenbishop1943 2 роки тому +2

    I love that song.

  • @joramalho5
    @joramalho5 11 місяців тому +1

    É um amor muito lindo de Helen ❤Max, Freema e Ryan nos deram muitas emoções. ❤❤

  • @juluitzirojasr7675
    @juluitzirojasr7675 2 місяці тому +1

    ❤❤❤ the Best ❤❤❤

  • @zenirodriguesvides1469
    @zenirodriguesvides1469 2 роки тому +2


  • @graceallen5260
    @graceallen5260 Рік тому +1

    I neeed a love like this

  • @alea2823
    @alea2823 2 роки тому +5

    What a wonderful videographer you are! Great scenes and great song choice. I just subscribed.

  • @zenirodriguesvides1469
    @zenirodriguesvides1469 11 місяців тому +1


  • @zenirodriguesvides1469
    @zenirodriguesvides1469 Рік тому +1


  • @mara_aa_
    @mara_aa_ 2 роки тому +8

    Noone ever talks about the fact that the psychic was dead right back then 💀😩

    • @Jean-wk7on
      @Jean-wk7on 2 роки тому

      Pay attention to the script. Because the psychic didn't die and so was wrong about that, she told Max and Helen that her prediction about Max loosing Helen was probably wrong also. You are the only one who is talking about that because you are the only one who (a) is apparently having a problem understanding English or (b) was not paying close attention to what the psychic actually said.

    • @mara_aa_
      @mara_aa_ 2 роки тому

      @@Jean-wk7on Sorry Janet. You're clearly having a bad day and I hope it gets better.
      So the psychic was wrong after all? Okay then! You were right, and I'm glad I provided a platform for you to show everyone you have a sharp wit! Good for you! Have a better day (and life, I guess) Janet!

    • @alyasa5352
      @alyasa5352 2 роки тому +1

      People do not talk about a lot of obvious things! When things look a little different than expected to them! People are aware, well aware actually!!! 😉

    • @thandobhengu355
      @thandobhengu355 2 роки тому

      @Amarachi Nwauwa can you explain

  • @graceallen5260
    @graceallen5260 Рік тому +1

    Lovers wow

  • @vickiiepalmer659
    @vickiiepalmer659 2 роки тому +2

    What song is this ?